Long Live the Queen

Chapter 1: The End is the Beginning

Rumplestiltskin loved tea time. It was the one time of day that he looked forward to the most, though that was more to do with the person serving the tea than the tea itself. So when someone knocked on the door, interrupting his conversation with Belle, Rumplestiltskin was feeling less than charitable. He excused himself and strode out of the room, eager to make a quick deal and return to his lovely caretaker.

With a wave of his hand, the doors opened wide and Rumplestiltskin raised an eyebrow at the young man shaking in fear on the other side. Rumplestiltskin leaned against the door frame with crossed arms and asked, "Can I help you, lad?" The young man nodded quickly and said in a quivering voice, "I-I need to speak to Lady Belle, please, Dark One." Rumplestiltskin regarded the young man who seemed to be growing more fearful by the second. Rumple moved away from the frame and the young man stepped back quickly.

"And why," Rumple hissed, "Should I let you speak to my caretaker? No doubt her father has sent you to beg her to flee from the beast."

The young man shook his head and began to stammer, "Oh no! Th-that's not it at all. Um, I'm here because...because..."

Rumplestiltskin was growing frustrated. He snapped, "Out with it, boy!"

The boy gulped and quickly said, "The king is dead."

Rumple paused at that. He lowered his arms to his sides and asked, "What is your name, boy?"

"W-William, sir," he answered.

"Well, W-William," Rumplestiltskin mocked, "Come in. I'll take you to your lady." The boy seemed relieved that Rumplestiltskin had not yet turned him into a snail as the stories told, so he stepped inside with less trepidation than before.

Rumplestiltskin motioned for William to follow him and they made their way into the grand hall where Belle was sitting on the table, teacup abandoned in favor of a book. When the doors opened she looked up and was surprised to see one of her father's messengers standing next to Rumplestiltskin. She hopped off the table, smoothed her skirts and approached them. "I know you, don't I?" Belle said, recognizing the young messenger.

"Yes, my lady," William said before bowing quickly.

Belle smiled and said, "That's not necessary," she paused and pressed a finger to her lips. After a moment she grinned and pointed her finger at him, "William," she said questioningly.

"Yes, my lady," he confirmed, pleased that she had remembered him. Rumplestiltskin looked at her curiously and Belle answered the question she knew was on the tip of his tongue, "William brought me many of the letters and messages Gaston sent from the battlefield." She looked at William and asked, "You're not here for Gaston, are you?" She asked, her voice giving away the fact that she hoped it was not the case. She'd mentioned to Rumplestiltskin on a few occasions that one of the best things about her deal with him was that she did not have to marry Gaston.

"No, my lady, I am not. I have been sent to tell you..." he paused and looked at Rumplestiltskin for a moment before adding, "Perhaps we should sit down, first?" Rumplestiltskin nodded in agreement and moved toward the large table. Confused, Belle followed him, asking, "What is going on? Do you know something, Rumple?" Rumplestiltskin did not speak, but merely pulled out a chair for Belle and nodded his head, indicating he wanted her to sit. She sank into the seat, suddenly feeling anxious.

"What is going on?" Belle demanded as William took a seat across from her. He placed his hands in his lap, then moved them on top of the table, linking his hands together, before moving again and reaching into his pocket and producing a letter with her father's seal.

"It's from Sir Leonardo," William explained, "I'm to await your reply." He paused before adding, "And I'm sorry."

Belle's stomach sank at his words. She had a feeling she already knew what the letter was going to say, and she prayed that she was wrong. She took the letter from him and broke the seal, then began to read. The two men watched her anxiously. After a moment, Belle let out a sob and her hand shot to her mouth, and tears instantly filled her eyes. She looked up at Rumplestiltskin and whispered, "He's dead."

Rumplestiltskin debated on reaching out and taking her hand, but with William there, he thought better of it. Instead he whispered, "I'm sorry, Belle."

