Naruto couldn't decide whether to laugh or… no, he just laughed.

After 'liberating', for lack of a better word, the town of Liar's Berg from the bandits, they found the sole resident, a man going by the name of Sir Hammerlock, who was waiting for them inside of the gate at the far end of the little town. The gate that had a high electric current running through it. The gate that Claptrap had run into at the subtle urging of Sir Hammerlock.

"Apologies, but when Claptrap speaks I can hear my brain cells dying." Naruto just chuckled some more.

"Oh, I'm enjoying it." Gaige glared at him. But it was ruined by the quirk of her lips. "So can you fix the annoyance or not?"

"Just allow me a moment to check him over." Hammerlock walked over to the twitching robot and kicked him in the side. "Yes, I should be able to. Do you have the eye?" Naruto gave it to him. "This will require delicacy." He jammed the eye back into the socket, twisting it a bit.

"I'm alive!" Claptrap triumphantly shouted as he jumped, pumping one robotic fist into the air.

"Woopie." Naruto deadpanned.

"Be nice." Gaige jabbed him in the ribs. Naruto just raised an eyebrow at her.

"Now that you are all here, perhaps we should see about getting off this frozen rock, yes?" Hammerlock started walking over to the building in the center, next to a generator and some vending machines. "Sadly the village gate is powered by this contraption." He motioned to the old, disrepaired and smoking generator.

"Then how did the bandits get in?" Gaige asked, baffled.

"Because they're bandits, dear." Hammerlock shrugged. Naruto just nodded along.

"What kind of sense does that make?"

"Tell me, friends, while you are still here, could I interest you to do something for me? It involves killing living beings for monetary and item gain." He added when he saw them hesitate.

"I'm down for that. Details."

"You see, there is a fascinating creature in the bay to the north. A midget riding a bullymong!" He sounded way too excited for a prospect like that. "I would like you to go and study it. And by 'study' I naturally mean shoot it full of holes until it stops moving. A worthy goal, if I do say so myself!" Gaige looked a bit thorn, but Naruto just nodded.

"Alright, I suppose we could do that. A bay to the north, you said?"

"Yes, precisely. Oh, and while you're there, I predict you will encounter many bullymongs. Would you be so kind as to rip their fur out with your bare hands so I may put it on my hat?" Naruto and Gaige exchanged looks, bored and incredulous respectively.

"Sure." Naruto sighed. "Why not? Anything else?"

"No, not that I could think of at the moment. Off with you then!" He pointed to the gate.

::Except I have an even better idea.:: Claptrap's voice was heard through the ECHO while the two teens were walking away. ::You could kill the bullymongs and give their fur to me. I need it… because I'm… cold. Yes, that's it, cold. It's a much better use than that boor Hammerlock.::

"I can hear you, you know."


The way to the bay was barred by an electric fence. And some bandits, but those were easy to deal with.

Naruto fired of the last shot of his cylinder right between the eyes of the bandit standing on a roof above them, causing him to tumble forward and fall down to the ground, his head and neck sticking into the snow.

"Nice shot." Gaige's eyes were wide now, and she was panting a bit. Her robot was really very impressive, Naruto had to admit. It tore up a few of the bandits quite easily. As for the girl herself… well, she missed most of her shots. But she looked slightly more into the whole thing than she did when they first arrived.

"Are you alright." She took a deep breath and shook herself.

"Yeah, great. What could possibly be wrong?" She smiled at him. "Thanks for worrying."

"I'm not." Naruto shrugged, ignoring her grin. "That way." He motioned to the cavern behind the electric gate.

"Right. How do we get past this?"

::Oh, did you run into an electric gate?:: Claptrap voice sounded from the ECHO. ::That's easy, all you need to do is run really, really hard into it. It may hurt a little bit, but you'll clear it just fine.::

"Oh, is that all?" Gaige nodded to herself before walking off behind Naruto.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting a running start."

"A running… wait." She took off towards the gate. "Wait!" As she passed Naruto he grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up into the air. "The little robot annoyance is lying."

"What?" She asked, a bit dazed. She looked down at his hands still around her waist and blushed. "Are you sure?"

"Why don't we do this instead?." He took one hand and drew his revolver, leveling it with the glowing battery that was just visible behind the electricity. He fired off one shot and the battery exploded.

::Aw man, I wanted that.::

"Too bad." He turned to the girl. "Are you alright? You're looking kind of hot."

"Hot…?" She blushed again.

"Yes. Like you have a fever." He put the back of his hand on her forehead. "No. Maybe it's just me." He walked forward, leaving poor Gaige behind with a disappointed look. "Don't forget to check that port-o-potty for weapons and ammo."


"Bandits like to leave weapons within easy reach." Naruto shrugged. "Sometimes they get excited and blow holes into the walls." He motioned to one such port-o-potty that was leaning against the wall the battery was on. It was full of holes. "Sometimes they miss the walls."

"And what do they hit then?"

"Usually themselves."


Bloody Chaos

-Shielding Chaos – Decreases shield recharge delay 6% and increases shield recharge rate +7% per level.

-Bloody Spikes – Adds a spike at the top of the chain.

-Heart of Chaos – Increases maximum health +7% and health recharge rate +7% per level.

Master & Maker

-The Empty Mag – Gives a +8% chance for a shot not to consume ammo.

-Weapon Specs – Increases the damage of the currently equipped weapon type +7% per level.


-Hard Count - Adds a 7% chance for e-tech weapons not to use ammo per level.

-Natural - Adds a 6% chance for e-tech weapons to fire a different element per level.