Thank you all for reading, it has been fun! Please feel free to PM me if you have any suggestions as to what I should write in the future. I really enjoyed this, and please feel free to keep on reviewing and leaving input. Enjoy!

2 Years Later...

During the last two years Chris Redfield was offered to be the head leader of the SURGE team alongside Jill. Together they had the most effective team against B.O.W's the world had ever seen, and many flocked to become a part of it. Even members from the BSAA joined in and a brand new establishment was created. Together SURGE and the BSAA managed to take down some of the biggest bioterrorists across the world with more effective strategies. During that time Manuela Hidalgo was appointed head seat of the CIA and managed to systematically clean up the government along with help from associates to make sure no one from The Family could rise up and take command. Manuela then released more documentation to the public surrounding the true events that happened in China and Tall Oaks including Raccoon City .The public outcry about what had happened in Raccoon City and the like was intense and the government had no choice but to listen to the people and pass even more strict laws regarding bioterrorism. Claire took it upon herself to start protests demanding changes be made and managed to get enough followers that ended up making the government listen.

Thanks to the many laws being passed, the usage for B.O.W's went down a bit for anyone who dealt with trading was hiding since now the entire world was going to be on watch. True, there would still be disasters like Raccoon City but now that America took it upon itself to confess to their involvement in B.O.W's, other countries began to follow through and confess their sins.

It would take many years for all of the damage to heal, but it was a start. It was something that Adam Benford strived to do during the time he had as president, and now his dreams of taking the fall and repairing the damage from bioterrorism was coming true. Leon was happy to hear the news about the new bioterror laws being passed in congress as he watched a television screening of it while he was on the plane back home. Helena had her head on his shoulder and was sleeping peacefully. Leon knew she was exhausted from packing and getting ready to go back home. He then could make out the airport and gently shook Helena.

"Hey sleeping beauty, were almost there."

Helena woke up and looked out the window and could see they were finally in the states. She then smiled at Leon.

"I hope the others are waiting for us. It's been too long."

Leon nodded and gently kissed Helena's forehead.

Chris, Jill, and Claire were waiting towards the food court of the airport. They couldn't contain their excitement. Here and there they would hear from Leon but the calls had to be cut short most of the time so that no one in The Family could potentially find out the truth about Helena being alive. Claire was looking around rapidly and then could see Leon and Helena going up an escalator to the third level.

"Guys! They are right over there!"

Claire shouted and everyone joined to watch Leon and Helena come towards them. They all waved and couldn't believe they were all finally together again. As they approached Chris and the rest of the group they smiled. Claire ran over and grabbed onto Leon and Helena both and squished them in a huge three way hug. Tears gently came down her face and then she let them go to catch a breath.

"I guess we were really missed."

Leon stated as he gave Chris and Jill a hug followed by Helena.

"Its great to have you back in one piece Kennedy."

Chris said and then he looked down at Helena's hands along with Leon's and smirked.

"And Ms. Kennedy for that matter."

Claire and Jill smiled seeing the rings they had. Claire then began to pout a little.

"Why didn't anyone tell me? Now we are going to have to get you both divorced so you can remarry again and I won't have to miss out!"

"We could do that."

Helena said and Leon smiled at her. While Helena was conversing with Jill and Claire, Leon looked around the airport and could see Ada in the distance. No words were exchanged, but they merely nodded to one another, happy that things worked out. She then took off to catch a flight, and Leon smiled to himself.

Leon and Helena joined their hands together and began to head towards the main exit of the airport with Chris and the others. They were truly happy to be back amongst their friends.