Despite her tears, she continued to read on, and when she reached the end of the letter she addressed William, her voice dripping with sorrow, "Go wait in the next room, William." Not needing to be told twice, William nodded, pushed back his chair and half-ran out of the room. Once he was gone, Rumple got up from his seat and knelt in front of Belle. Belle looked at him a moment before she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, weeping uncontrollably. Unsure of what to do, he merely wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried. "My father is gone," she whispered into his shoulder, "And I didn't even get to say goodbye."

Rumplestiltskin shushed her gently pulled back from her. "I know, dearie," he whispered, wishing he could do something to console her. He didn't have to worry for long because after a moment she held the letter up to him. "They want me to come back," she whispered and Rumplestiltskin was quick to agree.

"Of course, dearie. We'll go for the funeral. Even I'm not so heartless as to make you miss that."

She shook her head and stood. She leaned against the table and handed him the letter. Wiping a few more tears from her eyes she said, "No, Rumple, they want me to come back to take his place. To be Queen."

He didn't look at her, but read over the letter. The letter expressed sincere sorrow for the passing of her father, their king, then went on to say that the council requested that she return to Avonlea as soon as possible to resume her place as the only rightful heir to the throne. Before Rumple could even process the information, Belle took his free hand in hers, "I want to make a new deal."

He looked at her quizzically before asking, "What sort of deal, dearie?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Something that allows me to keep my promise to you, but allows me to take care of my people."

Rumple removed his hands from hers and began to walk back and forth, rereading the letter. Belle watched him anxiously, feeling absolutely wretched about everything that had taken place. Her father was gone. She'd left with hardly a "goodbye" and had been so caught up in her chores and learning everything about the castle –and the man who owned it- she hadn't even bothered to write him to let him know she was okay. She had saved her people, but abandoned her father. What kind of daughter was she?

She was brought out of her dark thoughts by Rumplestiltskin's answer, "Co-rulers," he said.

Blinking in confusion, Belle asked him to clarify. "Oh, it's quite simple, really," Rumple explained, "Your people want you to return and be queen, but you still have to keep your promise to me. So we," he gestured between the two of them, "will go back to your little town and rule together."

"So," Belle asked, trying to understand everything in the midst of her grief, "You want to be king?"

He waved his hand dismissively, "Oh no, dearie, I don't care about being king. I care not for such a title. I'll stick with Dark One. But!" he said, holding one long finger in the air, "But, if I'm going to continue to offer my protection to your little town, then I want some say in what goes on in it. We will rule together. All decisions will be made jointly."

"I get final say." She said suddenly. "I will discuss everything with you, but I am the rightful heir, and if I do not agree with your decision, I will not abide by it."

"That doesn't sound very equal to me," he quipped.

She sighed. "Rumple, please," she begged. "I just want to go home."

Deciding she was right, Rumple turned serious and said, "All right, dearie. We rule together, but you can have the final say should we disagree on something. I suppose that is fair. So is it a deal?" He grinned, held out his hand and waited. Belle regarded him carefully for a moment before taking his hand. "The council will not like this at all," she informed him.

"I don't particularly care what your council likes," he said dismissively, before tightening his grip on Belle's hand and pulling her closer. "And by the way," he whispered, "the deal is struck." She nodded in agreement and he pulled his hand away only to place it on the small of her back and guide her toward the door. "Let's give William your reply, and make preparations to leave."

They reached the door but Belle stopped him before he could open it. Eyes shining again with tears she looked at him and whispered, "Thank you so much."

He offered her a sad smile, "You're welcome."

End Chapter One

Author's Notes:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

This story starts around the time that Rumple is starting to realize he has feelings for Belle. The beginning of this story takes place at the point when Gaston comes to the Dark Castle. But here, instead of Gaston, we get poor, ready-to-piss-his-pants-in-fear-William. So, everything before the point where Gaston was supposed to show up happened. Everything after, well...didn't.

I will be posting a new chapter weekly, probably on Saturday evenings.

Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time. I do own William. Poor kid.