Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto, just here for the fun of writing about our favorite pairing.

Tropical Prince

By Tikanis and DreamDevourer

Chapter Two


"He dared to come into my room!" Sakura growled as Nana was retying her dress.

"Milady, pardon my language, but I do not give a damn in hell what he did! What you did is unbelievable! It took an awful long time to get you ready! Now your wedding is less than thirty minutes away and you are barely presentable! And let's not forget that you dared to slap him!" Nana scolded while tightening the dress to the point that it left Sakura breathless.

"He imposed on me! I was undressing and he was watching me! My father will hear of this and he will be punished!" Sakura continued, ignoring the old maid. She knew she was acting like a child, but she was infuriated by that man. The nerve of him!

"I doubt the King has any means to punish the young prince, now stop moving and let me fix your hair!" Nana snapped back.

"Just leave it! I don't care how I look!" Sakura twisted out of Nana's grip and walked away. "I want to talk to my father."

"Good, he's waiting for you in the main hall for the ceremony, along with half the kingdom. Just be warned milady, you and I both know of your father and his temper. You know better than to cause any sort of drama in his presence." With that said, she took hold of Sakura by her elbow and led her down the steps.

Sasuke peered into the main hall and was amazed at how decorative it was. He had to give the servants some credit. Turning an empty room into an extravagant ceremonial hall takes a lot of effort, especially on such short notice. The bride's relatives and town folk took over the entire left side of the grand room and some part of the right. He didn't have any family present, since this was out of the blue. It would take them nearly two weeks to get here, and that was if the weather was decent. Therefore, in place of his family, he had his army generals that traveled with him, along with Kakashi. He wondered what his family will say once he brought his temperamental wife back home.

Just as he was going to walk inside, to take his place at the top of the alter, his arm was grabbed and he was pulled aside to a dark corner.

"My lord," Sasuke bowed respectfully, hiding his surprise at the sudden presence of the King and his strange behavior.

"I would just like to remind you of our deal," the King said lowly. "I know to you this is a treaty between our kingdoms, but to me—this is my daughter's life. You will take care of her, as you had promised. And should she ever be harmed in anyway, you will find yourself in hell, and that is a promise I make."

Sasuke gulped and nodded in response. "Yes, of course—"

"Let me finish," the King interjected. "Now, you had mentioned that your kingdom is by the ocean, in the south, I wasn't aware the Uchiha's lived that far south."

"Yes, as I told you, my brother inherited the main kingdom to the southwest of yours, and I chose to go further southbound and cultivate the land there, why?" Sasuke inquired. He wasn't sure why the King took interest in his home. Kakashi had sent the letter for a marriage proposal two weeks ago, and when he had arrived to the kingdom, the King had rejected the marriage initially.

Sasuke had assured him that the girl would be looked after and would live peacefully at his home, and that she would most likely enjoy her time by the ocean, as did any newcomer. Up to that point, the King kept refusing him, until the mention of the ocean.

"I just want my daughter to be happy," the King replied with a sad look. "She doesn't understand at the moment why I'm doing this. She would think it is a trick if I tell her now. I simply want her as far away from this upcoming doom we await. Once you bring her to your home, she will see that it is for her best interest. Please, look after her. We will miss her. I—I just find it difficult to let her go...that is all I presume."

Sasuke was dumbfounded at King's honesty and worry of his daughter. The King had put a lot trust in Sasuke, he was almost afraid that he would mess up and would have to deal with the wrath of an angry King. Though with the way the King spoke of her, made her seem almost delicate and sweet, which he doubted she was. He was positive she had been ready to strangle him not too long ago. He guessed that only time will tell if the girl would indeed be happy with him.

"I understand," Sasuke replied.

"Excellent! As long as you and I understand each other, then there will be peace between us."

He sure had a subtle way of making threats, he thought, grimly, as he shook the King's hand and walked with him into the room.

Sasuke was beginning to wonder what kind of situation he had gotten himself into. He will be stuck with an unyielding wife who had a father that would slice his head off his shoulders if his daughter was harmed.

"You look nervous," Kakashi whispered once Sasuke stood by his side. Sasuke peeked over his shoulder and watched the King take his seat on the gold decorated chair.

"Hn." Sasuke chose to ignore his teasing.

"You look like a little mouse, trapped—"

"Do not badger me, Kakashi, this was all your plan. Have you even seen the girl? My god, she is going to be a handful and I don't have time for it," Sasuke whispered, harshly.

