It had been another routine thing for me. Occasionally I'd get a call to go hunt down some stray hollows. I had a few close shaves with some soul reapers, but it was always covered up by Kisuke or they'd just dismiss it as something they saw. It put some money in my pocket and food on the table. Though that changed when I got the emergency call.

Instead of Kisuke calling me up, there was a different call. I heard a chiming coming from my dictionary of medicine, the secret link between me and my past. Hueco Mundo.

Opening the book, I flipped to the back of the book. Tearing out the page and laying it on the floor, I rushed back to my room to get my Arancarr Gear. After I slid into my jacket and pants, I gripped my helmet and stared at the number painted on the side. I began to wonder what would have happened if that hollow had eaten me. I had heard that there were those who were able to take over the hollows that had eaten them. Could I have taken over a hollow? Would I have become a fully-fledged Arancarr? An Espada? I dismissed the thoughts from my mind. I had more important things to do.

Now fully dressed, I pricked my finger and let the blood drop onto the piece of paper. The paper glowed with purple energy, slowly rising into the air. Then came a ripping sound as time and space was torn asunder. I could never fully repay Harribel for what she did. But if I could do whatever I could, it might just be enough.

"Where are you going Sivir?" I heard a voice behind me as I took a step towards the void

"To Hueco Mundo. Something terribly wrong is going on there. I can feel it." I replied "I'm not about to let you stop me Kisuke."

"You still shouldn't go. It's not just dangerous. It's suicide."

"I have to go. I promised Harribel I would return if she needed me."

"A man should always keep his promises, but nothing is stopping you from getting a little help." Another grinned, sword tapping on his shoulder

"I don't want to put you in danger."

"Are you kidding? We're probably more qualified for this than you are." another smirked, his glasses clicking as he readjusted them

"Besides, if you get hurt, I'll fix you up good as new!" a woman smiled

"We're not stopping you Sivir. But we're not about to let you head off to Hueco Mundo all on your own." Another stated arms crossed in front of him as a big man next to him nodded in agreement.

"Well I guess I have no choice." I sighed in defeat, turning to face the group behind me "Everyone ready to go?"

"Yes!" they shouted in unison

"Then let's go!"



Hey there everybody! Snazzy Hat here, thanking you for sticking with my fanfic for as long as you have! *bows* I know the ending seems a little rushed, but I thought that I had better end it before it became stagnant. And nobody likes a stagnant fanfic. But if you desperately want me to continue it, I just might.

Be sure to leave reviews and to check out my other fanfics in the future!

Until Next Time!

The Snazzy Hat