I present you the eighth chapter of this story that was supposed to be a one-shot at first, I hope you enjoy it. This one is mainly about Teru , Saki's elder sister.

Now onto the chapter.

A disclaimer: I don't own Saki, nor the other qualities of the story.

Saki/the beginning of an End

Colors of Light and Darkness

It was the afternoon of the fourth day, a few minutes before the eighth of Final begin. In front of the main building of the tournament one could see a rare sight.

Miyanaga Teru was standing there, hesitating to enter for her match. But that impression soon disappeared if you looked at her face for the girl was bearing a rare genuine smile, looking to nowhere in particular, just happy to be there.

But in truth she was looking at something in particular and that was the whole building and its surrounding area.

She had been here for one full hour, and while her schoolmates had already entered she had remained here to admire the work. Not the work of the builder of course, she had seen a lot of building far greater in her time. But, the work of her sister.

There was a reason that this building had been chosen as the venue. That was because in all the city of Tokyo which had been cleansed numerous time it was the place with the less link to any supernatural major center so that "occult player" did not have to much of an advantage.

It was the same for this year's rules. Even if one could feel they gave more impact to luck they were in truth there to set up a spectacle and give hope to the less gifted players.

Yet, as much as the protecting rules, the building was losing its effects. The venue was now full of spirits, seeking a refuge where they could bask in godly power. And what godly power. In fact, that was what Teru was looking at right now, power, Saki's power.

It had been a full 3 hours since her awakening but it could have been just now, as thick as it was. The thing had echoed in the whole city giving every living being a warning, and every soul (un)lucky enough to be near her had now in them a part of it.

Which, amusingly enough, meant that everyone in the building had just gotten stronger, if they could bear the power.

But it wasn't why Teru smiled, she smiled because she was now in the middle of the proof that her dear sister's comeback was inevitable. Soon memory of her past lives would come back to her, as well as her identity. And the more stimulation she had, the faster it would come, meaning that the stronger the opponent the faster she would be full.

Finally, Teru's gaze posed on the sun, she only had one minute to go in the room before that game started. It was time for her to go.

As she walked to the C Room she wondered, should she unleash a part of her power too? It would signal her sister that she knew. Like communicating with her through her power. And it was not like everyone here could get any worse. After all the surrounding area was already about to become a deified sanctuary.

It would be fun to see the remaining normal humans fall like flies.


'If they still want a normal player, they'll have to change the building' Teru thought as she entered the playground. The room where her sister had played was the one across this but you could see her touch even here.

She had noted it as she walked, each flower's pots she had come across was either in full bloom and far healthier than it should, or withering and at the last moments of its life. One could even find some plant that she knew should not be flowering around this part of the year, nor this time of the word.

As she feared she was almost late, and she did not have the time to read before the game starts. But she was in a good mood so for once she didn't care. At least her victims were interesting this time. She had a little surprise for them. As she sat, Teru closed her eyes choosing to see their Darkness before the game even started.

First, the less interesting one was a white-haired girl with a little more power than Seiko, And it was more subtle too. If she remembered right that girl was from the same team as one of Saki's own playmate this morning, fat chance for them.

The second was a first for Teru, at least in this incarnation. A full-fledged magician. Her power was still unstable and her darkness was far too bright for her taste but it promised to be interesting. It was those encounters that made it worthwhile to play in those tournament in the first place, had it not been for the third one she would probably have chosen her to survive, just so she could entertain Saki too.

But, the third one was by far the more interesting one. She had already faced Saki so her sister already knew her. But her meeting with Saki, and then the awakening, had changed the Young priestess. She may have not noted it herself but for the feeling she got it was just a matter of time.

The shrine maiden would finally come into her own, able to interact with her goddesses without being possessed. And thank to Saki's "Work", Teru could 'see' the strongest of them already hovering around the girl.

When she finally opened her eyes to draw her tiles, she had scanned over everyone one in the room. The instant she let go the Mirror they all had felt the presence on their back, turning around to check.

Then they looked at her, lost.

"...don't tell me..." She heard the blonde mage ask, before she herself looked over her own tiles

" What? is there a problem?" The young goddess asked, mightily amused.

