Prologue: In Which The AllSpark Awakens

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape or form own Transformers, other than a TFP Wheeljack (who likes to experiment in the fishtank…)

AN: Feedback would be great – I have this all planned out, and I'm in the process of typing out more as you read this… (Okay, maybe not as you read…but I'm doing my best!)

I've never read a story like this one before, so I just had to give it a shot. And so far, I really like how the plot came together. This one… I'm not going to lie – I have no idea when I'll update this one. Probably when I need a happy break – the protagonist is a lot happier than some other protagonists (cough Alex cough) are.

Thousands of decavorns ago, back when Cybertron was a young planet still, filled with metal and alloys yet to be structured into multiple layers of cities; before the Cybertronian beings were divided into classes; before a system of justice had been finalized, there was the AllSpark.

It sat in a spire, of sorts; a tall, metal and earth medley of a structure. The AllSpark at this time was a single piece of crystalized, glowing metal neatly filling the spire with the brilliant amber light that reflected from the AllSpark.

No one knew where it came from, only that it contained the power to create life, and that the life it created was in the form of energy. This energy could be contained within frames, brought by eager older 'bots who wanted a young life to take care of.

'Bots would come with youngling frames, handed down through the vorns. It was a specialized trade to create youngling frames or the subsequent upgrades. These few specialized 'bots travelled around the different provinces, creating and maintaining youngling frames for the next spark to fill them.

It was a happy time; peaceful and just. The thirteen Primes ruled; amber eyes shining brightly – the same shade as the light of the AllSpark.

Until one of the Primes became greedy; consumed by his lust to possess the AllSpark. He waited, biding his time until the other Primes were gone from the spire, until it was only him and the AllSpark.

He shattered a piece off the AllSpark, breaking a small shard off the enormous crystal. The small shard immediately filled him with power; such as he had never know.

The shard turned blue, pulsing with an unholy light.

Alas, by touching the AllSpark with his impure motives, and lustful, greedy intentions, he tarnished the AllSpark. All his hatred, greed and selfishness flowed from the shard he clenched oh-so-tightly in his hands to the rest of the AllSpark, pulsing with amber light.

The AllSpark became self-aware, and with this awareness came the knowledge of what it could do. No longer did it have to create good, pure and wholesome 'bots. No longer did it have to have conversations with the Primes about the best thing to happen to the planet. It was the creator of all the tiny creatures – it deserved to rule them as a god! It should be exalted and praised – worshipped.

The amber light quickened; writhing and twisting in the crystal, threatening to break free and rule the planet with a fiery fist. The betrayer was confronted by his brethren, and refused to give them the shard.

They came to blows; twelve against one, and he discovered that the blue shard gave him incredible power, enough to escape from his brothers and replenish his strength. He fashioned a metallic frame for the small shard, to hold the shard of the crystal, and called it 'The Matrix.'

The AllSpark was sentient, but hid this from the other Primes. It knew that they would try to offline it – and it knew that it would have to destroy them. It was to be the leader, and they would try to stop it.

The Primes were unaware of the AllSpark's sentience, and held council on how to stop their brother from wielding such an awesome power. They examined the area that the shard was ripped from, and tried used the AllSpark to trace their brother.

This only solidified that they would use it mercilessly in the AllSpark's thoughts. They did not deserve to live. It would offline them. With this in mind, as well as the eventual plot to take over Cybertron, the AllSpark altered the coding of every new spark it created. Sub-programming that would react to a certain stimuli, and activate other protocols. Namely, these new creations would cause civil war. Once it was the ruler, it could halt the civil war with impunity.

The twelve remaining Primes spent their time looking for their fallen brother and protecting Cybertron, unaware of the AllSpark's plot. Thousands of devavorns later, Cybertron was civilized; the hierarchy of mechs and femmes well established and thriving. The dirty underbelly layers of the cities were thriving with corruption and illegal activity. The sub-programming had been activated slowly, slowly enough so that the twelve Primes did not notice it. Older 'bots' programming was altered and violence was common in the bowels of cities. Mechs, robbed of their chips and armour; gladiatorial pits opened where mechs fought to the death for money. Energon stained the ground. War was in the air.

The glow of the AllSpark was nearly frenetic. It was time.

It finally gave the Primes the location of the fallen Prime – a small planet called Earth. Seven of the Primes left almost immediately. It hoped that the fallen Prime would be able to take them out; then it wouldn't have to. But the Fallen one would need to be offlined too.

It did not have the same weaponry as the Primes – no staff that crackled with electricity or flight capabilities – but it could control the minds around it, and was nearly impervious. Defeating five Primes would be easy. It attacked them using other 'bots. They were taken aback, and grievously wounded. But the Primes were cleverer than it had anticipated.

They had seen that the AllSpark was sentient; had seen slivers of new coding that indicated towards violence and aggression, and had prepared for the eventuality.

