A Little Girl's Wish

Sesshy's Mistress

Description: Rin was so full of love and doesn't understand why her Lord is always so cold to others, excluding her. Then, one day, InuYasha tells her it's because he doesn't know how to love. Saddened at this thought, she makes a wish that will change everything…

This is during the time of peace, after Sesshomaru has given Rin over to the attention of Kagome and the other villagers. He still comes to visit her, though.

This is it! The end of the story!

I want to say thank you to each and every person who took the time to review. Your words of support have helped me greatly. I am shocked and humbled by the response to this story. It is always a wonderful feeling when people love your work as much, if not more, than you do. Also thank you to each person who favorited or alerted this story. As for the readers that do not fit into any of these categories, thank you. I wish I could have heard from you, but thank you nonetheless.

Now, enough of this sappy stuff! Here is the ending and I hope it is satisfactory for you all. If you want, please message me and let me know what you thought of the story. Feel free to criticize. I do not mind. I just want to know what parts you liked, didn't like, or loved.



It was the first night she had ever rested so well, but in the morning, she woke sore from the previous night's activities. She had an abnormally high pain tolerance and the crystal to heal her, but there were some aches that just couldn't be cured except by time. Still, it was a satisfied ache that radiated between her thighs and on her neck. On instinct, her hand reached to brush the tips of her fingers over the new scar.

The action caused Sesshomaru to stir. He was sitting against the wall with her leaning against him. His arm which was wrapped around her waist began to flex, tightening around her as his eyes slowly opened to examine her. His free hand caught hers which still lingered over his marks. Moving it, he dipped his head to nuzzle the mark and take in her scent.

"This Sesshomaru does not think that you are ready for another mating session," He spoke lowly, and the breath that washed over her shoulder sent a shiver down her spine. She blinked at his words, and pulled back enough to spare him a confused look. "To touch a mark will summon the demon who made it."

"Summon?" Her brow knit in confusion. He allowed her to turn in his hold, and then took advantage of her position and pulled her into his lap. She blushed softly at the new position but waited to hear his explanation.

"It is protection from other demons, but if a mate is in danger, a touch to a mark will call to the demon who gave it," He explained in further detail.

"It also signals your readiness to mate again if you touch it in his presence," InuTaisho's voice spoke from the window above the two. Serenity jumped and gave a small shout of surprise and embarrassment.

"Father…" Sesshomaru sighed while glaring towards the overly chipper demon peeping on them.

"I see you completed the bond this time," InuTaisho ignored the warning in his son's glare. "Good job! Now, when can I expect a grandchild from my new daughter?" His eyes sparkled in delight as Serenity's face turned so red he began to worry if she would faint from the rush of blood to her head.

He quickly backed away from the window when a flash of green caught his attention. InuTaisho chuckled at the reaction from his eldest. Protective and possessive, and, if he was anything like his father, she would be with child very soon. "Your young ward has awoken and is on her way to find you. I suggest you two get decent."

"Why did I raise him from the dead again?" Serenity questioned her sanity in that move, but it was too late to do anything about it now. It took a lot of power to create his body anew, and she wasn't going to destroy it for a while at least. Besides, his intentions were good even though his sense of humor was inappropriate.

"This one wonders that as well," Sesshomaru stated with a sneer in his father's direction. The other demon was standing a safe distance away from the hut, but still close enough to be seen. InuTaisho was acting the part of a fool as he stood mocking his son by pretending to rub an invisible and large stomach. Yet, even as Sesshomaru watched his father try to make a fool out of him, he smirked. During the night Jaken had returned after having sensed the presence of his Lord within the village. Upon learning of the rebirth of the previous Inu Lord, Jaken had been sent to fetch the Lady Mother.

"Sesshomaru-sama, Lady Serenity!" Rin cried as she entered the hut and threw her arms first around Sesshomaru and then around Serenity. The little girl gave an extra strong hug to Serenity before letting go and taking her hand.

"Thank you, Lady Serenity, for saving Sesshomaru-sama," The little girl's smile was infectious, and Serenity found herself smiling back at the adorable girl. The bright light within her soul was refreshing and she was thankful that Sesshomaru had not let such a star be lost to the darkness. It would have been a great loss to this world, especially one so young.

Though strong, Rin's light was not one that would be able to handle the power of a sailor crystal, but through her Serenity sensed that this planet would once more try to give rise to the first magical protector in its lifetime.

"Rin," Sesshomaru spoke after listening to Rin chatter to Serenity for quite some time. "This one shall return to his home soon. If you so choose, you may come."

"Is Lady Serenity coming as well?" Rin questioned in delight. After being introduced to InuTaisho, she had been informed that Sesshomaru was going to make Serenity his wife. When Sesshomaru nodded, Rin grinned and clung to Serenity's leg once more. "Sesshomaru found a pretty wife." She sighed while rubbing her cheek against Serenity's leg.

Sesshomaru and Serenity shared a look before the both of them turned to glare in InuTaisho's direction. Apparently he had not wanted to wait to share the good news. Serenity would definitely have a talk with the older demon in regards to the definition of private and what it meant in regards to information.

For the rest of the day, the two were forced to endure suggestive glances from InuYasha, Miroku, and InuTaisho. Serenity did not mind half as much as she normally would have, but it was still embarrassing to know that her father-in-law had not only spied on them without being detected the night before last, but that he also shared some of the details with the two others.

