Hello Everyone! I am happy to inform you that I'm back on fanfiction! You may remember my former name was HeroOfTheOtherside330, But hey, I needed a change. I am going to explain a quick synopsis of the story before we get started to avoid fan rage.

-This- Is a season for rookies only, no one whose made it to the final 5 in more then one season, or in the case of ROTI Or Alejandro and Siera, made it to the final five in their season will not be competing in this season. This is a rookie season only giving hose who have has little to no chance at some decent screen time, A big motivator for this story was the upcoming fifth season of total drama, Allstars. This season will be taking place in a fictional version of New york, keep that in mind despite they went to the real new york in world tour. And There will be an elimination after each challenge.

The Camera was getting an over view of a city like area, the buildings nice and tall, The weather nice and sunny. There were people everywhere buzzing about their daily lives and the things that consisted in them. The camera then paneled over to what looked like a high class hotel, stood in front of it was non other then, Chris Mcclean, Host of the famous show total drama.

''That's right folks! We are here for another exciting season of, TOTAL DRAMA!'' Chris had said with his usual wide grin, his teeth shined. ''Now, This seasons going to be a little bit different then the past exciting seasons we've had.'' Chris said walking up as a Red Limo appeared, it was shinning a nice ruby red color.

''The Contestants will be staying here at the very popular, newly named, Mcclean Inn! a Fabulous hotel with a very handsome new name!''Chris said laughing as the camera paneled to all the different hotel rooms that fit each character's personality to whom would be competing.

''Now I won't bother explaining the rules of total drama cause you wouldn't be watching this if you didn't know!''Chris said with a laugh.

''But new freshly added stipulations added to this season is, the destinations for the challenges will be all over this beautiful city known as Emoim (E-Mo-I'm) city, However there is a time limit, that if the contestants aren't at the challenge in time it will badly hurt their team! But a bus will be giving everyone a life at 8 A.M. Sharp!''

''And As usual, the losing team will head to the airport where they vote off one of their team mates and that resident will take, the plane of shame. Kind of a reverse world tour thing!'' Chris said with a laugh.

''Now lets enjoy this new stoked season of…TOTAL! DRAMA! CITY!''

*Total Drama theme song hits*\

Chris is seen walking out of the hotel with a hot chocolate cup in his hand walking back up the red Limo. ''Now Lets introduce the Red Hawks!''Chris said as the Limo driver opened the door and out came, Lindsay.

''Woooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww''

Lindsay cooed looking around at the giant hotel her hands folded together against her face. ''I've never been to new york before!''Lindsay said dumbfoundedly

Chris laughed disturbingly, ''First of all…This isn't new york, secondly, you were there in world tour'' Chris reminded her.

Next walked out of the Limo where B and Izzy, Izzy bouncing around biting B's arm making crazy Amazon cy sounds then doing a sadistic laugh. B who was making a very disturbed face but did a thumbs up at chris.

Chris smiled sheepishly at B and Izzy, then patted B's back, ''Good to have you back buddy''Chris said snickering.

Next came out was Dawn who floated out of the car mediating, ''Greetings Total drama verse, I have returned for another season in hopes to win all the money to help all my animal friends!''Dawn said with a gentle smile then floated off.

Chris quirked his eyebrow, ''Yeahh…..Next!''Chris said.

Sam walked out his tongue sticking out, playing away at his Nintendo DS not even paying attention, But secretly in his mind he was so excited to be here for another season. Sam did his contagious chuckled.

''Woah! got the power up!''Sam yelled standing over with his teammates.

Noah walked out of the car with his arms folded, his eyes narrowed walking over to his teammates shooting chris a weak wave, ''Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat another nice for me to not make it far and embarrasses myself…''Noah said rolling his eyes.

Chris rolled his eyes also but smiled, ''that's what you're here for!"'Chris said with a laugh.

Finally Ezekiel had arrived off the Limo, with a big grin on his face. He was…Back to normal, a shock to all. ''This is going to be my season eh!''Zeke said

''Sure…It is, I'm just glad to see you're back to normal''Chris said as Zeke started awkwardly scratching himself. ''Well as Normal as you can be!''Chris said with a laugh.

''Alright Red Hawks! here comes your opposing team! The Blue Eagles!''Chris said as a Blue limo pulled up, the driver then opened the door.

Trent stepped out of the limo first, smiling at the Limo driver ''Thanks man''Trent said with his usual bag on his back and smiled giving Chris a fist bump. ''Glad to be back man'' Trent said just in a positive mood/

Chris fist bumped back smiling, ''Good to have back our only normal player''Chris said laughing.