"What will you do then? Lock her up in the castle and throw away the key?" Kakashi mocked, causing Sasuke to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"I thought about that, until the King practically threatened to behead me if the girl isn't pleased with her new life," Sasuke replied, his lips pressed into a thin line. He was too young for this. At twenty-three, he had the world to see, he didn't want to be tied down. He had an army to lead and places to conquer. The last thing he wanted to worry about was whether or not his wife was happy. Damn Kakashi for meddling with his affairs.

Kakashi chuckled beside him and patted him on his back. "Don't fret about it. You're marrying a sweetheart and a beauty, a least that's what everyone else in this kingdom seems to believe."

"A beauty? Yes, no doubt about it, but a sweetheart? The girl can kill with her deadly stare, imagine what damage she could do with a sword," Sasuke replied through gritted teeth.

Kakashi raised a questionable eyebrow at him.

"I happened to have accidently walked into her room while trying to find a way to my own," Sasuke informed his advisor about his chance encounter with his bride.

Kakashi laughed at the response. "I knew you couldn't resist finding her until the wedding."

"I did say accidently," Sasuke corrected.

"Sure," Kakashi laughed and winked at the young prince.

"Shou!" Sakura called after her brother, who was just about to enter the main hall.

"Sakura?" he questioned, not sure why his sister was out of breath and not ready for the wedding. He had left her this morning with her hair curled and her makeup put on, now she was back to the normal Sakura, with her long hair down on her shoulders and her face clear as day.

"Shou, please, I must have a word with you," Sakura pleaded, dragging him behind the stone pillar. "I've been trying to find Father, but I was told he was inside already, waiting. I'm so glad I at least found you. You must help me, Shou. You can't let Father marry me off to him, please, I beg you!"

He wearily looked down at his sister. He loved his sister and was upset to hear that their father had agreed to marry her off without consulting with him.

"Sakura," he wrapped his arms around her. "You know very well I don't dare go against Father's wishes, but most importantly, Father wouldn't have agreed to this if he thought you wouldn't be happy."

"Why in the world would he think this will make me happy? I'm to marry a complete stranger and be taken to a foreign kingdom! It is not what I want!" Sakura pushed him away and stifled back her tears. "I had hoped you would help me, but now I see you are just as mad as the rest of them!"

"Sakura," he grabbed her arm to keep her from leaving. "Father said this marriage will be good for you. And the two kingdoms will be united and—"

"I could care less what Father said, I refuse to marry him. But since you are forcing me to do so, you have given me no choice but to hate you forever, Shou," she yelled harshly, pulling away from him.

Shou wasn't fazed by his sister's outburst. He didn't want to see her unhappy but at the same time, there was nothing to be done. They couldn't call off the marriage now, it was too late. It would ruin any possible chance to get the Uchiha kingdom on their side. A war was coming, and despite his father trying to remain neutral, sides must be chosen. And he'd rather choose the side that will win.

The Uchiha Prince may have made grand alliances but rumors have it that the army brewing in the far west was undefeatable; almost as if they were conjured from the dead. By marrying Sakura to the Uchiha prince, Shou will get access to all of Uchiha Sasuke's plans. Whatever information he will gather from the prince, he will share with the Darklord, in return, the Haruno kingdom will be spared and will be rewarded. He will be rewarded.

Shou put a smile on his face and walked inside.

Sasuke sighed as the music started. So much for being a freeman, he thought, as the elaborate doors opened. Two little girls dressed in lavender dresses walked down the aisle, dropping an assortment of flower petals onto the red carpet.

Minutes passed, and his bride still hadn't shown up. The crowded started to whisper amongst themselves. He started to tense up.

"Relax, she'll show up," Kakashi whispered, knowing full well how easily Sasuke got angry.

"If that girl doesn't make an appearance in the next minute, I will find her and wring her neck," Sasuke replied.

He was getting anxious. All the kingdoms will come to hear about the Uchiha Prince that got jilted by a mousy little princess, that is, if he didn't kill her first. The nerve of the girl. Who does she think she is? To keep everyone waiting—to keep him waiting? She had a lot to learn about whom exactly she was dealing with.

One minute…

Two minutes…

Three minutes…

Four—okay that was it, he was going to find her and call this whole nonsense of a wedding off. He didn't have time to deal with such a nitwit girl who can't be on time for her own wedding. Didn't anyone teach her any manners?

"Where are you going?" Kakashi whispered while holding him by the elbow just as he was about step down from the alter.

