And this is the final chapter! Alright, so since I simply love writing about little kids, I decided to do a chapter on the gang's kids. AHAHA, yes, this will mean that they all know each other and all, BUT different grade levels.
So this chapter may be shorter, so please don't kill me if you're not satisfied. I mean, I didn't intend to turn it to a short story kind of thing SO YA'LL BETTER BE GLAD I WROTE MORE CHAPTERS. AHAH, but rest assured, after I'm done with SAT's next month I'll be sure to update regularly again. Do you think you can wait that long?
Years Later
"Alright, Mandy, Daddy's getting all the things right now," Leaf announced as she took a seat next to her daughter. "Did you write the names of your classmates on each card yet?"
The little brunette girl nodded as she continued to play with her little brother. Although the brunette wasn't so keen about having a new sibling at first, Aiden had actually grown on her. Right when her parents allowed her to hold her baby brother, Mandy had decided that she wouldn't mind letting her little brother have all the attention.
"Yup, I finished a long time ago," she answered as she made a face at Aiden. The one year old baby laughed and continued to play with his older sister.
Leaf, seeing that they were having so much fun, decided not to ruin it and went over to the table to help her daughter put the cards away. As she was putting it back into the box, she counted and realized that her daughter forgot a few people.
"Mandy," she called. "Why are there only thirty cards? You have thirty three classmates."
Leaf glanced at the list of students the teacher had given to her and matched them with every card. Then she came to a conclusion of who her daughter left out and sighed.
"Mandy," she called again, sternly. "Come over here."
The little brunette, sensing that it was not the time to disobey her mother, did what she was told and took a seat next to her mother.
"You can't just leave out people you don't like, Mandy," Leaf lectured. When her daughter didn't respond back, she pulled the eight year old closer to her and turned Mandy around to face her. "I know that Cindy isn't the nicest person, but you have to be the bigger person here."
"Why do I have to be the bigger person?" Mandy retorted. "Cindy never does that. She always gives nice things to the popular kids."
Leaf looked bewildered for a moment there. Although her daughter was only eight, the brunette knew for a fact that her daughter was one of the popular kids. In fact, on her birthday, she received so many gifts that Leaf and Gary had to buy a new storage box to put them in.
"But you're popular."
Mandy shook her head. "But she doesn't like me, Mommy."
Leaf smiled sadly at her daughter and dug the box for the least appealing card. Then, when she found one, she handed it to Mandy.
"Well, if it's like that, then so be it. One day, she will regret treating you like this, okay, Mandy? For now, you have to be the mature one. Otherwise, who will help Mommy take care of Aiden, right?"
Upon hearing this, the little girl grinned and quickly got to work on the last few cards. As she did that, Leaf carried Aiden up and brought him over to his room since it was almost time for his nap. While she did that, Gary came home with bags in his hands. When Mandy saw him, she quickly ran to him.
He chuckled as he gave her a hug in return and looked around. "Where are Mommy and Aiden?"
She pointed upstairs and Gary immediately knew the reason. So, he decided to help his little daughter out by filling the goody bags with candy and other goods. It had been Leaf's idea to do something like that for the class and Mandy was there to help support the idea, but Gary had a feeling it was because the little girl wanted the leftover candy.
As they were finishing up, Leaf came down and noticed them working on it together. Then she realized that they forgot something.
"Wait," she interrupted. "You two forgot to attach the cards to each of these bags."
As both father and daughter realized their mistake, they both groaned and started again by undoing the ribbon of each bag. Leaf giggled and joined them as well. Then she picked up one bag and noticed that it was slightly heavier than the other ones.
"Why is this so heavy?" she inquired.
Gary took the bag from her and weighed it himself. Then he shrugged and realized what had happened. His eyes shifted down to Mandy, who was working on attaching the cards to the ribbon and a sly grin made its to her face.
"Mandy, could this be for Elliott?"
Upon hearing this, the little girl looked away while her two parents laughed. Well this was going to be fun.
In the Maple's resident, little brown headed boy, Elliott Maple was working soundly at his desk. His teacher had assigned the class to make cards for that special someone in the class. Since the small boy was too shy to do it in class, he had asked if he could do it at home, which he was allowed to do. Right when he was about to finish, he felt his room door open and turned around to be met with his four year old sister.
"ELLIOTT," the four year old screamed.
The boy turned around and hid the card under his folder. "Yes, Stephanie?"
She held up her box of cards and gave him her best puppy dog eyes. "Mommy and Daddy are busy right now and I need help with writing the names for the cards. Can you help?"
Seeing as he could never reject his adorable little sister, he agreed and walked out to her room with her. He could always finish the card later anyway.
As he left, two heads popped out of the corner. When Stephanie's room door closed, May and Drew snuck into Elliott's room and searched his desk for one specific item.
