Hello everyone! My name is Jamie and welcome to my story! This story is going to be written in the time of Season 2. It's happening around the time that Kurt transfers back to McKinley. Also as a warning, this is rated M and if the content offends you, I don't blame you for not reading. This story will contain harsh language and lots and lots of spanking.

So there's the warning, I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think in the reviews!


"Blaine, I'm telling you, the pink is better than the blue!"

"And I'm telling you, Kurt. I'm out and proud, but you won't catch me dead in that!"

Westerville Mall on a Friday afternoon is where Kurt and Blaine had started to frequent before picking up their end of the school week coffee. A new array of scarves was what had captured the attention of the Dalton Academy and the recently transferred back to McKinley High School students.

"Pink would enhance your eyes so much, Blaine, trust me."

"Kurt, if you love it so much, let's get it for you. I already told you I'd let you pick out your own gift today."

A delighted squeak from Kurt and the scarf was off the display, rung up and in a fresh new shopping bag.

"So, are we off to the Lima Bean?" Kurt inquired, already peeling off his old scarf and wrapping the new one delicately around his neck as the two made their way towards the food court.

"Where else would I want to be on a Friday afternoon, then with my sweet, but spoiled boyfriend?" Blaine teased and grabbed at Kurt's shoulders while they walked.

Kurt's responding laugh was cut off as a large, tall man collided with Blaine, knocking him into Kurt abruptly.

The man stopped short and turned around looking extremely apologetic.

"I'm terribly sorry, boys, I wasn't watching where I was going," The man offered his apology.

"Oh, that's all right, crowded mall on a Friday during Holiday season is a dangerous place," Blaine joked.

The man let out a good natured laugh. "It's nice to see two boys your age so in love enjoying an afternoon at the mall on such a lovely day!"

Blaine and Kurt were both taken aback at the man's statement. Was he actually in support of their relationship? The man didn't seem the type with his muscular stature, thick goatee and being somewhere in the range of 40 to 45 years old. He just didn't seem the type that would root for them at the Gay Pride Parade.

"Well thank you, sir, you have a wonderful day," Blaine stated, warmly as he and Kurt began to walk in the opposite direction. Blaine couldn't help but sense a familiarity with the man. Something about his face was trying to trigger a memory, but it was escaping him.

"You too, boys! You are both so well mannered! Dalton Academy teaches their boys well!" The man stated pointing at Blaine's blazer. Enjoy your time together, you never know what the future holds!"

As soon as the man was far enough out of earshot and the boys had made it to the food court, the boys sat down on a bench to sort through their recently made purchases.

"Well he was an interesting sort of guy, wasn't he?" Kurt chuckled.

"Yep," Blaine replied. He wanted to forget the encounter. The fact that he couldn't place why the man seemed so familiar was bothering him. "So, Lima Bean?"

Kurt nodded and as they went to grab their bags...

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream-

The ringing of his cell phone stopped Blaine from picking up his bags. He took a look at the caller ID and pressed the phone up to his ear.


An eye roll was emitted from Blaine as he mouthed the word, "Mom," at Kurt.

"Are you sure you can't without me? It's Friday, mom, and I usually-yes ma'am, see you soon, bye."

Blaine hung up the phone and dropped the phone into his bag with a discontented sigh.

"Seems mother can't seem to arrange her book club meeting and needs my help with some of the planning," Blaine explained, not hiding his disappointment.

Kurt took Blaine's hand in his own and squeezed it. "It's all right, honey, I can get an early start on homework," Kurt got the dejected look on Blaine's face. "It's just coffee, there will be millions of more cups to be had. Are we still on for Saturday date night, though?"

With a look at Kurt's puppy dog pleading eyes, Blaine let out a laugh.

"I was already going to say yes, but that kicked puppy look makes me say that I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Good," Kurt stated, seemingly pleased. "I assume you have to go now?"

Blaine let out a closed mouthed, "Mmm-hmm" in response.

Kurt laughed and gave his boyfriend a rather quick kiss on the corner of his mouth. They were in public and whilst Kurt didn't care what others thought of his relationship, he wasn't going to make out with his boyfriend in the middle of a busy shopping mall. One supportive stranger wouldn't change that. All that said to him was, "Gay boys over here! Come taunt us relentlessly!"

After a hug and a reluctant goodbye, Blaine made his way in the opposite direction from Kurt to make his way back to his car that he had parked on the other side of the mall. Parking had been hellacious today being Friday and the lack of better things to do in Westerville. Once Blaine had stepped outside, the winter chill hit him instantly. March had just begun and it was still cold enough to chill you to the bone.

