A/N: Hi again my lovely readers! I apologize for not updating in all this time. I am having my university finals and it's my last year, so I really want to pass them. And also I had many ideas for this chapter and I didn't know how to handle them. I hope you like this new chapter, reviews are very welcome. Enjoy :)

Turpin ripping her dress. Pain. No air. Her tears clouding her eyes. more pain. The sickening face of the judge. Nails digging on her flesh. Blood. More pain. More pain.

-Nellie! – Sweeney woke up when he felt the baker shaking in her sleep. –Nellie! Wake up! – Nellie opened her eyes, disoriented, gasping for air and crying. She was sweating hard. It took her a few seconds to realize she was in her bed with the man she loved. She began to cry desperately.

-Nellie, it was a nightmare. I'm here. – He held her, carefully stroking her back, covered by wounds. He kissed her hair, tightening his grip on her bruised body. –I'm here, my love. Hush.

She kept crying on his chest, staining it with tears. The first rays of light were coming through the curtains.

-Sweeney, Toby is coming back soon… - Her worries were growing and growing. They had a tied judge on the baker house; the boy was coming back; she wanted to die.

-Don't worry, I'll handle it.

-Sweeney… it was my fault… - She buried her face on his chest again, sobbing.

-Nellie… don't ever say that. It wasn't your fault. Turpin is a snake. He enjoys inflicting pain and suffering.

-But… He said I was asking for it with my dresses and all… - She kept crying, feeling guilty. It was her fault. She had flirted with a lot of customers, it had given the judge the right to do that to her.

Lifting up her face, he locked his eyes on the big brown ones of the baker.

-Nellie, look at me. It wasn't your fault. It isn't. You have done nothing wrong to deserve this. Nobody deserves this. – Her eyes were gleaming with guilt and pain. – It wasn't your fault. It was mine. – Sweeney's voice began to break. He looked down, still caressing her cheek with his thumb. He had left her alone at night. He had promised her he will protect her. And he had failed.

-No, Sweeney, it's not… - She kissed him. The moment their lips connected, he began to cry. Caressing her cheek, he kissed her lips and licked her bottom one, trying to explain with actions what he couldn't explain with words. He wanted to feel her soul, to connect with her in all levels, beyond physical. Their lips were moving softly against each other when a voice called from the shop.


Nellie looked at the barber, worried.

-I'll go to talk to him. Stay here, pet. – kissing her for the last time, he dressed quickly and left the room, closing the door after him.

-Toby, lad.

-Where is Mrs. Lovett?

-She is sick, boy. She is getting some rest.

-What's wrong with her? can I see her? – Toby began to walk towards the parlor, but Sweeney grabbed his arm softly, not wanting to scare him.

-No, lad. She has a contagious disease. She will be okay but you can't see her. Look, why don't you ask your friend Phillip if you can stay with him for a couple of days? She'll be better then. And if you need something, you can come and ask me anything. I'm taking care of both of you.

Toby frowned. Mr. Todd had never been friendly with him, let alone took care of him. But if Mrs. Lovett was sick, he didn't want to be in the shop with Sweeney.

-Alright, Mr. Todd. I'll stay with Phillip. – Sweeney smiled at him, stroking his hair.

-Good boy. Here, take this and buy a nice meal for both you and your friend. – Taking some coins from his pocket, he handed them to Toby, who took them eagerly and smiled.

-Thank you, sir! Tell Mrs. Lovett I love her, please. I hope she gets better.

-She will, lad. I'm taking care of her. giving Toby a reassuring smile, he locked the shop door and made sure the sign read closed. Sighing, he came back to Mrs. Lovett's bedroom. When he opened the door, the baker was covered by the sheets, facing the window. Sweeney walked around the bed and kneeled at the bed side, touching her forehead with his.

The moment she felt him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face on it. He hugged her, shivering when he noticed her trembling body, half out of the bed, clinging into him. Sweeney unwrapped her arms gently and took her face, looking directly at her eyes. Her face was full of tears. Kissing her lips softly, he whipped her tears and began to speak in a low voice.

