Izaya's FanClub

CH 1


The screaming voice made everyone in the room jolt. Shinra was the first to stand up from his seat in the dining table. They saw the door to the bedroom open and the voice got clearer for them to hear. "GET OUT!"

Then they saw Shizuo come out of the room, "No… wait…" Shizuo comes out of the room, still holding the door open though. "Izaya… calm down…" the blond tried, finally a knife was seen being thrown at him, luckily, Shizuo dodges and the knife hits the door instead. "Izaya!" Shizuo scolded, but he a number of knives was thrown at him again, forcing the blond to close the door. Outside the room, the sound of the knives hitting the door was heard and made everyone's sweat drop.

"Ah? Shizuo?" Shinra was the first to ask, Celty, Kadota and his gang, silently listening, wanting an explanation as well. "….Yes?" Shizuo tried to act as if he didn't know what Shinra wanted to ask about, still facing the door, his back directed at the group. "…Shizuo, what did you do to Izaya?" Shinra finally asked.

Shizuo turned to face him, a faint blush in his cheeks. "…nothing" he mumbled. "Ah… I see…" Shinra gaped, Celty shook at the weird expression her friend had, Erika tried to suppress a screeching scream inside her while Kadota and the others sighed.

Celty sighed at the scene before her, for some reason, Togusa had requested they drink and sleep over at Shinra's apartment. Izaya refused to come out of the bedroom and locked himself up there the entire night. The rest slept in the living room, Celty and Karisawa ended up in her room, and Celty was forced to listen to all of Erika's rambling. Celty was the first to wake up, she saw Kadota on the couch, sleeping peacefully. Shinra and Togusa were on the floor while Shiuo was no longer in the living room. Celty looked around and found him outside the bedroom's door.

Celty sighed at the scene, Shizuo's back was rested at the door with his head hanging, and his neck would hurt when he woke up. Was he making sure Izaya wouldn't leave? Celty carefully approached the blond and moved him out of the way. He made Shizuo lay on the floor and opened the door to the bedroom. Once she opened it, she first noticed the opened window and the swaying curtains, Izaya was no longer there. Celty sighed again, she looked around if the informant left anything, a note or something saying he left early and was alright already, none. Shizuo's not going to be happy about this…

"He left?" Celty jolted, Shizuo had woken up and was behind her. Celty nods in response. Shizuo brought a hand up his head and scratched it, mumbling curses. Celty held her phone and typed on it [should we look for him?] she asked, showing the screen to Shizuo. Shizuo took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust and read the texts properly, squinting his eyes. "No… there's no need… he'll come out eventually…" Shizuo yawned. "…need to go the bathroom" Shizuo said and left Celty in the room. He's not mad?

"Oi! Shizuo, I heard Izaya left without saying anything, you okay?" Kadota asked once he spotted the blond from the crowd. That morning, Shizuo had left early not saying anything to Kadota and the others since they were all still asleep. "…Yeah" Shizuo said, walking pass Kadota. Kadota frowned at the lack of response from the blond, but eventually smiled. "Why are you smiling Dota-chin?" Erika asked, appearing behind him. "Uwah" Kadota jolted. "Yes, yes, why are you smiling?" Walker teased as well. "Aren't you jealous?" Erika continued, nudging the poor man with her elbow. Kadota only blushed and didn't respond. He felt a hand grip his shoulder and a face getting near his, it was Togusa. "Let's drink tonight again! I'll listen to all your sorrows till morning!" Togusa declared with shinning eyes. Kadota's sweat dropped and Erika smirked.

"Ah, Heiwajima-san! Good Afternoon…" Mikado greeted, noticing the blond having a smoke. "…yo" Shizuo said, not bothering to take the cigarette off his mouth. "…ah, umm… err… you do remember me, right?" Mikado asked. "yeah…" Shizuo said, not really looking at Mikado. "ahh… really…" Mikado mumbled. I should have just ignored him… "Good afternoon, Heiwajima-san…" Anri greeted as well. She walked to the blond's front and lifted her head up, making Shizuo look at her. "I'd like to thank you for last time!" Anri bowed. "Yeah… it was nothing…" Shizuo replied, what did he do for this kids again? "Then… see you around, Heiwajima-san…" Mikado said. Before the two left Shizuo's sights, Mikado turned to Shizuo again. "Um… Heiwajima-san… h-h-how is Orihara-san?" he asked.

