
~ Snape ~

Snape is pacing back and forth in his office, impatiently glancing at the clock every few minutes.

Hermione finished her final exam forty minutes ago. She is no longer a Hogwarts student… and she is obviously not coming to you. Go after her.

I can't. I've ruined things with my big mouth.

Go after Her.

She wouldn't want an old man like me.

Go. After. Her.

"Blast it all!"

Severus can't bring himself to chase her down. He can't handle the rejection. Even knowing she may accept his apology, he can't shake the unforgiving image of Lily Evans from his mind.

Go after Her. Find Her. Beg forgiveness and ask for a chance to start things right.

He lurches for the door, but stops just as quickly unable to work up the courage.

As he's cursing himself there is a knock on the door.

His palms are sweating as he grabs the handle, and his heart jumps into his throat when he pulls the door open and sees Hermione standing before him.

She's chewing her bottom lip and wearing a vulnerable expression, but it's her eyes that undo him; her wide chocolate eyes, dragging him in and begging him not to turn her away.

Without a second thought, Severus sweeps her into a tight embrace.

"Miss Granger, what took you so long?"

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed it! This was always meant to show the beginning of their relationship, but I know a lot of you were hoping for more. If you do want more, add an author alert because I do have an idea for a sequel where they reveal their relationship to everyone. Please let me know what you think, and thank you for all the support and feedback!

Also, if you are interested in another Severus and Hermione fic, I have a one shot called Polyjuice Paramour you might like :)