Chapter 1: Bittersweet Reunion
Hey guys I posted this story on here a while and deleted it because I wanted to revamp it. So here it is again. Enjoy!
In a tiny apartment in Sacramento California, 24 year old Katherine Hilliard was sleeping soundly when the telephone rang. As she slipped into consciousness she glanced at the clock, 2:47 a.m.
"Hello?" Katherine asked groggily
"Kat?" A male voice, full of anguish said on the other line
"Tommy? What's wrong?" Kat said instantly waking up.
"How fast can you get Reefside?" Tommy asked
"I can be there by 9:00 a.m. if I leave now. What's going on?" Kat asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.
"Reyna had the baby a few hours ago." Tommy started
"Why do you sound so sad? You're a dad now." Kat asked curiously
"Reyna had some complications during the delivery…she…she didn't make it…Reyna's gone." Tommy said, his voice cracking a little. Katherine stares at the phone is shock.
"Kat…Kat…you still there?" Tommy asked thinking the call had dropped
"I'll be there soon, I'm on my way." Kat said before disconnecting the call.
Kat rushes around packing her clothes and hurries out the door. By 9:30 a.m. Kat is pulling up in front of Reefside Memorial. As soon as she walked in she spotted Tommy. He ran up to her and engulfed her in an enormous bear hug.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry." Kat said as her voice caught in her throat and tears began to form.
In that moment, Tommy unleashed all of the tears he had been holding in. They stayed like this for a while. Both adults letting their emotions out.
(Some time later)
"Have you called anyone else?" Kat asked
"Just my parents, I haven't had it in me to call anyone else. All of Reyna's family is gone." Tommy said lowly
"Oh, well, when are your parents getting here?" Kat asked
"Tonight." Tommy said
"How's the baby?" Kat asked
"She's amazing, she has all of my features, but her eyes…her eyes are just like Reyna's." Tommy said with a small smile crossing his features.
"Now you have a piece of her forever." Kat said placing a hand on Tommy's knee.
"What am I going to do Kat? I can't raise her on my own. I don't want my daughter growing up without her mother." Tommy said as he ran his hands through his spiked hair.
"Tommy, calm down. You 2 are going to be ok, you have me, your parents, all of our friends. That little girl will be so loved and with so many mother figures in her life, she'll go nuts." Kat assured her friend who gave her halfhearted smile.
"So when do I get to meet your new little princess?" Kat asked
Tommy stood abruptly and grabs her hand.
"Come on." Tommy said as he leads her to the nursery on the third floor.
"There she is right there." Tommy said pointing to a sleeping baby in pink being held by a nurse who held her up for them to see.
"She's beautiful…what's her name?" Kat asked in awe.
"Megan Elizabeth Oliver." Tommy said with pride
"Megan Elizabeth…I like it." Kat said
"Reyna liked the name Megan and Elizabeth was her middle name so..." Tommy explained.
"It's perfect." Kat said looking into his eyes
The nurse then comes out holding the precious baby girl.
"I think someone misses her daddy." The nurse said handing the baby over to Tommy.
"There is an empty room right over there if you want to sit." The nurse offered
"Thanks" Both and Tommy and Kat said as they headed in the direction of the room.
"You were right she does look like you." Kat said staring at the newborn.
"Just wait until she opens her eyes." Tommy said.
"I can't wait." Kat said sitting on the couch.
"Do you want to hold her?" Tommy asked
"Sure." Kat said with a warm smile written on her face.
Tommy hands over the sleeping baby girl. Kat cradles the baby and stares in awe of her.
"Hey there little one, I'm your Auntie Kat. I've waited a long time to meet you. You're going to be so spoiled and you have so many people who are going to love you, even when you're a hormonal boy crazy teenager." Kat said to her.
"Hey let's get through the sleepless nights first, then deal with the rest as it comes." Tommy said in a slight panic.
"Oh and you're going to have to deal with an over-protective daddy, but he's really lovable." Kat said to sleeping child.
(Tommy smiled a real smile, but it quickly faded as thoughts of his wife flooded his mind.)
"I have to make funeral arrangements soon." Tommy said with a sigh.
"You don't have to talk about that right now." Kat said
"I just don't…she's really….she's really gone Kat." Tommy said his voice cracking a bit.
"I know sweetie…I know" Kat replied blinking back tears.
"She was so excited when she went into labor. She was smiling and laughing the whole way her and then she was gone. The doctors said that she had and aneurism caused by her having to push Megan out." Tommy said.
"Did Reyna at least get to see her?" Kat asked
"Yeah but she didn't get to hold her. Everything happened so fast." Tommy said as the tears welled up in his eyes again.
"I wish there was something I could do or say." Kat said honestly
"I know, I just wish things were different." Tommy said with a sigh as he sat next to her on the couch.
There it is guys. I hope you enjoyed the first installment. I am hoping to upload chapter 2 really soon but I am super busy so, no promises. Please read and review.