They had been inside longer than Blaine had though, the sun was already setting and the parking lot had become drenched in twilight. 'Perfect, time to begin the great car search.' He knew he had parked pretty far away due to the heavy mall traffic, but had he really parked out this far?

Blaine was definitely in a mood. Kurt had recently transferred back to McKinley, thus slicing their time together in half. Friday mall and coffee was one of the only days they had together besides Saturday date night. Blaine managed a smile at the thought. Kurt had something special planned, he could tell. He had been going on and on about his plans the entire week through text.

The sign of his black Toyota Camry came into view and Blaine was for once thankful for his parents over abundance of money and spoiling him with material objects rather than love, because this was the only Toyota Camry amidst all the other cars in the mess of a parking lot.

As Blaine made his way to his car, he felt a chill right up his spine. 'Wow, that breeze is nothing to joke about' Blaine thought, wrapping his coat tighter around his thinner Dalton blazer. He could be on his way to The Lima Bean with Kurt to get a hot medium drip, but instead he was trudging through the frozen tundra of a parking lot to head back to help his mother plan her book club. What the hell was she paying her assistant for if he was the one assisting?

Blaine paid no mind to the footsteps crunching behind him as he fished his keys out of his schoolbag. Many people were parked over here, so it made all the sense to hear footsteps in a mall parking lot. That was the thing though, there was no one out this far. Blaine hadn't even seen anyone since the first two rows of parking and he had seen dozens of available spaces why would someone else be parked out this far? The footsteps were growing louder and before Blaine could turn around, a cloth was pressed roughly against his nose and mouth and everything went dark.

Blaine awoke with a pounding in his head. 'Christ I don't remember going to bed with this headache...I hope mom still has extra aspirin in the medicine cabinet' He thought to himself before opening his eyes only to find that the room was as dark as it was behind his eyelids. First thought: No window. Blaine was definitely not in his room...that's when it all came back to him. The creepy footsteps, the smell...chloroform. He could dimly recall being jostled around, but he was too out of it to recall detail.

Someone had kidnapped him from the parking lot. Whoever those footsteps belonged to had drugged him and taken him. Panic started to seep into Blaine's heart like gasoline into an automobile. As the thoughts began to process, his heart picked up speed, thundering in his chest so loud he was wondering if they could hear it in Australia.

'All right, Blaine, don't panic. Just take deep breaths and we'll figure this out, the first step would be to get up...'

If there hadn't been rope wrapped around Blaine's wrists and ankles, that may have been an option. This really wasn't good. He attempted to try to squirm against the knots to see if they would give, nope, he wasn't going anywhere.

Who the hell would attack him then tie him up to a chair? It didn't make any sense. He found himself searching his mind for a list of potential target lists he could be on, but came up blank. Ever since moving to Dalton, he was well-received, liked, hell, he had friends! If this were the case though, why was he in this situation?

Blaine's thought process was broken when a light clicked on from outside the doorway; he could see the light peering in from the cracks between the wall and doorway, he then heard the click of a lock being turned. Blaine tightened his grip on the chair rails as the door swung open to reveal a shadow. A huge shadow at that. Fear was beginning to place a chill in Blaine's spine making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

The shadow took a step, then another. Heavy work boots thundered on what could only be cement flooring...and they were headed over into the darkness, obscuring Blaine's view of the mysterious shadow. Suddenly light illuminated the room. The shadow had gone over to turn the lights on.

Blaine's first view at the room was shocking, whilst it was nice to observe what surroundings he found himself in, he wasn't prepared for what he saw. The room...was so normal. It looked like a guest bedroom in someone's home. The flooring in the room turned out to be hard-wood, so much for the cement assumption. A plain twin bed was settled right beneath what actually looked to be a window, so there is a window in here. The window was currently blocking in all light from the large, thick black curtain that was draped in front of it.

The walls were blank, not even a portrait of a bowl of fruit adorned the walls. Blaine would normally say it was a nice-rather plain, but nice all the same guest room if he had been invited into this home, but he had been brought here against his will. Very different circumstances.


A deep voice ruptured the silence by the clearing of a throat. Blaine could tell by the rough tone it was a man. The shadow and the voice matched. Blaine blinked and swallowed his nerves down before turning his head to face the sound.

"Hello, Blaine."

It was him. The man that he and Kurt had bumped into at the mall.

"H-how-you? How do you know my name...where am I?" Blaine somehow managed to stutter out.

