Well, look at this, I've written another fanfiction in my long fanfic break. XD So yeah, Fate/Extra, ArcherXHeroine fic cause I love the pairing so much. ^-^ Not sure if I will write more to this or not but we'll see, I want to at least. I'm still pretty new to the Fate universe so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. I wasn't sure how to go about the summoning thing from Archer's POV. But anyway, enough nonetheless!

She was held tightly in his arms

The water of the Moon Cell surrounded them along with strings of 1s and 0s. The sound of bubbles flowed around them, the only thing that broke the tranquil silence.

Archer looked down at the girl he held tightly within his arms. So very frail and yet so strong at the same time. He could still remember their first meeting, seven weeks ago, when she had summoned him through her own will. He had thought she was pretty pathetic, weak and unable to do anything. It didn't help that she had been lying on the ground and stared up at him with big round eyes either. However, over those seven weeks she had surprised him time and time again with her strength, resourcefulness and will. And how in the end, even when she found out that she wasn't human, she did not give up but continued to fight with even more strength and courage than before.

"Hey Archer?" her voice danced around him.


He could see her smiling as she rested her head against his chest. "I," she sighed, "Thank you…for putting up with a dumb master like me."

Acher sighed to himself. If this was any other situation he would have bopped her on the head and made a sarcastic remark about how right she was and list all of the dumb things she had done in the past, starting with summoning him. He couldn't though. Even though he was holding her so tightly he was losing the feeling of her warmth. She was already starting to fade away.

"Idiot," he whispered as he lowered his head to rest on hers. "If I had to do it again, I wouldn't do it any other way."

She laughed quietly. "Well that's good at least."

They fell silent again. She was so quiet. If he loosened his grip wouldn't have known if she was gone or not. He looked down at her to check if she really was there or if he was just imagining it. She was, however he could see the waters of the Moon Cell through her.

"I…I think my time is almost up," she whispered. From the way she was blinking her eyes quickly it was obvious she was trying to hold back tears.

"Hey. Don't start crying now," Archer teased lightly as he tried to hold back tears of his own. This was it. There wasn't much time left.

"I…I'm glad my last moments were with you." She lifted her head to look him straight in the eyes with her signature grin but it was stained with the sadness she felt inside. Archer bit back his tongue. There was nothing he could do. Nothing that he could possibly do to stop what was happening to her. "Archer I…" she shook her head before putting her hands on his face. He could barely feel them or see them. She was fading fast.

As if she could sense that her time was fading fast, she pressed her lips to his in a final kiss. "Archer. I love you."

Archer didn't even get a chance to respond before she faded away into the Moon Cell right before his eyes. The last thing he saw of her was her eyes filled to the brim with tears. "I love you too…" he whispered hoping that in some way she would be able to hear him.

He closed his eyes. It was done. There was nothing left for him here. She was gone. He let his conscious fade away as he let the Moon Cell do its job and absorb him. Nothing mattered anymore for now. She was gone forever. The Moon Cell would never interfere again thanks to her and even if it did, the NPC that would appear would not be her. It would be a ghost of her.

The master, the girl he fell in love with was gone forever.

As he faded away he began feeling a tugging on the back of his mind. He tried to push it away however the tugging got stronger and more insistent. He remembered this sensation before. It was the sensation of being summoned again. A small smirk crossed his face. It would be his luck that he would be summoned again after losing the girl that meant so much to him.

He closed his eyes and let the tugging take him to wherever he needed to go. There was no point resisting, it would take him whether he complained or not. Soon enough he felt the ground under his feet and the wind blowing against his face. It looked like he was here, wherever he was.

"Now what kind of moron would needlessly call a Servant like me?" he smirked as he opened his eyes. It was a hollow comment. He still felt numb inside. It didn't really hit him that she was gone forever.

He took the moment to get his bearings. It looked like it was nighttime, wherever he was. An empty street to be more precise. The only light came from the light posts that stood every couple of feet. A sound came from behind him, which probably meant his new master was there.

His emotions rubbed raw by what had just happened, he turned to see who had ended up summoning him, a remark on his tongue ready to abuse whoever it was. The remark died on his throat as he stared at the girl huddled on the ground, her back pressed against a lamppost. She was half-hidden by the shadows but he could still see enough of her. The same stature, the same long brown hair, the same huge brown eyes, everything about the girl was the same as her.

He opened his mouth and shut it again, still trying to process what was going on. She was just staring at him like a deer in headlights. "What kind of idiot manages to summon the same servant twice?!" he blurted out. He immediately chided himself after saying it. What was he saying? It was her! No matter how he looked at it, this girl was her. No. This girl wasn't her. It was like when he met Rin and Shinji in the Moon Cell. She had the same essence, that was it but it wasn't the same girl.

Even though he was telling himself this, at the same time he didn't want to believe it. He wanted it to be her. He wanted to run over and hug her to prove that she truly was standing in front of him.

As if she could sense his hesitation, she took that moment to speak. "What….who are you?"