Sasuke glared. "There's no way I'm going to be shackled to a spoiled little brat—holy hell…"

Kakashi tip toed to peer above Sasuke's head. "Ah, so that's the princess," Kakashi mused, staring gleefully at princess that stood at the entrance of the chapel.

Sasuke clenched his teeth together so hard, his jaw hurt. The girl was a sight. She wore no veil, her hair was loose down her back. The tail of her gown was clutched in her hands as she walked down the aisle. Her lips were pressed into a tight line and her eyes glared daggers at him. Curse it all, he was marrying a mad woman. He didn't doubt for a second she would murder him in his sleep if she had the chance. Putting her sanity aside, she was breathtakingly beautiful. He took in a deep breath as she neared him.

He outstretched his hand when she approached. He narrowed his eyes at her, as if daring her to reject him in front of everyone. He noticed her hesitation, and to his surprise, she placed her gloved hand onto his and stepped up to stand beside him without argument.

Sakura stood rigid beside the man that everyone seems to hold in high regards. Just who in God's name was this man and why would he agree to such a folly of a marriage? Was he that desperate to get an alliance with the Haruno kingdom? Or was the huge dowry her marriage would bring to him more alluring? She focused her attention on her father as he approached them.

She started chewing the inside of her cheek; it was all she could to keep her from yelling at her father. Despite her anger, Sakura still knew better than to act out of order. He was not only just her father, he was King. He may tolerate her as a daughter, in the privacy of their own home, but right here, in the public eye of kingdom, he was first her King. And a King must be respected, despite the circumstances.

Her tensed body relaxed a bit as she continued to watch her father as he spoke. His red hair had greyed. He had wrinkles on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes. His beard matched his greying hair but still had some red in it. When had her father aged so much? Nana had told her countless times to forgive her father for anything he may do to displease her since the death of her mother had changed him entirely. He was forgetful and at times harsh with his punishments. Sometimes he was deep in his cup that she was afraid to ever approach him. Though he had never raised a hand to harm her, his words were punishment enough. He looked older and more tired than a man at the age of forty-five should be.

She looked away from him, finding it difficult to be angry with him for the fate he chose for her. She stared at the hand that held her own. His hold was firm and warm. Even through her gloved hand, she could feel the warmth. His thumb was kneading the side of her hand, a motion that stirred her stomach.

Having heard similar vows at the countless wedding ceremonies he had been in attendance in the years past, Sasuke turned a deaf ear to the King, and instead looked down at the young girl. Her gaze was on the union of their hands. He hadn't realized he was unconsciously massaging her hand gently with his thumb until then. She must have just realized the same thing as she tried to pull her hand from his hold, but he only tightened his hold on her.

The king was nearly done with his speech, and their time to speak their vows was coming, she was not going to get away from him.

The king approached them again, this time closing the distance. He placed one hand on Sasuke's shoulder and the other on his daughter, turning them to face each other.

Sakura held her breath at the impact of her father's hand on her shoulder. He squeezed it in comfort, but there was no comfort to ever come for this, she knew. She could still run; it wasn't too late. Damn the punishment she would receive, nothing could be worse than being tied to someone she didn't know nor love.

She raised her head and peered into the depths of the dark eyes that faced her just in time to hear him agree to the union. She tried to tug her hands out of his grip. Had a red ring appear around his pupils or was she just delusional? Her heart was beating so hard she was afraid it was going to burst out of chest.

"A fitted ring will be properly presented to you once we are home."

She heard the man say as he took a ring from his index finger and placed it on her thumb, the only finger that the heavy silver ring somewhat fit. A shiver crawled down her spine when it was her turn. She was in a daze now, not believing that this was truly happening. She found herself mindlessly repeating her father's words while staring at the man before him. Could she be happy with him? This was not what she wanted. She couldn't do this… No, no…NO! she wanted to yell but all that escaped from her lips was a meek "I do."

The loud cheers and applause released her from the weird trance. She looked to the right and gazed upon the crowd of happy folks. Her eyes blurred, but she be damned if she cried in front of everyone. Once again, she tried to get her hands released from him. Just as she was about to demand he let her go, her hands were free of his hold. She glared up at him and gasped in shock as he held her face with both of his rough hands and crushed his mouth to hers.

