Heads -up!

I apologize for any typos and I apologize if I insult your language, I was using Google Translate to the best of its ability. I don't own jack shit. Enjoy fucker.

Never before had Maka struggle with such a class.

Such a language.

She was Japanese for crying out loud, and she's mastered the 3 writing systems of it as well. Then she came to America, and learned the most complicated language in the world, while managing to pick up American ways to hide her Japanese accent. However this language class was so confusing it drove her nuts. She was terrible at memorizing things, and that was what this entire language was. It was extremely regular too, so when you're translating it to English—which is utterly and chaotically irregular-It becomes a giant mush in her brain.

Let's face it, English is a whore.

It's been mixed with so many Germanic languages she lost count, (not that she was actually counting.) It was ridiculous, the course was ridiculous, and don't even get her started on the teacher. "ughhhhmph." She groans out and slams her head into the textbook.

She was only two-weeks into the course, but she was 700% done with Latin already.

Damn college classes.

She couldn't wait to get back to her dorm for a nice nap, shared by her best friend Soul since the DWMA. He was Death Scythe status, she's ranked next to Stein on one of the top meisters to graduate from there. They did both want to have the ability to have a normal jobs, interests, and skills other than how to professionally kill things. So college was their next destination, which they just happen to go to together on.

So there she was majoring in Medicine.

He was majoring in Music.

Their classes were at different times of the day, most of their cores they took in the morning at the same time, but electives were different. Oh, the elective teachers were awesome as well. They didn't give two shits if you brought a friend to class occasionally, so that was what usually happened. Soul would drag Maka to his electives for shits and giggles. Maka never really perceived to be the girl to drag Soul into Latin so she never did until today.

Because according to him, he had nothing better to do but to tag along for Latin.

He laughed quietly to himself as she continued to slam her head into her textbook, not understanding jackshit. The teacher glared daggers at Soul his quiet laughter disturbing the Teacher all of a sudden.

"Alright class, animus, animi . . ."

The teacher drills the class which in turn makes them robotically pronounce the dative form next, going down the line. Soul stares fondly amused at Maka while she fumbles out the words completely lost. She looked hopeless as the teacher started to speak in Latin, then translating each sentence said into English, like all other foreign language teachers do. It was only when the teacher started to randomly speak to students in Latin when they looked like they weren't paying attention, didn't care, or were completely lost did Soul started gaining weird facial expressions. With a glance to him Maka shoots a questionable gaze and he shrugs it off casually.

She thought of it as nothing until Soul gained weird facial expressions each time he tagged along in her class.

He pulled them at the exact time the teacher always talked to the students, the teacher sometimes smiling a bit too sweet for comfort afterwards. It wasn't long before she began to catch Soul glaring at the teacher whenever he did so. However Soul never said a word until the teacher one day did it to Maka. The teacher about to smile again before Soul randomly spoke up,

"You shouldn't act like your teaching when you're really just insulting Maka, and from what I've been listening to the past few days insulting all of your students in general."

He pulls Maka's chair by his foot to slide closer to him, out of instinctive habit to protect her before continuing,

"And come on, Latin is a respected ancient language, yet all I hear out of your mouth is vulgar forbidden words."

The teacher looked beyond shocked, however anyone with common sense could easily read the expression of guilty and "How the fuck did you know?" Soul glares at the teacher further before also stunning Maka with the next words that came out of his mouth,

"Lingua Latina non mortua est, sed vivit. Taedeo vester."

—The Latin language is not dead, but alive. I am disgusted of you.

Smooth natural sexy Latin, with absolutely no flaws. Not even an American accent which meant—'Soul isn't from America either? Since when?!' however it was then that she took in his features, the features that she's adored all her life only to suddenly have the epiphany that they were all foreign. No average American had any resemblance to him; from his high cheek bones and square jaw line, to his uniquely sharp teeth that matches his natural frosty white hair. It would explain so much about his physique, and especially those rare eyes.

She zones back into the current situation only to have the teacher stuttering a conversation in Latin with Soul. Which in fact his red eyes never stopped glaring at said teacher. Anything the teacher spoke sounded jagged and made it seem like such a rough and raw language, however whenever Soul spoke back it was instantly like it was second nature; rolling off his tongue, his voice going slightly deeper than usual and a hell of a lot more attractive in his natural tongue.

Everyone with common sense has also figured out that this randomly ass guy with white hair was a rare Native Speaker of the hell course they were sitting through.

They all stared as the teacher stepped back with a growling remark coming from Soul, before he stood up and pulled Maka gently up with him. His flawless natural Latin, turning to the oh so classy American English with complete ease and no trace of his European accent,

"Maka let's go. I'll be teaching you this from now on, and you're excused from class anytime in the future as long as you're with me. I won't let you learn this tongue with such a low teacher."

Her mind was absolutely blown as not even a few seconds later she's guided out of the building by a strong hand gently pulling hers. They were heading towards their dorm room when Maka gains a grasp on reality,

"Soul why we're you so angry at my teacher? And since when the fuck could you speak Latin?"

"I was taught as a child to speak Latin, it was my first language because my entire family uses it, they pass it down from generation to generation, even when it became ancient."

"Interesting, but why were you angry at the teacher?"

