Well Hello people :D. This is a story that was stuck in my mind for quit some time now and I am just realising it from my head. I hope you like it.

I do not own Winx club and its characters. No profit is made by this story.

P.S. This chapter is from Rivens point of view.

P.S.S. All the created names are work of my good friend Laura. Her Fanfiction name is ImaginationQueen294. She has a special way of coming up with the names.

1. Take a magazine

2. Open it at a random page.

3. Find three brand names or just simple words and put them together.

Example: -Lacoste -Lancome -Aguilera: Lamera- the stone guardian of the sword Magentys :D

SO with all that in your mind, please continue.

Walking between the high walls of concrete, the cold atmosphere was running down my spine. I knew that this moment would come soon. Does anyone really ever escapes their past? I for certainly did not have that luck written in my destiny. I would have to pay for all the mistakes I made. We were slowly moving on. Musa was next to me and I looked at her. Her relaxed face was so beautiful. There wasn't a worry on her mind. I guess my presence made her feel safer. I would like to think like that.

We were in the ancient corridors of the planet Werion. All the kings that ever lived and ruled had at least one property saved here. But the one that was the most important for me was also the most important on the planet. Magentys or the lost sword of king Meridian. They say it's lost but it's just a figure of speech. They know where it is. They have it in one of the biggest rooms of the corridors. It's stuck in a rock underground that is being guarded by its own guardian named Lamera. The guardian is marble female figure that comes to life and reveals the sword if you speak the correct password. But that's not the end. Only the king himself or the people in his blood line can lift the sword from the stone. People believe that the generation was instinct. If only they would know…

When we arrived I instantly got chills. The room was huge. There was black marble on the floor that was so clean I could see my reflection in it. The white stone figure looked almost out-of-place in such a black world. The room was surprisingly light, since we were underground. A great light that was placed on the very top of the room was lightning it. The ceiling was very high too, making it feel as we are on surface. Saladin who was with us and was guiding us threw the corridors spoke the first "This is Lamera, the guardian of the magentys sword. The property of the king Dominic that ruled the planet we are walking on now. They say that when the right password is spoken the marble statue comes to life and reveals the sword to the person. But only the ones who the blood of the royal family of king Meridian runs through their veins can actually lift the sword from the stone. It is said that in the right hands, it glows a magenta red color."

Everyone stared at the statue for a moment and awed at its beauty. White marble was sculpted into a female guardian. It had long hair and a long dress in a Greek goddess style. Brandon asked Saladin something that interested me aswell. "Sir, you said king Dominick ruled this planed. He doesn't rule it anymore?" "They say he just disappeared. He placed the sword here, hiding it and stating that until the right time comes it will be hidden from the eyes of people, and until then, he believed that he was not needed." After that Saladin was quiet. I grabbed this chance to talk to him. I walked slowly and grabbed his arm to get his attention. "Sir, I need to talk to you about something important." I tried to have a serious face as possible so he would take me seriously. "Well of course Riven anything. Is it private, do we have to step aside for a moment?" He had that look of kindness and understanding on his face. I loved Saladin because of this. He was sort of a father figure for me. "Yes, it's kind of private. But when I tell it to you everyone will find out eventually so, it doesn't really matter where I tell it to you..." "I'm not quite sure what you mean with that Riven…" The look of kindness changed into a look of worry and confuses. "I mean to say that when I tell you it won't go unseen for a long time…" He grabbed me by my arm and we moved into a bit darker side of the room. "Go on now, speak…" His eyes were full of excitement but at the same time there was a hint of fear inside of them. As if he was afraid what the news might bring. Even before I could speak a loud noise interrupted me. I quickly moved my head in the direction of the noise just to be knocked down by the incredible force of air. I opened my eyes a few seconds later to find myself lying on the ground. I slowly picked myself up. I sat down for a moment or two. Dust was flying in the air making it almost impossible to see two feet ahead of you. I quickly stood up and started looking for Musa. Luckily she wasn't far. She was already up and she bumped into me. When she recognized me she quickly hugged me. "What the hell was that…?" I hugged her even tighter to me. I loved having her so close. She is my girlfriend after all. "I…I really don't know…" In a flick of a moment all the dust was gone. I could see all my friends picking themselves up or just standing and being confused. But there were three figures that disturbed me.

One was an obvious head of the group. He stood a bit ahead of the two others who were on the both of his sides. They all had black straight hair. They were wearing similar clothes, some kind of a black military uniform. But I had a feeling they weren´t the good guys. There eyes were telling me that they saw to much pain and suffer in there lifes. Maybe a bit too much. The head of the group spoke first. "I assume you don't know who we are? We are the association of the black shadow. I think that is all you have to know. We heard you are here and decided that you might be useful to us. You are going to find out the password to revel the sword. The rest will be taken care of. Since I heard that people are most successful when put under pressure I will give you an hour. After that I will kill one of you. Then after an hour I will kill one of you again. And so on until you find the password or until you all die I guess. Well good luck" He smiled at us all and they walked out of the room into a portal that one of the other two guys made. Once they were gone all of us just stood there in pure shock.