-Love, we're gonna have our revenge today. We're gonna make him pay for all.

-Wait… we?- her eyes showed her fear. – I…. I can't face him… Sweeney…

-Nellie, you need to. You need to see him suffer. It's good for you.

A single tear scaped her eye, and looking down, she whispered.

-Sweeney…. I don't know if I can do it…

Taking her face in his hands, he closed the distance between the two of them and kissed her lips softly.

-You can. Because I'm gonna be with you. And nothing's gonna happen when I'm around. Now, let me help you dressing.

Mrs. Lovett nodded but didn't move. Sweeney eyed her, and walked towards the wardrobe. Opening it, he picked up a red dress, one of his favorites, and showed it to Nellie, waiting for approval.

She shook her head and woke up, taking the red dress and putting it back to the wardrobe. She grabbed instead a black one, one which Sweeney had never seen. He arched an eyebrow questioning her, and she replied that dress covered her more.

-My pet, you don't need to cover, you're beautiful.

-I know… but I feel… safer… ya know?

Watching her fragility, he took the dress and left it over the bed, wrapping the tiny woman into his arms. She kissed his chest while he stroked his hair.

-I'm going to make you feel safe. Always. Don't worry about that because I'll always be with you.

She locked her eyes on his and smiled weakly. Sweeney caressed her sides up and down, feeling her soft skin and making her flinch when he touched a bruised spot.

-Love, I'm gonna dress up. Why don't you…

-Fine, Nell. I'll be waiting for you in the parlor.

He got out of the room and tripped on something on the parlor's floor. A red velvet box. He had completely forgotten about the gift. Picking it up from the floor, he sat down on the couch and caressed the box's surface absently. His mind was racing on thoughts about the judge. He wanted to just slit his throat open. But no. He deserved more. Much more.

He put the box in his pocket and went to the kitchen, where he picked up a huge knife and put it on his belt, beside his beloved razor. He wasn't sure about how he was going to kill the man, but he was sure he was going to inflict as much pain as possible. He sat down again and waited for the baker to go out.

A few minutes later the bedroom door opened. Sweeney stared at her, not recognizing the cheery woman who had lived downstairs for all these months.

The baker was wearing an old black dress which covered every inch of exposed skin. It was long sleeved and the fabric only left her neck exposed. She was looking paler than usual, and her hair even more unbrushed. Sweeney stood up and grabbed her hand, smiling to her.

-Do you trust me?


-Then come with me.

Holding her hand he leaded her outside the shop. When they started to go downstairs, he felt her grip on his hand tightening. Turning around, he let go her hand and hugged her.

-You're gonna be okay. I'm here with you. – he kissed her forehead and she nodded, grabbing his hand again and following him to the bakehouse.

Turpin was sitting on the floor,sweating, with his hands and ankles tied and dehydrated. He didn't know the time, but he supposed he must have been there for several hours. The stench of the room was nauseating. And the heat. He was sweating more and more with every minute. His throat was dry and some rats had passed by his side. All he could do was close his eyes and wait for the worst.

Nobody knew he was there so nobody would be looking for him. Not even the beadle. Twinkling his nose because of the awful smell of the room, he saw how the heavy iron door began to open. His heart raced and the bright day light blinded him. He was ready to die.

When his eyes adapted to the light, he saw the barber walking towards him in a deadly pace. He was holding the baker's hand, who let it go and walked back to the door, staying there with her back pressed against the metal. Sweeney looked back and nodded to her, as if giving her permission.

Sweeney reached the judge and began to walk in circles around him.

-Well… Turpin – he spat his name – do you know what's gonna happen to you?

-You… you are gonna kill me, Mr. Todd.

Sweeney laughed hard at his face, his eyes full of anger and excitement.

-You are gonna die… but in a slow way. Don't think for a minute that I'm gonna have mercy on you. – the barber's eyes gleamed with joy and madness.

