Hey! I got a few reviews saying "Harry lives in Britain and the autobots in the USA," and I was like "oops," so I tried to figure out a way to make it work.. and I think it has.. kinda. :)

I haven't yet said, but thanks so much for the reviews! They really encourage me and make me think more about what I'm writing and about the things that I have yet to realize.

Chapter 4

When trapped in a room with no windows, time had almost no meaning to Harry. He was at a loss of how many days had passed, how many hours he slept or even if he slept at night or in the daytime. It was continuous and utterly boring. Galloway had barged in to interrogate him once after the first time, but Harry had just decided to keep completely silent, which annoyed Galloway to know end.

It was odd to notice that the more time he was trapped, the more strongly and desperate he was for Bluestreak's company or even any of the autobot's which he had only met extremely briefly. Perhaps it was because while he felt humanity had failed him many times, the autobot's had yet to do so.

The next thing that happened, apart from being stuck in a room 24/7, although technically he was used to it from living with the Dursley's, was that the door opened and a man in uniform strolled through who Harry managed to recognize as Will Lennox from the brief times he had seen him.

Harry scrambled up of his bed and stood anxiously as the door closed behind Will.

"Harry," Will spoke fairly quickly. "I don't have much time and technically I'm not supposed to be here, but you need to listen to me,"

"What? What the hell is going on?" Harry cried out, stressed beyond belief. "I have been stuck here for merlin knows how long, and I don't even understand why!" Harry could almost feel hope rising again in himself at the appearance of Will. The few times he had seen Will, he had argued for him and even though they had never talked before, Harry would trust this guy over Galloway any day.

"Listen to me quickly!" Will said strongly as he grasped Harry's shoulders in his calloused hands. "I don't know how much you know, but Galloway is the national security adviser-"

"What does that matter?" Harry argued, irritated and slightly panicky.

"-Of America," Will finished. Harry paused.

"But this is Britain," Harry slowly stated, confusion in his voice. Will nodded firmly.

"Yes, do you understand?" He asked lowly. Slowly, Harry shook his head, feeling like an idiot. He knew he was missing something completely obvious, but he didn't understand much about the muggle world.

"You're not an American citizen. You're from Britain. That means that Galloway has no power over you," Will said. Harry snorted bitterly.

"Tell that to him!" Harry snarled. "I have been stuck here and interrogated twice just for the information of their bloody weapons and been threatened, so I don't think he gives a damn ass about the law!" Will closed his eyes briefly before a disgusted look came upon his face with a grimace.

"That man has gone way over his authority," Will muttered. "Either way, Harry, you do not have to say a thing to Galloway and he cannot do anything to you, no matter what he says," Harry let this run through his hair before desperation started to get to him. For days he hadn't gotten any fresh air and he had been trapped without knowing what was going on and all of it was starting to get to him.

"When can I get out?" Harry pleaded. "I don't even know how long I've been here for and I don't even know if anyone is helping me! I just…" Harry swallowed and looked down, trying to hide his eyes as he felt them tear up slightly. "I just want to see Bluestreak," Harry admitted. Will sighed in sympathy, but there was anger stirring underneath it all.

"The autobots are doing everything they can to help," Will soothed before grinning. "It's quite interesting that the autobot's have taken such interest in you when they have barely even met you, although you did willingly protect Bluestreak," Harry could feel his hope growing.

"And Bluestreak is fine," Will confirmed. Harry could feel himself relax and a weight he didn't even know he felt, fall of his shoulders. "Although apparently he is extremely worried. He's barely spoken a word to anyone since you were taken," Harry jolted and his head zapped upwards to stare at Will in shock.

"You're joking! Bluestreak barely ever stops speaking!" Harry said in shock. Will gave a wryly laugh.

"Yeah, that's what the other autobots said as well," Will grinned. Harry could feel worry rise up inside him for Bluestreak. They had only known each other for a few days, yet apparently Harry had a bigger impact on Bluestreak than he had thought. Will glanced down at him watch and grimaced.

"Times almost up kid," This time it was Harry who grimaced. "Well get you out soon, I promise," Harry looked at Will disbelieving.

"Yeah, that's what they all say," Harry mumbled disheartened. Will once again gripped his shoulders with a fierce look on him face.