"...Nothing. But you should start Miyanaga-san. You are East." Komaki answered for her comrade. But she had herself took a new shade of pale.

" Ah! Right." Teru had truthfully forgotten, "I hope I can have a good match with you all."

"Thank you," answered the three players. However the real target of her plea did not answer. They probably had not understood that she was talking to them.

"Ha... Well, " They would understand quickly. The goddess thought as she discarded her first tiles, a Haku.


Jindai Komaki was known to be a calm, almost lethargic girl. Everyone knew that she was the head shrine maiden in a shrine near Kagoshima.
What was less known however was the reason that she was always tired.

In fact more than a shrine maiden she was a vessel. A vessel for the nine goddesses worshiped in her shrine; her duty was taking a toll on her body as much as her mind.

That little secret was only known by a few chosen around the shrine of Japan. As a vessel her role was to serve as a go-between for the mortals and the divines. Yet even one such as herself had never seen or heard the voice of the gods. Well, at least not until today. Because now everything had changed.

It had all changed a little before noon. She first had felt a really strong power wash over her, one that she knew all too well. A power whose owner had given her nightmare for the last two days.

But this time it was stronger. So strong in fact that she had passed out, and once again remembered.

Then she awoke, and as she prayed again she heard their voices. She didn't know how, but she knew it was them. And they sound worried, about her. That had really surprised Jindai. After all she was just a host.

However it had been a ghostly impression at first, some bits of messages when she focused. Then had come the afternoon, and her match for the quarters. Her match against Miyanaga Teru.

If Saki had been terrifying in her weirdness/insanity, Teru was by her raw strength, talent and fame. Even Pros she knew she couldn't beat were afraid of her. She had already played against her once and knew the fight would be hard.

And she didn't forget the two other who had managed to get their ticket for that match, she had to be wary of each player.

'But at least,' she thought. 'It will get my mind out of her'.

She was terribly wrong.

The first sign that something was wrong was when the Champion almost got late. Usually she was always the first in the room, reading while waiting for the others. But this time they had to wait for her as she entered, just before the officials announced the beginning of the matches.

The third sign was her greetings. Last time, Jindai remembered it had been a cold "good luck", without any feeling in it. But this time she was all smiles and seemed to really wish they would enjoy her games. So much so that she had forgotten to draw first when she was East. As if she was not really into the gam

And if Jindai had not mentioned the second sign it was because she preferred not to think about it. As already said she had at least one match in common with the Champion. She still remembered that dark and light feeling on her back; It was supposed to only happen once the first hand had rolled, not before the match had even began like this time.

Was it the reason she wasn't into it at first, because she was already scanning over them. It was not that far fetched and all, Jindai could see that the others had gotten to the same conclusion.

Then the match in itself started. As always Komaki Jindai did her best, but her opponents were really strong and she fell in the trap laid by Sasame Mari first.

They were at the eleventh discard and the blonde girl hadn't discard a single honor or terminal, and Jindai had reached a Tempai: www 123 789 456 56 Bamboo a good hand but accompanied by a hard choice.

She was not that good at Mahjong, and really thanked the goddess to have brought her here, but she couldn't rely on them for everything, and even if she could hear them a little now, she couldn't concentrate enough to hear their voices. For this hand she was on her own. She could either discard the 1,4,5,6,9 or the W.

With Mari's discards 1 and 9 were out, and she was wary of the W. She also seemed to remember that when 1 was out 4 was too if it hadn't been discarded. However, Mari had discarded the 6, four turns earlier so it was safe. As for the 5 She couldn't use it herself for the pair would be needed. The champion had already discarded the two other. So in truth she had three choices, Killing her hand by playing it safe and discarding the 6. Playing it safely, by going against what her 'finger' told her and discarding the W, or going all out and discarding the 5, while being sure to at least not pay for an eventual hand from the Champion.

"Jindai-san, the time," Told her the referee, she had to be fast. She hated to be fast. But in the end she had to rack point while she could. She decided to discard the 5.

"Ron," Mari Sasame shout-out cheerfully, revealing her hand. "Ryan-peikou Tanyao, Pinfu 8000". And like that, Jindai understood she had been had. But It was not all as her "instinct " told her to look at the champion tiles while she put them back in the table.