Kagome, Sango, Kaede, and Sachi were not too happy with him or the others. Miroku was banned from the house for the next two nights, InuYasha ate dirt for breakfast, and InuTaisho was scorned and beat by the two older ladies.

When the time for dinner came, it was decided that the return trip to the West would wait until the next day. Rin was happy to be reunited with her Lord Sesshomaru, but the thought of leaving her other friends behind had saddened her. She had managed to make Sesshomaru promise to allow any of the 'hanyou's group' to visit when they pleased, including Shippou who had continued to grow fond of the young girl. Sesshomaru found this fact to be exceptionally displeasing, but he did not act on it.

There were still a few years ahead before the young fox would need to prove himself as a prospective mate for Sesshomaru's young ward; however, if he managed to do so, then Sesshomaru would give his blessing. Yet, looking at how the two interacted, it was obvious to see that Rin was growing closer to the fox demon. To deny her if she found an interest in the fox would possibly hurt her. In the end, Sesshomaru felt that he would have no real choice in the matter.

As Rin fell into a peaceful rest with Sesshomaru watching over her while Serenity sang a soft lullaby, a sudden commotion occurred from outside. The two paused to see if Rin would wake, but when her soft snores continued, they stood as one to look for the cause of the commotion and put an end to it. What they found was something altogether too humorous to even considered stopping.

The Lady Mother had received Jaken faster than Sesshomaru would have imagined. He was even more surprised to see with what great haste she had moved to make an appearance this night. It was impossible to deny her ire as she stood in her daiyokai form, one large paw pinning a nervous InuTaisho to the ground easily. The Alpha male had known better than to even consider retaliating. After all, the last time he had seen his first mate was when he had left to fight the dragon demon. He had never returned and it was only after his death that she had learned of his second mating to the human woman.

"Now, now," InuTaisho grinned. "There is no need for such violence, Love."

Before his mother could respond, Sesshomaru flew in front of her, "My ward is resting. Take your fight with father away from here." Normally InuKimi would not take such disrespect so easily, but she, too, had grown fond of the child that Sesshomaru had taken under his wing. Her large red eyes surveyed her son before moving to Serenity. Jaken had also informed her of his son's chosen mate. While she was curious, she did have some choice words for her mate now that he was back from the dead.

If InuTaisho thought he would escape her, then he had another thing coming. Bending down, she captured her previous mate within her mouth and carried him towards the distant mountains where they would have some privacy.

"That was close," Serenity spoke as she stepped next to Sesshomaru. She had yet to take her eyes off of the disappearing form of the large dog. "Who was that?"

"My mother," Sesshomaru responded blandly. Serenity blanched at that and turned to him with a raised brow.

"Your mother?" She returned her gaze to the direction the woman had taken the man, but they were both too far gone to be seen. "Should we have really allowed her to take off with him. I did just rebuild his body. I haven't the strength to do it again for a while." A pout settled over her features as she imagined the kind of damage his body would take from a very pissed off mate.

"She will not kill him," Sesshomaru assured Serenity as an arm wrapped around her slim waist. He pulled her against him and brushed the hair from her neck so as to nuzzle the marks he had placed there. The soothing scent of her calmed him greatly. "Much blood will be shed before she ends him."

"Sesshomaru!" Serenity scorned while slapping his arm. She did not know whether to take him serious or not.

"Father has always found ways to escape any permanent damage that resulted from her ire," Sesshomaru's golden eyes glinted in the moonlight, and Serenity let out a sigh of relief.

"Very well," She stood to her tip toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. Her small hand took his and led him back towards the village and to the hut she was using. While still exhausted from the previous night, she did not wish to waste good company on talk of another pair of lover's and their quarrels.

The next morning greeted them too soon and they quickly dressed before searching for Rin. The little girl had wasted no time in enjoying her friends for a little longer. Yet, when she saw her Lord and Lady approaching, she knew it was time to go. Kagome and Sango had helped to pack away some things for her, including the many gifts brought to her by Lord Sesshomaru. After a long and tearful goodbye, Sesshomaru, Serenity, and Rin began their journey towards Sesshomaru's home.

Rin stood between the two. At first she held Serenity's hand, but with a nod of assurance from Serenity, Rin took Sesshomaru's hand in her free one as well. Though slightly shocked, Sesshomaru said nothing nor did nothing to make her release him. The connection he felt as he looked from Rin to Serenity warmed him. It was then that he realized how wrong he had been in the past.

Compassion was not a weakness.

As for Rin, she smiled brightly between both parental figures. She couldn't be a hundred percent sure, but she knew in her heart that this was right. Serenity may not have come from her wish, but Serenity was what was best for Sesshomaru.

In the end, that was all that mattered.


Short and sweet, but I could think of nothing else to add to this. I am debating adding a one shot where we see Serenity with child, but I am uncertain of that. I have not really had much inspiration to write anything. The smut was written from a month ago or so, and this was written (for the most part) right after I emailed MegaKat the rough draft of the smut.

I just had to add a few finishing touches. There is a lot happening in my life right now. As much as I would LOVE to drop everything and make new stories and update my current ones, I can't. I ask that you just hang on while I try to catch up. School starts again for me in the fall (August 15), and it will be a busy semester. I will update when I can, promise.

Please feel free to check out my other SM/INU stories including Past Mistakes and Future Changes as well as COME!

MegaKat has a lovely SM/INU story called Loneliness and Moon Mage Goddess has one called A Dog's Nose Knows. She has a couple other good ones in that department, too.

Thank you again, my lovely reviewers. I hope that this did not disappoint.

Sesshy's Mistress