I do not own Glee because if I did S4 Sam would have never been created, we would be visiting Mercedes and seeing what she's up to in L.A and Samcedes would still be together. I wrote this when Sugar/Sam relationship was rumored. This is pretty much based on what I read and hear people talking about. I haven't watched and still probably won't. I hope I can pump the chapters out because clearly I've been writing before the season even started. Thanks to my BETA erchills you're amazing! I already know this isn't as good as other Samcedes stories so no need to tell me. I hope you guys enjoy it. Go easy on me!
Mercedes stood at the front of her one bedroom apartment door with her luggage in hand as she waited for Puck to exit the bathroom. It had been six months since she visited Lima. Between school, work, vocal and dance rehearsal, she'd barely had anytime to have a social life. Puck decided to go through with his pool cleaning business and keep her company out in L.A. Her idea was to get a small apartment near UCLA, but the price for just a one bedroom apartment was too much for one person so she decided to ask Puck to bunk with her.
"Come on Puck we're going to be late!" she said loud enough for him to get the hint as he exited the bathroom.
"Alright mama I think the landlord heard you." she rolled her eyes as he grabbed his duffel bag ready to exit the door until she stopped him.
"Before we leave do you have everything?" he threw his head back with a groan.
"Yes, now come on." he whined, grabbing her luggage as she locked up.
As soon as they showed their complementary tickets, provided by Mr. Schue to guarantee their trip to the wedding, they got settled and took their places on the plane. Half way through the flight his head shot up from her shoulder waking her up. She looked at him as she took her ear phones out.
"What happened to you?"
"I forgot my phone and toothbrush."
She let out a chuckle before placing the buds back in her ears.
"No you didn't I got them and your charger." she said before getting comfortable again. He let out a deep breath before he kissed her cheek. "Thanks mama." he said before going back to sleep.
When they landed, they waited for Mike to pick them up to take them to their houses to freshen up.
"Are you guys going to make a surprise visit to McKinley today?" Mike asked as they drove down the highway passing familiar locations.
"I am. I want to see how my brother is fitting in. I hope he's not embarrassing the family name" Puck said making Mike chuckle and shake his head.
"I'm going after I change and get settled in. I miss them all so much. Even if it has only been a few months." She let out a light chuckle fiddling in her purse to find her keys. Mike looked into his mirror at Puck with the same expression.
"You sure you wanna do that?" Mike asked looking at her in between his driving.
"Yeah why not?", she asked.
"You do remember Sam is dating Sugar right?"
She was quiet for a minute. She was perfectly fine with the fact that Sam had moved on to someone new but hearing it from Puck and Mike made her stomach feel a little sour at the realization of it all. She ignored the lump in her throat and licked her lips before answering. "I'm happy for him. Besides just because we broke up," "again" Puck mumbled receiving a glare from her making him quiet as she continued.
"Doesn't mean we can't still be friends. I still care about him along with everyone else." They didn't say anything in response, only gave her small nods. The ride was silent the whole way to Pucks's moms house. Mike couldn't take the silence anymore as he pulled into her driveway. Turning off his engine he looked at her.
"We didn't mean to touch a rough spot we just wanted to make sure you were ready." she gave him a small smile as she looked down for a second.
"Thanks but, I'm a big girl and I can handle it. We're still friends. I should be fine. Thank you though." she leaned over giving him a hug. "And thanks for the ride. I'll see you at the school... just don't let anybody know I'm coming- I want to surprise them." he agreed and waved as she walked into her parents house.
She took in the house she hadn't seen in months but felt like forever. Her brother was in Columbus with Quinn's sister as they celebrated their one year anniversary together. Her and Quinn flipped once they figured they would soon be legit sisters. Well sister in laws soon. Her parents were still at work for the day and wouldn't be back until later that night. She headed up to her old room and got ready to go to McKinley. After taking her shower she decided to go simple with black skinny jeans, a blue 'free hugs' shirt with blue flats she pinned her hair up half up and half down. She grabbed the keys to her BMW and left.
After getting her visitors pass from the front desk she walked down the old halls she used to get slushied in. She smiled at the strange memories when she noticed a tall dirty blond coming down the stairs with his books. She smiled wider at the feeling of deja vu as she intertwined her hand with his. Sam's whole body tingled knowing that familiar touch. He turned his head in shock.
"What are you doing?"
"Holding your hand", she said in the same tone he had last year upon his arrival.
"Don't." He said it as he jerked his hand away and stood in front of her. They stared at each other for a moment.
To anyone else it would look like a strange encounter but to anyone that knew their back story it would just be an uncomfortable reunion. Not being able to hold his stern expression any longer he smiled down at Mercedes wrapping her up into a hug as her feet left the ground. She hugged him back missing his smell, his embrace and body. She felt at home.
"Mercedes when did you get here?" he asked once he placed her down. She adjusted her clothes and hair with a smile before answering. "This morning around ten, Mike picked me and Puck up." she responded as they continued to walk the halls.
"So how is glee club?" he shrugged not being able to keep the smile off his face from seeing her again. "Not too bad. Blaine stepped down to give Artie co-captain which is great, he really deserves it. Him and Tina are doing really good, even though treats Blaine like the male Rachel Berry. I got a solo last week which wasn't too bad." he shyly said looking forward.
"Oh My God Sam thats amazing! I knew you would get one." she said beaming up at him nudging his arm. "Oh I'm probably making you late."
"No!" he quickly responded shaking his head as he headed towards his locker.
"No we actually have lunch now."
"Oh all of you guys?"
"Mind if I join? I want to surprise them as well. They don't know I'm here."
