Beca'd spent a lot of time in her lab, more time than she'd spent in the past. Two weeks she was unconscious while she arc reactor was already in her chest. Time was limited. The part of the machine she'd build was done, and the creatures were most likely preparing for their attack. She and Jarvis managed to get all the materials they needed from SHIELD and so far everything was going smoothly from there.

Weeks were spent in that lab perfecting every tiny detail. The artillery was updated, the repulsors were made stronger, and even the armor itself was upgraded. "Jarvis, we're ready for a test drive." "Are you certain, Beca? I distinctly remember you using four months before you were ready with your first suit?"

"Well, Jarvis this isn't my first suit. I'm absolutely certain it's ready. The last three weeks have been more stressful than ever. I need to get this thing done." She sighed, looking over at her greatest creation. It was something she could be proud of, and definitely something her father couldn't take away from her. No, this was something she'd created all on her own. Nothing would take that away from her.

The girl walked over to her suit, standing so her other machines could attach the specific parts to her body. The armor was lighter than her original, but stronger. It was mobile and ready to go. Nothing could stop her, especially not Fury or the other Avengers. She was taking this thing for a test flight.

She'd changed the symbol to an upside down triangle, matching the one in her chest. The one difference that affected her the most was the removal of the arc reactor. In her suits she originally had to place an arc reactor into the chest, but now she had her own. She and the suit were one. It was such a different feeling.

"It feels like a part of me," the brunette mused, flexing the fingers and looking around. "Hear me, Jarvis?" "Loud and clear. Beca? Are you still certain this is such a wise idea?" Beca only laughed, walking through a hidden door of her lab to a launch pad. "Relax, Jarvis, you're not the one actually doing something against the rules." "I suppose you're right."

Looking up, she watched the doors above the launch pad open to reveal the night sky. Tiny dots poked through the dark sky, like tiny fireflies lost in a sea of dark blue. The moon was full, making for an almost perfect evening. Beca sighed, contemplating if it was too late to go ask Chloe out on a dinner date of sorts. No. She couldn't do that tonight. The suit had to be ready in time for their next mission, and if it wasn't they were all screwed.

"Jarvis. Are the thrusters ready?" The thruster energy level appeared on her screen, and she nodded her approval. "All right, looks like we're ready to fly. Try to warn me if anyone's going to see us, okay Jarvis?" "With pleasure, Beca." She stood in silence, sighing and rolling her shoulders nervously. Hopefully this worked.

It only took a simple movement to start the thrusters, and Beca was flying through the air. The girl yelled a cheer as she moved farther and farther into the sky. Beca stopped to hover, seeing how the stationary thrusters worked. Everything seemed so simple. The controls were altered to suit the new arc reactor in her chest. The machine wasn't just an exterior piece of armor to keep her safe, it was a part of her, and she a part of it.

She was the piece that made the suit run, and without her the armor was useless. A great defense mechanism as well as completely life changing. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. "Let's see how fast this baby can go!" Before Jarvis even had a chance to dispute Beca pushed herself through the air, letting the thrusters take her on full power.

Buildings passed by in a blur, and the brunette couldn't help her laughter as she maneuvered her way through suburbs. Nothing separated her from the suit. She was Titanium, and the suit was merely another layer of skin. The sound of ringing entered her ears, and a call from Chloe appeared on her screen. The girl sighed as she moved higher in the sky, hovering before she answered the call.

"Hey babe," a smirk was on her face, and she heard Chloe's laughter through the phone. It wasn't like it should've been. The red head's laughter always brought a smile to her face, but her girlfriend's voice was thick with the promise of tears. "Chlo, what's wrong?" She landed on the roof of an office building, pacing back and forth and crossing her arms over her chest.

"We lost semi finals," Beca frowned, she hadn't been allowed to reenter the competition because of the arc reactor in her chest. Fury said the light would distract the other competitors, and the judges might disqualify the Bellas because of an 'unfair advantage'. Though she was a genius, her singing ability had nothing to do with her intelligence. As much as the girl tried to argue with Fury the decision had already been made, and Aubrey'd already told the Bellas she was no longer part of the group. "Wait a second, didn't you tell me at the Riff Off that 'it's just a stupid a cappella competition'?"

Chloe's sad laughter came through the other line once again, and the brunette immediately knew she'd said something wrong. "I was trying to calm you down so you didn't kill the guy! That's not my actual opinion." Beca rolled her eyes. Why were girlfriends so confusing? They'd say one thing and mean something else. Not that she'd had any girlfriends before, but Tony would bring women home on occasion only to complain about them the morning after.

She rolled her eyes, sighing slightly. "Oh, I guess I didn't realize that." "You're not as smart as you think you are." Chloe was obviously teasing her, and the brunette couldn't lie and say it didn't get on her nerves. "I doubt that. I know my IQ and it's probably double the size of yours."

"You don't mean that, do you, babe?" Beca only groaned, smiling slightly. "Of course not." Chloe laughed, and for the first time that night it seemed genuine. That laugh was like the jingling of a silver bell. It was a sound that brought Beca out of her trances and made her want to know what was going on. "Are you still in your lab?"

The billionaire laughed, looking around. "Not exactly." "Well, come back to the dorm, okay? I want to see you." Beca's grin grew wider. "When are you getting back, Chlo?" The red head laughed. "Fifteen minutes." The brunette cursed under her breath, shaking her head. "Look, I won't be back that early, but I'll be there as soon as I can okay. I love you."

"Love you too, come back safely from wherever you are." She could almost see the smirk on Chloe's face as she laughed. "I will. Catch you later." Immediately Beca began the journey home. Home. It was an interesting word. Ever since her mother's death she'd never considered the Stark penthouse to be her home. Yet, Chloe was waiting for her in the dorm. Wherever Chloe was would be her home.