"Oh," The man begun with a smile. A smile definitely more cold and off-putting then the warm one he had graced them with at the mall. "I find it very cute that your stutter hasn't changed. I know everything about you, Mister Anderson. I've been waiting for this day for an awfully long time."

Blaine felt a shiver up his spine. He had never felt more afraid in his life. Why was the man doing this? How did he know who he was?

"A l-long time?" Blaine questioned, wondering how much the man truly did know.

"I've been watching you. Waiting. Waiting for so long and now I have you. I finally got you. You don't know how long I've waited for this, Blaine."

Blaine blinked in confusion and fear as the man gazed at him with an awe-struck expression.

"I-I hope I'm not overstepping but c-can you clarify how l-long is a l-long time?" Blaine practically whispered. How long had this man been watching him? He wasn't sure he even wanted to know the answer.

"Who-Am-I," The man enunciated every syllable. "Best paper I ever read, Mister Anderson."

Those words triggered everything. Blaine knew exactly who this man was and how long he'd been watching him.

"Mister Anderson, can you come to my desk please?"

Eight year old Blaine Anderson snapped his head up in attention at being addressed by the new teacher. The substitute as he had addressed himself. Normally people ignored Blaine, why would the teacher want to talk to him?

Blaine nervously stood up, straightening the tie of his uniform and trecked up to the teachers desk. He rubbed his palms on the sides of his pants attempting to dry his sweaty palms.

As soon as Blaine made it to the desk, he stuttered out, "Y-yes, Mr. L-lawrence?"

"I just read your 'Who Am I' paper," Mr. Lawrence stated.

Blaine chewed his lip and rocked back and forth on his heels anxiously.

"Wonderful work," Mr. Lawrence praised, causing Blaine to stop his rocking.

"I-It is?"

Mr. Lawrence grabbed the paper in question and recited. "I know what I want to do. I want to do great things. People act like they don't see me, but I see them. I know I can be like everyone else, but I won't be. I want to change the world. I will. Who am I? I'm Blaine Anderson."

"Y-you really l-like it?" Blaine asked looking up at Mr. Lawrence hopefully, with his half grown new grown-up adult teeth on display.

"I do, Blaine. I too believe you will change the world and people will see you. That I promise."

"Mr. Lawrence?" Blaine questioned in shock.

"It's been a long time, Blaine. The last time we spoke, you still hadn't lost all your baby teeth! It was back then that I knew I had to have you, I knew you were mine, but I had to wait. Your birthday was one week ago if I'm not mistaken?"

Blaine felt sick that Mr. Lawrence knew as much as he did, so instead of speaking, he simply nodded,

"The big 1-8. The number that changes everything. For a while there, I thought I'd lost track of you. I had to stop subbing for your class to do my other job, then when I came back, you were gone! I spent years tracking you down. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I found you in Westerville. You had recently been transferred out of the public school system, speaking of which, why were you in public school? You were enrolled in private school when we last spoke," Mr. Lawrence questioned.

"Wanted a change," Blaine answered dryly.

"But you transferred to Dalton Academy and what luck that you did, because that's when I finally found you. I waited some time, then heard of a thing called...sectionals. The Dalton Academy Warblers were competing in a Glee Club competition. I was curious if I might run into you at the show, and if I managed to, I was going to take you right then and there, so I attended. I kept an eye out for you and I was crest-fallen when I couldn't find you there. I suspected you might be a lover of show choir. I stuck my ground, though, maybe I just hadn't spotted you yet. Soon enough, Dalton Academy was up and the most beautiful voice rang out into that auditorium.

Hey Soul Sister, wonderful choice Blaine. That song really showed off your talent. You were right, you did go on to do great things. I wanted to take you, but you were surrounded by so many people, I couldn't. I had to wait. I attended your regionals competition as well. I sat in the audience dying to see you again. When you didn't begin singing immediately, my heart sunk, I feared you left the group, but then you stepped into the spotlight, where you always belonged. You sang Candles with that boy who I had seen at sectionals. I knew that my star had found himself a boyfriend, and my-oh-my didn't you two sound beautiful together! I am amazed at your singing voice Blaine, I might have to put your talent to some use."

Blaine felt dirty. This man had been watching him this whole time. This man who had been a substitute teacher in his second grade class back in Boston, a person who he should have been able to trust had stalked him all the way until he hit eighteen...

"Mr. Lawrence...W-why am I here? I-I don't understand," Blaine asked trying to keep his voice under control.

