When Earth meets Water

Commission for HazardHorse on Deviant Art

Hello, everyone who bothers reading my stuff! This is my first ever point commission for anyone, for HazardHorse on Deviantart (you owe me 10 points for the story btw). I'm NOT doing any more commissions this winter/spring after this one. Maybe I'll start again in the summer, but it's just too much to worry about. Anyway, let's get started. Yeah, the kids an OC, I've posted pictures of her up here before, because I got bored.

This is probably going to have 4 chapters. Just to put an estimate out there.

Rating: PG – 13… What? No R rated stuff here, unless Aqua being pregnant somehow really bothers/offends someone. As previously stated on both DA and Fan fiction, I don't write M/R rated stuff, no lemons here. I don't write the stuff.

Chapter 1 – Let the memories begin…

(Aqua's POV)

I still sit here dreaming about that night. I lie on the beach and I wonder if all of this was a dream. Sleeping with the man of my dreams and getting myself pregnant. God it felt like it was fake. God it didn't feel real. But then I hear that giggle above my head, that light sound bringing me back to reality again.

I opened my eyes staring up at the starless sky, partially blocked by the face of a little girl, smiling mischievously.

She jumped away from me, prancing around on the sandy shores and reaching her arms up like she was reaching for the moon. Clenched in her left hand was my wayfinder, which was growing light blue with the strength of her light. She giggled at the light and turned back to me, "Mommy?"

I sighed, remembering how I got here, with the sweet little girl in front of me forever reminding me of my failures and my mistakes, "Yes, River?"

"When will I get to meet daddy?"

Oh, River… I thought quietly. God, that beautiful little blue haired girl, always torturing me with her curiosity. Her eyes were sweet and innocent, glinting with their dark blue light. She was seven years old and had retained the majority of my features however her eyes were his eyes, dark cobalt blue, matching the waves crashing on the dark gray shores in the Realm of Darkness.

I sat down on my knees next to her, running a hand through her tangled hair and earning a smile from River. I felt horrible. I had already known River's life would be difficult, because of her being born to two teenage keyblade wielders, but I never expected her to be trapped with me in the Realm of Darkness.

Poor girl. She had to grow up without ever seeing the sun or the stars, only the artificial silver glow of the moonlight on the waves…

I closed my eyes as I brushed my hand through her long hair, reminiscing about all of the times when I'd had to live and learn and explain about her to everyone I cared about; trying to remember what my life was like before the shit hit the fan and the storm tore my family to shreds.


I frowned, there it was again. I'd just woken up and I felt terrible and sick. I didn't' even want to get out of bed, the pain in my stomach was so acute. I tried to sit up but it hurt too badly. This wasn't good. I stood up shakily and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was disheveled and I looked sick. Maybe I was, maybe that was the problem. I certainly hoped it wasn't what I thought it was.

I felt something again in my center, something far less acute, a simple pressure. I slowly felt it nervously and felt the same feeling of something pushing back at my hand. I closed my eyes, shaking my head, "Oh no… This can't be happening."

It was just one night. This wasn't supposed to be happening to me because of just one night. What am I going to do? What am I supposed to tell him?

Ventus ran in, as perky as usual until he saw me sitting alone on my bed, obviously upset, "Um, hey Aqua."

I opened my eyes, looking at the perky little blonde. He had no idea what had happened to me, or what was happening to me… I sighed, "Hi, Ven."

"Is something wrong?" he asked, his wide blue eyes wide with curiosity and innocence that made me want to cry.

I nodded, lying softly, "I'm fine."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, pouting for a moment in the way he did when he knew that I was keeping a secret from him, "Well… Alright then, Aqua, but the exam is in a little bit. You better get ready," he paused again, "Seriously, are you okay, you don't look so good?"

I nodded, "Fine…"

He ran off to go wake up Terra and left me alone. I frowned lying down on the bed, feeling strangely exhausted even though it was 7 in the morning. I felt the tears start up for real this time and asked quietly to myself, "What am I going to tell them?"

