
The Slayer: Hello and welcome to my first hp fan fiction! This is Bob my side kick, he is a spork!

Bob: meep!

The Slayer: What's that Bob?

Bob: meep meep eep mee p!

The Slayer: huh? I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters used in this story?

Bob: *looks frustrated* MEEP!

The Slayer: Then what are you saying?

Bob: I was saying that I like bananas! Heh

The Slayer: What has bananas got to do with the story?

Bob: nothing, I just like them!

The Slayer: Maybe I should have hired the monkey with juggling balls? - -;;

In The Snake Pit

By The Slayer

 Chapter One – Harry's Big Shock

Harry Potter sighed; he sat at the small table along with his aunt and uncle Dursley and not to mention his overly large baby elephant sized cousin Dudley. The young wizard, zoned himself out as the one named Dudley chatter to his aunt and uncle about getting a bmx, personally Harry thought there wouldn't be a bike strong enough to hold the massive boy. But he knew better than voice this amusing thought instead he chased a carrot around the plate set before him with his fork, deep green eyes distant wild black hair a mess.

'But daddy!' whined Dudley pushing a half eaten roast meal away, what a waste, 'all the boys at Smeltings have them!'

'Now Dudley my boy I'm sure you can wait until Thursday when my pay cheque comes through?' Vernon tried to reason to his spoilt son.

'NO! I want one tomorrow!' Dudley crowd.

With all constant nattering of Dudley and the blazing of the television set it was a horrible duet in which anyone would have retreated for the sake of their eardrums. Harry wished with his soul that Ron or Hermione, ANYONE! Would come and save him from this nightmare, before he lost his sanity.

Harry had been stressed over this last summer, nightmares of Voldemort increasing with each passing week and living with the Durleys wasn't helping, he was suffering in silence, he couldn't wait until school started again, the blessing from heaven.

'But darling we really can't afford the bike until pay day,' Petunia tried to back up her husband.

'Don't make me hold my breath Mother!' Dudley pouted threateningly.

'But Dudley Dearest!'

As Dudley opened his mother to whine further there was a knock at the door.

'Harry, door, now,' Vernon ordered his low voice booming out the boy's name in distain, it brought the lightening

scared male back to reality.

Harry pushed out from the small round table and trudged to the front door, opening the entrance to number 4 privet drive.

'. . . . Potter, get your things packed up, Dumbeldore requests you back at Hogwarts,' came an only to familiar cool silky voice.

Harry blinked he had been staring at the ground he knew he recognised those black polished footwear; the voice only confirmed his fear.

His Head snapped up at once wide green eyes fix on his one and only Potions Master. Why was he here?! Harry took a step back. Did he mention something about Hogwarts? But he is a Death Eater, on the other hand Professor Dumbledore trusts him. But what if he has returned to the dark lord the slimy git wouldn't surprise him, this has to be a trick. Dumbledore would have never sent Professor Snape of all teachers he could have chosen from.

The young boy gasped, he had backed himself right into the wall. Snape dressed in his usually attire had invited himself inside a sneer of disgust plastered on his shallow face as he took in his surroundings.

'Why are you just standing there boy? Your wasting time! The Headmaster wishes you out of harms way a.s.a.p of course Potter, I'll gladly leave you here if you like?' Severus snapped viciously hands positioned on his slim hips.

'Harry who are you talking . . .' Aunt Petunia cried shrilly as Severus came into view he stopped mid sentence flow, she turned and paced back into the kitchen, 'VERNON!'

Soon Uncle Vernon marched down the hall Dudley peeked out from behind the kitchen doorframe as so did his mother, 'right what's going on here?'

Harry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the Potions Professor, 'I' am Severus Snape, Harry's Potions Professor, I have been sent to retrieve him from here.'

It amazed Harry beyond his wildest dreams the Potion master has fixed a trademark sneer upon his narrow features and Vernon had shrunk slightly back. But it wasn't long for Vernon  to regain his stature and growl back at the most feared teacher at Hogwarts.

