Chapter 5

Maria opens her eyes and lets out a small yawn. She turns onto her side on the hard wood floor, wait what! She sits up and looks around with shock. she was no longer next to Jackson in their room. Instead she was in this huge place with yetis and little elves! Maria gets to her feet and brushes dirt off her nightgown. "I'm telling you North! We should attack now. Pitch has gotten new recruits." Maria turns to spot Jack talking to a man with a long thick white beard. "We can't yet, besides you said there was a girl who was obviously human before she was a fearling. We need to get her out of there before anything else." The man who she was guessing was North rests his hands on a table. "Especially since one of my children has gone missing." a woman who looked like a humming bird chirps from where she was hovering. "Tooth you know you shouldn't have children with humans." North says. "I promised that she was my last one. I just worry because I haven't seen her since she was young." The woman said. "What's her name?" Jack asks resting his staff on his shoulder.

"Her name is Maria."

Maria gasps and open her eyes. Her breathing came out heavily as she sits up quickly. Maria's eyes flicker around the dark room. She sighs and rests her arms on her knees. "It can't be true...I'm...hers..." She looks down at her hands. She wasn't in her proper form. Maria should be like her mother, half bird. So why was she so human? "What are you thinking about?" Maria feels Jackson's arm wrap around her waist before he nuzzles his face against her stomach. Maria smiles down at him and plays with his ink black hair. "I was thinking about my mother." Jackson opened one eye and looks up at her. "You never talked about your mom who is your mother?"

"there is a reason why I don't talk about her really. I don't remember much about her. I remember violet eyes looking down at me with joy and her saying something about teeth. But she left my father and I when I was young. my father doesn't like talking about her and tries to avoid the subject. But once and a while he says I remind him of her. The way I easily worry over the people I love and want to take action to help them." Jackson smiles at her and plays with a strand of her hair. "Yeah that does sound like you." He muses as his eyes close again. "But I know who my mom is now, she is worried. Jackson I need to go to the a North Pole." Jackson's eyes pop open again and he sits up.

"Wait, wait, wait! Why do you need to go there? You realize that's where the enemy is right? The guardians? You know North, sand man, Jack Frost." Jackson shivers at the last name. "I know Jackson. My mom, is the tooth fairy. Or at least that's what my dream told me."

Jackson pinches the bridge of his nose. "Your dream...told you your mom is the tooth fairy." Maria laughs nervously. "Well, more like I saw and heard the guardians talking. Tooth has a daughter who name is Maria who had gone missing. My dad doesn't know where I am and might have called the police by now. My mom would have known by now." Jackson waves at her. "Don't call her your mom yet! You realize there is like a million Marias in this world. They could be taking about someone else." Jackson watches as Maria gets up and reaches for her kimono. "That is why I'm going to go pay them a little visit. You'll protect me right?"

jackson sighs and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "I promised I would keep you safe." He mutters before getting up as well to change. "But my dad can't know about what we are doing. We would be dead meat, royalty or not." Maria giggles and kisses Jackson on the cheek. "Thank you. For being brave enough to come with me." Jackson puffs out his chest a little. "Well I can't let you go by yourself while that evil Jack Frost is there."

time skip~

"holy pitch black! It's freezing!" Jackson howls as they land near the north pole. "well there is snow everywhere Jackson." Maria says, wrapping her kimono around herself tighter. "I know but still this is freezing." He replies just before he was snatched up by something big. Maria's eyes widen with fear "Jackson!" She shrieks before being picked up herself and thrown into a bag. She felt herself being tossed into the air and hitting the ground hard. Maria lets out a little shout and holds onto her arm. "Ok, who threw the girl that hard?" A familiar voice growls before she felt herself being lifted out of the bag gently. Maria looks up to see the man North from the vision.

"Maria!" she turns to see Jackson coming over with worry in his eyes. Automatically Maria opens her arms out to Jackson. He snatches her away from North and holds her close to his body. "You hurt her arm!" Jackson accuses when he spots Maria holding her arm gently. "Actually it was Phil fault." Jack chimes in pointing at a Yeti. The yeti says something and moves his hand out as if apologizing. "So...did Pitch send you?" Jack asks with a smirk.

"Actually...I came here for another reason. I chose to come here." Maria calls out to him. "and lover boy followed you." Jack says, getting a glare and growl from Jackson. "To protect her from your sorry $$" the two boys glare at each other, both looking ready to pounce.

"North? I thought you said you would gosh." Maria turns to see the woman from the vision. A hand over her mouth, her eyes on Maria. Maria gulps and tries to smile as both her and tooth tear up. "Hi mom." She says, her voice cracking. Tooth flies as fast as she could and hugs Maria. "My baby! My baby!" She sobs holding Maria's tiny frame against hers. Maria hugs Tooth tightly, holding back her tears.

"I was so worried, look how much you grown." Tooth says running a hand over Maria's dark hair. "Jackson...walk with me." North murmurs grabbing Jackson by the back of his shirt. Jackson stumbles after North before turning and following the man. "So you know what will happen next?" Jackson shrugs. "Maria and I go home and visit you guys." North shakes his head "no Jackson..."

"Maria will have to turn human again and forget you even exist. For her protection."