"Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Wayne LaPierre

I am happy. I have a friend. We are laughing. I'm all smiles...on the outside.

I think I just blushed. What if he thinks I like him and doesn't want to be my friend? What if this is just a sympathy thing? A bet?

What if he finds out I'm UglyStupidWorthlesAwasteofti meandspaceNothing?


I swallow hard and bite my lip to forget the bad thoughts. But I think I'm starting to get a crush on another guy...

God, not this again. Not now.

Then I spot Elissa and her little group of fakers. They make me sick. I remember when I tried to be like them. Ha. What a fool I was. I didn't fit in. I wasn't skinny/pretty/talkative/FAKE like they are. I may use a facade sometimes, but I don't use it to make boyfriends.

Of course they got Jett's attention. I think I'm going to puke.

She walks towards us. THEY start to walk towards us.

And there she goes, flirting with every guy in sight. I am sitting here. At least I think I am. I am invisible. Since I don't exist I can listen to the groups little side conversation.

Haley:Why is she talking to HIM?

Olivia: Yeah, I thought she was going out with Andrew.

Katy:She is.

Katy blows away the comment along with a wink to Andrew. The other glitter girls stare at her with their mouths hanging slightly open. I can see their gum they love to blow bubbles with "oh so loudly" in class. Elissa (finally) notices me.

"So whats...eh..this ?" pointing to me. I can hear the glitter girls high pitched giggles.

"Aren't starved little mutts like you supposed to be skinny...fat ass. Lose a couple of pounds, then maybe someone would finally notice you. She raises her voice so that EVERYONE can hear her.

The crowd with gaping holes for mouth cheer her on like angry fans during a football game. Jett looks embarrassed. He was seen with me. He was seen with the freak.

I should of just ignored him in art class. This travesty has enough to deal with.

None of the teachers see us. All eyes on me. Then she did it.

Elissa punched me so hard all I could see were little black dots swaying around in a waltz. Jett grabbed my arm and led/dragged me out into the hall. He stares me down like I'm crazy. I probably am. A psychotic nut-job. That would explain a lot.

The Argument:



Jett" Look at me, Brielle. What's wrong?

Everything. Nothing. If only I knew.

Me: It's not like you'd care.

Jett: That's not true and you know it

Me: I barely know anything about you

Jett: But I want to change that about us

Me: You don't care. Don't act like you ever did or ever will.