She had exposed them all, as if to taunt, and it was an iipeikou tenpai, waiting on a W. Her ' finger/instinct' had been right. Or maybe wrong as she would have paid less.

When she was wondering about that, and picking up her piece for the next turn, she felt like a little gust had just passed over her.

As for Teru? She was smiling.

The next hand had been Teru's win, a single closed Tsumo, costing Jindai 500 as the dealer. And while they readied the table anew she felt that gust again, only slightly stronger.

For some reason she thought about her match against Saki... Yet there was no link. The Champion had said it herself when asked 1 month prior.


"Tsumo, Iipeikou , 400/700."
"Tsumo, Pinfu, Iipeikou;700/1300."
"Tsumo ,Pinfu,Tanyao ,Iipeikou ; 2600 all."
"Ron. Pinfu, Tanyao, Iipeikou, Sanchoku; 12300."
"Tsumo, Tanyao ,Pinfu, Iipeikou, Sanshoku; 6200 all."
"Tsumo, Chantanyao , Pinfu , Iipeikou, Sanchoku; 6300 all."


"Is that all You can do?" It's what she said as they reached the South 1 fifth repeats. After the first win, the champion had gone on a roll. Winning till now all seven hands in a row, and each time stronger.

That could seem strange, but for the champion it was how she played.

But there were some mismatches from the usual pattern. More accurately, she seemed even more methodical in her slaughter.

But it wasn't what made Jindai afraid. She was afraid because each time the gust became stronger, and was now almost blowing her out of her chair. And she was afraid because now she could hear "their" voice without having to focus.

Normally hearing the voice of your goddess shouldn't be frightening for a shrine maiden. Yet the dread did not come from that. No. What had her on her toes was what she heard. The goddesses were troubled by the Champion. Each wave she could hear them shriek.

And that Taunt, "Is that all you can do?" had been said with a smile, like she was encouraging her. Why would someone like Miyanaga Teru do that?

Jindai even doubt it was addressed to her directly, as she had noted the majestic eyes of her opponent weren't looking at her, but through her. And that posed a question in itself. Could she sense them?

Once more, she was reminded of Miyanaga Saki. It couldn't be a coincidence. For the first time in her life Jindai thought that she really needed to get a good talk with her guardians.


"Tsumo, Jun-chantanyao , Pinfu , Iipeikou, Sanchoku 8400 all." Back in the commentator's room the champion's voice was whispered.

"This end the 1st hanchan of this afternoon's match. As expected from her The Champion didn't leave any chances for her opponents, withering their points before the game even reached the South 2 round." Kouko shouted in her mic.

"That she did, she even had the insult of inevitability to her win," Sukoya-pro added thoughtful. Getting a raised eyebrow from her friend. She knew Kouko would notice her troubles, but she also hoped she wouldn't pick on it.

"In fact, each of her Yaku were the same with an added han. But apart from the direct hit on Sasame Mari they were all tsumo so there was nothing they could do... right?" Kouko asked her comrade.

Sukoya sighed. Then she answered "Yes, but I am surprised you noted it. I see you're starting to learn a little."

"Ah... you're right. I don't notice those things usually. Hehe, Maybe I'm finally learning. " Kouko was blushing slightly, a thing that Sukoya wasn't used too. It was usually her which was butt of that joke. " But that wasn't everything, I'm sure."

"Indeed, she usually played for larger and larger hand, but there were times she could have gone for bigger hands, even winning them. But she did not." Sukoya noted, while still holding for herself the more important information. After all they were not ready.

Yet Kouko followed, "You mean she limited her hand on purpose?"

"Yes, in fact. I don't know what, but she's trying to get a message across," that was her conclusion. She knew that the two Miyanaga never did anything useless. But the feeling she had from Miyanga Teru for now was too weak to be an answer to the Apocalypse unleashed that morning by the youngest.

"A message, But to who?" Kouko asked, bothered that she had nothing to say.

