This is the last chapter to this fic, hope you have enjoyed reading it and please leave me a review to let me know how I did on it, thanks :)

After sending forth the lights to bring in his fellow Guardians North made his way to his library to find a certain book, a journal of someone they all know. Once he found it he returned to the globe room where the other four Guardians were waiting for him. "This had better be good North." Bunny complained as he stood in front of the roaring fire.

"It is, come gather around. I've something to show you." North insisted as he settled into a chair the journal in his hands. Sandy formed a question mark over his head when he saw the journal as everyone formed a circle around North. "This is the journal of someone we all met recently, in it contains drawings. This is where I got the idea for Hiccup's leg and his dragon's tail part." North paused as he showed them the journal.

"You mean…?" Jack started.

"Yes Jack, this is Hiccup's journal and it contains not only drawings for our inventions but stories and drawings of us. A good friend of mine found it while he was exploring Berk one day after the Vikings all died out and found it so he decided to let me have, his name is Ombric." North told them all.

"So does this mean that Hiccup is somehow able to find a way to return to the past where he belongs?" Bunny questioned.

North nodded, "That, too, is in here but Hiccup must find out how to get back for himself and he will with the winds help."

As he waited for Astrid to return with the others Hiccup sat in the cave near the stature when it suddenly disappeared as he stared at it. "What? Where did it go?" He shouted when it did jumping up and nearly losing his balance. "Something's changed." He muttered as he hobbled as fast as he could out of the cave to be met by a strong gust of wind. "Ruff, Tuff is that you?" Hiccup asked. "What's going on the stature is gone. I mean it vanished in front of my eyes."

"You've managed to return to us by way of wind and fire Hiccup." Ruffnut told him.

"What do you mean?" Hiccup asked, slightly confused.

"Just meet us in the sky on Toothless and Astrid will explain while the rest of us start." Snotlout told him as he blew past the twins following after him as he did, the three of them joining Fishlegs in creating a cyclone. Feeling like they weren't giving him a choice Hiccup climbed onto Toothless' back. "Let's go bud Astrid is waiting for us."

Toothless launched into the sky and made his way to where the wind was the strongest. "Astrid what is going on?" Hiccup shouted over the wind blowing beneath them.

"Trust us Hiccup, we can get you home. All we need toothless to do is shoot a fireball into the cyclone we're creating then fly down into the cyclone." Astrid replied before she joined the others in creating the cyclone.

"Are you crazy!" Hiccup shouted but was ignored as Toothless shot a fireball into the center of the cyclone then dived down even though Hiccup tried to stop him. "No Toothless stop, don't. Dear Odin we're going to die." He moaned, closing his eyes, as Toothless entered the fiery cyclone continuing to dive until he had passed completely through it then thrust open his wings to land. Hearing a familiar voice yell his name Hiccup blinked open his eyes and was off Toothless before she could reach them, meeting her halfway.

Astrid was out flying on her dragon, Stormfly, when she saw the fiery cyclone appear over the area where she first found out about Toothless and hurried to check it out not expecting to find who she did. "Hiccup!" She yelled and was soon racing toward him as he blinked open his eyes and was soon making his way towards her.

Astrid punched him as soon as he was within reach. "That's for scaring me." She snapped as he rubbed his shoulder then grabbed his shirt and kissed him. "And that's for everything else. Where were you?"

Hiccup grinned, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you but if you insist then I was in the future where I made some interesting friends, one of them was Jokul Frosti though he preferred to be called Jack Frost." He held up his hands at Astrid's look. "It's true, have I ever lied to you…don't answer that. How about we head back to the village, I'm sure my dad will want to see I'm alive and whole, well for the most part." Hiccup sighed as he looked down at where once was a flesh and blood leg.

Astrid looked down and saw what Hiccup meant. "What happened?" She asked, bringing her gaze back up to meet Hiccup's.

"I'll explain on the walk back to the village." He replied as he turned, Toothless following him, and he told Astrid everything after making her promise not to tell anyone else.

"So let me get this straight, you somehow were thrown into the future where you made friends with not only Jokul Frosti, who prefers to be called Jack Frost, but this Christmas Spirit called North, a dream giver called Sandy, a six foot one rabbit called Bunny and a bird human fairy woman called Tooth as well." Astrid stated as they came to the top of the hill overlooking the village.

"Yeah that about sums it up." Hiccup replied sarcastically.

"Okay then I believe you."

Hiccup stared at her in surprise. "You do?"

"Yes, you and Toothless did vanish without a trace for two days Hiccup and now suddenly you reappear the same way you vanished." Astrid exclaimed while they walked down the hill then didn't say another word as they had been spotted and news that Hiccup was back traveled around the village.

Stoick was in the main hall downing a tankard of mead when Gobber, his friend, came bursting in through the doors. "Hiccup is back! Astrid found him in the forest!" He exclaimed before leaving again, making Stoick spit out his drink and go racing outside where he heard shouts of welcome followed by his son's name. As he stood there the one person he thought he would never see again was soon standing in front of him. "Hiccup, my son, you've come back to us." He whispered.

"Hi dad." Is all Hiccup managed to get out before he is pulled into Stoick's embrace briefly.

"My son has come home, let us celebrate!" Stoick declared as the villagers' gathered around them and Hiccup grinned as he was welcomed home. During the celebration Ruffnut and Tuffnut got in a fight which resulted in one of them losing a tooth that Hiccup picked up, slipping into a pocket, without anyone seeing.

"Hmmm, I'm tired think I'll go to bed now." He said as he stretched his arms making everyone still there laugh.

"Alright son go on, we'll see you in the morning." Stoick told him before turning his attention elsewhere allowing Hiccup to slip away quietly.

Later that night, Hiccup stayed up playing with the tooth in his hand as he waited for either Tooth or one of her fairies to come collect it. Around midnight when everything was silent he heard the soft buzzing of tiny wings and smiled as a blur of color came into his room. "Hey Baby Tooth you looking for something?" He grinned as he held the tooth out for her to take.

Baby Tooth let out a squeak of surprise when he spoke up, not expecting him to be awake but reached for the tooth anyway, wondering how he knew who she was, as she placed a coin in his hand only for Hiccup to return it. "You keep it and give it to someone else, I don't need it." He told her. "And tell the Guardians they need to keep an eye out for Jack Frost in the future, he can be a bit of a trouble maker."

Baby Tooth shrugged as she flew away to show she heard making Hiccup laugh softly when she did. "You'll see me again…someday." He whispered as soon as she was gone and laid down to go to sleep not knowing that Sandy hovered outside his window waiting to give him a good dream and had heard everything he said, storing it away for later.