AN: check me out, being all quick at updating and stuff. Though this new plot bunny is quickly steering in a different direction than the original plan. Ah well.

As always, I don't own anything you recognise.

Alexis watched the two scientists as they began to work together, seamlessly sharing tasks as though they'd done it many times before. It was funny how quickly they forgot about her presence when there was Science to be done, and she enjoyed sitting quietly in her spot by the window watching the men at work.

The rhythm of their work was so soothing she almost dosed off before an "OW!" From Bruce had her paying attention again. She nearly laughed out loud at the scene in front of her, Tony holding the electrical prod in one hand staring deeply into Bruce's eyes. Apparently he was trying to see the Hulk resting inside the other scientists head.

Captain America had, unfortunately, arrived in time to see Tony's stunt and was not impressed. "Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny."

There was witty banter exchanged but Alexis couldn't pay attention. The brief vulnerability that flashed in Bruce's eyes when the Captain made it clear that he thought the scientist was a threat made her think. Did Bruce have it worse because his dangerous side had a physical manifestation? Or was it because his control wasn't perfect?

She tuned back into the conversation long enough to hear that Tony was hacking into SHIELD and decided that it would be a good time to leave the lab. An angry Captain came storming out after her but she paid him no mind, deciding to go and visit with the god of mischief and see what all the fuss was about.

"Well well well," the drawling tones of the asgardian god greeted her as she walked past the control panel and sat down on the steps in front of the cage. "A little girl has come to visit me. How nice."

Alexis was about to respond when she felt a pressure inside her head. From chatting to a few people with relevant skills during her year at the agency she knew that she had a strong shield around her mind and it seemed as though Loki was trying to break that barrier. Instead of responding to his words she simply raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, a little girl with a very strong mind." He said with a smirk, walking towards her within the cage and stopping just on the other side of the glass. "I like a challenge. "

Alexis couldn't help but let her mood sour a little at that. It was too close to being told that she made good sport. He couldn't have taken that particular trigger from her own mind but she supposed it would be easy enough to pick from someone else with the appropriate clearance.

"I have been reliably informed by several sources that I am 'challenging' but I don't think they ever meant it as a compliment." Was her reply.

"Why then have you chosen to inflict your presence on me?"

"Well you are in a cage so, theoretically you can't run away from my scintillating conversation."

"Ah," the everlasting smirk was on his face. She noticed as she glanced up at him that his eyes were glacier blue. "And do people regularly run away from you?"

Her brows furrowed in thought as she responded. "Oh, no. The first conversation usually goes well and evasion seems to be the key for future conversations. Good bye. "

She could feel his eyes on her as she left the room.

She found Thor in the control centre of the helicarrier, by the sound of it he was being asked by the Director if he was willing to torture his own brother. The answer was quite obviously 'no' and it was decided that black widows unique brand of interrogation would be the next option.

Slightly hesitantly she asked huge warrior for a moment of his time.

"Of course, Alexis. What troubles you?" He asked kindly.

She was a bit taken aback by his willingness to talk to her but gamely went on. "It might be a bit of a strange question but could you tell me what colour your brother's eyes are?"

Thor seemed surprised by the question, looking at her carefully and humming in thought - his voice was deep enough that she pondered how closely being god of thunder had intertwined with his being. "His eyes are emerald green. As I chose my colour to be red, he chose green for his eyes. Now you must tell me why it is you ask this question. "

"You've read the case file on Agent Barton and how he's been compromised?" At the god's nod she continued. "It described him being taken under the power of the tesseract and his eyes turning an icy shade of blue. Well I've just been visiting with your little brother and his eyes are equally blue. "

"You believe him to be under the power of the tesseract."

It wasn't a question but she answered anyway. "Yes, which means someone, something else is controlling the tesseract and manipulating everything."

Thor was about to reply when Agent Romanov's voice came through their earpieces telling them to meet her at the lab.

AN: with this new muse I'm soon going to be reordering Norse mythology to suit my own whims. Just so you are warned.