AN: This is my first ever fan fic, so I hope you like it :) Sorry that it's quite short.

Juvia closes her eyes and breathes deeply before stepping through the large, ornate double doors. She sees all of her guild, gathered in this one room to celebrate this special day with her. Her many love rivals are sobbing in the seats. But most importantly, she sees the man she loves waiting patiently for her to arrive. Waiting, as she had waited for so long for him to see her and love her.

Oh Gray-sama…

She slowly makes her way down the aisle in time to the soft music playing with Gajeel-kun by her side, as if in a dream.

Without a father present in her life, she had asked her good friend to give her away, to which he had reluctantly accepted.

Juvia had her brilliant blue hair neatly tucked into a low bun behind her head, with an ivory veil atop her head. Her dress was long and slim, with a short white cardigan to match. Her smart heeled shoes clip clopping along the floor.

She reached her destination, and Gajeel-kun released her arm and took his seat. Juvia turned and faced the object of her admiration in a crisply ironed tux. Or rather, crisply ironed tuxedo trousers, the shirt and jacket long ago discarded. He smiled, a slight blush touching his cheeks at the sight of her.

It was like a dream.


They both turn and faced the Master, who was marrying them together.

"Do you…."

"Will you…."


"I do."

They turn, and slowly close in on each other.

"You may kiss the bride!"

And so they comply.

Soon after, Juvia smiles as she watches her young children play in the garden of the Fullbuster home. Home. Their home, which they had bought together and lived in since they were married.

Little Mizu, with her bouncing black curls flying out behind her as she runs over the soft grass. Her older brother Kori chases after her with his messy blue hair whipping his face. He pretends to be a scary monster as she laughs gleefully.

It was such a sweet scene. Almost like a dream.

Made much sweeter with the appearance of her Gray-sama coming home from a mission.




"We're so glad you're home!"



Juvia bolted upright. Standing before her was the dark haired Gray Fullbuster, who was startled by her sudden movements. She slowly looked up into his onyx eyes, a faint pink dusting her cheeks.

"Y-y-yes, Gray-sama?"

He composed himself, giving a small embarrassed cough at being so startled by her awakening.

"I figured you'd get a sore back napping in such an awkward position here in the guild. If you wanna nap, why don't you head back to your dorm at Fairy Hills or something? You must be tired if you're sleeping through this racket." He replied, and then turned to sit with the rest of his team once more.

Juvia sighed. She hadn't been sleeping at all. She had been daydreaming of a beautiful future with Gray-sama, and had her eyes closed to imagine it better without the distractions of the guild.

Not that it mattered.

The future that Juvia envisioned may, no, WILL never come true.

But even so, Juvia doesn't mind. Just standing back and watching Gray-sama is enough. So long as Gray is happy, Juvia is happy too.

And hey, no one can stop her from dreaming…

Bleh, personally I don't think that turned out the way I wanted it to, but what do you guys think? :/

However, just the fact that you read all the way down here is pretty great, so thanks for that :D If you have any questions, feel free to ask x