Mr. Lawrence grinned and sat down on the bed so that he was even closer to Blaine. Blaine wished he had the ability to run. To run far away.

"You remember how I told you that I have another job and that's why I had to stop subbing for your class?"

Blaine nodded slowly in response.

"I run a website, Blaine."

Oh god, he ran a porn website, it had to be. Blaine felt his blood run cold. Is this what he wanted him for?

"I know what you're thinking, Blaine. Yes, it is an adult website, but no, it's not for sex."

Blaine was confused. How did that work?

"I run a website for adults who act out scenes and different scenarios...for spanking."


"Yes, Blaine, spanking. I mean real discipline spanking. Not erotic, we're talking real punishment spanking," Mr. Lawrence said in a voice that sounded like he wanted Blaine to be as excited as he was.

"I s-still don't understand why I'm here..." Blaine spoke quietly. He hoped it wasn't what he was thinking...please don't let it be what he was thinking.

"You're my star. I knew it had to be you, ever since I saw you. You were born to be a star, Blaine. My star. I knew it wasn't the right time back when we last met. I am not a pedophile, Blaine. I only spank adults. My subscribers pay very nicely and now that my star has come of age, they will be finally be getting their moneys worth," Mr. Lawrence said with such joy in his voice he sounded like he wanted to start crying.

Blaine's eyes were wide with shock. Mr. Lawrence had tracked him down...kept tabs on him so that he would force Blaine to become the star of his Spanking website? How sick was he?

"Mr. Lawrence," Blaine began softly, licking his dry lips. "I-I'm flattered that you want me to be your star...but I'm no star-"

"You're the star of the Warblers are you not, Blaine?"

Blaine blinked. He was right, but he had to find a way around this. "Just for that one song," He lied.

"You've been singing every solo for the past two years, I've done my research Blaine. Either you're modest or you're lying. You don't want to be lying, because your first spanking was going to be scheduled for tomorrow, I didn't want to have to put you across my lap tonight, too. I wouldn't mind, I've been dreaming of spanking that bottom of yours, but I wanted to wait-"

"I was being modest," Blaine interrupted.

Mr. Lawrence's expression eased into a smile. "Good boy. I knew you wouldn't lie to me. I'm sure you don't want your spanking yet, either," He paused for a second as he gently placed a hand under Blaine's chin to tilt his head up to look into his eyes. "Those eyes...I could never forget. I remember how puppy dog like they were. Imagine how beautiful they will be when they're filled with tears as you're begging me to stop spanking your bottom."

"I'm flattered that you chose me, Mr. Lawrence, but I can't do it. I-I'm sure there are many other boys who are more qualified than myself. So if you could untie me, we can pretend this never happened," Blaine offered, nervously. He could feel his heart racing, he needed to get out of here.

Mr. Lawrence's face turned from calm to angry in the flash of a second, he charged at Blaine and threw both of his hands on top of his on the chair rails.

"YOU are my star, Blaine Anderson. It has been your destiny for ten years. The sooner you come to grips with that, the better of friends we'll be. If you want an added incentive, if you want that boyfriend of yours to not get hurt, I strongly suggest you be a good boy and listen," Mr. Lawrence hissed.

Blaine felt like someone punched him in the stomach. He was threatening to go after Kurt. He couldn't possibly know where Kurt was...unless he followed him, too.

"You won't get away with it...people all over Ohio know my face...they'll be looking for me," Blaine tried to threaten.

"It's a good thing that you're not in Ohio anymore, Blaine. I made sure that we got out of there as soon as I got you under the chloroform," Mr. Lawrence replied icily.

Oh shit. He wasn't even in Ohio anymore. That would make someone coming to his rescue a little less likely. Kurt would find him though, wouldn't he? Kurt will know something's wrong when he doesn't show up to date night

"It's time to go to sleep, now. I was going to untie you, but I find I can't trust that you won't try to escape. I'm going to be doing some research on your little boyfriend tonight to give you some added incentive to listen to me."

"Don't you dare touch Kurt, he has nothing to do with this," Blaine threatened menacingly.

Mr. Lawrence's frown turned into a rough smile.

"If you don't give me a reason to hurt him, I won't. I'd strongly suggest you get some sleep, Blaine, because tomorrow, you're going to be bent over my lap and we'll be filming your first spanking session. People are finally going to see you. Sleep tight, my star."

The light was turned off, the door was shut, leaving Blaine with nothing but his thoughts and stomach nervous with dread.

So what do we all think? Should I continue? Reviews will be the answer to that!