A Ghost from the Past

Summary: While Pythor and the Serpentine were busy at Ourobourus, the ninja head off to find and rescue Dr. Nikolai Julien, Zane's creator/father. When they get to the island, however, they'll run into the last person Pam wants to see…and it's not Pythor! I only own Pam, Cedar, and the next OC in this fic alone.

Ch.1: Departing for Rescue

As she slipped her Four Wind Sais onto her belt, Pam turned to Malcho, who was coiled up in the courtyard by her window. She can tell that something's bugging him just by looking at him.

"Okay," she finally said to him as she folded her arms and rested them against the windowsill, "spill it already. What's wrong?" He then cracked one eye open and looked at her with annoyance.

"Oh, nothing at all, chica," he answered with a sarcastic tone. "I'm just thinking about how much fun I'm going to have watching the dojo while you're out on a dangerous rescue mission."

"Ugh, still upset about that?" she replied. She and the ninja are getting ready to depart for the island where Zane's creator/father Dr. Nikolai Julien is said to be trapped. Malcho and Hydro Dragon are staying behind should the Serpentine attack while they're away…especially when Sensei has to do some serious meditation. Sure, Pythor gave them this tip, but they just want to be cautious in case it's a trap to steal Pam back for the Snake King.

"Malcho," the Wind Ninja explained, "I'm sorry, but we need you to stay here. Someone has to help Hydro Dragon keep an eye on Sensei while we're gone."

"What about Kowalski and Julien?" asked the Quetzalcoatl. "Aren't they staying here too along with Cedar?"

"Yes, but they're doing a little research that caught Kowalski's attention. Besides, you actually think a penguin, a lemur, and a wolf cub would stand a chance against a whole mob of walking snakes?"

"Point taken, I guess," Malcho sighed in defeat. "Just be careful, comprende?"

"As long as the ninja are with me," Pam assured her as she came out with her sack on her back, "I'll be fine." She then went up to the Destiny's Bounty to find Nya and the guys getting ready to leave as well. Sensei and the animals were there as well to see them off. Pam then turned to see Lloyd scratching Cedar's head as the wolf cub whimpered sadly.

"Lloyd, I wanna come too," she heard the little tyke say to his owner.

"I know you wanna come, Cedar," Lloyd said to him, "but it's too dangerous. Besides, I need you to stay and help Kowalski and Julien, okay?" The pup looked down in defeat.

"Alright," he hesitated. Lloyd then stood up and patted the muzzle of one of Hydro Dragon's heads.

"You look after your little brother while I'm gone, okay?" The dragon grunted in answer as Pam knelt down and hugged Kowalski and Julien.

"You guys be sure to help out Sensei should he need you for anything," she said to them.

"Will do," Julien replied with a salute.

"I'll be fine with that," Kowalski concurred, "as long as it doesn't involve fetching his tea."

"Kowalski…" the human replied in a warning tone.

"I'm kidding!" the penguin replied quickly, holding up his flippers in defense. She then turned to Malcho.

"And you better not follow us when we leave, mister," she said to him firmly, causing the Quetzalcoatl to roll his eyes in annoyance. "And make sure Kowalski doesn't blow anything up." That made him blink his eyes with surprise.

"Que? How is he going to do that?"

"You don't wanna know," Pam and Julien answered in unison. With that, Lloyd and Pam boarded the Bounty. Pam then turned to Zane, who's deep in thought. Pam then patted his shoulder with a sad but reassuring smile.

"Zane, don't worry," she said to him softly. "We're gonna find your dad." The Nindroid turned to her with a smile.

"I know, Pam," he answered. "I'm just…surprised. I can't believe my father is still alive, especially when I watched him die after he turned off my memory switch."

"Well, technically," Pam stated with a shrug, "he was dead. According to Pythor, those bone-headed Skeletons brought him back to life so he can do their bidding…If they forced that upon him, I'm so gonna grind their bones so Cole can use them to bake muffins."

"Wouldn't that make them taste a little…marrow-y?" asked the confused Zane.

"With the way Cole cooks," she answered, "I highly doubt it will make much of a difference."

"I HEARD THAT!" Cole yelled from the other side of the ship.

"I MEANT IT IN A GOOD WAY!" she called back to the Black Ninja. Then she hissed to Zane, "No, I didn't!" The two of them then snickered at the little joke before the ship started up and began rising from the ground. Pam and Zane then waved down at Sensei and the others below as they gave them the send-off.

"Good luck, ninja," Sensei called up to them, "and look out for each other."

"And you better take good care of Pamela while she's with you," Malcho called up to the ship.


"Just looking out for you, chica!" Pam just groaned with annoyance as the ship then flew off for Lighthouse Island (Pam's name for the island on which Dr. Julien's trapped).

"I just hope they'll be alright," Kowalski said with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Do not worry, my little friend," Sensei replied, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Remember: there is safety in numbers. As long as they have each other, they will return safely and victorious…"