Percy P.O.V.

Moonlight broke into the eternal darkness that was my conscience. Dark wood with golden sparkles greet my eyes when they open. I blink a few times to try and clear the spots from my eyes, and it takes me a few moments to realize where I was.

It had been so long since I had seen the glowing walls of abalone and the golden hippocampi Tyson had built into the ceiling. In the corner, the cracked fountain still gurgled as it had the previous summer. My dark blue sheets were pulled tight around myself, like I had been dreaming of a nightmare, like I had been at camp the entire time and had gone to sleep hours before.

I threw off my blankets and rushed to the door, dully noting I was in the trousers and loose shirt from Camelot—which proved it was not a dream. The cool summer air hit me like a pale of cold water, the ocean spray drifting through the breeze. It must have been just past midnight; the moon and stars were shining brightly at their apex. I didn't care that the Harpies would attack if they caught me. All I cared about was confirming Annabeth was here with me.

When I got to the Athena Cabin, I was pretty sure the entire camp would here me. I banged wildly on the door while calling her name. It only took a two minutes for one of the Athenian children to open the door. Karen, her bobbed blond hair flattened on one side and twirled on the other, scowled menacingly in the doorway. Her eyes were practically closed, the torches at the entrance blinding her temporarily.

"You better have a good reason for this," she whispered.

"Karen, I just need to kno—"

"Percy?" She exclaimed.

"Yes. Is Ann—"

"Oh my gods!" She cried. "Where's Annabeth? Is she with you?"

I growled and tried to control myself. It was only normal that she would react this way. After all, we had been missing for over three weeks. "Karen," I said slowly, "is Annabeth in her bunk?"

Karen looked at me as if I were insane. "I think we would have noticed if our missing counselor was in our cabin? And what are you wearing?" She asked eyeing the strange clothes.

"Karen," I began, pinching the bridge of my nose. I could easily push her out of the way, but I would rather not seeing as Karen was already temperamental—more mental than temper. The sound of more doors being opened echoed in the silent night. Other campers had probably heard the rising voices, and given the circumstances and the war, everyone would want to check anything suspicious out.

"What's going on?" Someone called. More voices added to the confusion.

I inwardly cringed and tried to mentally convey my apology before unceremoniously pushing past Karen and entering the cabin. I flipped on the light switch, earning many surprised yelps and a few irate grumblings. But I only noticed the bundle curled up under the pile of owl sheets. I could just make out the tangled curls flipped over her pillow.

The top of her head shifted and soft moan came out muffled by her sheets. Karen angrily grabbed my shoulder, intending to throw me out of the cabin, but she caught sight of Annabeth and yelped. By now more campers began streaming towards cabin six, the cabin's inhabitants fully awake. They stared, flabbergasted, at Annabeth and I. Annabeth, having just woken up and staring at me with bright, grey eyes, opened her mouth and was, for once, thoughtless.

"Welcome home," I said half-jokingly and half with relief. I could tell she was about to ask me something—probably if Nico was with me, when a blood curdling scream racked the Athena cabin and then came crashing into my side, throwing me against Annabeth. Grover clung so tightly to my neck. He was laughing so happily I didn't have the heart to tell him to get off, even as the rest of camp clambered into the cabin to get a look at the lost heroes.

"Missed you too, G-Man."

"Where in the name of Pan have you been?" He demanded.

Of all the faces in the small cabin, his was the most curious, but I could tell everyone was dying to know where we've been. And it wasn't until I heard the familiar clopping of his hooves that I realized how much I needed the old centaur. His tired face broke into a relieved smile, an annoyed twitch revealing his only sign of anger.

"You've missed curfew, Percy," he admonished.

"Sorry," I smiled. "I lost track of time."

He handed me a cup of cocoa even though it wasn't that cold outside. Nico and Annabeth also had a steaming cup, but neither of them drank any.

"So it is true, you were in Camelot?" Chiron asked for the hundredth time.

I solely nodded, too annoyed to speak. I knew he was only curious, but I was tired, Annabeth and Nico probably were too. We had travelled over a thousand years and come back like it was nothing.

