A/N: Hallo! Quieteyes5 here! so... The summary pretty much explains everything... I think. Does it? I sure hope so. I suck at summaries. Bleeeehhhh. Disclaimers however...

Disclaimer: I most certainly DO NOT own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, or the Kane Chronicles. It's Rick Riordan's stuff.

Nico: 16
Sadie: 15



Hullo! I'm Sadie Kane. If you don't know me, nice to meet you. Maybe you've heard me from the three recordings before. If that's the case, nice to talk to you again. If you're wondering where Carter is, well I'll tell you the story. Maybe you can tell me what you think of it.

I had gotten ready for a day out. This wasn't any day out really. Just me. Carter and Zia were discussing training programs (It's a wonder why they haven't called me in yet), Walt/ Anubis was called to the Underworld, Bast was napping, and Khufu and the other trainees were (duh) training. I was bored. What do you expect. [Nico shove off! I'll talk about you later!] Sorry. Death boy here was telling me to get to the important parts. Him.

I left a note on my bed, saying that I was headed out to go shopping. Not to worry though, I had my wand and staff and a shabti ready in case anything happened. (I highly doubted it though). So I went out. And though I did tell my brother most of the truth, I didn't however, tell him that I would be shopping on the WEST side of the river. Manhattan. The place that Uncle Amos specifically told us not to go into. Seriously, telling me not to do something, just makes me want to do it even more.

So I went to Manhattan, taking the subway. Let me tell you this, I hate subways now. It's dirty, smelly, and people have body odor. Ew. Once I came out of the dirty wretched tunnel, I was relieved. And quite amazed too. In front of me was a humongous building! The Empire State building stood tall and proud in front of me. It annoyed me a bit though. I liked to be the center of attention if you haven't noticed. [OW! Okay, okay! I'll continue!].

As I went into the shopping district, I noticed a young boy with dark hair falling over his face. It reminded me of someone that I knew VERY WELL. Like, I don't know, a certain Jackal headed boy that seems to pop up in every graveyard. But this wasn't a graveyard, or a place of death (I think). So what the heck is Anubis doing in the middle of a crowded shopping mall, and why is he looking seriously stressed.

My conclusion: That's not Anubis.

Yes yes, I know it looks like the very handsome god of death, but seriously. Anubis never looks stressed unless it's about me. [Shut up Nico. I'm not conceited.] But I couldn't help but have my suspicions. I hid my wand in my bag, and approached the look-a-like Anubis. The boy paced back and forth, every now and then running his hand through the water fountain. I tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hullo!" I said. The boy jumped in surprise and whipped around to face me. He looked VERY much like Anubis, it was kinda scary.

"Uh. Um. Hi?" He sort of ask/ greeted. He fiddled with a skull ring on his finger, as if he was nervous. He looked about 16, and it looked a little weird that he was acting like a nervous 5th grader. I frowned.

"What's your name?" I asked, trying to keep a conversation. "And why do you look so nervous?"

"Uhmm, my name's Nico. What's yours?" His eyes shifted back and forth as if he was waiting for something to pop out and scare him any moment.

"Sadie. What are you looking for?" I glanced around. Nothing seemed suspicious, and I didn't feel any magic presence near.

"None of your business." Nico snapped. I recoiled. Then he jumped and grabbed my arm. "Actually, you might want to come with me. Like now." He started running, dragging me through the crowds. I heard screaming and panicking from the people behind me, but the funny thing is, I didn't feel like anything was coming. At least not magically. That's when I turned around and saw a giant bull man charging through everyone. A young boy with a sword jumped out of the crowd and grabbed onto the bulls horn. He yelled in our direction.

"Get her out of here!" The mystery boy said. Nico glanced back and nodded. Then he turned and started running again.

"Nico?!" I yelled towards him.


"Why is there a giant bull headed man coming our way? Who was that crazy kid who grabbed onto it, and where the heck are you taking me?!" Nico turned and grimaced. We stopped in a sort of empty area.

"I'll explain later." He dragged me to a dark corner. "Don't let go until I say you can."

"Wait? Wha-" I was cut off as he grabbed my arm again and stepped into a particularly dark spot. Then we were falling. I'm not a big fan of falling.

By the time we resurfaced, I was positively sick. We were on a giant hill with a pine tree sitting on top. Nico looked pretty tired, but not sick. I squeezed his arm to let him know that I was gonna puke. He frowned.

"You can let go."

"Thanks." And decided then and there to lose my lunch.

A/N: Sooo... What did you think? Sorry if Sadie seems a little OOC... I was kinda excited to post it and... Whatever. I'll try to do better in the next chapter. In any case, review! Thank youz!