The night was cold, and Tessa's breath curled out in front of her like the long stemmed cigarettes she used to smoke long ago. She wore the same clothes she did at a time even earlier than that; loose pants and a peasant's shirt. Her thick brown hair piled high on her head.

As she walked through the soft grass the slight squish that accompanied her steps told her it had rained recently. Swallowing her almost hysteric laughter, she reminded herself it rained almost constantly here in London.

The sparkling of the stars and the pale light of the moon reminded her of his hair, of his eyes….while the darkness surrounding them and the lighter blue of the horizon reminded her of his hair and his eyes. Two totally different colors meeting and combining just like the boys they reminded her of.

Finally coming to the place she had steadily walked too she looked down on the two crumbling tomb stones resting side-by-side.

William 'Will' Herondale

James 'Jem' Carstairs

Placing the flowers she had gathered from Idris between them, she brushed her fingers over both names. She noticed her fingers were shaking.

"You know that lot dearie?" asked a voice.

Turning her head slightly Tessa saw the vapor-like figure of a ghost.

"Yes… another life…."

The ghost nodded in understanding, "So you're one of those warlocks that live forever?"

Tessa's smile was small and wane but there, "Something like that, yes."

The ghost put a hand right above Tessa's shoulder in an attempt to comfort the girl, "Well, I'll tell the rest of us to go for a long haunt…take all the time ya need dearie…"

With that the kind ghost dissipated and left Tessa to herself.

Hello boys….she though sadly. Kneeling despite the mud she worked her lip trying to reign in her emotions. She hadn't been back here since the time where the second stone had been placed here. She could still feel the cold rain beating down on her black clad shoulders.

Remembering that feeling of the rain brought tears to her eyes and angrily she blinked them away. Pulling a letter out of her pocket she looked at it again, it seemed Magnus was in New York of all places, and was helping some Shadowhunters.

"I'm goin back to New York…..Magnus said he'd love my help over there, being High Warlock is apparently hard work…"

Her voice wobbled but she stayed composed.

"I hear, some decedents of everyone are over there…..i'll look forward to meeting them. Maybe I'll even find the Fairchild's! I'm sure I'll recognize them by the hair."

Taking another steadying breath she brushed her magic charged fingers over the flowers, causing them to become planted in the ground between the stones instead of cut and laid there.

"Bye Will…..Bye Jem…"

With that she stood, turning her back on the past she so strongly held onto. But she didn't pause, she didn't wobble, she didn't cry….but she did whisper three last words.

"I love you…"

Then she disappeared in a flash of purple light and vapor.

A/N: Whoo! Finished! Whoo! I got the first chappie! The second will most likely be the exert…..unless ya'll ask me to write something else for the next chappie and then I can just add the exert whenever…or I can even just put the exert in the middle of your requested chapter…again….doesn't matter. =P anyway, if you have any request of me, PM me or review…well review anyway…but oh well…See ya!