Sweeney reached to his belt and took his beloved friend on his hand. Nellie was still against the door, watching everything with wide eyes.

-Hmm… where should I start for? – clearly not wanting an answer, he look to the roof and then to the judge's eyes as well. With a fast move from his expert wrist, he cut Turpin's shirt in two, leaving his chest bare. The cut had purposely broken the skin, tracing a thin bloody line from his neck to his navel. The judge winced but didn't dare to speak a word.

-So you like to abuse pretty women, right? – another thin line bleeding in his chest – do you like to see them scream? – another cut – DO YOU LIKE TO SEE THEM CRY? – the last cut reached his cheek and almost his eye. The barber was losing control.

-I… I didn't do anything to her! Please, Mr. Todd! – Turpin's voice was broken. He was sitting on the filthy floor, tied up, sweating and bleeding. He guessed the barber had kept him sitting down to avoid him fainting.

-HOW DARE YOU!- Sweeney was yelling, letting all his rage out of his chest. He walked to the door and took gently – as gently as he could in his state – Nellie's hand, approaching her to the judge. – HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HER! YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN SCUM!

Sweeney spat on him, still with the baker's hand on his own, and grabbed a pack of salt from the floor. Opening it brutally with his razor, he poured it over the judge's cuts, making him scream. He took two large steps, moving Mrs Lovett with him, until he was facing the judge's back. Moving behind the woman, he wrapped his arms around his waist, not letting her hand go, and with the other hand he gave her the razor. She shook her head slightly, looking at him with wide eyes. she didn't think she was gonna take part on the torture.

Leaning his head on her shoulder, he whispered to her.

-My love, you have to lose your fear. He deserves this. He deserves much more.

And putting her on her knees and kneeling with her, he moved her hand to the judge's back, ripping up the shirt and making some more cuts. a few tears fell from the baker's eyes. her hand was shaking while she – they – made the cuts on the already bloody flesh of the man.

She let the razor fall to the floor and collapsed. Sweeney embraced her and kissed her forehead. Lifting her chin, he kissed her lips and moved her to the wall, letting her sat down there with her face on her hands. He picked up the salt packet from the floor and poured some more over his bleeding cuts. the judge screamed and Sweeney kicked him on the side.

Walking in circles around him, like a lion surrounding his prey, he saw the judge cry. And it gave him even more strength.

Sweeney grinned to himself and took the meat knife he was keeping in his belt. Walking around until he faced the judge, he let him see the knife, delighted by his fear. Sweeney kicked him again in the stomach and kneeled in front of him.

-Do you want me to untie you? – his mischievous smile let the judge see he had a trick under his sleeve. – DO YOU WANT ME TO UNTIE YOU? I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION!

The judge nodded slowly, knowing he was gonna feel more pain.

Sweeney's pupils grew wider and with a fast move he stabbed Turpin's feet. Turpin screamed in pain, and laughing hard, Sweeney cut the ropes from his feet. The judge tried to move his legs but it only made more blood to pour from his cuts.

The barber was covered in blood, sweating and panting, satisfied and furious at the same time. He began to crawl towards the judge, pointing the knife to his groin. When the barber's face was inches away his own, Sweeney whispered:

-How seldom it is one meets a fellow spirit. With fellow tastes in women at least. – his smile grew wider, while the knife was traversing the judge's trousers. He squealed, noticing how his throat grew drier and drier. When the knife touched his flesh, a scream left his mouth. Sweeney dug with the knife, making him bleed by the part he had used against so many women. Standing up, he went to Mrs. Lovett and grabbed her hand, lifting her up from the floor.

-How is that every women I have loved have suffered because of you? – Nellie tightened the grip on his hand when she heard his words. The judge blinked, confused.

-What's that?

- But then I suppose the face of a barber, the face of a prisoner, a dog, is not particularly memorable. – Sweeney threw the knife to the floor and opened one of his razors very slowly, letting Nellie's hand go.

