A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I had computer issues. And for some reason this chapter was really hard to write. Bleh. Whatever


Chapter 6

Nico POV

[Sadie! GIVE ME THE MIC! I don't need you embarrassing me to the whole freaking world!]

Alright. So after we had finished with rebuilding most of the mall, I should talk about what my dream was.

Unlike Percy and some other people, my 'demigod dreams' aren't as clear as others, which makes them just as, if not more, frightening.

Good gods. I really need to stop talking like Chiron.

Anyways, I found myself feeling trapped, and I wasn't far from the truth. There was a hissing, like a snake, and being the son of the death god, I could hear thoughts of those who died around here.





All of these thoughts were suffocating me. I felt around a bit, trying to get some bearings, and I felt things crawling. Bugs, beetles specifically.

And I heard a voice that I never wanted to hear again.


It was faint, but I could hear her, trembling and plotting, albeit with the snake thing. Just hearing that made me remember all those times in Tartarus where I had almost gone insane. I couldn't help but panic.

Call me a wimp, but YOU try spending your time in cold, angry, darkness for a whole year and a half. It wasn't normal darkness, it was as if the darkness had a mind of it's own, and from the things I saw down there, I had half a mind to believe that.

In my dream, I heard laughing, and a scaly reptilian voice washed over me.

"Well demi-god, it seems as if we will deal with you first."

The last thing I saw was a pair of snake eyes, angry, agonized, and in my face.

I woke with my head hitting the floor.

It took me a moment to get my bearings, but eventually I realized that I was in my cabin. Light streamed in from a crack in between the dark gray curtains. I managed to sit up, a miracle with all the tangled blankets, and got ready for the day. I glanced at my mythomagic figurines, trying my hardest not to think about the horrifying dream.

Now that I think about it, Sadie hasn't butted in for a while. Did that dream really scare you? [OW! Okay! I'll get back to the freaking story!]

After breakfast was a free time for me. I usually cleaned up the cabin, but really, I didn't care much. I might as well get a 1 out of 5 today. Usually it's a 3, but whatever.

So I headed over to Percy's cabin, he was attempting at cleaning by shoving all his belongings under the bed. Well okay then. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey Nico. What's up?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Zeus. And Olympus. Now if you asked me what's down, I could give you a very detailed description." I scoffed. Percy laughed. I blinked. "Seriously, I have a question." Percy nodded, and sat down.

"What do you need?" He asked, obviously ready to give some stupid talk about something. [What? I wasn't implying ANYTHING!] I sighed.

"You know Sadie?" I started, Percy smirked, then nodded. I glared at him. "Well, I have this uneasy feeling around her. Almost like I want to get to know her a bit better... What do I do about that?" I grimaced. Ready for some major teasing. I was right. Honestly, Percy is so freaking predictable sometimes.

"Oh! So you like Sadie huh?" He teased. I grumbled.


"Yes. Yes you do. Admit it."


"Say it."

"I SAID NO PERCY! SHUT UP!" I yelled. Percy just broke out into laughter. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to a pink Cabin.

Aphrodite's Cabin.

I crinkled my nose at the smell of perfume. "Really Percy? What are we doing here?"

Percy smirked. Then knocked on the door. Piper opened it to reveal a pink perfect cabin. The only thing not a shade of pink was Piper's area, which was painted a nice teal. The daughter of Aphrodite frowned.

"Percy. Nico. What's up?" She asked. I was about to respond, but Percy shoved me forward.

"Nico has a crush on Sadie but he refuses to admit it so I need you guys to get him to accept his crush and to get him to ask Sadie out on a date."

How he put that all into one breath, I will never know.

As soon as he said that, he closed the door, leaving me on the mahogany floor with about a dozen cupids waiting to kill me. I sighed.

"I do NOT have a crush on Sadie." I said. One of the female campers spoke up.

"DENIAL IS THE FIRST SIGN!" With those 5 deadly words, the whole cabin rushed to pester me and convince me that I had a crush.

I'm sorry to admit. I couldn't stand being in there for 5 minutes. I broke and they managed to convince me to admit that yes, I apparently have a crush on Sadie.

Wow. That was easy.

And so, yes, I did ask Sadie out on a date. It wasn't really a date, I just said "Hey do you want to hang out sometime?"

Sadie didn't take it as well. She paused. And then kicked me in the shins. After a few minutes of hopping, she finally replied.

"I have a boyfriend you know." She deadpanned. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not a date! I just thought it would be a good idea to get to know each others sides so we don't come into the whole misunderstanding and war thing!" I cringed. That excuse was NOT my idea just so you know. It was the Aphrodite cabin's idea. I actually have to hand it to Piper for coming up with that one. Sadie paused.

"Oh. Well that's a good idea then. Tomorrow at noon?" She asked. I gently set my foot down and nodded. Sadie smiled. "Lovely! Meet you here at the fountain." She headed away when I remembered one last thing.

"Hey Sadie?" I called. Sadie turned, confused albeit. "Can you just bring yourself?" She hesitated, and for a moment I was worried she would refuse, but then she smiled.

"Sure. I can take care of myself." She skipped off.

I know. Sadie? Skipping? [OW! Gods Sadie! What the heck?]

A/N: Next is the Date. It's going to take a while... Bleeeeeeeeeeeh. Whatever.