Next Brick stepped out of the car giving everyone a signature salute and hearty smile, ''Private Brick MCcArthur reporting for his second season of total drama!''Brick said walking over to his side and nodding at Trent with a smile.

Right after Dakota walked out a green highlight in her hair, but aside from that she was…Normal. She was texting on her phone her sunglasses above her head to get a better view of her phone she walked out of the limo with not much said and simply walked over to her team, shooting Trent and Brick a small smile then return her attention to her phone, but she wasn't even texting anyone…

Chris has his eyebrows quirked, ''What?! You're back to normal, Where's the paparazzi?! Chef and I already have the dangerous explosions to take them out!''Chris whined Chef was seen in a tower with a Bazooka.

Dakota looked up at him, then looked back down sighing. ''Whatever McClean..''Dakota said.

Sam gasped and looked over, ''DAKOTA!?''Sam yelled happily. Dakota looking over and waving, ''Hi Sam!''She said suddenly perking up.

Dj walked out of the car next smiling, but scratched his neck a little bit. ''This time, I won't hurt any animals! none of my animal buddies!''Dj promise smiling walking over to his team waving at everyone.

Next came out with a smile on her face, her usual relaxed expression. ''I'm totes stoked to be back! and we had such a rad ride here!''Bridgette exclaimed excitedly.

''The positivity from the blue team is contagious…ly annoying''Chris said fake gagging. ''Next!''

Justin came running out of the limo screaming then running in a circle around Noah screaming louder then kept running and jumped into Brick's arms. ''There's a monster in there!" Justin yelled scared.

Noah smiled slightly, ''Those are called Mirrors Justin.''Noah said as everyone joined in for a chuckle.

Eva stomped out of the Limo with a pissed off look. ''Eva…No one told me you'd be returning…''Chris said nervously and rubbing his head gently.

Eva walked up clenching her fist ready to punch Chris, ''Ah Ah Ah…Wait till one of us wins the money…''Noah told Eva trying to calm her down.

Eva scowled and nodded walking over to team folding her arms pushing Brick and Bridgette out of the way to have room for her to stand.

''Kay…Anywho! Everyone here are your keys to your room! now go get settled in, then we will be starting the first challenge!"'Chris told them handing everyone their keys.


Bridgette: Okay, Eva really needs to clean up her act if she wants to make it far this time!

Justin: It was the scariest thing I've ever seen…

Ezekiel: *Is sitting in the Elevator confessional picking his nose*


B was walking up the stairs to the guy's side of the hall where their rooms where, he turned back and felt like he was being watched, slightly turning his head.

Izzy pounced out of no where and tackled him, laughing hysterically. ''You remind me so much of my ex boyfriend! Except all he does is talk and you don't say a word!''Izzy exclaimed.

Noah walked by with his bag under his arm, ''Its pretty nifty, You should try it''Noah said laughing walking into his room.

B sighed and got up wanting to slip away from Izzy for the moment.

Meanwhile on the Blue Eagle's hotel floor.

Brick carrying his bags up on his shoulders, while still carrying Justin in his arms frowning a little, ''You can let go of me now Cadet, We are in the males part of the hall way''

Justin got off and sniffed Brick wincing in disgust, ''Ew! You smell like Gross!''Justin said walking away.

Trent was walking down the hall and stopped next to Brick putting a hand on his shoulder. ''Justin is someone you have to get used it''Trent said smiling slightly

Brick looked over at him with a nod, ''Affirmative''Brick said then held his hand out, ''Private Brick McCarthur'' He said introducing himself.

Trent smiled and took his hand for a friendly shake but simply saying in his relaxed voice. ''Trent''

Bridgette down in the girls Blue Eagle's hallway, was holding her bag noticing Dakota looking a little bit down, walking behind her to see her playing with her phone only to see she wasn't texting anyone. ''Hey..''Bridgette said in a soft tone

Dakota jumped a little bit and patted her hair trying to get into her princess mode. ''Uck! Don't startle me like that please!''She said shaky

Bridgette chuckled a little bit. ''My mistake, I remember working with you on revenge of the island, Dakota right?"Bridgette said smiling

Dakota smiled and flashed a smile, ''The one and only!''She cooed.


Part 1 of episode 1 of, TOTAL DRAMA CITY!

Note: This will be one of the few episodes that will be split into two separate parts.