-Benjamin Barker…

-BENJAMIN BARKER! – Sweeney cut his throat, stabbing it several times until his face was all covered in blood and the judge stopped breathing.

Mrs. Lovett was shivering behind him. She had never witnessed anything like that. Sweeney turned around slowly, facing her, and took her hand in silent. He began to walk towards the bake house door and opened it. Turpin's body was still there, tied up over a pool of his own blood.

Closing the door behind them, Mrs. Lovett followed Sweeney outside. It was pouring. Sweeney stopped at the beginning of the stairs which leaded to his parlor and collapsed, still with Nellie's hand on his own, and looked up to her eyes. Nellie took a seat beside him and Sweeney embraced her, breathing hard, all wet by the heavy rain.

The water washed the blood from their clothes and faces, making them feel pure again. or at least as pure as their twisted souls could be after all the things they had done. Nellie had her face buried in the barber's chest while he stroked her hair, almost scratching her scalp from the inner feelings. They were both soaked, in shock because of the things that had happened a few minutes ago in the bakehouse.

Suddenly, Nellie lifted up her head and looked at him in the eyes.

-Sweeney... When you said that about the women you love... - Sweeney looked at her confused, not knowing what the baker was talking about. Drops of water were falling from his nose. Nellie looked down sadly - Forget it love. It is okay.

The barber took her chin with his trembling hand and lifted her face, closing the distance between them.

-I meant every word my pet. - he brushed his lips against hers softly, relieved of having her at his side. - I don't know how I've lived all this years without you.- he caressed her cheek with his index finger and smiled softly. The rain stopped suddenly, leaving a clear blue sky. They both looked at it and Sweeney took her in his arms. Nellie was feeling the beating of his heart, quicker every time she was so close.

Removing a hand from her lower back, he took the box he was keeping in his right pocket. Leaning back to face the baker, he pecked her nose.

-Nellie, my love, the reason I went out yesterday was because I wanted you to have this. I was a fool. I should have stayed with you. But here it is. I only wanted you to be mine.

He handed her the little red velvet box. Her eyes widened when she took the box in her hand, and her mouth opened slightly. Her surprised face was the most adorable thing Sweeney had ever seen. He melted while watching her.

-Open it - he whispered.

She opened it slowly, taking out the silver string with the silver pendant which said yours forever, S. T. . She looked at him, with tears of happiness on her eyes.

-Sweeney... I... I... I don't know what to say!

-Don't say anything, my pet. - He kissed her passionately, her eager tongue sliding between his lips, deepening the kiss.

-Nellie, I love you. - his voice was slow and calmed. He felt a pain going off his chest when confessing at last his love for the redheaded.

-I love you too, Sweeney! I always have. - She kissed him again, stroking his wild mane of hair with her slender fingers.

-Turn around, love. I want to see it on you. - she nodded and turned around, putting her hair up. Sweeney put the string around her ivory neck delicately, brushing her skin with his fingertips, mesmerized for her softness. He clasped the locking and kept caressing her neck and shoulders.

Leaning into her, he kissed her neck and whispered.

-Eleanor Lovett... I know it's not a ring... but would you marry me? - She froze in the spot, trying to process her lover's words.

-Yes! Yes!

She turned around and hugged him so hard he fell backwards onto the wet floor. Climbing in top of him she kissed him forcefully while he stroked her sides.

-I love you Nellie.

They kept kissing under the now sunny sky, getting warmer and warmer with the contact of their bodies through the wet clothes. It's always calmed after the storm.

A/N: I'm super anxious for knowing if you liked it or not because it was very hard to write. I had a super brutal idea for Turpin's torture but my advicers told me it was too much. So let me know! And did you like the ending? By the way this is not the end of the fanfic, although I'm not actually sure if it makes sense to keep writing it. I have some more ideas and I almost know the ending I want, but I love to know your opinion. Next chapter won't take so long, I promise. Reviews are love :)