Lazaela; Hey guys! This is a collaboration between myself and ! This here has been a pleasure to write for you guys and I hope you enjoy it! I'm Misto and she is Vicky. I also just have to tell you that I also get to perform as Misto in my drama clubs performance! I've already half finished the costume, I've also watched CATS nearly 1500 times this month alone!

; (Note to be added)

DISCLAIMER; As amazing as this musical is we own nothing. -sob- But we are Misto nuts :D

A Thousand Promises

Chapter One

How about a game?

Victoria searched the junkyard, looking for her best friend, Mistoffelees. She tried to hold her tears in. Her tomfriend Plato had just broken up with her. He said she wasn't interested in serious relationships and she needed to grow up. Her eyes brimmed with tears at the thought. Oh, where was Misto?

Mistoffelees laid in his pipe, sprawled upon his side. His eyes half closed and his breathing shallow; he was close to sleep. The young conjurer had been up half the night entertaining guests at his Uncle Bustopher's clubs. His tail twitched and he let out a soft sigh, he was feeling thin; like butter over too much bread. He was on the edge of unconsciousness, dreams flickering in and out of existence. His dreams mainly consisted of him, Victoria and the life he had planned for them; in his head nothing could go wrong.

Victoria sat down a moment to collect her thoughts. Where would Mistoffelees be at this time? He usually worked late into the evening as a magician. If she was a magician, she'd be asleep by now. Of course! She dashed over to his pipe, as quickly as possible. She was just about to call his name, when she noticed he was sleeping. She got down onto all ours and slowly crept over to him.

"Misto?" she whispered quietly, "Are you awake?"

He had been on slipping into a dream when her soft voice reached his ebony ears. They twitched in response. Mistoffelees slowly sat up and yawned, revealing his white teeth. The tom smiled to her tiredly. "Hey Victoria, I'm awake now." he gulped slightly, realising how close they were as awareness flooded his tired brain. His ochre eyes looked up at her pale face and he smiled slightly uncomfortably; here she was, close beside him in his pipe, something he had only dreamed of. Mistoffelees subtly reached his paw to pinch his arm; crying out in pain. He chuckled nervously.

"So... I'm not dreaming..."

"No, why would you be?" she asked in confusion, before shaking her head, "I'm sorry I woke you. Maybe I should just come back and tell you later. After all, you were out working late last night. You should be resting, so sorry to disturb you..."

She turned from him, suddenly making to leave.

The tom reached out abruptly, twisting his body in an unnatural way. His hand caught her shoulder and he murmured softly. "Don't leave... Sleep is not as important as you are."

He felt his white cheeks grow warm as he complimented her, his tail twitched and he gulped again. He quickly jumped back; removing his hand from her as if he were burned. "That is... You can leave if you want to."

"I did actually want to talk to you," she replied, looking down with a blush as the tingling feeling his touch left did not ebb.

She sat back on her haunches, deciding to stay for a while. After all, he had insisted she stay. Of course, she really just wanted to have him near her and open up all of her feelings to him. She really needed a comforting word at this time.

He leant back slightly, mentally jumping for joy at her agreement to stay. The tom grinned impishly. "Well Victoria; I'm here, your here. Let's talk!" Mistoffelees' eyebrows arched as he looked to her expectantly, like a Pollicle dog awaiting its meal. His tuxedo pelt allowing his petite frame to melt into the shadows; except his white bib and face of course.

Victoria took a steadying breath, closing her eyes for a brief moment in order to keep her feelings in check. It would have been entirely silly to cry over what had happened. After all, she had known Plato would eventually move on. He was like that. He would only settle down with a queen who absolutely had his full attention. Victoria simply couldn't have kept it. No matter how hard she had tried. She always seemed to be the rebound queenfriend. Why couldn't she simply find a tom that loved her and wanted to settle down with her? She was almost certain she would end up alone, forever.

"Well," she began quietly, eyes downcast, "Um... I... I mean, Plato... well... the long and short of it is... Plato broke up with me."

That was it. There came the tears, as they always did.