Sukoya thought back. Death, Life, Earth. That was clearly the domains over which reigned Saki. It had just taken her one Three match to understand that. However she had never until now managed to get what was Teru's domain. Maybe now that her sister had all but shouted her existence to the world Teru would answer. After all she had visibly changed since that Final.

"Probably to her main adversary. After that morning she as to remind every one who she is," Sukoya deduced.

"Yeah... I still have shivers from that morning. Scrap that, I have shivers since a full week now. I have never felt something like this." Kouko's voice was indeed shivering, but it was more out of excitation now, "Do you think The champion is preparing something like that?"

"I am sure of it," Sukoya answered seriously. Then her eyes wandered on one of the screen, and she saw that Komaki Jindai, another person she had on her list, was talking to someone she did not know . And on closer inspection, that person was clearly not really here.

'The Miko... Was she able to communicate with them before? Things are evolving too fast' Sukoya noted

As the great master she knew of the origin of Jindai's power. But she had never shown any sign of her evolving to a true medium. Always needing that unreliable trance. Was it a consequence of her encounter? Or maybe after this morning, the Shrine maiden had been inside the building after all. At that level of power it would suffice. Then it hit her. Yes Miyanaga Teru should at least have that same level of power, why not showing it before? It couldn't be that she ignored it, she blatantly played around with it.

And that power was slowly upping. Here was the key."She is getting them used to it," Sukoya whispered.

Yet Kouko heard."Used to what?"

Sukoya, still in her thought, answered as if she had talked to herself "To her level of game, To her level of power. If she got all out from the start they would die off without learning anything. That's why she slowly upgrades her game."

"Uh? She clearly has won that match, how could they learn anything?" Kouko continued to ask, sincerely intrigued.

"They learn from their defeats, from the pressure she exuded. Like you should not look at the sun when you get out of a dark cave. Your eyes need to get used to the light, otherwise you'll be blinded." They were a lot of other metaphors she could use, But that one seemed to fit the most.

"I see. So she is doing that, But why?" Kouko continued to ask as the good journalist she was.

"Because it would be boring otherwise I presume," The great-master said s if it was obvious. After all their motivation was still beyond her. As much as the reason they had disappeared all those year ago.

Ah. I Guess you're right. We get a beautiful spectacle thank to her. And that spectacle is About to enter its second act." Kouko announced, shouting the second part with exaltation, hiding her surprise. "Let us see what her opponent learned."


Mari's hands itched. How had she even got there? East second's hand she'd already lost more than half her point trying to defend them. Why was she even here?

She had been forced on that damned tournament because her friend didn't want to take part alone. Mari was a member of the occult club at the base and had joined mahjong just as ghost member.

What she didn't know at the time was that you didn't get a game more occult than mahjong. She should have understood when she easily won the region's individuals tournament even so she was almost a beginner, whereas her friend had lost hard even when she knew the game as the back of her hand.

She should have seen it when she felt the power she usually kept for the club's secret activity reacting naturally when the game became heated. But no, she just believed it was that maybe she was gifted like some journalist said.

'The tile Magician' Ha, now it was making her laugh. Luck couldn't explain how she won her hand, how some tile would never come to her. Luck would give her hand like the crappy she had now.

It had taken her to come here, in Tokyo to witness the team's finals to understand. Before she thought it was a joke when Kourin said "Mahjong is serious business". That day she had even ask her friend to slap her for her stupidity.

What she dealt back at the occult club was nothing against what had unfolded that day. Yet it had made her strive to get better and she had trained on the remaining day so that she would not get eaten . It had taken her where she was.

Rei had said that she shouldn't do anything if she wasn't paid for it. It was how she had dodged being taken for the ride. Here she was regretting not being as much of a cheapskate as the shrine maiden. She wouldn't have to go against TRUE DIVINITY.

Rei and her had chased all kind of ghost and monsters at home, but each time some called them for problems with divinity it turned out that they were false.

They had even began to think that such thing didn't exist anymore. The only one she had ever encountered was when her and Rei had met.

But the ever-present otherworldly feeling which made her whole body feel wrong didn't lie to her. And at least no normal human didn't glowed like a rainbow

'Hee, Why am getting all depressed? It's not the same weapons but it's not like it's the first time. I should know that no situation is ever desperate. And if I win she will be obliged to admit that I am better than her,' Marisa thought as she clapped her hand on her face.