Chiron rolled back and forth in his wheelchair, playing with his wheels as he thought over our outlandish tale. We had started with the Questing Beast attack and ended with the strange, peregrine goddess. Chiron's face grew farther and farther away as we talked about Arianrhod and Merlin, the magic of Camelot. He was tapping his fake legs incessantly and soon stood up from his chair, his head brushing the ceiling.

"I need to contact someone." He trotted out of the room, reappearing suddenly and partially. "If you wouldn't speak to anyone about this, that would be perfect." And he disappeared from the room again, leaving Nico, Annabeth, and I to stare at each other incredulously.

"What—just happened?" questioned Nico. Annabeth and I could only shrug.

Since our host ran off to make a closed door call, Annabeth and I thought it was about time to see the rest of the camp, though Nico didn't join us, shadow traveling right after he had mumbled something along the lines of "why would I want to be social."

The time being just around breakfast, everyone was at the dining pavilion. They cheered and yelled when we entered, all rushing up to join us. Everyone was patting us on the backs, jokingly admonishing us for disappearing. They all prodded us for details of our quest, and though Annabeth censored most of my recanting, they enjoyed it all the same.

Although I missed King Arthur and Merlin, I was happy I was finally home. But the closed door conference and appearance of Arianrhod was enough to spoil my welcome home. Little Oaks. That's what she had called us. Not demigods or travelers or sorcerers. Little Oaks. I had a feeling that being brought back in time for a war against Pallas wasn't the ending we all thought.

La Fin

but read below. I know it was a short ending, but what else could I have put?

write comments and tell me what you think

Now a preview of my new fanfiction Ambassadors of Nations (please try reading, hopefully it is actually better than Razing of Camelot):

It began to growl, foam drooling from its mouth and onto the floor, its taloned paws scratching the marble in preparation to attack. Percy's mouth ran dry and he dried his hands on his pants, riptide growing cold against his leg. The pen elongated and glowed bronze in his steady hand, and Percy held the sword aloft against the hellhound. Though it did little to deter the beast.

A cocky smile played across his lips, his weight evenly distributed, his hand without a single tremor, heel over the other, Percy stepped around closer to the hound, farther from the exit and the unconscious guard. The mastiff followed his swift moments with a sort of blank curiosity. Its head swiveled and never left Percy's face, baring its teeth when Percy had gotten within twenty feet.

He was feeling confident and raised his sword to attack, when the black dog opened its mouth and released a torrent of putrid flames. With barely a second to react, Percy rolled out of the way and towards the medieval sector of the museum.

"Nope." Percy shook his head and continued his escape through the museum, dodging green flames from the hound of hell.

Other Fanfictions

Conspiracy Theories- Conspiracies are no longer theories as the American government discovers the world beyond their own and has chosen to wage war. The more power hungry they became, the more children went missing. No one realizes what is happening until it is too late. Not even the gods try to stop them. If the gods can't stop man, how can children?

Razing of Camelot- After a mysterious force collides with Percy and Annabeth, they are sent to a legendary land. While figuring out a way back home, they must fight to survive the perils threatening Camelot without changing the legends that built future lives. After Last Olympian and during series 5

Druids and Outlaws- By a chance encounter, Robin saves a girl being hunted by the Sheriff as a new power begins to awaken. The five are gathering behind Emrys and the English outlaws fall into battle behind the knights of the round table.

Out of Time- With no memory of who or where he comes from, Percy ventures through a land of angered gods and vengeful myths. In Ancient Greece, demigods with no identity wander through Athens and fight for existence in the chaotic world. Revolutions, usurpation, murder, will the demigods remember who they are and find a way home to their proper time?

(coming soon) Wizards at Camp- sequel to Camp Hogwarts to Hogwarts. The wizards have been invited to Camp for a year, but as Voldemort has already returned, how safe can the safe haven be? Harry faces his dreams as the demigods try to move past the horrors of the Giant War, and they all struggle to come to terms with another war.