Beca landed back at the launch pad and scurried into the lab, making sure no SHIELD agent saw her changing out of her suit. She held her arms out for the machine to take off the suit. "Need some help with that?" "AH!" The brunette jumped, looking over her shoulder to see Stacie. The machine had already finished removing her armor and all the girl was left in was a tight black jumpsuit.

"Surprisingly this isn't the most compromising position I've been found in," the agent just laughed. She walked over and Beca noticed her eyes wandering. "Somehow I don't doubt that." The tall brunette walked over to where the suit had been carefully placed standing up in a panel of the wall. "So this is what you've been working on these last few weeks."

The billionaire shrugged her shoulders, nodding her head. Stacie walked over, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm impressed. You built that so fast I'd swear you had super powers or something." Beca only scoffed. She shook her head. "I don't need superpowers. I have my mind." The agent nodded. "That's a pretty good power right there."

The girl nodded, pulling her shirt over her head. She put cargo pants on over the lower half of the suit and turned to Stacie. "Listen, I've got to get going." Stacie looked back at her. "Your father left." Beca rolled her eyes and nodded. "I'm aware."

Tony left without a word, not that Beca expected him to say anything. It wasn't unusual for her father to leave a note on the counter and disappear for several days. Yet, this time seemed different. The girl doubted she'd see her father for a while, and it wasn't exactly a disappointment. She didn't see him as her father and it was doubtful she ever would. Family wasn't a concept Beca was familiar with, but Chloe seemed to make it more relatable.

Beca left without another word to Stacie, the agent didn't seem to want more conversation and the brunette didn't have a problem with it. Walking back to the dorm was quiet, and it left time to her thoughts. The more she thought about what she said to Tony the more she felt guilty about it. She didn't hate him, it was just a strong disliking. Yet, with all the things they'd said to each other the girl wouldn't blame him for leaving.

Not only was the Stark family famous for their sarcastic wit and humor, but they're inability to face emotional problems head on. Beca never thought she had this problem, considering she was constantly in situations with Chloe where she was forced to make life changing decisions. Yet when it came to her father the brunette avoided the man as much as possible. After Pepper died the Stark family wasn't even a family. It was just a man and a girl with insane intelligence. There was nothing similar about them, at least she didn't want there to be.

She opened the door to find Chloe sitting at her laptop. The red head smiled as she looked through the countless folders of mixes on Beca's computer. The billionaire walked up behind her, placing a kiss to the top of her head. "Hey, Chlo." The assassin stood and pulled the girl into a hug. "You doing okay?"

The billionaire smiled as she felt her girlfriend's head resting on her shoulder. Her warm breath spilling out onto Beca's neck. She smiled and pulled Chloe into bed, wrapping her arms around the red head's waist. "I get that you're disappointed about semi finals, but it's just an a capella competition, babe. You're better than everyone in it anyway."

Chloe's laugh was barely audible, Beca had to strain herself to hear it. "I know, but it was something that made me feel normal. College is supposed to be about fresh starts and crap like that. Instead we're having to save the world like our parents did and everything. No one even knows. The Bellas were the one thing that felt normal. Without you there it wasn't as good as it used to be, and now that we won't be meeting it'll just be awful."

Her fingers ran slowly through her girlfriend's red locks. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm still here for you, Chlo, and you'll still see Aubrey. Since Amy's her sister you'll probably still see her. Life's never been normal for us. Why should it be now?"

"Well, I guess I should be grateful that my life is a little normal." The brunette's brow arched. Chloe moved to look up at her with only a grin on her lips. "Why's that?" Beca asked, but before she got an answer Chloe's lips were on hers. "Because I have an amazing girlfriend."

The brunette leaned forward, capturing the assassin's lips with her own. They perfectly molded together, like they were made for each other. Different aspects of their personalities made them absolutely compatible. Chloe knew how to calm her down and she knew how to treat Chloe in the best possible way. No one in the world could compare to her red head. No on in the universe either.

An irritated groan made its way from Beca's throat as the phone on the nearby table rang and interrupted their kissing. To her delight the assassin placed another kiss on her temple before moving to answer the phone. "Hello? Yeah what's- Oh. Are you sure you want her...? Yeah. On our way." That was certainly a quick phone call.

"What was that?" Beca asked, standing from her position on the couch and pulling her leather jacket over her shoulders. "I guess we have to go to the base, don't we?" Chloe nodded, taking the girl's hands in her own. Something was going on, and considering the way Chloe was acting it couldn't have been good. "Look, babe... Jesse and Aubrey found the snake creature that bit you in the cave while you were still... out. They just got it back to the base and want you to come down there."

"Let's go," it was time for some payback, but Chloe caught her by the arm and brought her back. "Beca, I know you-" "You don't know what I want right now, Chloe! Havak kept me down in a stupid chain of caves for weeks! I didn't eat! I barely slept! It was a living hell down there! He deserves the same!" She tried to escape her girlfriend's grip again, but the red head kept bringing her back.

"I know he deserves it, but that doesn't mean you should be the one to give it to him. You'll get your justice, but don't stoop down to that level to get it. You're better than him, babe. He had to torture you to get information out of you, and even then you beat him. You're smarter than him, Beca, now you just have to act like it."

Beca sighed, knowing her girlfriend was right. No matter how much she wanted to beat the living crap out of Havak for everything he did to her it wouldn't be worth it. If Havak died their chance for information went with him. "There's one more thing you need to know, babe." "What now?" She saw Chloe flinch. Of course she didn't mean to be that harsh, it just slipped out.

Chloe kissed her cheek, helping her calm down. No matter what the two went through they always seemed to come out on top of things. Which one of the two women was actually on top was a different question entirely. "It still thinks you're dead."