"Not at all. Well actually.. I umm, I'm not sure if thats a good idea." he nervously said as her eyebrows furrowed at the sudden change of emotion.
"Why not?" she said and then it clicked.
"Oh! Sam I'm perfectly fine with you and Sugar. I don't want you to feel awkward about it."
"I know it's just she can be a little much." She gave him a 'really' look making him laugh.
"I know I worked with the girl in the Troubletones remember? She's a sweet girl just very outspoken." "VERY!" He said with a heavy nod making her smile. "Well, shall we?" he asked in his British accent making her laugh as he held out an extended arm for her. "We shall." she responded in her best accent as she took his arm and walked to lunch. She missed his impressions that nobody else would laugh at. Sure she'd get a side eye from Santana or an embarrassed look from Quinn but she missed it. She missed him.
They walked into the lunch room, laughing at something Sue shouted in the hall, when she noticed her friends sitting at their usual lunch table. She stopped Sam and hid behind him. He looked at her with the same 'what are you doing' expression she's known for. He picked up many traits from her over the months they dated.
"Don't use my "wtf" look on me. I want to surprise them! Keep walking." he laughed at her before walking to the table.
"Hey guys look who I found roaming the halls." she popped up behind him causing squeals from Tina, Brittany and Sugar as they ran up to hug her almost tackling her down.
"Damn Los Angeles has been treating you good woman!" Artie said as she hugged him.
"Mercedes when did you get here?" Blaine asked when he was finally able to pry everyone else off of her. She was about to speak up when Sam answered for her causing looks from the rest of their friends. Tina couldn't help but smile at her friends, hoping they could rekindle the feelings she knows haven't gone away. Sam pulled her seat out as she sat next to him and Artie. Blaine and Joe looked at each other and smiled knowing something would go down this wedding weekend.
They asked her about LA and the "Hollywood Life" the whole lunch period. Once the bell rang they had to go back to their classes. She waved goodbye to them and as she was about to leave, Sam grabbed her wrist. "Can you stay for Glee?" he asked with that lopsided grin she loved so much.
She gave him a nod. "Sure. I need to pick Kurt and Quinn up from the airport then we'll be back. Just don't tell Blaine. I'm sure you guys miss them as well." he shook his head.
"As much as I care for them, they're not the ones I miss." she blushed and tried to hide her smile. "I'll be back I promise." she kissed his cheek before walking off. He couldn't stop his cheeks and ears from burning as he watched her hips sway side to side walking out the double doors. He left the hallway to go to his classroom, where Tina, his lab partner, was talking to Brittany. She noticed his smile as he sat down. "Smile any harder and you'll tear something." she said bringing him back to earth.
"You miss her don't you?" she asked as he looked at her.
"Of course I do."
"Then why are you with Sugar?" Tina blatantly asked.
"To be popular at this school you have to have a relationship. Sugar approached me a few days before school and gave me her single people are boring speech again. Since Rory went back to Ireland and Mercedes moved to LA what was I going to do?"
"Uhh wait!" she exclaimed "You want to be popular so bad that you replaced Mercy with Sugar?"
"Well it seems like that." she said to him. He was about to defend himself when the teacher told them to stop talking.
"So you saw Sam?" Quinn asked as she walked out her bathroom in a towel just getting done with her shower. "Yes along with everyone else Q"
"But I didn't ask about them." she sang, looking at her friend with a smile.
"He's happy with Sugar."
"Oh please. It's Sugar. She's a sweet girl, no pun intended, but she's not for him."
"Well you never know. People didn't think me and Sam were meant for each other."
"And they were wrong weren't they? Look all I'm saying is don't give up on it yet. Maybe this wedding will spark something up?"
"Quinn he's with Sugar and,"
"Oh my god Mercy if I hear you say that one more time I'm going to strangle that pretty little neck of yours." she said making Mercedes chuckle.
"We'll he's dating and I'm not going to ruin anything, besides I'm only going to be here for the weekend then I'm leaving again. It would be no use starting something we can't finish."
"You'll never know until you try it," she said putting her earrings on.
"You ready?" she gave her a nod and they left for McKinley via Kurt's home.
"Hey Sugar, sit next to me today." Tina pleaded interrupting her fashion forward speech to Sam.
"Sure! Maybe I can help you. I'll be back Boogie Bear." she said to Sam as his, Tina's and Blaine's face turned up at the nickname. Tina and Blaine knew Mercedes was coming back to choir room so they planned it out to have it where Sam had an empty seat next to him.
The three walked down the semi empty halls of their old HS with arms linked together. Reminiscing on old times, Quinn unlinked her arm to knock on the choir room door waiting to be answered. Mr. Schue swung the door open revealing the three friends. Puck and Mike were already in the classroom listening to Mr. Schue's speech. Blaine bombarded Kurt while Joe went up to greet Quinn with a hug. Mercedes gave Mr. Schue a hug, seeing how she already saw the rest of her friends. He asked about how the "glamorous life" was treating her and how proud he was of her. All she wanted to do was roll her eyes and laugh at his sudden interest in her, but she just smiled sweetly and responded "Thank you. It's fun but it keeps me busy." and left it alone.
As soon as the welcoming ended they took their seats. Everyone took their seats and left Mercedes the seat next to Sam. She couldn't help but smile and shake her head as she saw the grin on his face as she took her seat. Tina was happy to take one for the team as she made Mike sit behind her while keeping Sugar occupied next to her. Mr. Schue was going over the set list again for his wedding when there was another knock at the door. "I'll get it." Kurt said getting up. He opened the door to see a tall figure in front of him.
Sooooo what did you think? I would really appreciate some positive feedback. Hopefully I can get the second chapter up ASAP.