Hey people. I know, Its finally here and its a bit shorter. Dont hate me, I just had to have some vacation for my brains too. Please enjoy and comment if you want :D

P.S. Skylar is Rivens mother and Dominic is Rivens father. Im writing this just in case if I havent mentioned it before or just so you arent confused :D

P.S.S Please dont hate me for all the grammar mistakes.

Chapter 3

Skylar´s POV

I saw him fall. I felt guilty. Why did I look? My head shouldn't even be turned into that direction. Panic, that's all I could feel. "Nooo…" The scream escaped my mouth. I let go of Dominic and ran into his direction. I fell on my knees next to him. Tears were escaping my eyes and it was like a waterfall. I felt even sadder now that his serene and handsome face was so up close.I though quickly and I placed my left hand on his forehead and my right hand on his heart. I let my powers stream around his heart and brain, protecting them, before the spell did any permanent damage. I hoped with all my heart that I wasn't too late. I closed my eyes while doing so and more tears were escaping. I wanted to save him so bad. I couldn't lose him again. I felt tired and drained, but I couldn't stop. I had to go on. I started shaking.

No ones POV

After he fell, there was nothing to be heard. Everyone was quiet. They all knew what happened, yet nobody wanted to admit it. Their faces froze over as Rivens body slammed on the hard marble. The sound of bombs was still heard in the background. A scream was heard. Skylar was running towards Riven and she could be seen next to him on her knees. Dominic looked as if someone stabbed him, his eyes were giving away panic and he had an expression of a man without a plan. He managed to compose himself to say to the guards "Please, take them to safety; we will take care of this." The guards nodded and the group started walking towards the exit. Every one of them took one last look at Riven before they left the room. Musa on the other hand, stood there, not moving at all. "No, I´m not going, I´m staying here. I´m not leaving him." Tears were streaming down her checks. Dominic walked towards her and put his hand on her shoulder. "You really love him, don't you?" Musa nodded slightly. Skylar then spoke with a shaking voice. "Dominic, tell me the truth. You really don't have anything we could use?" You could see the look of desperation on her face. He let go of Musa gently and his gaze travelled to the floor. He was pacing nervously up and down and he didn't spoke with ease. "Well, I don't know if it actually works… I don't think it would be a good idea…" "Dominic, I don't care, I have to save him." Her voice was strong and determent. Musa meanwhile moved herself to sit next to Riven. She had a blank expression and she was gently holding Rivens hand. "Okay. I don't have the antidote but… I managed to get, by accident actually, a reverse potion." "A reverse potion?" "Yes, it changes the course of the spell. In this case, Riven lives and…and you die." Silence filled the hall again. Skyler spoke again, but this time she wasn't sure in her words. "Dominic, bring it here." Dominic froze over. He knew what this meant. "Skyler, don't make me chose between the two of you." Her look fell on the ground. She knew what she had to do. "I'm not making you chose, I'm telling you to choose him." Dominic took in a deep breath. "I…I can't do that. I cant lose you" They both looked into each others eyes. Skylers look softened and her body slouched on her knees. "We don't have any other choice."

Dominic's POV

My hands were sweating. It felt like forever before I reached the doors from my lab. I pushed the doors open and looked around to see if everything was on its place, if maybe the vibrations destroyed anything. Everything was on its place. I walked around the steal tables that reflected the light from small windows on the thick walls. I walked to the white refrigerator with glass door so I could see the inside well. I opened the door and cold air escaped out. I had to hold the door with my left hand, and take out the serum with my right. The liquid was dark purple, almost black. It had no smell and there was certainly a dark aurora surrounding it. My hands were shaking like crazy and I was afraid I might drop it. It took me a few deep breaths before I could continue. I walked as fast as I could, constantly reminding myself that I had my wife's death sentence in my hands. I was going to kill the love of my life, to save my lost son. And the entire way back, I was convincing myself that this was the only right thing to do.

I pushed the door open and there was no change in the scenery. Skylar was still on her knees, her hands were shaking and she looked pale. Musa was still sitting next to Riven and holding his hand. She looked at him with love and she would not accept the fact that he could die. I walked towards them slowly; trying to delay the moment that was going to happen. I knew Skylar could hear me but she wouldn't turn her head around. I went on my knee and placed the serum on the floor. She looks at me and I could see she was having second thoughts about it. "Are… are you sure." She looked away and stared at his face. After a few moments she nodded slightly. I looked at her a few moments longer but then I moved. I grabbed her face with my hands so she was faced towards me. I closed the gap between us by pressing my lips on hers. It felt warm and familiar. I loved the way she made me feel and now all of that is going to be gone. I pulled away and looked straight into her eyes. "I don't want to lose you." She took a few deep breaths and I could see she was holding back tears. "I want to be with you, but… I have to do this. I owe him this. He has his whole life in front of him." I nodded. I knew why she was doing it. I just had a hard time accepting it.