" He, How the hell didn't I so it before!" She exclaimed as she opened her eyes on her hand. She was four away maybe. But she could do much damage, she just had to extend her hand. Stating by discarding that Dora.

"Maybe you where sleeping?" The shrine maiden supplied as she discard a terminal. Was it a smile she had spotted on her lips?

" I understand. This is so tiring" The white-haired said as she also looked really drained. Mari could understand, she was the one with the less point and she had to bear the dealership. That one took her time to choose, as if she was even more perturbed by her own hand than by the one of the other.

Suddenly Mari was wide-eyed "Wait, its east third. I thought that Jindai-san had won the last hand?"

"Oh, definitely sleeping, or maybe in introspection." The champion said as she discard her own tile a 6 dot.

Mari internally cursed, she shouldn't get distracted at this point. She could still make it. "You could say that. Seeing true ones can be unsettling after all."

" Yes, it can," The champion nodded as if she had perfectly understood. Which she certainly had.

However Jindai seemed puzzled, good it meant that she had still a chance to blind-side her. For what she could see, she was collecting the same tiles as her. It would be a contest of speed. 'Good that's my specialty.'


'Uwah' It had taken longer than she had wished but her she had it in her hand, her favorite. Whatever happened now she would gain her point back.

She just had to discard that 6 dot and her hand would be done for - a wonderful Sanbaiman tenpai without any richi or Dora. And she was confident that next turn she would draw the last tile she lacked, as usual.

As she touched the tile she had a bad premonition. When she had "woken up" the tile the champion had discard was that same one. However it was the start of the game she shouldn't have done it, at least not if she still hadn't won.

Mari backed down. Something was very wrong with the discards. Why had she thought that Jindai's going for the same tiles as her was a good thing? because she was faster, yes. But it took a while for her to be fully charged.

And even if Jindai was going for a Chinitsu by now she would have discard at least one dot. Even she, herself had already discarded one in the shape of the Dora and was about to discard another. Mari's stare got back to the champion's 6 dot. There had to be something. Why was the girl smirking if there wasn't something. Earlier when she had manage to get the upper hand on Jindai Mari had noticed that same smile.

Miyanaga-Teru was known for never smiling in a match, as if she was always bored. So why did she show sign of anticipation? Did she knew something?
Of course she knew, beings like her always knew. Now the question was what.

Mari looked at her hand anew thinking back about everything she had learned about her foes. She felt like she had a lot of doors in front of her, but that none would be the good choice.

"Shit," Mari exclaimed as she understood. She's been totally played. She look back to her score. 'I still have a way out'. Making it look like se had really forgotten she extend her hand and picked a tile.

"Foul," the arbiter called out. Inwardly she smiled.

"Ah. Sorry. I was so fixed on my hand that I forgot I had already picked," She excused herself, making the other players snicker.

" Well, I can understand the tension. I myself am stressed. But it still is a foul. You have to pay the chombo."

"... hai" She said sheepishly as she took the 12 000 point from her locker.

"Good, now players, we will start this hand anew".

"Understood... Sasame-san, you did it on purpose right?" Miyanaga said, not making seem like a question. Mari could see the shock on the judge's face.

Marisa didn't answer, at least until they had all there tiles in hand. Then once it was done she answered, smiling to the fact her little magic trick had worked, "Of course, I wasn't going to play this monster hand," She pointed at the shrine maiden who smiled softly. It was then That Mari noticed that something was off in the girl eyes.

"If you say so, I suppose that's the way it is."

"You know damn well it is," Mari nodded emphatically before turning her hand bord along with the tile in it. "Oh, by the way. Double Riichi"

"You're a lively one, Young Mage" The purple-haired being to her left said mockingly.

"Indeed," The shrine maiden to her right said far more calmly

Mari blinked, were they making fun of her? Well she would show them. "That's what's good with being young, Sempai"

"If only you knew," Mari heard the purple-haired champion chuckle in her hand. What had happened to the cold-monster she was supposed to be? That she could deal with but that sickening smile would probably haunt her for a while. At least until the next time Rei would be really mad at her.