Mistoffelees seethed with rage. His eyes narrowed to slits and from his throat came a low, throaty growl. The conjurer all of a sudden wanted to lock the horrid tom, Plato, in a box and ship him to Timbuktu. He didn't realise his claws were digging into his arms until he felt warm liquid trickling down his pelt. He was pulled from his rage by her tears; his growling ceased abruptly and he longed to take her into his arms. He edged closer to her gently.

"Plato doesn't deserve you Victoria; think about how many queens and toms he has been with in the past season. To him you were nothing more than a status symbol but to some..." he paused, looking at his bloodied arms; the claw marks were only shallow and had almost stopped bleeding. They had his full attention as he finished softly. " some you are the very image of perfection."

"I know," she sniffed, trying to wipe away her tears, "I knew he would leave me. I knew he wasn't really interested. But, I thought, well... I mean... I thought that maybe I could be his mate. That maybe I wouldn't have to be so lonely anymore. But no, no one ever wants to be with me. Not really. I'm never going to have a mate! No one is ever going to love me, for me! I'm just some pretty white queen! I-I don't want to be perfect, just loved!"

And with that exclamation, she fell onto Misto's chest, sobbing uncontrollably. She honestly wanted to be with him, but she knew she was far out of his league. He was the Original Conjuring Cat! He had a song, a job! Who was she? No one, just the Protector's daughter. She had no song, title or anything. She was just Victoria.

His body tensed at her sudden embrace, he relished in her touches; each one setting his fur alight with a passionate flame. Despite the blood on his arms he wrapped them around her waist, holding her close. He buried his black nose into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. Mistoffelees sighed softly; his paws rubbing up and down her back tenderly.

"Hush Victoria." he soothed her, brushing his cheek against her own. "You are loved, by everyone. Plato is a fool for not realising what a true gem you are."

The tom drew back gently and said more firmly, as if daring her to argue. "You are loved. Don't ever doubt it. You are loved by Munkustrap and Demeter..." he paused and shyly grinned, whispering in her ear the last line. "...I personally know a tom that's head over heels in love with you. He too thought you would be with Plato and was losing hope, but now you're without a tomfriend he may quite soon make a move."

"I wish he would," Vicky sighed, wiping at her eyes once more, "I'm starting to lose hope, myself. This has to be the fifth tom that's dumped me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do if no junkyard tom loves me."

She looked into Misto's eyes, as if to read what he was thinking. A small smile graced her lips.

"Could you tell me this mysterious tom's name?"

"It depends."

A grin covered the white face of the conjurer. His eyes glinted deviously; who said he couldn't have a bit of fun. "How do you feel about a little game?"

The tom was relieved to see her smile; it made his heart sing with delight to know he was the cause. Mistoffelees chuckled and gestured towards the deeper end of the pipe; it lead to his underground den. They could be more comfortable there. The tom untangled his limbs from hers before crawling down the pipe, dropping down inside his little corner of the junkyard. The tom smiled sheepishly at her as she entered.

"You will have to forgive the state of my den, I don't have much time to clean It." he gestured around the dim room. He smirked as an idea came to mind. The ebony tom faded into the shadows; he had an idea to make her really laugh.

"I don't really mind, you know," she replied, drying her remaining tears and looking off after him, highly curious.

She wondered what he was about to do. She loved a good game, but what did he mean by that? What kind of a game did he want to play? She hoped it wasn't a card game. Thought he never cheated, he never lost, either.

He was silent. He couldn't control the goofy grin on his face as he prepared to pounce at the white queen. The magician's weight shifted as he sprung forward, ensnaring her in his grip from behind. He murmured softly in her ear a simple word. "Presto!"

As well as trying to scare her he also managed to light up his den, giving the broken fairy lights and lamps he found electricity to shine and illuminate his den, he nuzzled her neck with a smile.

At first, she jumped from his sudden attack, but quickly regained her composure. She, normally, would have tried to pin him back, but the lights in the den were so amazing. It was just like magic. Come to think of it, Mistoffelees was magic.

She purred as he nuzzled into her and she tentatively reciprocated his affections. She tried to control the swell she felt inside her heart from his close proximity and his caress. Oh, why did he have to be so aloof and vague? Why couldn't she just look at him and know how he felt about her. Sometimes, it seemed as though he actually loved her. She quickly shook away the thought. It was impossible.

