Hello my lovelies! I am starting a new story inspired by The Nearly Missed's Mello's Psych Journal and Matt's Psych Journal. This one is about Envy, our favorite psychotic murderer!

Warnings: Slight OOC, cursing, mentions on extreme violence, etc.


Entry #1

Alright, ah, I feel kind of awkward doing this. It, to say the least, was a strange suggestion and I can't believe I'm going along with it. It's not like I'm used to keeping a regular journal…altogether I find it pretty…boring. It seems weird. I'm used to just fuming over everything…but no, the damned psychiatrist my mother keeps sending me to insisted on it.

Anyway, for the eyes that will never see this, my name is Envy Alighieri (last name has to do with Dante Alighieri who wrote about a type of purgatory, dealing with the deadly sins). I guess the front cover gave that away, which I'm actually really stupid before. Only more reason to guard this…with my life. I don't want people knowing more about me than they have to.

This pen pisses me off…the click is too quiet…

Anyway, so yeah. As of now, October 24, at 4:03 pm, I am 16 years old. I'll be turning 17 in a couple of months. I guess I'm pretty smart, being in the top 30% of my class. I'd like to make it to the top 10%...yeah I set high standards for myself. At least I'm trying, unlike the idiots I go to school with. I've been through so many schools…starting with private school. Then I did homeschooling, co-ops, homeschooling, cyber schooling….not even my mom could handle me. I may set high standards for myself, but I still hate working for it… Can you blame me? I'm a teenage boy! Anyway…I've been in the public school system for 7 years now, and I've been kicked out of three. I just started going to a new one 2 weeks ago. I'm in 11th grade, but I should be in 12th.

Whoa…I just realized how close I am to being an adult…

My mom grew up in a Catholic family, which confuses the Hell outta me, considering what she named me and my siblings…after the deadly sins. She even tried to make us be Catholic. No thank you! Mom says I need to work on my religious studies and stuff…like praying, reading the bible, going to confession…honestly, I don't feel like it. Anyway, I'd be booted out of church as soon as I say a sentence. Cursing, ya know?

Right now I should be either doing homework or yardwork. I never understand doing work on Sundays. Even MOM says it's a day of rest…but all she does is push all of the work on her kids and she rests all day. Fucking bitch. But whatever…

The homecoming dance was last night. I consider it a bit late, but who said logic needs to exist? Me and my friend Ed pretty much just sat around the whole time. No dates, just there.

I guess this is an introduction about me? Or should be? Even though I have no intention of letting anybody read this, I feel the need to describe myself.

So, I really like action/horror movies…like Final Destination and gory stuff like that. I actually really like the theatre as well. My acting skills are amazing, if I can say so myself. Hmm…I listen to a lot of hard rock and metal, some screamo… I like bands like Black Veil Brides and Three Days Grace, etc etc. I read a little bit, but not much. Once again, mostly horrors and murder mysteries. I like Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. But best of all, I am a killer artist. I draw all the time. I have a whole cabinet filled with my work. I really do have a lot of free time on my hands.

Honestly, I'd rather be sleeping right now. Of course, that'd make my night insomnia worse.

As for my feelings…eh… I guess I'm not really doing too well today. Since about 5 days into being in my new school, I kinda liked this guy named Roy (oh yeah, I'm kinda bisexual, or something. I'm not too sure). Well, I decided to ask him to homecoming, and he said he wasn't going. That was all fine and good, sure go ahead, stay at home, whatever. But then he DID go. And not only that, but he went with that girl Riza, as if I already didn't like her. I admit, I'm jealous. I've always lived up to my name. I already didn't get along with her. In all honesty, I hate her now. I almost fucking jumped her at the dance. But seriously, if Roy had just rejected me instead of lying, I wouldn't be so pissed off. I guess the world just fucking loves to screw me over.

Should I put what I did throughout my day in here? I know it's kinda boring and…just insignificant? But I guess I will anyway.

Today I did some yardwork and harvesting. When I was gathering fruit, I was actually enjoying myself. I was alone and I felt somewhat at peace. But then the bees ruined it all for me. I don't want to get stung, I hate pain…

I'm supposed to stay somewhere this Thursday. Great time to get out of the house. Mom and dad are going on an anniversary trip.

Anyway, I also found out some really interesting stuff on a psychology website. Apparently it's really easy to screw with people's emotions and mentality with specific 'methods'. I think it's work playing around with.

I really hope no one reads this…


So did you like it? Please review, I'm planning on writing more chapters, and you'll be able to see him fall slowly into insanity ^_^