Ryu – Okay, so I'm willing to give this another go. Before, I literally just stared at the screen trying to figure out how I would go about writing the chapter. Hopefully this time I can finish this chapter. Although, it did give me time to figure out antagonists, plot arcs, and stuff. Plus, he more I waited, the more manga chapters came out. Luckily, I'm not too far into the story, and I can safely assume that Nice!Akashi is somewhat cannon.

Moonlight Destruction

The following night, Seirin found themselves waiting outside the checkpoint to Kaijo's territory. Luckily they didn't have to wait long when Kise came to greet them.

"Hey, I came to get you guys. Our territory is pretty big, and I didn't want you to get lost." Kise said as he gestured to the gate keeper to let them past.

As they followed Kise to the location where the Carrier would take place, they passed by many different areas. From park areas, to urban areas, to industrial areas, and then finally reached their destination at a wharf in front of a warehouse in very poor shape.

This of course drew the predictable response of anger. Riko turned to Kise and spoke in an irritated voice.

"What is this?" Riko said, eye twitching.

Kise held his hands up in a placating manner. "Don't look at me, the pack leader was the one who arranged this. Oh, here he comes now." Kise said as a very round werewolf approached them.

"Seirin, right? Where's you're clan leader?" Genta said in a gruff voice, while looking around.

Riko's eyes flashed crimson for a brief second. "Right here." She said in a short tone.

"What?" Genta said, then let out a snort. "Well, whatever. Just try to last 5 minutes." He said before going to talk to a vampire holding a box.

At once, Seirin felt a dark aura coming from Riko as she turned toward them, face wearing a strained smile.

"Slaughter them." Riko said telepathically to them.

"Yes ma'am!" Seirin said.

Later, as everyone was heading to their side of the warehouse, Kagami was happily unwrapping the object he had been carrying.

"I finally get to use this." Kagami said as he finished unwrapping what appeared to be a sword. The he unsheathed it, and at once, everyone, including the Kaijo members backed away from Kagami quickly.

"B-B-BaKagami! Are you stupid!? No, of course not, you're insane!" Riko shouted as her gaze never left the blade.

To Kagami, the sword was just that, a sword. Nothing to be scared about it unless you were the target of it. On the other hand, everyone else could see an ominous, purple aura pulsing from it. Nevertheless, Kagami sheathed the sword, allowing everyone to give a sigh of relief.

Izuki hesitantly walked up to Kagami and gestured toward the sword. "You should leave that over there, and then you can use what Kaijo has on hand." Izuki said as he pointed to some crates a good distance away.

"Fine. I don't see what the problem is though." Kagami said as he walked toward the crates.

Meanwhile, the Kaijo members had gotten out of their shock, and one of their members went to go retrieve a training weapon from a nearby armory.

Each team was set up on one side of the warehouse, and the mock Carrier was almost ready to take place. Kagami had received a blunted, and slightly rusted sword. Something he wasn't too happy about, but it wasn't as if there was anything else to use.

As for everyone else who had offensive abilities, they had limiters put on them to prevent serious harm.

Soon, one of the extra Kaijo members came out and signaled that the package had been placed, and the Carrier could be started.

Once the member cleared the area, everyone tensed, waiting for the alpha to blow the whistle, and as soon as it was, everyone dashed into the warehouse. Kagami and Kasamatsu, the werewolf were the first to reach the center where the package was.

Kasamatsu lunged, intending to knock Kagami down, but Kagami was ready as he swung the sword and hit Kasamatsu square in the chest. Kasamatsu had pretty much expected some pain, what he didn't expect was to be sent flying through several wooden support beams.

At this, everyone stopped in their tracks as they all heard some screeching and groaning of metal and wood, then everyone began to hurriedly run out of the way as the ceiling began to collapse.

Once all the debris and dust had settled, everyone began to take stock of the damage done. Kasamatsu wasn't too hurt, although his pride was slightly bruised because he had been used as a werewolf wrecking ball.

Almost half of the ceiling had fallen onto the floor, it also buried the package that. As everyone began to check for injuries and such, Izuki noticed the state of the support beams.

"That's pretty dangerous. The support beams were rotted through. This warehouse should have been condemned a while ago." Izuki said.

"That's still not normal. Sending someone through not one, but several is amazing enough." Kasamatsu said once he had gotten his bearings.

"It's just like chopping down some trees back in America." Kagami said.

"I wonder how much clean-up will be." Kuroko said as he appeared behind Kagami suddenly.

"Gah! Don't do tha- wait? We have to pay for this?!" Kagami shouted, suddenly regretting putting too much strength into that swing.

Meanwhile, as everyone was marveling over the instant destruction, Riko approached the alpha.

"Since this place isn't usable anymore. Let's use a different setting." Riko said with a smile.

Everyone soon found themselves in front of a firefighter training facility. It was in much better condition than the warehouse that they had initially been using.

"You might want to be careful. The firemen recently had a training exercise this morning. So there might still be some wet spots." Kise said as he got ready.

"We'll be sure to remember tha-" Hyuuga said before he was cut off by shouting.

"No! You can't use it! Now go put your demonic sword over there!" Riko shouted.

"Fine! And it's not demonic!" Kagami shouted as he stomped over to some benches. Everyone gave him a wide berth, not because of him, but because of the sword.

Kasamatsu walked up to Kise and pulled him aside. "Who is that guy?" He said in a gruff voice to Kise.

"Hm? Oh, that's Kagami, but you should really notice Kurokocchi." Kise said.

Kasamatsu kicked him in response. "I'm more worried about that sword wielding guy. He did send me flying through several support beams." Kasamatsu said as Kise picked himself up. "In any case, you know what to do once the mock Carrier starts again." He said while crossing his arms.

So once again, both teams were ready to begin again, except this time each team was on one side of the facility, and the package was in the general center in one of the buildings.

Once the whistle was blown, Koganei was at the front, tracking the scent of the member who had placed the package. Kagami and Hyuuga following right behind him. Soon, they reached the location where the package was, and were met by three other Kaijo members, one of them being Kise.

Suddenly, timed seemed to slow as Kise began to charge, faster than the others. Kagami only had enough time to block with his sword as Kise threw a hit that sent Kagami sliding across the floor, only stopping when his back slammed into a wall.

Kagami was winded, but he didn't have any life threatening injuries. His sword on the other hand shattered upon impact with Kise's hand.

Kagami wiped some blood from his lip which had split between Kagami being hit, and then hitting the wall. "So this is the power of the Generation of Miracles." Kagami said with a feral smile.

Ryu – Well, that was difficult to write. My motivation for this fiction was severely lacking, but I will persevere. On another note, attempting to follow the series events is proving somewhat difficult. One of you has voiced that you don't want me to follow cannon. So should I diverge from canon, or should I keep going with it? In any case, I'm sorry it took so long to update, writers block is a really big pain, even though I really shouldn't have writer's block since I'm following canon somewhat, but it's how I write things is what's giving me problems.