"Amazing, Stoff," she whispered, gazing around the room before resting her eyes upon his face.

He grinned, somewhat reluctantly releasing her waist. He shrugged modestly. His shoulder ruffles brushing his cheeks as he cast his gaze to the ground. He stretched and grinned, regaining himself.

"Like me then?" He smirked cockily, much better; this is territory he is familiar with. "So, how about that game?" he asked her, folding his arms across his chest, his black-lined mouth parted into a smile. Mistoffelees' eyes narrowed to slits as he challenged her.

"Of course, anything that's a distraction is welcome," she agreed, daintily sitting up, "But, what kind of game is it? And what do I get if i win?"

He grinned at her acceptance and his stance relaxed a bit. His tail curled around his white legs. The tuxedo cat was giddy; she had accepted his game - perhaps now he could reveal his true feelings.

"It's an easy game Vic. Not cards or anything." he said playfully, knowing she never beat him at card, ever. "It's a guessing game, you win and you get the name of your mystery tom."

He watched her reactions, his ochre eyes masking his own, he was glad to be making her smile, glad to be dragging her thoughts away from the deranged Plato that had dumped her.

"Oh! I do enjoy a guessing game!" she squealed in delight, then suddenly composed herself with a small blush, "How do I go about guessing? What are the rules? How many guesses do I get?"

She was bubbling with excitement! Maybe she could win at this whole thing.

He chuckled at her enthusiasm and knelt quickly to arrange his pile of blankets so they were somewhat flat, he sat on them and patted a space beside him as he gave her the rules. "You get as many guesses as you need; I will give you five hints based on the tom, from those you may guess."

Mistoffelees leaned back into the blankets lazily; he let his pink tongue roam over the cuts he had inflicted earlier. The dry blood was coppery on his taste buds, from it came a slight thrill; as if he had recently hunted.

She seated herself on the blankets beside him, sitting as closely as she could without making him uncomfortable. What if this tom really loved her? What if she had finally found the tom for her? She quickly dashed the thoughts away. Mistoffelees was so mischievous. It was quite possible he was only messing with her.

The tom grinned at her acceptance of his challenge, he sat up a little in order to deliver the first clue; he was practically shaking - both from nerves and from excitement.

"He is often described as petite; his coat is dark but his markings light." Mistoffelees said trickily, pretending to examine his wounds again so he wouldn't give anything away. He ran his tongue over them a few times before swatting his ears, waiting for her first guess.

"Tugger?" she asked feebly, quirking a brow inquisitively, "His markings are kinda light..."

She had to think for a moment longer. The Tugger couldn't possibly be the one. He was way to cocky and cool for her taste, anyhow. No, it had to be another tom... with a dark coat, but light markings...

It couldn't be Mistoffelees. He wouldn't hint at himself... would he?

He looked at her in mind amusement; she was one of the queens who had once upon a time drooled over Tugger. He smirked at her perplexed expression before offering her the next hint, his tail twitched. So she wasn't the brightest sparkle in Mistoffelees' coat but that was part of her charms.

"You hang around with him nearly every day, between his job of course." He smiled and met her gaze, hoping she would get it soon. As fun as this was, the conjurer couldn't bear the anticipation in side of him; it gnawed at him like a peke with an old bone.

Her eyes went wide before she knitted her brows together, dubiously. He was the only cat she knew to have light markings, be petite and he was the only cat who had a job. Her face set into a frown.

"Misto, that's not funny," she grumbled, quietly, "I thought this game was supposed to tell me who the tom is that loves me. You're only describing yourself. Do be serious. That's not fair. It can't be you."

He looked slightly hurt at her words. So she didn't consider him as a tomfriend? His smiling face fell and he felt a stinging prickle in his cheeks. He stood up and walked to the other side of the den, his shoulders shook as he fought back sobs. He wouldn't cry over a queen, even if he loved her with all his heart.

"And if it was me?" he whispered softly, not trusting for his voice to be any louder. His tail twitched nervously, he had more or less been rejected by the beautiful white queen yet in not so many words. Mistoffelees doubted he could handle hearing it directly from her. "Maybe you should just go Victoria."