So, despite leaking energon from exposed wiring and tubes; despite amber optics flickering in and out of awareness, the five managed to make a plan.

Contain the AllSpark within a Cube, made from their very own bodies. The Primes didn't have much time to act – they needed to act before the last dregs of energon spilled out of their bodies and stained the spire. They sent a message to their brothers on earth, in pursuit of the Fallen, that they were no more, and the AllSpark was once again safe.

They joined in a circle around the crystal, and joined minds together, meeting in another dimension as mental energies. Their physical bodies in this dimension were locked around the AllSpark, creating a vast Cube that securely contained the raging sentient crystal. Their minds suppressed its consciousness, forcing it to yield and submit. The five Primes were barely strong enough, but bolstered by each other, they managed to complete the job, physical bodies becoming a solid box, big enough to contain every last shred of the crystal and contain it, and strong enough to permanently offline the AllSpark if the Cube was destroyed.

The AllSpark was outraged – how dare they do this?! With each second, its consciousness faded away, to end up deep in slumber.

In a last, selfish effort, it activated the sub-programming of every mech and femme created. Around the planet, optics flickered for a few moments, before onlining with new purpose. In each subsequent life created by the Cube, the 'bot would end up activating the new programming or not.

But with the crystal broken – a piece missing and with the Fallen – it no longer possessed the strength to convert all the coding at the same time, no longer could control each 'bot by itself. With a shriek of unholy rage, it subsided, easing deep into slumber, planning and waiting.

Before the Primes offlined, they covered the outside of the Cube with writing, preventing the consciousness of the AllSpark from escaping and causing havoc again. There was one small problem with the Cube – if the shell was cracked at all, the AllSpark would be free to cause disaster once again...

Mission City, 2007

Kill, kill, kill. Destroy. Maim. Punish. It ripped apart the spark it was entered into, not thinking for a moment, lost in the bloodlust and thrill of destroying a Prime.

Until the sensation of flesh caught up to the AllSpark.

The AllSpark awakened with the speed of light, instantly aware and thinking. It was still lost in the memories of earlier, when it was fighting the Primes. To the AllSpark, it was as if it had merely paused for a moment, and was now here. In this strange world, filled with organic creatures and a few 'bots.

Samuel James Witwicky was one strange organic – filled with the essence of the Primes, and the ideals of a leader. The boy just didn't know it yet. The AllSpark hated the organic instantly

Now, it had ripped through the spark of a 'bot – torn through it like a sword through thin metal leaf. The AllSpark knew it only had moments left in this shell – too much damage had been done, and the damnable Primes had created this shell so that once it was too structurally unsound, it would destroy the AllSpark with it.

It needed a new host, now. It was weakening by the second, each astrosecond seeming to speed by as it looked into the mind of each being it had come across. It wasn't strong enough to transfer its consciousness into a mech frame, even though that would be ideal. Too much energy went into offlining this Megatron that it had been thrust into.

Samuel James Witwicky. He wasn't good. No, no good at all. Too much bravery and integrity to work through, too much effort to expend. And his close position with the 'bots would mean they'd notice his absence. No.

Same went for William Lennox and the other dozen organics around him.

It ran through the other minds it had been in contact with recently.

Marshall Smith. No. Too selfless.

Marissa – no, too cowardly.

Georgette Cotely. No. Not quite devious enough … Ah! The other organic in the metal contraption. It had caused a small 'bot to grow from the wheel.

There! Hazel Sumners. Selfish. Stubborn. Alone. Absolutely perfect.

It focussed all its power, and transferred its consciousness into the organic's head, forcing the biologic out.

She – for it was a human female girl, twenty years old – was sent through to the last empty space it could find, no memories, just the consciousness. With that done, the AllSpark leaned backwards, dreaming of plans and ideas. It bit its bottom lip – how weird it felt! It was lying on the ground, arms splayed and top part hurting. One bottom appendage hurt too.

At once, all the memories of the exiled consciousness floated in. So this is how humans behaved. Right then. Headache and pain in the left leg – that was the proper names.

She stood shakily, getting the hang of moving almost instantly.

Earth would be easy to rule – once it got rid of the rest of the Cybertronians. And she was sure she could accomplish that. With that, the AllSpark – Hazel, she reminded herself, would rule the world. A flick of long dark hair, a pout of ruby red, makeup slathered lips, and a feral grin twinkled in dark eyes.

Revenge was a bitch.

AN: Feedback would be really appreciated.

Seriously, did no one else wonder why the AllSpark/Cube created just Decepticons in Mission City, and in the Dam? Anyways, this is my take on that idea. Love it or hate it, let me know.

This chapter was sort of short – but my prologues tend to be short. So they should be longer after this one. And you'll meet the protagonist for real next chapter. This one was sort of like a teaser, or appetizer, I guess.