A cry broke out into the midnight air, but it was not the cry of pain or fear, nor the cry of sadness or hurt.

It was a cry of pleasure.

The group ran as fast as they could, it was well late into the night and they were close to the village when they heard the pleasure filled cry, they only prayed now, that they would not be too late. They had been told by myoga the flea that virgin women where being burned alive after some type of demon had defiled them. Of course, Kagome had been taken back and sick, she demanded to know why.

The only thing he could tell them was that if the women became pregnant or sick, they would have to be burning alive.

It had reminded Kagome of a scary movie she refused to watch, now here she was living and breathing it.

So now the group ran down the dirt hill and into the small village, a woman stood crying, fear in her eyes, when she saw them coming she quickly pointed to a hut, not offering any words to them.

Sango and Kagome were the first the run in, and without hesitation Sango turned and spread her arm out, making the men of the group, and one small kit, stop. "Avert your eyes!" She stated quick, the men turned and looked away.

Kagome now in the hut stood in shock, The woman lay sleeping, but her legs were bent and her rags for a kimono was open at the bottom, showing much of her privet area. Kagome had to inspect not that she wanted to. The woman was breathing heavy and had her legs parted and soon a shadow appeared hovering over her.

Kagome sucked in air "Sango"

Sango turned and saw "Oh Kami's" She whispered,

Neither of them knew what to do, or say, they only could watch as this, this, thing took the girl.

"What is it Sango, tell us!" Miroku's tone was rushed,

They blinked, what they were after was no demon at all,

"Its a shadow" Kagome spoke soft,

"No, it's not just a shadow, its a spirit" Sango corrected,

"Here, use this!" Miroku told Sango quickly. He took out a sūtra and tossed it to Sang without turning around to look, "Kagome lace it with holy power and then throw it"


Sango quickly passed the paper on to Kagome, who quickly washed it with miko power, then she quickly tossed it at the so-called spirit,

With a screeching cry, the shadow spirit vanished, its soul released to the pits of awaiting hell.

But the damaged had been done, the woman was no longer pure, and she slept and never woke up and on the 3rd day Kagome walked away from the village, heart hurting tears rolled down her face and she covered her ears. The woman had become ill, feverish, she was infected, they had no other choice,

They burned her body as she still lived and breath and it was more than our little miko could take.