"...Well first of all he was pronouncing and annunciating it all wrong. Second he sounded like a low life insulting and cursing at everyone in the room who does not understand his terrible teaching-and he was doing so with a smile. It just bothered me whenever he did it, and when he started on you... I just kinda got really pissed."

"What did he say?"

He looked like he didn't want to think about it,

"I don't wanna even translate."

"Say it."

"He kept calling you a filthy prostitute and a whore with no intelligence."

She dropped her books. He stopped and turned around, ruby eyes usually tranquil held a furious anger in them yet he maintained a cool outer shell, emerald eyes noting this and the words fully sinking in. She was dumbstruck at what her teacher called her. Maka, top student with grades coming before anything else but kishin danger—was an unintelligent whore? Her entire life's devotion to a need for knowledge only for opinions of what her higher-ups thought about her was a mere filthy prostitute? This hit her bad. Furious ruby orbs quickly switched to concerned and worried when he noticed.

"Maka you're not unintelligent, don't let his words get to him he should be getting fired for how much a dumbass he is."

"Am I really just... A filthy whore? And not that smart?"

They both started walking again, Soul a little bit closer to comfort while attempting to convince her that she wasn't a prostitute or an idiot the rest of the way, trying to remain cool without spilling any feelings in it. ". . . Maka, I mean unless you've been fucking a bunch of people behind my back secretly then you aren't a prostitute and . . ." She never said he was doing a good job of convincing her, but she gave him props for trying. As soon as she stepped back into their dorm she crashed front first onto the couch glooming. Her books left to fall from her hands and lay unattended to on the floor. He really was trying but it was obviously like attempting to talk to Kidd about its okay to be asymmetrical. Soul eventually gave up, and plopped down on the wooden coffee table. Maka heard sweet silence for a moment before a sweeter sound reached her ears,

"Pulchra et intellegens es... dilecta mea."

She always thought Latin was a war type language, with people screaming at each other with gladiator fights and prisoner slaves. Yet here she was listening to it being spoken so smoothly, it really was a dead language if it was being retaught all wrong. How could something sound so confusing be so attractive? Attractive to just her ears maybe, or was it the fact that Soul was speaking it? She didn't know if it was his voice when he spoke his tongue, or the fact that he's mastered something she couldn't—a beautiful ancient language in its true form.

For a sapiosexual (attracted by intelligence) like her, it was definitely yet another turn on from him.

Looking up she turns her head to face Soul, a look of curiosity plastered across her face as she questions what he just said. With a smirk he doesn't reply, merely getting up to make coffee. She asks him again before he replies with, "I'll teach you my language and you can figure it out yourself." She groans, knowing Soul he would probably make it one of the last things she learns. He hands her a cup of coffee and they discuss what they will do, Maka eventually talked him into letting her go to class occasionally, but he only agreed if he was there.

"Why must you always be there?"

"So he will straighten up his act, and I'll make sure you're taught right. It's much easier learning it close to home and from naturally picking it up too, not just being drilled on it."

Oh and he was right on that. For days and weeks she would follow him around the house and he would point out random objects, say it in Latin while she would echo him back. For example occasionally they would be in the bathroom and he would point her out in in the mirror speaking with a small smile, "Pulchra." She would echo pointing out herself. She thought it meant girl but a few days later he told her girl was, 'Puella.'

"What does Pulchra mean?"

He chuckles and replies, "That's your name."

Before he continues to point out random things. She followed along happily like Blair just given a new purple thong. For some reason knowing she had a name in the language was very satisfying. Eventually after a while of learning what was in the house for nouns, he would call out verbs while they would shoot hoops at the basketball, and much to his joy she caught on instantly, like she was a natural. They continued to the laws, declensions, and infinitives and she picked it all up swiftly. It was only as she started to learn how to form sentences and actually speak with him did it really start affecting him. Her sentences at first were really choppy, however as she's currently working on her other homework he asks, "How well are you understanding Latin so far Maka?" Not even looking up from her homework she mindlessly responds,

"Latinus facilis propter tibi intellectus est."

—Latin has been easy to understand because of you.

He dropped his iPod.

The way she spoke it, her voice became softer to pronounce it right, however it held no American accent and rolled off her tongue as if she was a part of his family. It really turned him on, not physically, but he was pretty sure he had... Like a mind-boner. Her sweet innocent voice speaking the language of his people flawlessly, he couldn't hide his slightly hanging jaw for when she looked up to see what dropped. The slacked jaw forming into a wide grin as he complements her on her pronunciation of the language.

She was getting better and better with Latin every day.

She was becoming more perfect to him every day.

Occasionally now that she paid attention to everything that came out of his mouth she could catch him singing in Latin while cooking dinner, and from her knowledge she could decode bits and pieces to be love songs. In secrecy she soon gained a whole YouTube playlist containing sweet sappy love songs in Latin or whatever other language she could find. She memorized every song whenever Soul was out of earshot. She really didn't understand why she was trying to learn to sing in Latin, but for some reason she felt it to be satisfying for her; just an ordinary little goal for herself.

It was a good thing she did too.

It gets more interesting I swear. I'm shooting for an eventful and long story with hopefully interesting mixes of kicking kishin-ass, perverted innuendos, fluff, and hopefully a little bit of heart-racing emotion if I can pull that off. More will be coming soon, ;3 I update quick (lol as I edit this in 2015 that is not true). Please feel free to leave a review, suggestions and insults are always welcome!