"Ron, 1000." As Teru declared her win on East 1 she had a smile again. One that made everyone on the table shudder in fright.

It had taken three hanchan but finally there it was. It had always been a drive of her, forcing the other to thrive for power, get them out of the proverbial cave so that they could see the light, as well as the real darkness. Until now she had held back, knowing that human soul weren't able to endure her teaching.

It had really been boring, always waiting for special occasion. But her sister awakening had changed that as no one here could be called a Baseline human anymore. Of course most would still break under her full glory but the one she was fighting today were enough that she could relish in showing her true colors.

Teru looked in front her to the priestess' glossed eyes. It was the effect that enlightenment had on her. She could probably no longer see outside of the spiritual world. 'Good thing for her that this whole building was now part of it.'

Idly Teru asked herself if the nine colored spiritual dress she was seeing was seen in the outside two. With the state Tokyo was in it was a possibility. After all the shrine maiden was now a true one, really worthy of the name.

'A Shame she is Under such a flimsy divinity. But who know, maybe she could even cure that fractured goddess, it would make Saki happy.' Teru though as she throw a tiles. She was still a bit baffled by the real identity of the nine goddess.

"Pon," Teru heard to her right. She was so caught on the priestess that she had forgotten her other handy work. The Mage. She had proven far more interesting that she had thought at first. Usually mages were just powerful. One who listen to her instinct and knew how to be crafty. But, this one didn't listened to her pride but to a well placed courage.

She didn't back down. Even when she was totally blasted she still found a way. In the end she could not win against Teru but she wouldn't have that much from anyone but her sister. The mage was literally shinning with confidence. Oh, and she would probably have problem with her hair dryer from now on, good that she wore that silly hat.

Teru looked back to her hand. It was already in tenpai and if thing was to go according to her usual play she would win in three turn around. Let's see if they can stop it.

"Pon." Again the mage called out of the white girl. She was in a hurry as usual but Teru doubted her foe would cooperate this time. There were only two places and it would go to the on getting second or first. Had they done that since the first one it might have work on a two-way but now was too late.

The white child might be lesser but she was a fool and should know not to discard those easily called tiles in a situation like this. She must had a plan on her own. She had after all a defense that had already rivaled the shrine maiden, before.

"Chi," the same girl called revealing a 123 sequence of bamboo taking the mage's two. She to was adapting obviously. You didn't get eyes like that without being somewhat special. Maybe she had missed something about the girl. She couldn't stop her smile anymore. So much for her cold-hearted reputation.

The three turns passed. Then, just before her turn, the joyful voice called out again, this time out of the Shrine maiden 1 character discard. "Once again, Pon" Teru saw her big win fly away. Good that she wasn't snipping for it.

'Still, now that they saw the light, time to cut it out. Let's up the stake a bit' "Richii." Teru called as she discard the tile she had just drew. She had not changed her hand in three turns, the others knew. And the 5 Bamboo she had just discard was a live tile, very dangerous for all her three opponents.

Some called it recklessness but Teru called it obvious. She enjoyed as she saw each of her opponent blanch as they drew their tile. Each the same she had. A safe tile, yes. But they knew it to be a bad omen.

"When Teru turn came again she had a small laugh as she touched the tile "Tsumo". She hadn't even show it but her tiles fell on themselves. sometime having power could come in handy for the most trivial thing. "Mentanpin sanshoku, 6000 all."

Likewise she didn't need to show the tile in her right hand yet, from her hand, they knew what it must have been and started to take the points with a combination of dejected and amazed look. The mage particularly saw a large sweetdrop run on her face.

Finally it was he judge ho asked to see the tile but Teru could see that him knew what was to be seen. A monochromatic 2 Dot, its design tracing a line in the middle of the camera.

From that moment on it was as if the room's light was staring to fade. Her opponents were doing their best to keep there light but the colors soon began to be all about black and white. That trick would have been unsettling for most but Teru thought it was perfect for her current opponents. She would even bet that the mage would love it if it wasn't reflected in the game.