"How in the world are we supposed to find the password? We don't even know if it's a word or many words or maybe there are numbers. Maybe it's a song. We don't know anything…" Tecna was the post panicking of us all. She was the one who was always good with this stuff. Passwords or scripted messages were her thing. But if Tecna is panicky, then you have to be too. But I didn't feel the panic. I knew what was coming…

Saladin came from the back of the grope. Walking in front of us all he spoke with calming vice and self-confident as always. "Nobody is going to die. I suggest that we start looking for a way out. I have a feeling we are going to find that sooner that the password. The air bullet cussed the entry of the room to collapse. If anybody has a better idea please speak now." I couldn't help myself so I had to interrupt. "Sir, don't you think that they will know what we are up to. I'm sure they will be checking on us." "Well, we will just have to make them believe that we are searching for the password." "And what if we don't find a way out in time?" Sky was the one to speak now. "Well, we will just have to fight them then." Saladin moved away from the center and approached me. "What was the thing you wanted me to know Riven?" "I don't think it is so important anymore in this certain time sir." Saladin nodded and stepped away. I had time to focus on Musa now. She was still in my arms where she was before. I wrapped my hands around her waist pressing her closer to me. The feeling of having her so close overwhelmed my body. My hands brushed her hair in a soothing mater. I leaned my lips near her ear and whispered to her. "Don't worry, I can't say that it's going to be okay, but know I'll protect you, okay?" She slowly nodded and pressed herself into my chest.

Time flew by faster that what I would like. The room was full of voices and there was some kind of organized chaos happening. Everybody was working and coming up with ideas. But there was a hint of fear located in every one of my friends. We were also in a room without any opening in the structure and about a mile under surface, so fear of everything collapsing on us was big. We started to move rocks to free the entry, but the ceiling just kept collapsing. We were quit frankly all desperate and everybody faced themselves that there is nothing to do, but nobody really showed it. Especially us guys. We were supposed to be strong for our girls, for them to feel at least a bit safer. Right there in that moment when I was sitting on a larger rock a bit aside from all the talking I realized something. Nobody really knows how strong they are, until being strong is the only choice you have. I for one have already been in that position and I had permanent marks to remember me of those times.

Musa slowly walked towards me and silently sat beside me. "You're really quite. Either your thinking really hard on an idea you got, or you realized we are all going to die and your just here sitting and regretting all the things you couldn't do yet." I had to smile on that comment. "Well none of that. I did run out of ideas but I know we won´t die." She smiled at me simpaticly and leaned her head on my shoulder. We sat like that in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, we just enjoyed it. I heard that people say that when silence between two people isn't awkward, you know you found love.

Our peace and quietness was disturbed by familiar voice that was cheerful even in these times of sadness and despair. "Hey love birds, you mind coming here for a minute?" Stella, with her hands on her hips, was yelling on us from the center of the room, about three feet away from the statue. We looked at each other and I couldn´t help but return a small comment to Stella. "I thought that was my line, Stella" Musa smiled next to me. She had one of those gentle and confident smiles on, but when she looked away her smile died and worry covered her face again. When we got to Stella, Musa plastered one of her fake smiles on again, and everybody was fooled again. I hated that on her. Sometimes I was afraid that she pulled those trick on me. That she was broken but would put a smile on just so she wouldn´t bother me with her problems. I put that thought on the side when Timmy spoke to me. "Okay, we have 5 minutes until they come back. Since we don't have any solutions on how to escape I officially don't know what to do…" Timmy was quiet after that and his words were left to hang in the air. Since I always say what I think this time was no different. "Well, I guess that means were fucked." Sky shot me some kind of a warning look and said my name in a sharp tone. "What? You were all thinking it; I just said it out loud." Bloom interrupted this time. "I don't think we should be this negative about this." Musa looked at her with a shocked face. To be honest I was quit interested what Musa was about to spit back at her. I knew that face to good. "NOT BE NEGATIVE? We are a mile underground. The ceiling can collapse, we have no exit and we can run out of oxygen. Please Bloom; do enlighten me with a positive thought about this situation." Musa crossed her hands on her chest and waited. I think everybody was surprise with that, but not me. It wasn't the first time I saw the bad side of Musa. Fear and cluelessness was seen on Blooms face. "Well…I…At least we are all together. Imagine if something happened to one of use or if we would have to be separated or…" Bloom never finished her sentence. A sphere of magic appeared in the middle of the air and a portal was created out of nothing. Three men appeared out of the violent and blue light. The three men I already hated.