She slowly moved her hands from his chest and head. She picked the bottle up. Before she lifted it up to her mouth she looked at Musa. They exchanged looks. "Take care of him. Don't stop loving him. Please just… be with him." Musa nodded and tears were there again. Skylar smiled faintly and took a small sip. I took the serum from her hands and placed it on the floor. I could see that her body was beginning to look weaker. I put my hands around her waist and gently helped her lay on the floor. She started breathing shallow and she was barely keeping her eyes open. When she found her breath she spoke. "Hold my hand." I hated seeing her like this. She was always strong. "No." "Why not?" I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "Because it will hurt too much when you let go." She smiled faintly again. "I love you." I smiled wildly. "I love you too." I leaned in and pressed my lips on hers. She responded and in that moment I thought that things were just fine. Like they used to be. But it didn't last. When I pulled away I realized that she stopped breathing. Her heart stopped and so did mine. I had a hole in my chest and I felt broken. I closed my eyes and tears escaped. She was gone.

She was gone and I was the reason. My heart was breaking up at the thought of all the memories that I had with her and all the things I will miss. I could feel as if an enormous hole was pierced threw my chest. It hurt like hell knowing that I couldn't be able to feel her lips on mine again. She was the best thing that happened to me, right after Riven of course. It was an arranged marriage but I fell in love with her shortly after. I was confident that it would take me a lot of time to move on from this. I couldn't help but remember all the times I had with her. I mean, we were the royal couple but…we had our times. We were both always so bored of other people telling us what to do and not do so we always broke the rules. Those were the best times of my life and she was there for me at the worst too. We knew each other so good but she still had a way of surprising me. She was perfect in every single way and I just let her go like that. But I had to. She wouldn't want me to just sit here and do nothing. I had to help my son. She died for him. But it was in my nature not to just leave it like this. The witch will pay. It will be hers and her peoples end. I calmed myself down. I gently stroke her hair back and moved myself to Rivens side.

Musa was gently stroking his face and calling his name. "Riven, can you hear me…? Riven" She was very gentle and her voice was melodically calm. I could see why Riven loved her. I took an injection from my pocket and squeezed the air out of it. Musa´s face was in surprise. "What is that for?" "It's an adrenalin shot. I basically have to jump start his heart." I rolled up his sleeve and placed the needle under his skin. I squeezed the liquid in to his arm. I pulled it out and all I could do now is see if it would actually work.

We sat there and I could swear that was the longest minute in my life. "Is this even going to work?" I looked at her and I honestly didn't have an answer.

Saladin's POV

The guards escorted us out of the hall. The blasting sound and the vibration of the bombs hitting the ground were still present. The guards continued to take us to our rooms, and while we were following we could see that they have sealed shut the front door. All of the environment made me think about their defence system. What will they do? And who or what attacked them in the first place? We all knew why. The sword being lifted could only mean war and nothing else. It being buried under there was the two nation's conflict literally buried in the ground. Unfortinatly all of this happened to soon for me or anybody else to explain it to Riven or the rest of the group. Oh yes, Riven. Poor boy. So many bad things happened to him and now this? Seems like destiny is chasing him and it will get him no matter how hard he tries to avoid it. A sound brought me out of my thoughts. Two men were talking to each other and they were both suited up for battle. Or at least I thought so. They were wearing tight fitted black suits with guns on their belt and futuristic looking helmets under their arm. One of them was holding a flat tablet and pointing something on it to the other one. I quickly stepped up to them. »Khm... Excuse me gentlemen, I was wondering if you could tell me what is going on out there? « They first look at each other than me again »Mister Saladin, we have rules to keep. We can't tell you everything, only that you are safe here in this castle. We are being attacked by an old friend, you know, because the heir of the throne is back. But please, do know that you are in safe hands. « All the words they said shocked me a bit but I managed to answer them. »Yes, yes I have no doubt about that. Please, if you would need any help, you know where to find me. « With that I walked away. The boys and the girls were all safe in their rooms when I got back to mine. Coming to my room and noticing all the royal details I couldn't help but wonder, if there still was a hair to this throne?