"All of us know that what Galloway is doing is wrong and frankly, I don't even know how this scheme of his hasn't been stopped yet. Unfortunately Galloway seems to have a few friends in high places, but at the same time, so do you. Being friends with the autobots has seriously helped you're case out," Will said convincingly. "We aren't just going to let you rot in here," Harry finally nodded, but this time he chose to believe that he would get out of there because if he didn't then he felt like he had nothing left.

"I'll see you again, and next time in better conditions," Will stated and with a friendly clap on the shoulder, Harry watched as Will walked back over to the door and walked out. The door locked afterwards.

Frowning thoughtfully, Harry lazily collapsed back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Hope had risen up inside of him, so much that he almost felt like jumping up and down or screaming into the heavens. He had just gotten confirmation that others were helping him out which was all he could have hoped for at that moment, except perhaps the hope of Galloway being fired. His mind brought him to Bluestreak and instantly Harry felt a slight concern for the normally talkative bot, although technically Harry also felt a small amount of happiness that Bluestreak did care a lot about him. In the end, he supposed after the life and death situations he had faced with Bluestreak, there was no way that Harry could not feel a connection with him and alien or not, Bluestreak seemed to feel the same way.

Now all he had to do was wait. Unfortunately for Harry, he wasn't a particularly patient person.

Time, to Harry went by very, very slowly. He did all he could to keep his mind off of his situation, which at that moment, wasn't much at all. He paced again and again repeatedly before eventually; he decided to explore his prison very thoroughly and found a small rock underneath his bed.

So began his entertainment with the rock.

One hour

Two hours

Three hours

Harry boredly threw the rock again at the wall again before catching it.

"101….102….103….104," Harry counted slowly as he threw the rock again and again.

"105…1…-" Harry paused as an alarm went off, causing him to miss the rock and hit the side of his face instead. Harry blinked as he rubbed the sore spot before standing up and listened anxiously to the alarm.

"Hey!" Harry called out as he ran to the door and banged on it. "What's going on?" Straining his ears, he heard people running and shouting. Feeling panic rise up inside of him, Harry banged on the door again.

"Answer me!" Harry shouted. Harshly breathing, Harry backed away from the door. Perhaps this was from the autobots trying to rescue him? Harry hoped it was, but a little voice inside of him told him that it wasn't.

On edge, Harry continued to listen with clenched hands. Here he was trapped in a room with nothing to defend himself with. If anyone came in with ill intentions, the most he could do to defend himself was by using his hands.

Minutes went by and slowly the shouting died down until only silence was left in its place.

Tense, Harry breathed out shakily. He opened his mouth to shout once more but then forced himself to stop as he realized it might not be good to bring attention to himself.

What was he suppose to do? The other times that he had been in danger, there had always been an objective, something that could save him, but this time, there was nothing. Only the blank walls of his prison. He was hopeless to do anything, even to protect himself and it was a feeling that Harry never ever wanted to feel again.

Harry subconsciously tried to take out his wand, but his hands unfortunately only grabbed air. He had never really realized how naked he felt without his wand on him until that moment. Sure, he didn't usually take it around with him at the Dursley's but it was always still in reach and he had never really needed it there before, but now…

Harry's thought abruptly froze as he realized that he had in fact done underage magic. Where was the letter he should have received? Why hadn't he been found and brought back to be expelled or something? Harry could still feel the confusion and dread but was then distracted from his train of thought when his ear's had caught a small sound.




Footsteps, Harry decided and then realized the footsteps were getting louder and louder, and whoever it was; they were coming closer and closer. What should he do? Harry wondered as he waited tense. Should he stand next to the door and when it opened barge out and do the worst damage he could do? Or should he wait for them to make the first move? The moment was lost as Harry heard the footsteps stop and shuffle slightly in front of the door.

There was a click before the door opened and Harry really should have expected it, really really should have, but he just hadn't really expected Galloway to stay back while everyone else seemed to have evacuated the area.

"You're coming with me," Galloway demanded. "And if you give me any trouble…" He trailed off threateningly. Harry didn't move.

"Where are we going?" Harry demanded. "And what's going on?" Galloway sent him a scathing look.

"I don't have time to play with a school boy," Galloway snarled.