The test was a lot harder than I thought it would be, trying to pretend that nothing was wrong and trying my best to keep my composure next to Terra. After all… He was the one who helped cause my predicament.

It went how you would expect, I won, he went off upset to brood on his own and I was stuck alone in a room, with Master Eraqus. And, God, it was awkward… I mean, he was practically my father and now I had to tell him I was pregnant. He eyed me carefully, "Alright, Aqua, what's wrong? What happened to you?"

I frowned, "Master…"

Master Eraqus frowned back, "I know something's wrong, so just tell me what the problem is. Maybe I can figure it out with you and help you with this."

I let out a slightly broken laugh, still scared of how he was going to react to my dilemma, "Well… I don't really know how much you can help."

He sat back down in his chair, and part of me seriously wondered whether or not that seat was comfortable, though that part of me was just trying to distract me from the real problem at hand, "Just tell me what it is, and maybe I can help you get through this."

I took a deep shuddering breath and managed to get it out, "I'm pregnant…"

He didn't respond and for a few moments I was worried about that, but he eventually retorted with, "I suspected as much."

There was another long awkward pause in which I opened my mouth and closed it several times before he asked, "Is it Terra's?"

I blushed red, and I didn't trust my voice at that particular moment, so I just replied with, "Y-yes…"

He sighed, shaking his head, "I'm disappointed in you two."

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly, "I hadn't plan for this to happen."

He shrugged, looking deep in thought for a moment, "How long has this been going on? How long have you two been together behind my back?"

I didn't respond before quietly admitting, "Two years… We only… We only," I lowered my voice at this point, "had intercourse once about a month ago."

"I see," Master replied, turning his eyes away from mine, and I prayed I hadn't hurt him as much as I thought I was going to, "You two should have told me this earlier. I would have approved of the relationship."

My eyes widened, "You're serious? You would've been okay with us all of this time?"

He nodded, "Certainly. You're a nineteen year old young woman, and I believe that you two would be responsible in a relationship. Unfortunately, it would appear I'm just going to get used to having to be a grandfather."

I gasped quietly and the two of us stared at one another moment, having a strange sense of understanding between the two of us suddenly, "So, you're okay with this?"

"I think that it was very irresponsible of you to let this happen to yourself," I nodded, sighing quietly and letting him continue, "However, you are going to have to learn to deal with the consequences of your actions."

I nodded, "I understand, really I do."

He breathed out heavily, "Do Terra and Ventus even know about this yet?"

"No," I sighed, "They don't."

"Then you should tell them," Master replied, standing up and putting a hand on my shoulder, "I don't know why you didn't tell them earlier."

"I wasn't sure until this morning," I admitted sheepishly, still shocked at how calmly he was reacting.

"Well, we should tell them now, shouldn't we?"

I followed him down the stairs, twiddling my thumbs together in an attempt to look calm. My stomach felt like it was full of butterflies and my heart was beating way to fast. I loved Terra. I loved him more than anything, but I didn't know how to tell him this. He already was having a tough day, failing the test and everything.

Unfortunately, our day was about to get tougher. When we walked out onto the forecourt we were greeted by the sight of Ven forcing out his armor and taking off into the atmosphere. I ran up after him, "Ven, wait!"

He didn't listen, but he just ran away, ignoring me. Master Eraqus came up behind me, "This isn't good. They can't just leave like this."

I looked back at him, noticing the desperation in his eyes, "Don't worry, Master, I'll bring them back!"

I punched out my own armor, taking off after them to try and catch up with the two of them. I had to get them back home. After all, I had so much to tell them…

End Chapter 1.

Lol, I hope you liked it/didn't mind the OC kid.

HazardHorse, sorry this took so long, you know I've been having a very rough day….

I hope you enjoyed it; feel free to leave a review but please don't flame.