"Heaviside, you were serious!" Victoria exclaimed rather quietly.

Her heart suddenly quickened its beat. What should she do? She wanted to rush up to him and tell her that she loved him, but she was so afraid. She was always in denial about matters of the heart, especially lately. What should she do? If she told him about how she felt and he eventually got tired of her, just like the other, then where would she be? She couldn't live without him, but she didn't know what to do! Oh, she probably seemed so unintelligent, especially during their game. She knew it was him, but she did not believe him... until now. What was she to do?

"Wait," she finally said, gingerly standing up, "Don't send me away just yet."

He turned to her and kicked something, hissing through his teeth as it caused him pain. "Why should I not Victoria? Do you not see how this is affecting me?" He turned and claws one of the walls. He had inherited his father's temper; at least he learned how to control it. He leaned his head on the earthen walls and his shoulders shuddered into a sob. His black frame shaking, his tail lashed to display his mood.

With the utmost hesitance, Victoria approached him and delicately laid a paw on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Misto," she whispered, tears brimming in her eyes, "I say the stupidest things, I know. I just thought... I mean... I'm just so frightened that... I just thought that a cat like you would never think a cat like me could amount to anything,"

That didn't even begin to express the emotions she felt for him. She mustered up more courage. Truth be told, she was trying to evade his temper.

Her touch soothed him, his eyes shut and he weakly mustered a soft purr. The tom turned to face her and without thinking he wrapped his arms around hers, burying her face in her neck, his purrs increasing in loudness and depth.

"I don't mean to get angry Victoria. I'm not Plato. I just feel a little... annoyed that you assumed my feelings instead of asking them from me." he murmured softly to her, his warm breath tickling her throat. The black tom stood in silence as he awaited a response, even one word would be enough to satisfy him. He had wanted her for so long, she had many traits he admired; she was intelligent, motherly, gentle and sweet. Of course she was beautiful and a wonderful dancer but they were only bonuses to her charms.

She closed her eyes in ecstasy, a trilling purr escaping her throat. And yet, the tears that had come to her eyes spilled over. She was not sure why she was crying, but she sobbed all the same.

"I-I was too afraid for you to-to l-love me," she replied softly, "I wanted you to love me, but I was afraid you only would view me as a friend, or that you had some other queen in mind, or that you wanted to remain a bachelor, or that you would love me for a time, but would leave me as all of the others have. I-I know you're different then all of them, but it's a subconscious thing. I'm afraid to be hurt in love again, especially by one I hold so dear,"

She sniffed and added with a smirk:

"You know, you automatically assumed my feelings, too. I only said that you couldn't be the tom that loved me. It didn't mean that I didn't want you to."

She wiped more tears from her eyes, but they continued to trickle down her cheeks. She supposed this was a release of all of the emotions that she had bottled up. She hadn't actually cried fully since Plato had dumped her. Sure, she had slipped into a small bought of tears, but it hadn't lasted so long as this.

Mistoffelees turned to face her and upon seeing her tears he ensnared her in an embrace. His paws clung to her slender frame. He looked into her eyes; from his own trickled crystal tears.

"If I didn't love you I would never dream of doing this..." he murmured softly before pressing his white lips to her own, shuddering in bliss. He was sure of her feelings for him and that was what made him feel brave in his actions.

The conjurer's purrs deepened as he let his kiss linger on her lips for a moment longer before parting, his breathing was erratic as he looked at Victoria. His eyes were full of love for the queen he held in his arms.

Victoria was somewhat stunned. She had imagined that kiss in so many of her fantasies, so many of her dreams. It wasn't necessarily "fairy tale" material, but that didn't mean that she hadn't liked it. It was a shy, yet gentle kiss. She looked into his eyes, reaching up and brushing a tear from his cheek. She didn't exactly know what to say, she only felt one thing.

"I love you, Mr. Mistoffelees," she whispered as she gazed into his eyes with an uncontrollable feeling of love and she stood on her toes, kissing his nose.

Her words were like medicine, they relieved him of all his worries and his thoughts. In this moment there was only him and her. His heart thudded in his chest and he gulped as he managed to softly utter the words she so long hoped to hear.