"I'm not going anywhere," Harry replied stubbornly. He refused to be shoved around like his life didn't matter anymore. Galloway's face slowly turned red, his eyes glaring into Harry's. Despite this, Galloway seemed to look behind him every so often.

"I'm done humoring you kid," Harry couldn't help but notice in the back of his mind the difference Galloway and Will said the word Kid.

"Then you don't need to humor him anymore," Will's voice came from behind Galloway. Harry had never felt more relieved at seeing Will. "New orders," Will stated as he shoved the papers at Galloway who looked thunderstruck, although reluctantly read through the papers. His face turned ashen as he read.

"You cannot do this…!" Galloway bellowed as he angrily scrunched the papers up.

"I can and I will," Formally, Will stood in front of Galloway. "After recent actions, It is seen that you no longer have the autobots well-being in mind. As of now, you are no longer the liaison for the autobots," Galloway spluttered, his fists shaking in humiliation and anger. However, Will ignored him and turned to Harry who watched this turn of events with satisfaction and perhaps a dose of glee.

"Come, I'll take you to the autobots," Will said to Harry's relief. With a scowl on his face directed at Galloway, Harry followed Will without protest. Now that Harry didn't have guards around him, Harry did take more notice of his surroundings.

"Will! What's going on?" Harry exclaimed as he followed Will who was striding along with purpose. Will glanced at Harry.

"There's been a decepticon attack," Will said darkly.

"Then why are you here?" Harry blurted out. Surely Will should be going after the decepticon. Will gave a small bark of a laugh, making Harry feel like he'd said something stupid.

"Harry, not all of my soldiers go when a decepticon attacks. We need to be prepared in case it's a diversion or unless another attack happens," Will clarified strictly as they turned a corner. Harry nodded understandingly. After all, it made perfect sense. If they did send everyone, it could mean a fatal blow to the autobots and to the soldiers and civilians.

"So… how did you get the paperwork and how did you get Galloway to release me?" Harry asked, intensely curious. Hermione always told him that he really needed to be careful with his curiosity; after all, it did kill the cat, though Harry always told her that the cat came back again though. Will shook his head. They passed through another hallway with a sign saying 'exit' above it.

"I'll tell you later, but not here. It's not really my place to tell you, and although I didn't totally agree with the decision, I suppose the autobots thought you were worth it," Will shrugged while Harry bubbled with curiosity.

"So where are we going then and…wait!" Harry exclaimed. "The decepticon attack! Bluestreak!" Harry was horrified that it only just came to him that Bluestreak would probably be fighting. His mind immediately went to Sirius in his last moments as he fell through the veil and he tried to fight against the raging panic that he started to feel.

"Don't worry kid, just before I got you, it was over. Your friend isn't hurt," Will said making Harry's emotions immediately disappear like they had never even been there in the first place.

"That's good, are they all okay?" Harry asked worriedly. While Harry didn't really know any of the autobots, he did know that they had fought to get him released.

"Minor injuries," Will confirmed. "They are all fine though," They stopped in front of a large door which Will opened. The first thing Harry noticed was the sun and the feel of fresh air on his face. With a relaxed smile, Harry closed his eyes in bliss before looking around him. The autobots were all there, in all their glory, standing up regally, looking slightly worse for ware with the soldiers going about their business as ordered. Harry's eyes roamed on Bluestreak who was staring back at him intensely.

"Harry!" The voice was so happy and enthusiastic and just so recognizable that Harry paused as he got a good look at Bluestreak, the most welcoming feature to his eyes at that moment. Before meeting Bluestreak, Harry wouldn't have ever understood how robots could make such facial features, but somehow Bluestreak managed it. Bluestreak's optics, his facial plates, even his little door panels which were held high to the extreme all made Bluestreak like the happiest bot alive.

Harry smiled at the big bot as he came racing towards him and quickly picked him up, regardless of the warning voices of the other autobots. Heart in his mouth, Harry lurched forward to scramble for Bluestreak's fingers for support.

"You're okay," Bluestreak said emotionally. "I mean… you are okay, aren't you?" Bluestreak quickly added, mildly panicky. Harry patted the hand.

"I'm fine Bluestreak," Harry said comfortingly. Bluestreak studied him for a second.

