Okay, I know this was originally chapter 2, but I decided to combine both chapters in one. I hope you approve, and I also deleted the first one, in order to stop confusion.

For those new to this story, ignore the first bit!

Please review at the end! :)

Bonnie collapsed on the ground far from the houses and from anyone. Tears fell down her face, as she felt her heart break into a thousand pieces.

What had she done? She killed someone, not directly, but she killed him nonetheless, and now she was going to pay the price. She trapped Klaus inside the house, only for retaliating against the death of his brother. Who was she to decide who lived or who died in order for her friend to find a cure and become human again? How did she become such a horrible and callous person? Who was she to say that people didn't deserve a chance to live because they disagree with your views?

Her tears fell faster down her face. She covered her face with her hands. Her body shook with her sobs.

"What have I done?" She cried her voice cracked as her sobs broke out.

She dropped her hands, and looked up to the sky, and lifted her hands up in the air. Shaking her head, she shouted to the sky.

"I can't do this anymore!" She shouted, her tears falling faster.

"Why not, baby?" Sheila Bennett asked, standing behind her granddaughter.

Bonnie jerked around, and jumped to her feet. "Grams" She choked out, wiping her face with her hands.

Sheila smiled softly, but her eyes remained hard. "Why can't you do this anymore?" Sheila asked again, her voice demanding an answer.

Bonnie choked back a cry, and shook her head. "I helped killed someone tonight, Grams, someone who was trying to stop us from finding the cure." She answered, closing her eyes.

Sheila gave her granddaughter a soft smile. "I warned you in meddling in the dark magic." She stated, stepping closer to Bonnie.

Bonnie nodded. "I know, Grams, but I thought I was doing it for good."

"For the good of Elena Gilbert" Sheila replied with a tight, but knowing voice.

Bonnie once again nodded. "She wants to find the cure so she can become human again."

Sheila frowned and shook her head. "The cure is dangerous." She stated, her eyes narrowing.

Bonnie felt more tears falling down her face. "I need help, Grams." She whispered, casting her eyes down.

"Yes, you do, baby, but I am not going to help you." Sheila replied, grasping Bonnie's hands in hers.

Bonnie felt her tears coming down again. "What are you talking about, Grams?" She asked, through her tears.

"She's talking about me." An accented voice came from behind Sheila.

Bonnie's eyes widened as she took in a brown haired, brown eyed, slender man standing behind her grandmother.

"Kol" She whispered, her eyes widening.

Kol smirked and stepped closer to the Bennetts. "Hello, lass." He whispered, looking at Sheila.

"What is he doing here?" Bonnie whispered, her voice betraying her pain.

"You wanted and needed help; this is the help the spirits will allow." Sheila replied, her head dipping towards Kol.

"This is the man I helped kill, Grams." Bonnie cried, her eyes filling with pain.

"I know, baby, which is why they sent him."

"He's a vampire, Grams." Bonnie stated with her pain seeping in her words. "Why would the spirits send him?" She asked, pointing at Kol.

"Because he has been an ally of the witches for a thousand years, he protects them and knows the truth about Silas. He has even helped our family once or twice through the years, or so my great-great grandmother told me." Sheila replied with a soft smile towards Kol. "The spirits have allowed him to take physical form for as long as he helps. He will retain his abilities, because the spirits thought that it might be useful to you." She added with a smile at Bonnie.

Bonnie frowned and looked at Kol, who winked at her. "I regret my part I played in your death, Kol, but that does not mean I want to work with you." She stated, her eyes filling with not hate, but with regret.

Kol smirked. "You have no choice in the matter, and neither do I. Let's just make the best of this while we can." He added with a quirk of his brow.

Bonnie shook her head, rolled her eyes, and looked at her Grams.

"Stop your friends, baby. They don't need to find the cure." Sheila stated in response.

"But Elena…" Bonnie trailed off.

"Elena does not deserve the cure." Sheila replied with sad eyes.

Bonnie tilted her head. "What are talking about, Grams?"

"You will learn." Sheila replied with a smile. "Watch out for Shane, baby." Sheila added beginning to fade away from Bonnie's sight.

"Grams!" Bonnie cried, until Sheila was no longer visible.

"Good luck, baby. Trust each other, and you will do fine." Sheila's voice drifted.

Bonnie closed her eyes, and opened them to find Kol standing in front of her with a smile on his face.

"Shall we get started?" Kol asked, his arm extending outward.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. What was she going to do now?


Kol stood in the emptiness, and frowned as he looked around the darkness.

"Hello," He shouted out, wondering why he was even trying. He looked down at his charred clothes, and remembered what had happened.

He had been killed by that Gilbert bitch and her hunter brother. His anger began to boil. After everything he had done to warn them, they were still being selfish. They were willing to risk the world for something that could truly kill them in the end. He shook his head in frustration, and looked forward to see a bright light coming closer, and then surrounding him.

No, this couldn't be right. He couldn't be in heaven or whatever. He was a vampire. He had killed people. What had he ever done to deserve this?

"What's going on here?" He shouted once more into the darkness.

A light flashed brightly, blinding Kol for a moment, causing him to hold his arm in front of his face, covering his eyes. When the light dimmed, Kol dropped his arm to his side as he opened his eyes.

His brown eyes focused on an elderly dark skinned woman with short curly light brown hair with a touch of gray.

"Who are you?" He demanded agitation displayed on his face, and voice.

She smiled softly at him. "My name is Sheila Bennett." She answered, in a kind yet proud voice.

Kol straightened at the name. "Bennett." He whispered, with a half-smile.

She nodded. "Bonnie is my granddaughter." She replied with a smile, which faded into a serious expression.

Kol nodded in recognition of Bonnie's name. "She is a powerful witch." He replied with a drawn smile.