"I love you too Victoria. I always have. Since kittenhood." he murmured softly, his right paw stroking up and down her back, he was unable to control the purrs that emanated from his throat. The tom knew that in that moment those words rang true, he had found his other half. He was finally complete. He quietly pondered if she felt the same.

She suddenly thrust herself at him, wrapping her arms about his neck. She sighed in content and purred in an unceasing excitement. He had finally expressed his love for her. There was no reason to fret any longer, no reason to feel that she would never find the one tom for her. She had found him. Her partner, other half and best friend for life. Crystalline tears started to fall from her face and patter onto his back.

Her sudden rush at him took the tom by surprise and he fell back onto his blankets, silently chuckling at her enthusiasm. He nuzzled her neck lovingly and shut his eyes; his pelt tingled with a feeling that overwhelmed him. It felt like he was at the peak of his magic but without the usual fatigue. Mistoffelees ran one paw up and down her back; he was clearly enjoying their new position. He ran his tongue over one of her arms gently as she held him close.

She shivered in joy and nuzzled her muzzle against his. She slowly ran her tail down one of his legs, curious to see what would happen. She was a tad more hesitant to be affectionate, but she wanted to be. The only thing standing in her way was being so inexperienced, else she would let him know exactly what she felt in no uncertain terms. This was so new and exciting for her; a tom, all her own. Jemima and the other girls would never believe this. Then again, they would doubt it. Perhaps, she wouldn't tell them just yet.

He shuddered at her touches. From his throat came a soft yet feral growl as she touched her tail to his leg. The tom held her closer to assure her it was okay before placing butterfly kisses along her neck, his lips barely brushing her fur in a teasing manner. He resumed his purrs, trying to bury the feral growls away. He felt like he had been set on fire with desire, he longed to claim the queen that was sitting upon him desperately. He wanted to show that he loved her in the best way he could. The magician drew back to look into her eyes and smiled softly, he kissed he lips again.

"I love you Victoria." he said again, hoping she would know that in those three words were a thousand promises to her.

She let out a rather heavy sigh, one that let go of all of her previous frustrations. She kissed hi nose before dismounting him, coming to rest at his side with her head laid upon his chest.

"I love you too," she murmered, planting a kiss upon his neck ever so delicately, "You're the first tom that's ever said that to me,"

He sighed in slight relief when she climbed off him, he enjoyed their closeness but he doubted he could handle the burning sensation much longer. He purred as she kissed his nose and dreamily sighed too. He wrapped his arm around her waist and glanced away as he shyly entwined their tails; black against white.

"I hope to be the only one." he smiled cockily, kissing her noze gently. His maw parted into a yawn and he quickly tried to hide it with his free paw. He looked to herwith a smile. "What would you like to do now?"

"You will be the only one," she purred with a smile, "I'm not sure what I want to do, but it seems to me that I've kept you up far too long,"

She stroked a paw through his chest ruffles, pulling out any snares she found is his soft chest fur.

He shivered in delight at her touches, his eyes closing. He hummed a soft tune; it was melodic, despite the how tenor his voice was. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took. To say the magician was tired would be an understatement. It was around noon and it was Wednesday; the only night he got off.

"Perhaps, you could just rest," she whispered into his ear, noting the shivers that ran down the length of his body, "I don't mind, you know. Besides, I will still be here when you wake,"

She kissed his cheek and moved her face over his bib, running her tongue through the downy fur that resided there.

He chuckled at her touches to his chest. He squirmed slightly in pleasure, her tongue was ticklish! He began to laugh a bit louder when her licks increased.

"That tickles!" he exclaimed with a soft chuckle, his tail squeezed hers tighter before he yawned again, this time his eyes closed and his humming ceased. His breathing was soft and shallow. He was at last asleep, as he fell unconscious the lights in the den dimmed. Even asleep he was considerate enough to leave her enough light to see by if she wished.

"Sleep well, you." she whispered, kissing him softly on his nose.

She was content to sit beside him for a while, but as she looked around the partly cluttered den and idea formed itself in her mind. Why couldn't she lend him some aid and clean his den? After all, he needed her help. he didn't have time to clean his room, therefore she should be able to lend him a helping paw.