Sakura had been kissed only once before, when she was sixteen by a childhood friend from a nearby kingdom. But that innocent kiss was nothing compared to the possessive and dominate kiss placed upon her lips by Uchiha Sasuke. She wasn't stupid. She understood what it meant. Like it was with him holding her hand, and not letting go until it suited him, he was showing her who he was and the power he held. From his dark clothing, and black cloak, to his jet black hair and onyx eyes—his whole presence screamed of power and dominance. She was forced to marry a power hungry monster.

She bit down on his bottom lip, hoping that he would get the hint that she detested his touch, but instead pulling away in pain, she felt him grin against her lips. She was in agony as he moved slowly from her lips, to her ear. His warm breath unnerved her.

"You should leave that kind of behavior for the bedroom," he whispered into her ear just before biting her earlobe, causing her eyes to burst wide open at the impact.

Sasuke had to give it to the girl—she had guts. First she bit him and now she was lifting her hand to slap him, which he caught way before it even reached his face. He played the scene off by enveloping her in his arms, so the others couldn't see the true intent of the girl. "You will leave this ceremony at my side with a smile on your face," he whispered to her as he held her gaze with his. She simply nodded as her own eyes turned a darker shade of green.

And just as he commanded, Sakura found herself walking down the aisle with a smile alongside her husband.

"Have you lost your mind!?"

"Hn." Sasuke glared at his mentor while he sharpened his sword—a habit that calmed him down. "I did what I had to."

"Someone could have seen you! Damn it Sasuke!"

"No one—"

"If I saw you that easily, then someone else indeed could have, especially since you did it twice in mere minutes—"

"You saw me, because you know what you are looking for, everyone else in that room was too busy gossiping about who wore what and other shenanigans."

"Fine! Let's say no one else noticed, but what you did was unforgivable! You influenced her to marry you!" Kaskashi whispered darkly as he pulled the sword out of his hand and tossed it across the room.

"Carefully, you are treading on dangerous grounds, Kakashi," Sasuke warned as he slowly stood up to face his mentor.

Kakashi grabbed him by his collar. "No, it is you who is trending dangerously, my lord. We are fighting for the free will of the people, yet you take away that free will from her, how dare you?"

Sasuke pushed him away and glared. "How dare I? This whole thing was your idea, and the girl was ready to flee had I not stopped her. All our plans would've been ruined if the Haruno allegiance failed- isn't that what you crammed into my head the whole voyage to this kingdom? Marry the princess, you said, and we would be set for battle—well I married her, isn't that enough? So what if I used my power to influence her response, what's done is done."

Kakashi shook his head side to side, not knowing what to say. Sasuke may have been wrong to do what he had done, but the foolish boy did have a point. Without the girl, the Haruno allegiance would never stand when the time came.

"And if she finds out about this day?"

Sasuke gave him a warning glance as he put away his sword. "It won't be from my mouth she hears it."

Kakashi nodded, understanding the warning. No one knew of Sasuke's gift. Such powers were said to have been gone centuries ago. But there were still some, who carry the bloodline of the royals of the past and have been born to carry the gift. It is his gift that will help win the war, that is, if no one was aware of it.

"Besides, what's done is done. She is my wife now, and despite the circumstances of how she came to be my wife, she will be treated as such and will be kept safe, as I've sworn," with that said, he turned to leave. His trained ears caught the warning Kakashi murmured as he walked out the door.

"We will be raging war against a corrupted power, I pray you do not end up fighting your own power."

Shou walked back and forth in the corridor, recollecting what he had seen in the ceremony. While everyone's attention was on his dysfunctional sister, his attention was on Uchiha Sasuke.

His dark eyes had an orb of scarlet red.

At first, Shou thought he was just seeing things. He had a few drinks before the ceremony, after all. But then he saw it again, toward the end just before they started to walk down the aisle.

This may be the very information he needed to get the Dark Lord's trust. But he needed to see it again to make sure. He wasn't a fool to risk his own neck and report false information. So if the prince was indeed gifted, then what power did he hold? The Uchiha bloodline had been known to be fire users. And rare was there a chance for one of those users to yield a Kekkei Genkai.

A feeling of jealously started to develop deep within him. The power to manipulate the elements had vanished centuries ago, but there is also a rare chance that some could still be born with the gift. He himself had no power, he wasn't even a good swordsman. But to know that someone had the gift made him envious. Why not him? Why wasn't he gifted with something spectacular? Instead he was gifted with poor eyesight and the ability to spur false tales.

Maybe the Dark Lord will gift him with powers if he presented to him Uchicha Sasuke's head on a platter?

To be continued…

Slowly, but surely, getting my stories updated...bare with me!

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