Sheila gave a silent laugh. "Is that why you attacked her?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Kol copied the gesture. "I attacked her because she was the link to unleashing Silas." He stated, narrowing his eyes.

Sheila lowered her eyes. "I know." She whispered in a regretful, painful voice.

Kol dropped his arms. "What am I doing here? Is this punishment for attacking Bonnie or for what I was in life?" He asked, looking around seeing the spirits beginning to surround him and Sheila.

Sheila shook her head. "We need your help, Kol. This is a reward for your respect and understanding towards the witches." She replied with a smile.

"I have respected them for a thousand years, Sheila." He began with a tight voice and painful expression on his face. "I made a promise to a few, which I had kept until my death." He added, looking away, avoiding the gazes of the other spirits.

"Because of Elena Gilbert." Sheila replied, with malice.

Kol nodded. "I told her about how dangerous Silas was, and that the cure should not be found, but she would not listen to me." He ranted, his eyes flashing.

She nodded in understanding. "Even if she makes it to the cure, she will not be able to take it." She replied, looking at the others, who nodded.

Kol narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked, looking at the others.

Sheila sighed. "The only ones, who can take it, are the ones who have proven their worth." Sheila answered, stepping closer to Kol.

Kol rolled his eyes. "There is always a catch to everything, and I thought it was Silas." He muttered, but his voice rose as he continued.

She smiled and nodded. "That is why we need your help. The spirits wish for you to return, temporarily, until you have fulfilled your promise for good." Sheila added, holding her hands up to stop his words in his mouth.

Kol sighed and turned around for a moment, only to turn back around. "I can't do it alone. No one believes me, and if I do return, how do I know they won't drive another stake through my heart?" He asked, holding his arms out, and then pointed to his chest.

"You will be protected by the spirits. You cannot be staked again. As for help, I have the perfect person in mind." Sheila replied with a smile.

Kol tilted his head in question.

"My granddaughter." She answered his silent question.

Kol's eyes widened. "You have got to be kidding me! She tried to kill me! What makes you think she won't try again?" He demanded.

"She won't. She will listen to me." Sheila answered, calmly.

Kol scoffed. "No offense, but she hates me." Kol replied.

"Hate is only in the eye of the beholder, Kol. You will have to trust her."

"I trusted once, and it got me killed, daggered, and then killed again." He replied, counting off with his fingers.

Sheila smiled. "Bonnie will protect you, Kol. You have my word." She replied, calmly.

Kol sighed, and then nodded. "Fine, I'll do it." He stated, putting his hands the pockets of his jacket.

Sheila smiled and nodded. "Then let's begin."


"Just because my Gram said that I have to work with you, and protect you, doesn't mean I'm going to be happy about it." Bonnie stated, glaring at Kol after explaining what they had to do.

Kol sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Listen, I'm not entirely happy with this arrangement either. I mean, just a few hours ago, you tried to kill me in the school, and then practically plotted my demise." He stated, narrowing his eyes.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "I apologized for that!" She shouted, her anger rising.

Kol smirked. "Yes, you did, but part of me thinks it was because of your Grams. Isn't that what you call her?" He asked, quirking a brow.

Bonnie growled and folded her arms. "You are…ugh!" She replied, as she turned around and began walking through the woods.

Kol chuckled and followed her, catching up to her quickly. "Listen, I don't know how long I have here, so can we at least be cordial?" He asked, with a small smile.

Bonnie shook her head. "I have no plans to be cordial to a man who threatened to kill me." She stated, keeping her eyes forward.

Kol rolled his eyes, and stepped in front of her, causing her to stop. "I was only trying to stop you from finding the cure." He stated, with a smile.

Bonnie glared at him. "You could have told me the truth, instead of threatening me."

"Would you have listened to me?" He asked, putting his hands in his jacket.

Bonnie sighed but kept her eyes focused on his. "No, I wouldn't have."

"See, so I did the right thing." He replied with a smile, turning around, and continuing onward.

Bonnie huffed and ran after him. "I don't call the right thing, threatening to kill people so they wouldn't find the cure!" She shouted, as she ran after him.

Kol stopped and turned around. "I tried talking calmly." He stated through clenched teeth. "I tried with your precious Elena, and you know where that got me. Staked through the heart." He added, pointing at his chest.

Bonnie's gaze softened just a little. "She told me, you threatened to cut off Jeremy's arm." She replied with twinge of pain.

Kol straightened and a joking light appeared in his eyes. "I wasn't going to kill him. I was going to give him some blood to heal him." He replied with a smile.

Bonnie's eyes flashed with rage.

"It's better than killing him, Bennett." He replied in defense.

"You don't regard his life or any humans' life with respect do you?" She raged, crossing her arms.

Kol scoffed. "I regard them just fine. I always believed humans are here to play with, and to serve as our food." He stated with a teasing light at the last sentence.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, and then glared at him. "You are unbelievable." She stated, through clenched teeth.

Kol laughed. "I'm not that unbelievable, Bennett." He began, once he quieted. "The only people I hold in the highest regard are witches, and even some of them are worse than me." He added, taking a hand out of his jacket pocket, and brushing her face gently.

Bonnie pushed his hand away from her face, giving him a warning look to which he smirked, before putting his hand inside his pocket again. "How are they worse?" She asked, with a sigh.

Kol's smile disappeared. "When they use expression to increase their power, is when they become worse than me." He replied, seriously before turning around and walking away from her.

Bonnie sighed, and felt tears filling her eyes, as she looked up at the sky. "What have I done?" She whispered, as his words sunk into her soul. "What have I done?" She repeated, as she continued to follow him through the woods.

What did you think?

Please be kind!

Until Next Time...