Each of the hand that followed were fast ones, Never going farther than the 5 round but always of great value. Everyone managed to score at least once , But there victories felt hollow as something far greater was oppressing them. The ones who lost never truly had a chance in fact but that only Teru knew. And when finally the South 4 arrived everything was set into place. ' Are you watching Saki? Even if you're not this is for you'

On that final round Miyanaga Teru was West, her sister's favorite place. She had two discard to wait. The goddess closed her eyes, time seeming to flow slower in those moments.

'tick' That was the first, The Shrine maiden had just discarded a tile. Teru could see that the shattered divinity in her was s anxious as the girl. If she had understood who 'they' were then 'they' knew who Teru was. After all her state was a direct consequence of their "fall".

'tick' The second sound, The white child discard. The signal for her to start. Had she had more time she would have thought more to that one. But what she was about to do would still be a great lesson.

Teru solemnly took her tile in a graceful and slow sweep, so unlike her usual game. " Do you know what real darkness is?" She said as she place the tile directly on the discard.

She heard the others players gulped. She could literary taste their them it was as if the word was now in black and white ans they could hardly see past the table. The whole building was affected.

"It's when even the brightest light seem so dark that it sucked every other light in the sky." At that moment she turned her hand to the left and showed The tile.

A Black Dragon. That what everyone saw as it seemed pure black in their eyes. In fact the whole building had their colors reversed and she was the only one to still the see the word as it was. Saki would probably too but in fact she was looking at it from her hotel, bearing a smile that some knew far too well.

Teru placed her richi stick just behind her White dragon discard. " Richi". All door were now closed for Teru's control was absolute. Three tick later and it was her turn anew. She hand not opened her eyes still but behind her Nine Lantern shined. " Darkness , Young ones, is when the Sky's Light don't seem to matter"

Teru violently clapped the Circle of pure white in the dark against the table. "For only your inner Light can illuminate the way"

This time she made her had shown manually as light and colors came back to show her hand. "Tsumo, Chunren Poto 16 000/8000"

The sun had burned once more. Only a shattered divinity was left with a breath.


"Well, That what I call an answer," Sukoya Kokaji mused as she was still rubbing her eyes. They hadn't like to be played with very much and were itching like never before.

Quick on the follow-up, Kouko ask her old friend, "What do you mean answer? What exactly happened and to whom would that answer be?"

"Ah. I said That at loud? Sorry, don't mind me Kouko-chan," Sukoya tried to distract her friend.

"Not this time, If you know something you have to tell me Sukoyan." The commentator was playful but Sukoy knew she really wanted to know.
The problem was that she couldn't answer for she did not knew what had happened. She only knew the why. "I don't know what happened with that black out. But If you really want to know I think it have to do with what Miyanaga Teru just said."

"You mean that poetry about inner light? I didn't knew that one, I wasn't a very bright student." Kouko continued, her eyes still pleading while she continued the show.

"I know right?" Sukoya laughe a little. "But you wouldn't know it even if you were. It's a lesson you hear about only in some lost temple." She clarified , seriousness back in her tone. "But I don't think she heard it there, it came to her naturally I think."

"What do you mean?. You are making less and less sense as the day pass" Kouko complained.

" I mean That it was Just like Miyanaga Saki this morning. She made her presence known. In short she answered," Sukoya finished an So her friend lightened up, finally having some material.

"So you mean... That the champion just answered a Challenge? You Mahjong star really have a strange way of communicating" The journalist was puzzled.

"But never the less its a great news. Miyanaga Teru, the uncontested champion just answered the Challenge from the rising star Miyanga Saki. If everything continued like they have they will meet in the final. Will any one be able to stand in the way of this fate meeting or does these two true monster will dictate thelaw. Stand in suspense for the Quarter final tomorrow if you want the start of the answer. I know I will be there!"

"Me too," Kokaji answered With a smile. But first she had persons to see. Some who would need her and others she would need. And it started with that girl who had just awoken from her coma after her game against the younger one.

"Maybe I should buy glasses," Kokaji heard Kouko mutter as she checked her eyes. She guessed that everyone in the building would do the same thing. Really those goddesses could be troublesome.


Thank for reading. Please Rewiew

As usual thanks go to nightsentinel for the beta

Fragment of Ring.