The question made Shizuo's head turn to Mikado, he stares at the high school kid and replies "he's fine…" Mikado shivered for some reason, "A-a-a-h.. I see… that's great… um..er… th-thank you again… a-a-a-and …." Mikado stuttered, Shizuo was still looking at him. "….I'm very SORRY!" he finally said and run, pulling Anri with her. "…don't worry Mikado-kun, Heiwajima-san isn't a bad person" Anri said, letting Mikado pull her away. "…I know" Mikado said finally feeling relief when he apologized.

"Shzuo! I thought you were taking a leave today? I thought something was wrong with you but you're just here doing nothing?" Tom said, running into the blond with Vorona. "Good afternoon, sempai" Vorona greeted. "…sorry, I'm just getting some air. I still have a slight hang-over from last night, really" Shizuo replied, he didn't think he'd make Tom-san worried. "Is that so?" Tom said, not amused. "You should rest sempai…" Vorona said, taking the lie seriously, his sempai had to have a proper reason. Tom sighed and smiled at Shizuo. "I guess its fine once in a while, take care then! You better come tomorrow though!" Tom said, already walking away from Shizuo. "Yeah…" Shizuo said, he noticed Vorona coming near him. "Sempai… good luck with Orihara-san…." Vorona said with a smile. Shizuo felt a bit of guilt but let it go.

That night, Simon was in the street again, handing Russian sushi fliers. "Yo Simon…" Shizuo uncharacteristically greeted. "Oh! Shiz-u-o! Coming for sushi?" Simon asked. "…Hmm, yeah, why not…" Shizuo said, passing the Russian alien and walking towards the shop, Simon continued giving fliers. Shizuo came out of the shop with a box of take-out. Simon notices him leave with the box and goes back inside the shop. "What did Shizuo buy for take-out?" Simon asked smiling widely. "Get back to work…" he was scolded.

After leaving the shop, Shizuo headed for the bridge where he would usually meet Celty passing by. He grabs a cigarette from his pocket and lights it, putting it between his lips and inhaling deeply. He rested his elbows on the railing, the sushi box dangling in the air. After a few seconds, he takes the cigarette off his mouth and exhales. It's like I'm fishing, with sushi as bait…

After an hour of just standing there, Shizuo felt a drop of water fall on his hand, it was starting to rain. Should've brought an umbrella…Shizuo thought, letting more drops of water fall on him, he stood still in place. After a few more minutes, he was nearly drenched. Luckily the rain that night wasn't heavy. The cigarette was already wet, left on his mouth. After a few more minutes, his phone finally starts to ring. He jolts and his eyes light up, he quickly grabs it from his pocket and stare at the caller's name, unknown.

He flips it open and placed it near his ear. [No one wants soggy sushi…] he hears the familiar voice. He opens in his mouth and screams. "THEN YOU SHOULD'VE TAKEN THE BAIT EARLIER! YOU IDIOTIC FLEA!" after the scream, there was only silence coming from both sides of the line. Shizuo broke the silence "…Izaya" and the other line hangs up.

The beeping sound from the other line nearly sounded like sirens to Shizuo's ear, echoing in his head. He kept the phone near his ear for a few seconds before flipping it close and returning it back on his pocket. He finally spits out the wet cigarette and takes a step back. He raises his hand holding the sushi box and planned to throw it away as far away as he can. He stops, as he felt hands grip his upper arm that was about to throw the sushi.

"Iza-" Shizuo starts but Izaya interrupts him. "What you said… this morning… its t-t-true… so… ask me again… please.."

Author: ….yo, so… thanks for reading, reviews and flames are loved… sorry for errors, beautiful part to end it, right? Aha… so… In this story I shall finally introduce you the brown haired doctor I keep mentioning… this is prequel to Dullahan's groom… hope you enjoyed…