"Good! Because I was so scared! I couldn't do anything for you and Prime was doing all he could, and trust me, you don't want to get on the wrong side of him! But you're here now, and I'm not letting Galloway get close to you anymore!" Bluestreak babbled with pure relief in his voice. In the corner of his eyes, Harry saw Will stare at Bluestreak bemused and stunned.

"Bluestreak, I'm fine," Harry started off. This time Bluestreak looked at him with a slightly bemused and knowing look. It looked like Bluestreak was hearing the excessive 'I'm fine,' that both of them kept saying again and again. Harry shifted slightly guiltily and wishing that Bluestreak hadn't caught on.

"Mostly," Harry added with a small shrug. "What happened while I was gone? Did you catch up with your friends?" That was apparently the wrong question to ask as instantly, Bluestreak's door panels lowered and Bluestreak's face looked like he had kicked a puppy.

"Bluestreak?" Harry asked worried.

"Jazz is gone," Bluestreak's vocal chords shook slightly. Harry instantly felt saddened for his friend and sympathy swelled up inside him.

"I'm sorry," Harry said softly. "I'm sure he was a great…bot," He wasn't quite sure if that was the proper word for the autobot, but it would do.

"After you were taken," Bluestreak's voice was unsteady and Harry knew that the mental wounds from Jazz's death were too early to talk about just yet. "Prime instantly contacted Weller to talk to him about what had happened. Unfortunately Galloway seemed to set up 'road blocks' with the help of people he knew which managed to stop us from coming for you for a few days. It seems like Galloway never intended you to be there for too long and knew that he couldn't keep you. I just don't think Galloway expected the consequences of his actions to be so harsh," There was smugness or perhaps it was satisfaction in Bluestreak's voice as he finished talking.

"What did happen to him?" Harry asked. Bluestreak wasn't looking at him though; he was looking behind him and quickly saluted.

"He is no longer the liaison of the autobots," A deep voice came from behind him. Jerking around, Harry breathed out slowly as his eyes steadied on Optimus Prime. "It is good to see you again, this time in better conditions,"

"I… thank you," Harry said gratefully. "For getting me out and away from Galloway," Optimus leaned down slightly; his optics stared unwaveringly at Harry.

"You do not need to thank me, for this was our responsibility to correct. I… regret not having thought that Galloway would go that far to obtain what he wanted," Optimus's voice reverberated in Harry and only then did he realize just how much influence Optimus held. Not only was he the leader to the autobots, but he also had major power in a totally alien species from them, Humans. That wasn't as far as it went though. Even just Optimus's stance seemed regal and that was even before he started speaking. Harry really didn't know any other words to describe Optimus except for noble.

"I don't understand," Harry frowned. "All he did was question me about you're weapon's system," Harry gave a small humorless chuckle. "As if I know anything about that," Optimus stared at Harry intensely for a moment making Harry shift slightly and almost as if he had done something wrong.

"Indeed," Optimus said dryly before standing back up straight. "We will talk more when we get to a secure area," His optics shifted to Bluestreak. "You as well," If Harry had been sitting on the ground, he would have never noticed the slight movement made. "For now, I believe Sam wants to make acquaintances with you again. Harry felt confusion wash over him as Optimus walked away.

"Who?" Harry asked blankly to know one.

Harry looked around before his focus came upon a human of around the same age walking towards him. Harry frowned as he studied him. He looked oddly familiar somehow and Harry wondered if they had met before, but where, Harry couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"That's Sam," Bluestreak said helpfully. "Apparently you've both met before," Harry concentrated before a jolt of shock hit him as he realized.

"Oh! That's the guy with the Camaro!" Harry said with surprise. "But why would he…" Harry almost groaned as he thought back to the conversation he had had with Sam. "The Camaro's a autobot, isn't he?" Bluestreaks' face told him the answer straight away. Bluestreak put Harry down as Sam came closer and gave a little wave.

"Hey again," Sam spoke. Harry gave a little half smile.

"Hey," Harry replied awkwardly. Harry had never been great at social interactions, which was mostly based on the fact that the Dursley's had never loved him.

"..And I thought the time when I met Bumblebee was complicated, but you take the jackpot! Really, going from attacked by decepticons to on the run to captured, I'd say your lucks not that great," Sam joked slightly. Harry felt a bubble of amusement hit him.