"I understand that it's important to get Elliott's feelings through Mandy," Drew started. "But is it really necessary to get Stephanie to be part of this plan?"
The brunette just continued to search through her son's papers and ignored what her husband was saying. When she finally found the card, she grinned and held it up proudly, which caused Drew to groan and face-palm for even bothering to tell his wife about this.
May glanced back and gave him a confused look. "Did you say something?"
He shook his head. "No," he answered. "Now tell me again why you want to get involved in his love life. He's still too young to even confess."
"That's not the point!" May defended. "I'm simply helping my son get the girl he likes. Is that a crime?"
Drew thought for a moment before answering. "Well, you're sneaking into his room without his permission, and also searching through his belongings without his permission. Must I continue?"
Instead of responding back, May just flat out ignored him and read the card. Upon reading what her son had written, she smiled and squealed. Then she shoved it in front of Drew's face.
"READ THIS!" she ordered. "It's so sweet and I really didn't think that little Elliott would be so bold with his words."
Drew smirked and flicked his fringe as he rejected the card. "No thank you," he said. "I'd rather not read it."
Then, suddenly, the two heard footsteps towards the room and immediately placed the card back to where it was before. The two then thought of a place to hide and May quickly dragged Drew into Elliott's closet.
As the young boy walked in, the two adults tried to keep quiet and prayed that they wouldn't be caught. Just when Elliott was about to head out again, Drew's phone went off and May cursed under her breath.
Well, so much for not trying to get caught.
Little Ariana sat on the chair, staring at the oven. Her mother had suggested making red velvet cupcakes for the class and the little girl couldn't have been more than happy to agree to it. Once she got home, Dawn immediately started on it with her.
"Are they done yet, Mommy?"
Dawn giggled as she got the frosting ready on the table. "Not yet, but almost."
Right when she said that, the bell dinged, signaling that they were ready. Ariana jumped to her feet and rushed to it, but was caught by father, who had just entered the kitchen.
"You're going to burn yourself," he scolded. "You have to let it cool down first before opening it otherwise you'll hurt yourself, okay?"
The six year old pouted but listened to her father anyway. She had learned that she should always listen to him because according to her mother, Paul was always the sane one in the family.
A little after the cupcakes had cooled down, Dawn and Ariana started on putting the frosting on while Paul decided to help his daughter out with writing the names of the students on the valentine cards.
When they were done, while Dawn was putting the baked pastry on a plate, the little blue headed girl made her way up to her room and pulled out a valentine gram. At her school, they would always grams so the little kids could give it to someone. Ariana was the only one out of the gang's friends to buy it, though she did try to convince Mandy to buy one for Elliott.
So she thought about what she wanted to say and write it down on the gram. When she was done, she smiled to herself and put it back into her backpack.
Hopefully her crush won't be dense enough to not get the message.
"Why do I have to give out cards?!" the seven year old complained.
Misty sighed in frustration as her son continued to whine. As he did that, she continued to write the names of his classmates. She had gotten her father's personality, alright. Oh, how tempted she was to use her mallet on him.
"Because, Daniel, it's Valentine's Day," she answered simply.
"But I don't want to give it out."
She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. Once he saw that, he immediately shrunk back and looked back at her meekly. The raven headed boy knew that when his mother did that, he would have to do many chores for her to forgive him.
"Hey, Mist, I'm back."
Misty and Daniel turned around, only to see Ash. He had gone out to buy a couple of things and that included a new mallet for his wife. Why he bought something new for his wife who would most likely use the weapon on him was beyond him. But it was Valentine's Day soon and he knew that she'd love the gift.
He placed the stuff down and gave his wife a kiss on the cheek while he ruffled Daniel's hair before setting down on the seat next to Misty.
"So what are you doing?"
"Writing the valentines card for Daniel," she answered. "Tell him why he should give it to his classmates, because he's still refusing to do it."
Ash sighed and brought his son up to his room, where it was more private. Misty was more than happy to let her husband do that because it meant that her son will be interrupting less and that meant that she could finish the cards sooner.
Up in his room, Daniel sat defiantly on his bed while Ash tried to find the place to start.
"Okay, so when you give out cards, it shows that you really do like the class and your classmates. Now, it might not always be the case, but it's still nice to do that. And besides, it's also a nice way to show your crush that you like her."
Upon hearing this, the raven headed boy blushed and looked away. "Who said I liked anyone?"
Ash chuckled and shook his head. "I hear things, Daniel. And I think we've gone out with the other kids long enough to know that you like Ariana. Now, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but with her father being Paul, you'd have to be careful there. You'll have to impress him."
Daniel groaned as he heard this and fell back on his bed.
"Does everyone know about that?"
Ash chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, you make it too obvious."
He then stood up and was about to head out before remembering something.
"Oh, and don't act stupid around Paul either. He will hurt you."