It had been a Friday night, and as usual, Jaime was hanging out at the cave with Bart watchingg a movie. About halfway through the movie, Bart had insisted Jaime pause the movie so he could make some popcorn. "Commonnnnn hermano," Bart complained "Its not a movie night without snacks!" Jaime sighed and paused the movie while Bart made a sound of pleasure and took off towards the kitchen. Jaime decided to follow , hoping to save some snacks for himself. He walked into the kitchen where Bart already had his arms full of snacks and was waiting for his popcorn. Jaime walked by him and plucked his chicken whizzies off the top of his pile before jumping on the counter for a seat. "Heyy" Bart whined "not crash, not crash at all."

Jaime let out a chuckle. "Hey, you owe me a bag from last time." Bart just pouted. It was at that time the computer announced the arrival of Cassie. "Cassie is here," Jaime smiled lightly to himself before announcing to Bart, "I'm going to go see what she's up to." Bart just gave him a wicked smile saying "Course you are. Well I'm gonna go drop of my snacks. Meet you there." He whizzed off before Jaime could say another word.

Jaime frowned and jumped off the counter with every intent of checking up on Cassie, when she came soaring right into the room. Jaime stopped. He was honestly at a lost for words. Cassie who seemed to always wear pants and a t-shirt was wearing an amazing blue dress. Her golden hair seemed to flow and glow with its own beautiful light. He could tell that she was wearing a lot more makeup than usual, but too much. As she walked toward him he could clearly make out her stunning smile against ruby red lips. "Jaime" she said, her voice flowing like honey and her sky blue eyes twinkled.

"Hey-y-y chica." He was sure he sounded dazed, but he couldn't really find it in him to care with her looking like that. "Oh my gods," she said excitement leaking off her voice "guess what. I have the most amazing news for you." Jaime was actually getting kinda dizzy now. He was pretty sure it was impossible for someone to look that good. Cassie obviously couldn't wait for Jaime's answer and decided to tell him anyway. "I have a date tonight with the most amazing guy. He is really sweet and nice and cute and amazing." That snapped Jaime back reality. "What?"

Bart, of course with his perfect timing, chose that minute to walk in. "Bart" Cassie squealed flying over to him and telling him exactly what she had told Jaime only moments before. "Ummm," Bart paused for a moment before continuing "thats crash." Cassie then began gushing all about the boy while Bart sent Jaime a pained look over her shoulder. "Oh," Cassie stopped mid rant "gotta go guys. Don't want to be late for my date." She sent them both a wink before flying out of the room. A minute later the computer announced her departure.

"Ouch," Bart sounded sympathique, Jaime just frowned and looked away from the place the peppy girl had just vanished from. "Soooo," Bart tried his best not to make it awkward "should we head back to the movie?" At that point a little diabolical plot had began forming in Jaime's mind and he smirked to himself. "I have a better idea. Lets go check and make sure this guy is really..good... for Cassie." Bart whooped and through an arm into the air "Yeah," he yelled "Let's go stalk your crush on her first date!"