"Don't I know it," Harry agreed totally. "What were you doing in my neighborhood that day?" Harry asked intrigued. Sam gave a sheepish laugh.

"There was a transmission signal for a cybertronian in the area and me, Optimus, Bumblebee and Ratchet were searching for it. Turns out it was Bluestreak here," Sam retold. Harry listened raptly.

"Then what about that decepticon?" Harry questioned. "Why was he there?"

"He sensed me as well," Bluestreak spoke up. "And decided to create havoc to force me to show myself,"

"Well, it worked," Harry said, slightly intrigued in how events had played out. "So are there only four autobots on earth?" Sam shook his head.

"Nope, our base is in the USA. A few of the autobots came to Britain to search for Bluestreak. Let me see," Sam concentrated. "Back at the base in Diego Garcia, there's Ironhide, Sideswipe and Red alert," Harry could feel a sinking feeling settle inside of him.

"Wait," Harry blurted. "So you're all going to go back to America?" Not once had he considered that the autobots would leave. It seemed so harsh and instantaneous and there was no way Harry could forget all that had happened so easily.

"Yeah! It'll be so nice to see the other autobots and catch up and see what my new home is like!" Bluestreak said excited. Harry gave a pained smile in return. He supposed it was natural for Bluestreak to want to see his friends who were familiar and were the same race, but at the same time, Harry couldn't help but feel slightly down and couldn't help but wonder if Bluestreak knew that Harry wouldn't be able to go with him.

As a matter of fact, an unwanted thought came into his mind. Now that they had found the autobots and he was away from Galloway, where was he supposed to stay? The only place he had ever lived was gone and his relative dead which meant he had no living family and no guardian.

"That's great Bluestreak," Harry said with a distracted grin.

"Yeah! And soon other autobots will be coming to earth as well! Prowl, smokescreen and many others!" Bluestreak said quickly.

"How about you come with me and ill officially introduce you to my guardian, Bumblebee?" Sam questioned with a smile. Slightly unnerved, Harry nodded before turning back to Bluestreak.

"Ah, Ill go see Ratchet. He wants to see me one last time to make sure everything is fine with my circuits," Bluestreak said. Harry nodded before walking towards Sam. Hesitantly, Harry looked behind and noticed that while Bluestreak was walking towards Ratchet, he seemed to have slouched much more and his door panels were low unlike a second ago. Reluctantly, Harry turned back to Sam.

"So Bumblebee cool?" Harry asked as they started walking. Sam gave him such a goofy grin that Harry was taken aback.

"You have no idea," Sam replied mysteriously. Harry raised one of his eyebrows and gave Sam an extremely strange look that he couldn't help but laugh. Side by side they turned a corner and Harry studied the bot before him and instantly knew why his name was Bumblebee. Bumblebee was a bot coated Yellow and Black. Instantly Bumblebee turned his optics to them and if Harry thought he was amazed at how much expression could be seen on Bluestreak, this beat even that. Bumblebee's face just radiated happiness or kindness or even naivety. To Harry, it was shocking that someone could show that so unguarded.

"Harry, I'd like you to meet Bumblebee, my guardian," Sam introduced with a grin. Bumblebee jumped forward, excitedly.

"It's so good to meet you!" Harry was stunned to hear the radio speak and turned questioning to Sam.

"His voice box was injured and still needs repairing from Ratchet, so he uses the radio to speak instead," Sam explained with an affectionate smile aimed at Bumblebee. Harry nodded understandingly.

"Nice to meet you too Bumblebee," Harry replied. Bumblebee gave a little wiggle and the lyrics 'Give it to me baby' came out of his radio. Harry blinked, astonished and slightly horrified before hearing Sam groan next to him.

"Sorry, Bumblebee's a sucker for the British accent," Sam coughed as he scratched his head, aiming a small glare at his friend who quickly stopped the song. Harry choked, almost not believing what he had heard.

Who would have thought that these aliens, so huge and so different to humans could at the same time, still be quite similar?

Harry didn't know.

What he did know, was that he didn't want to let go of it.

Any of it.


Finished chapter four! It's slightly longer and any review would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading!