Ok minna-chan! This is going to be one of the most funnest fic for me!! ::grins:: It would be for you too if you're writing a fic that has way too many bishounen for you to count them all. :: eyes goes starry :: Wai!!!!! Ummm… lest see what anime some of these bishounen are from. Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yuugi, Weiss Kreuz, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Ayashi no Ceres… and there are more. Way more!! ^_~


"Sumimasen! I would like to enroll," a petite figure stood in front of the large desk. The old secretary sitting behind the desk raised her head up and smiled kindly at the figure.

"Well…I need you to sign these forms here and you are well aware of the intuition fee right?" The figure nodded his head slowly as he took the bundle of papers. After fifteen minutes or so, all the paper was finally filled out. Handing the papers over to the old women, she read it slowly.

"And your name is…"

"Sagi. Tsuki Sagi." She nodded her head.

"Very well! Your classes will be starting the day after tomorrow and your room mate shall be…"

"I would be prefer to have my own room," he interrupted.

"I'm sorry, demo there are no rooms available right now," she answered him.

'Uh oh.'  "Are you sure you can't do anything about it?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, but I assure you that this person you are staying with won't be much trouble." Sagi slowly nodded his head.

"Your room mate would be…Tenjou Utena! You'll be placed in the West House. Floor 2 and room number 23." Sagi nodded her head and started to head for her building."

'That sounds more like a girl's name,' he thought to himself.


"Aaw! Common fellas! It'll be a blast sneaking out and sneak up on the girls' school next door!" a loud voice echoed through the hall. Sagi placed her hand over her head and tried to secure the hat on her head. As the voices came closer he found himself constantly tugging on the hat.

"Maxwell! How could you think of doing something so injustice like that!" a voice yelled at the first.

"Wufei! Please not another one of your justice speech!" the first voice said again.


"Justice!" the first one finished for him. "Eep!" Pounding footsteps were heard coming towards him. Nervously, Sagi tried to secure the hat on his head a little bit more and turned the corner.

BAM!! The next thing he knows…he was seeing stars. All circling his head.

"Maxwell you baka! Now look what you did!" Even though his vision was fuzzy, Sagi could make out a man with jet-black hair, tied up in a tight ponytail. Holding a, what seems to be a…katana?

"Excuse me, are you alright?" a polite voice asked him. Finally, having his vision regained, Sagi stared up at a boy with platinum blond hair. Politely extending his arm out for him. Alarmed, Sagi placed his hand on his head and checked if the hat was still on. Luckily, it hadn't fallen off from the crash. Deciding not to take the hand, Sagi stood up by himself and started to pick up his things.

"Arigatou," he thanked as someone handed over some of his belongings.

"No sweat!" the voice that had earlier crashed into him answered. "Sorry bout earlier! Seems like Wu-man never knows when it's not a good time to show off his play sword!"

"Maxwell! What did you say?!" cried an enrage Wufei.

"That's quite alright," Sagi answered as he squeezed past him and continued on his way.

"Oi!" he called out, but Sagi didn't bother to pay much attention.

"He seems to be in a hurry." The boy turned around to find himself held at… well it wouldn't be exactly like gunpoint, but good enough. In this case, you could call it katana point.



Fixing his hat once again, Sagi knocked on the door softly. Soft footsteps were heard behind the large oak door. Slowly he heard the lock opening and the door opening.

Sagi found himself staring at a boy with pink hair. Which reminded him of those pink cotton candies he had always bought at the fair. The boy was also wearing a hat, as some of his pink hairs were falling out. The boy was about the same height as Sagi. Although Sagi was a couple of inches shorter. He was dressed in the mandatory school uniform. Black pants, black dress shirt, and a white tie.

"Konban wa, are you Tenjou Utena?" Sagi asked politely, the boy nodded his head. "I'll be your new room mate."


"I'm your new room mate," he repeated.

"H-hai! Come in! Gomen nasai!" he quickly apologized. Utena helped carry the boy's belongings in and closed the door behind them.

Sagi glanced around the place. It was very tidy. A small living room; with quite an expensive couch and TV. There was a narrow hall, where five doors were seen and at the end was what he guessed was a washroom. The kitchen and the dining table are quite big.

"We share this room with eight other people," Utena explained. Sagi nodded his head.

Utena stared at the new student; who hasn't introduced his name yet. He was…small, Utena knew himself that he was quite small, demo this boy was quite smaller than himself. Blond hair was seen under the hat he was wearing on his head. The boy was wearing a plain T-shirt with a very loose khaki pants. The clothes somehow gave the boy a sophisticated appearance; which when Utena had seen others wearing these type of clothing, it gave them a sort of thuggish appearance.

"G-gomen! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Tsuki Sagi!" he gave a small bow. During the process, Utena noticed that he kept his hand on his hat. As if afraid that it would fall off. Utena gave a smile in return. He glanced at the clock on the wall.

"It's quite late. You should start unpacking your belongings. Your room is the second one. Here let me help you." Sagi wondered how could this guy keep on talking.


"Do you need anything else?" Utena ask, as he was about to shut the door. Sagi shook his head and there was a small 'click' as the door closed.

Sagi stood there quietly, making sure that he wouldn't come back. After a few while, he let out a sigh and glanced at the

Length mirror stuck on the wall. The person staring at him was quite a bishounen; the ones that he had always seen in those girls' magazines.  Slowly, he took off his hat. Down fell endless streams of blond. It came cascading down all the way to his back. Now staring back at him wasn't a bishounen no more, but a girl. With sapphire blue eyes and what seems to be like an endless supply of rich golden hair. Now she looked more of a model in the magazines than a bishounen.

"That was close!" she said to herself as she remembered when she had just crashed into that boy. As she threw the hat aside, her phone started to ring. Digging through her handbag, she found the small phone at the very bottom; crushed by all the other things she had brought along.

"Moshi moshi," she answered.

"Oi Koneko-chan! How did the thing go?" a voice on the other side asked. She smiled happily as she recognized the familiar voice.

"Just great! No one even suspected me!" she bragged. She heard a chuckle on the other side of the line.

"That's great Koneko! Demo…your too-san is quite furious with this and your kaa-san is quite worried. Your too-san is calling a press meeting soon." Her eyes grew wide.

"Honto?! Sugoi!" she cried happily. She heard another round of chuckle on the other side of the line. "When's it gonna be?!"

"I'm not quite sure, demo he's calling all the girls for your whereabouts." Sagi gave a small giggle.

"Uagi-chan, how are things doing?" a different voice asked her.

"It's great Michiru-san!"

"Sagi-kun, are you done yet?" a voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Gomen Michiru-san. I've got to go now. Ja ne!"

"Sagi-kun?" the voice asked again.

"H-hai!" she called out, as Utena's head popped in. Utena smiled at her sheepishly.

"Guess you were having a private call with your girlfriend, ne?" Usagii instantly blushed. Utena's smile grew wider. "Ne? You don't have to be embarrassing bout it. So…am I right?" Usagi nodded her head mutely.

"H-hai!" she squeaked. Utena gave her a triumphant smile.

"You should change out of your clothes now. I'll show you around the place tomorrow," Utena offered. Instantly, Usagi's face started to blush. She looked around.

"Here?" she squeaked in a high pitch voice. Utena also turned a couple shades of red.

"I-Iie!" she shooked her head furiously. Usagi gave a sigh of relief. Grabbing some nightclothes she started to make her way to the washroom.


Utena heard the door click shut as Sagi left the room. Sighing to himself, he took off his hat. Out came tumbling his long luscious cotton pink hair.

"How am I gonna make this?" she asked herself. "He's surely gonna find out that I'm a girl."


As she made her way cautiously down the hall, she heard a door slowly open and a guy stepped out.

"Why won't you shut up you kuso-nezumi!" he cried at the person he was sharing a room with. Usagi stopped in her tracks. This guy seemed scary. The way his eyes narrowed dangerously at the person in the room. She just stopped and listens to his quarreling. After a while, he finally noticed her. His glare was even scarier when he was looking at her.

"What are you looking at?!" he snapped. "And who are you anyway?!" She stepped back in surprise.


"What are you doing in here?!"

"I'm...I'm....U-Utena-san's new roommate," she answered. He continued to glare at her.

He was quite attractive. With his short orange hair and those scary dark brown eyes of his really makes him on a want lists for every girls. (I don't really know what his eyes colours are  ^^;;)

"What are you yapping about now you baka-neko?" a voice asked, as another person came out.

The boy was about the same height as Usagi. Although Usagi was a couple of inches shorter. He had dark hair; between the colour of really dark blue or dark purple on the verge of dark grey. His eyes were a stunning colour of violet. He was dressed in the mandatory school uniform. Black pants, black dress shirt, and a white tie. He was also very attractive. Well that's what Usagi thinks. He seems to be quite calmer than the other person. He turned to smile at her; which made her blush slightly. His smile was very gentle and it sort of calmed her down somewhat.

"You stay out of this you kuso-nezumi!" the boy yelled. At the sound of his voice, fear started to rush into her bloodstream once again. The other boy ignored the boy's ranting and turned his gaze to Usagi.

"Don't mind my friend. I'm Souma Yuki," he introduced. Usagi gave him a small smile.

"Tsuki U-er..Tuski Sagi," she answered. Both boys narrowed their eyes for a second as they noticed her slip of the tongue. But it was gone as soon as it appeared. Well Yuki anyway. The other guy was still scowling so it was hard to tell.


Usagi quietly crept back into her shared room. Guessing that Utena was asleep, she cursed to herself quietly as she found out that he had chose to sleep on the top bunk.

'Uh oh,' she thought to herself.


Utena forced her eyes to open as the ray of sunlight invaded her space. She slowly and groggily got up from her bed. In a snap, she got back down. Remembering her new roommate, she searched around the bed for her hat. As soon as her hand came in contact with the fabric of the hat, she placed it on her head and began stuffing her hair in. As soon as she was finished the door opened and in walked Sagi; who also had his hat on. He glanced up and gave her a smile.

"Ohayo gozaimasu Utena-san," he greeted. Utena shyly smiled back.

"Ohayo Sagi-san," she greeted and gave him her smile. Usagi started to look at her nervously. She was now afraid to go outside to the kitchen where all the noise was happening. Utena noticed her look of discomfort and wondered why. "Anno…Sagi-san, daijoubu?"

"Daijoubu," Usagi answered her. "Demo Utena-san…would you mind coming with me out there? I don't really know anyone out there and…" Utena smiled at his shyness.

"Of course! Just hold on a second! I need to change," she answered as she climbed down the bunk and started to rummage through her drawers.

"I-in here?" Usagi asked her nervously, while her face was a nice scarlet red. Utena froze and was also blushing.

"I-Iie! I have a habit of changing in the bathroom," she told her. Both gave a sigh of relief. "I'll be back in a while." And the door was shut. As soon as the door was shut, her phone started to ring again.

"Moshi moshi? Sagi desu," she answered.

"UUUUUUsagi-chaaaaaan!!" Usagi was sure that the screech could be heard all the way down to the all girl school next door. Which is where some of her friends were attending.

"Oi Minako-chan, don't be so loud next time."

"G-gomen, demo your parents came to us yesterday and was looking for you. A-and and I was sssoo worried! All of us! What happened to you?!" Usagi sighed as she heard her friend's ranting.

"I'm just out of the country."

"NANI?!" She had to hold the phone as far away from her ear as she heard Minako scream. "Usagi! How could you do this to me?!"

"Minako-chan gomen. I know I should've told you guys," she started to apologize, but was cut off as Minako started her ranting.

"Damn right you're sorry! You could've at least told me! I wanna come! I wanna come! Eh? Where are you anyway?" Little tiny small sweatdrops appeared on the back of her head.

"Anno…promise you won't tell my parents?" she asked softly.

"Usagi-chan! I'm practically your bestfriend! Of course I wouldn't! Now where are you?!"

"Anno…well…I'm in…Hong Kong," she said.

"Hong Kong?!" she heard Minako practically scream


Utena; who was outside the door stopped, she swore she had just heard someone scream out Hong Kong and it suspiciously sounded like it came from the all girl's school down the road. She was about to open the door when she heard Usagi's voice.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone."


"Promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Of course I won't! But you have to promise me one thing!" Minako answered back. Usagi's eyes were twitching. She knew there would be a catch. There was always one! Why on earth did she trust Minako in the first place?!

"Hai?" she asked softly. 'Oh god not something horrible.'

"Promise me that you're save some guys there for me!" Usagi could picture Minako giving her a sly wink right now if she was in front of her. She nearly fell down. Typical Minako.

"Hai, hai. I will."

"Great! Well I gotta go now! Ja neeee!"

"Ja Minako-chan."


"Ja Minako-chan!" Utena heard the phone conversation. She took a wild guess that Sagi-kun was probably having a phone conversation with his girlfriend or something. Shrugging it off she entered the room.

"Well I'm ready! You ready to go Sagi-kun?" Usagi was busy bouncing around the room trying to tie her shoelaces.

"H-hai! Just a sec!" Utena looked at her frantic with amusement.

"You better hurry. You know those guys out there doesn't really save any breakfast for anyone." Usagi's head instantly shot up.

"NANI?! Then lets go!" She dashed out the door, while pulling Utena out with her.


"Ohayo minna-chan!" Utena greeted everyone at the table; while a bashful Usagi was standing slightly behind her.

"Ohayo Utena-kun," some of them chorused, while some glared at her as their way of saying good morning. Yuki who was sitting at the table noticed the shy Usagi behind Utena and started to greet her.

"Ohayo Sagi-san." Usagi looked out from behind Utena and gave him a small smile.

"Ohayo Yuki-san."

"Minnna! Lemme introduce our new house mate, Tsuki Sagi!" Everyone was quiet, as Utena stepped aside and the shy blond was standing there nervously as everyone gazed at her.

"O-ohayo?"   She squeaked. Utena smiled and started to introduce her to people. She first took Usagi to a boy with blue hair.

" This is Kaoru Miki." The boy Miki looked at her kindly and offered a hand; which Usagi meekly took and gave him a small smile.

Although she was shy in front of all these people that she doesn't know, she was also trying to hide the giggles that wanted to burst in her. Miki had the deepest blue eyes that she had ever seen. They were even deeper than hers, but that wasn't the thing that was making her giggle. Some of his blue hair that was falling in front of his ears looked exactly like a sideburns.

"This is Urashima Keitarou."

He also smiled up at her. His brown pupils seemed quite small behind the frame of his circular glasses. He had no special feature about him. Except that Usagi could tell by one glance at him that he was more of a klutz than her.

"This guy was adopted, so he doesn't have a last name. Just call him Tasuki," Utena joked. He reminded Usagi of the other guy she had met. The boy glared darkly at Utena as she said it.

"Who are ya *^&^@ callin a &^(^^ damn adopted?!" he yelled her. Usagi had to cringe as all the words left his mouth. Though he does look kawaii. With those small little fangs he had and that sunset coloured hair…Minako would be all over him for sure. She grinned mentally at the picture.

"This guy is ChiChiri," Utena introduced. "He has a habit of saying no da."

"He's scary sometimes." The last part Utena whispered softly in Usagi's ears. The person has a blue hair, but the amusing part is part of the front was standing straight up.

'Must used a lot of gel for that kind of hair,' she thought to herself.  To add that off he had a large smile. Usagi couldn't help but compare him with a carnival clown. She wondered if the smile was real.

"This is Omi Tsukiyono and his room mate Nagi Naoe." (Agh! I forgot how to spell their last name ^^;;) Both boys looked up at her, the boy with blond hair smiled at her politely.

"Ohayo Sagi-kun," he greeted. She smiled at him. The other person just nod at her. Omi had a honey blond coloured hair and his large navy blue eyes made Usagi want to melt. She noticed that on his right ear he wore an earring of a cross. It made him more kawaii.

The other person had a more of a longer hair than Omi a bit. His hair was the more of the colour light brown with a mix of a bit of red, and his eyes were more of an aqua green. Though they seem to reflect coldness, he was still a damn cutie!!

"And that concludes to everyone in this dorm. Welcome to our madness Sagi-kun!" Utena gave a wide grin as she finished the introduction. Usagi had to stop herself from giggling and responded with a wary smile. "Now! Lets forget all of this and have breakfast!"

Usagi nodded and sat down next to Utena and Omi. Her mouth was practically watering with the smell of pancakes, sausages, bacons, english muffin… (mmm…I'm getting hungry)

"What's on the news?" Yuki asked the group as everyone answered him with a shrug.

"Someone go and turn on the damn &*%$ TV!" Tasuki called.

"Why won't you?" Kyou told him annoyed. Tasuki took a muffin and threw it at Kyou's head. Luckily he had a fast reflex and caught it. He smirked at the scowling Tasuki and took a bite.

"Arigatou! I couldn't reach it!" Tasuki stood up angrily and started to pull his sleeves up.

"Why ya *^&%…"

"Knock it off!" Utena called out to the two as she bit into her sausage. Usagi stared at him as he continued to eat. She just shrugged and thought that it was probably an everyday thing and started to dig into her breakfast.


All done!!! :: grins :: Okay! Here's the list where of what anime the bishounen and bishoujou that are mentioned so far:

Utena and Miki : Shoujo Kakumei Utena or Revolutionary Girl Utena. Whichever you want to call it.

Keitarou: Love Hina – Although he's not that much of a bishie I still like him.

Tasuki, ChiChiri : Well duh! Fushigi Yuugi.

Yuki, Kyou : Fruits Basket. One of my latest anime obssession. I recommend minna to watch it. Download it or go out and buy it. ^^;; Though I prefer downloading it demo it takes like ages. I use Kazaa so minna-chan can see why. ^^;;

Omi, Nagi : Weiss Kreuz.

Duo, Wufei : I don think  I need to say which anime these bishies are from do I? ^^;; Unless some people are that clueless.

There will be more bishies appearing in the next chapter minna-chan. :: grins widely :: When I get around to writing another chapter that is…^^;; REVIEW!!!!!