'YOUR ONE OF THEM!' Vernon screeched, 'Get off my property you have no business here!'

Severus slinked over Vernon, 'I have no time for your pathetic tantrums Dursley and if I were you I'd watch that dirty mouth of yours, you never know what might happen to it.'

By this stage Snape had grasped the front of Vernon's shirt and had drawn him close and he spoke soft and dangerously.

Vernon shuttered in reaction to nearly being assaulted, Harry had never seen his uncle lost for words before, Harry had to admit that was impressive he grinned in amusement.

'I'll take it that I'll have no trouble from you disgusting muggle,' Snape released his victim, 'Potter go get your things NOW!'

Harry's grin was wiped of his face and he obeyed in silence, trotted up stairs to his bedroom and returned with his trunk and Hedwig, the fire in the fireplace now glowing emerald green it was obvious they were taking the floo network.

Harry piled his trunk and climbed on top of his large trunk with Hedwig, who was hooting grumpily displeased from being woken up from her nap, Harry closed his eyes tightly and said 'Hogwarts, Headmaster's office' and with a pop and a puff Harry was sent on his way.

Severus giving one last sneer to the Dursleys followed and left with out a word.

With a sudden jolt, Harry reopened his eyes to take in the wonderful sight of the Headmaster's office, sitting at his polished wooden desk Dumbeldore greeted the boy who lived with a warm and inviting smile, same clear blue eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles as his gazed fixed on the young boy.

'ahh Harry I see you have come all in one piece,' he smiled offering Harry a seat in which he accepted gladly.

Harry sat down.

'Lemon drop?' the headmaster pushed forward the candy blow that was perched on his desk.

'No thank you Headmaster' Harry declined.

Severus arrived at this moment stepping out the fireplace gracefully.

'Severus, I trust everything went well?'

'Yes, no trouble Albus,' Snape nodded.

'Well then, now I have everyone, Ill explain the situation shall I?' the aged wizard smiled, 'o by the way Severus would you like a Lemon drop?'

'No thanks Headmaster I'm quite fine,' Severus shook his head, Harry wonder whether Snape had ever eaten candy in his life.

'Well then straight to explanations I gather.'

Harry looked on with some interest.

'Harry the time has now come that it is to dangerous for you to be staying with your uncle and aunt, as Voldemort rises regaining power he has been slowly working on the charms that surround your muggle home. So in order to protect not only you but your relatives too, you will be relocated to a more secluded and secret location for the time being,' Dumbeldore smiled glancing at Snape.

'Where's that?' Harry asked innocently.

'Professor Snape's home, of course.'

Harry's eyes bugged out of his head, he mouth dropped opening shock, unable to speak.

'Please Harry it is not as bad as you think,' Albus smiled.

Had Dumbledore gone MAD?! Maybe he bumped his head and wasn't in his wrong frame of mind? Or maybe this was just a nightmare?

'B-But headmaster!' Harry protested.

Dumbeldore frowned, 'It's the least likely place anyone will look for you my boy.'

Harry gapped he couldn't believe this.

'Severus has agreed to allow your friends to visit sometime over the time you are staying with him,' explained the Headmaster.

Harry nodded in numb shock, he just couldn't believe it, he was spending the rest of his summer at the home of most despised teacher at Hogwarts, Professor Severus Snape!

The Slayer: Well how is that? What did u think Bob?

Bob: meep

The Slayer: I knew you would like it! ^_^

Bob: No not that, I was saying that I really like the toilet cleaner fan fiction net use! It has a lemony fresh smell!

The Slayer: riiight 0.o'

Bob: heheh

The Slayer: Well since Bob doesn't have anything to review about my first chapter, I'm counting on those reviews from
you! Don't be a bob and send in those reviews!!

The Slayer Signing Off!