Before I start, this is the first 'episode' of a story called Dimension Thief, or DT for short. The explanation for the story is here: art/Dimension-Thief-A-Full-Explanation-340253700

I woke up in a field of yellow roses. That's always how the dream started. Then I would meet up with Gray. It's not his real name, but that's what I call him, because he's all gray and has no eyes. Gray is human, but doesn't exist anymore. I'm not quite sure what he means by that.
We talk for a long time, remembering. He tells me about two girls and two boys he traveled with, but in the morning I forget their names.
And I tell him my past.
About me, a painting, who wanted to go into the real world. One day a boy and a girl stumble in, named Garry and Ib. In order to leave my home, the Fabricated World, I have to take the place of another. So I killed Garry to escape with Ib.
But it went horribly wrong.
Ib was working with one of the nearby paintings, The Lady in Gold, and discovered she had the ability to make giant roses explode from the ground and entwine anything she wants.
So when I killed Garry (by plucking the petals of his rose off; when all the petals are gone you die), she flew into a rage and using her powers, trapped me in the world while she escaped. Once she was gone, the thorny stalks that prevented my escape vanished, but not my guilt and sorrow.
That night, I dreamed of a girl with blonde hair and golden eyes. She told me that if I ever wanted to escape, I had to assist others who were sucked into the Fabricated World. I then woke up to find Garry, alive, and watching over me.
Over time we became best friends, assisting all those who were trapped in our world. We agreed that unless we could go out together, we were never going to leave.
As the years went by, Garry did not age, while I did, slowly.
In about 11 years I was 14.
Garry was still 20.
He treated me like the daughter he never had, while I loved him like a father.
No scratch that, brother. Father sounds weird.
But every night, I still had those dreams.
Of me and Grey, talking in a field of yellow roses.
And that is where the story begins.

For the record, Gray's identity IS supposed to be secret. His identity will be revealed later on in the story. And by that, I mean in a few episodes. XD
An episode refers to when a part of the story happens in a new dimension altogether.
Mary, Garry, and Ib (c) Kouri
Gray (c) ?