In my surprise Timmy was the first one to speak. "You´re early." The leader smiled and spoke with an ease in his tone. "Maybe your watch is simply late. Now getting down to business. Have you found what I asked of you?" Silence filled the room in that moment. We didn't want to confess our defeat but we had no choice. After a few moments the leader spoke again. "I see. Well then it's time for your punishment." He turned his head to one if his companions and nodded to him once. His teammate moved with a lightning speed and in a second he was standing behind Helia and was holding a larger knife to his neck while he´s other hand was holding his arm back. Everybody in the room tightened up. We couldn´t let this happen. I couldn't let this happen. Helia was my best friend. Even if we didn't really have like long conversations or secrets or something I always thought that he was the one who understood me the best and he left me alone in times I needed some space. I couldn´t just let him die. "Wait, can't you just give us some more time." Everyone looked at me. Again. "Well of course, after we kill him." The leader raised his hand as a sign to slit Helias throat. "Wait, we have the password." Everybody stopped and focused their attention on me. The leader of course smiled at me and asked. "Are you playing with me?" "Just let him go and I´ll tell you the password." He nodded his head again and the guy let Helia go. He coughed a few times before standing up straight again..I could sense that everybody was even more on the edge then before. I had a feeling that everyone was expecting me to fail or think of a lame excuse. They were so wrong…

"Well if you are not messing with me then please, be my guest." With his hand he invited me to step a bit closer to the marble statue. I did as he asked. With every step I made I realized even more how close I am. My dreams were replaying in my thoughts. The words were echoing in my head. Those words that I heard countless times in my dreams or nightmares. To be honest I was scared. I stepped infront of the statue and its clean lines and the serenity of white marble calmed me down a bit. "Well…" The guy was inpatient and so was everyone else in the room. I inhaled. The beating of my heart was pounding in my ears. This was it. I tried to sound as calm as possible but just loud enough for my voice to be heard. For a moment the great hall was filled with silence while everyone held there breath.

"I fight my war, under the starry night." It took the guardian a second to move. Her form was surrounded by light for a moment that broth her to life. She lifted her head up and moved her whole body with grace. She opened her eyes and spoke. "The correct password has been said, so the sword shall be revealed." Everybody in the room let go of their breath. But there was still tension present. The guardian moved her face and stared at me. Even though her eyes were out of marble I could see the surprise on her face. I didn't really know what she was surprise about. With her melodic voice she spoke softly. "Oh my, your majesty." After that she made two steps back and bowed in front of me. I felt emmaberest to say the least. Me, being some kind of royalty was out of my mind. I couldn't imagine it. I guess she just mistaken me for someone. I still felt uncomfortable in a position like that. The head of the group interrupted the silence. "I´ll be damned. We have some royal blood here. No wonder you knew the password. I guess its the time for me to finish this." The guardian lifted herself up and spoke. "Only the one worthy king can master the blade." The guy stepped closer and said in a calm voice to Lamera. "Oh I am worthy; I have waited for this for a long time. This is my destiny" Lamera murmured something and a large stone in front of her started to move. A round plate moved away and revealed a large whole in the ground. With a loud noise the rock and the sword magentys stuck inside of it half way, rose up from the ground and waited for its master to get it out. The head guy's eyes were glistening with desire. He reached his hand and grabbed the handle of the sword. When his hand came into contact electricity was visible as it ran threw his body. When his hand was finally free of the handle he fell on his back and remained still. One of his companions ran to him and sat by his side. That was the first time I hear his name. "Mitch, c´mon man wake up." He pressed his fingers to Mitch's vain. He waited for a moment then turned his head to his companion and gave him one simple nod and then all three of them disappeared from the room not leaving any kind of trace that they were there in the first place.

Nobody knew what to say. Everybody was shocked to say to least and we all remained still. What the hell just happened. Tension overflew my body as I realized what was coming. Questions. My look travelled to Musas face. I always had her for my comfort but not this time. Hurt and confusion was seen on her beautiful features. Saladin stepped in front of me and blocked my vision of her. When I focused on his face I noticed that he was talking. "Riven, I suppose this is what you wanted to tell me?" I nodded slowly. "I see…Only the true blood king can raise the sword and since you know the password…" I nodded again in agreement since I understood what he was saying. I got closer to the big rock and reached for the handle slowly. I touched the handle but quickly jerked my hand away as little electricity shocked me from before. I reached again and this time held to the handle strongly. Lamera was talking the ancient saying that I already knew on my mind. "The true king shall rise, bringing peace to the world…" I pulled up and the blade easily slid out of its crack in the rock. "And the blade shall glow in his hands…" When the blade was out and I held it with my hand the diamond in the centre began to glow and lit up the whole sword. In the moment of revelation I finished the saying. "Like the star that guided him home"...

Well, what do you think?

Review and tell me your opinion.

Have a great day (or night) XD