Apparently I am on fire today since I managed to upload two new chapters of stories that I worked on in months and I feel real good about it. So good that I'm very happy and I'm going to upload even more chapters of stories that i haven't worked in on months. But this chapter is a little rushed and there's no Ikuto and Utau but I promise to star them in the next chapter. And this is pretty crappy so bear with me people.

Narrator's POV:

All Amu could do during study hour was play with her pencil since Ms. Sanjou had taken away her phone saying that she had all the contacts of her lovers and that there was no way that she was going to let her do that during her class so she took the phone and she wasn't going to give it to Amu until school was over. Frankly, Amu thought that she was going to die of boredom if that was even possible.

"Amu. What are you doing?" Rima asked Amu since she saw that Amu was trying to hold her pencil on her nose.

"Trying to hold my pencil with my nose." Amu replied calmly and serenely since she had something to concentrate on.

"I'm bored since Sanjou-sensei stole my phone." Amu said as she managed to hold the pencil on her nose as Miki, Ran, Su, and Dia cheered her while KusuKusu smiled at the act that Amu was doing.

"Why not study?" Rima guessed.

"Too much work and besides no one else is studying so why should I be the one studying?" Amu responded.

"Maybe if you hadn't worn such a short skirt on the first day of school. This wouldn't be happening." Rima scolded Amu whom dropped the pencil to stare at her good childhood friend.

"It's not my fault that she's gone cray-cray." Amu snapped.

"Fine. Just don't bite my head off." Rima surrendered as she lifted her hands up in defeat.

"I won't. Besides it would be hard to bite your head off since my teeth are rather weak." Amu said.

"Amu-Chan is very angry today." Miki said.

"Maybe she's stressed." Dia guessed.

"Nah. Amu almost cries when she's stressed and always plans on going shopping for more fashionable clothes instead of trying to balance a pencil on her nose." Miki stated to her younger sister.

"Well, maybe it's because the list of clothing stores that I wanted to go to today after school were all in my phone." Amu bawled like a 5 year old when it didn't get the toy that it wanted.

"So, we'll wait for your phone Amu-Chan." Ran comforted.

"Thank you." Amu thanked while grabbing her Chara and embracing it like if there was no tomorrow.

"A-A-A-Amu-Chan, y-y-y-you're choking me." Ran said and Amu released her and Ran floated back to her sisters and Kusukusu.

"Hey girls." Nagihiko said as he waltzed towards the girls.

"What's wrong, Nagi?" Amu questioned as Rima scoffed at the sight of Nagi.

"Rima-san, I need to talk to you outside." Nagi said and Rima stared at him.

"Why do I have to?" Rima questioned Amu whom was staring at her with an accusatory look in her eyes.

"Suck it up, Rima. And talking to Nagi, isn't going to kill you like you thought." Amu nagged Rima.

"Fine. Kusukusu stay here with Amu. It's just going to be a small talk so I don't need you to make a transformation." Rima instructed Kusukusu whom kept playing with the rest of the Charas.

"You too, Rhythm." Nagi said as both he and Rima walked outside.

"I wonder what they went to talk about." Amu wondered as she looked up to the ceiling.

"Hey Amu-chan!" Tadase said as he walked into the classroom and sat in the chair in front of Amu's.

"Where were you, Tadase?" Amu asked.

"I was with the headmaster whom was asking me if I wanted to be the new student council president." Tadase answered.

"So? What did you say?" Amu asked.

"I said that I needed some time to think about it." Tadase replied.

"Where's Nagihiko and Rima?" Tadase asked.

"They went outside to talk and they left me here Chara babysitting." Amu replied.

"Why are they talking without eaither of us present? For all, we know they could be killing each other." Tadase stated at Amu.

"I doubt it." Amu said. "Rima still doesn't want to go to jail. And if she was going to kill Nagi, she told me that she wouldn't even dream of killing him here in school where there could be like a million witnesses which means that she would have to kill us."

"You're right. But what if she's kidnapping him right now?" Tadase exaggerated.

"No. Nagi asked her to go talk with him so I'm pretty sure tha he's the one kidnapping her." Amu corrected him.

"I'm back!" Nagi said while coming back into the classroom while the Charas stared at him.

"Hey, Tadase! Where's Kiseki?" Miki asked Tadase.

"He stayed at home saying that there was no reason for him to come to school." Tadase said.

"Then we're living for another day." Ran said.

"Stupid crossdressing man/woman Nagihiko." Rima mumbled as she walked into the classroom, her face a deep red that meant that she was either embarrassed or angry and by the way that her fists were being clenched and unclenched meant that she was very angry with Nagihiko.

"What happened?" Amu questioned poor Rima.

"Well, this idiot says that he's going to talk to me when instead of talking; he shows me the most terrible jokes that you can find on the internet and when I'm about to correct him, he gets the audacity to run away from me! I have a reason to be angry with him!" Rima screeched while pointing at Nagihiko whom smiled at her sheepishly.

"It's okay Rima. We're here and we promise that we're not going to let you kill Nagi." Amu said while a tone of voice that some people use to talk to crazy people.

"I'm not crazy. So stop talking to me like if I'm crazy." Rima snapped at Amu whom pouted but instead resumed to comforting her.

"No, Rima. This is how people talk to crazy people." Amu said bluntly.

"Are you guys crazy?" Su said.

"No, we're not." Both girls said and the Charas and the two boys started laughing maniacally.

So at least, the girls knew the opinions that their own Charas and male friends have of them and now they were planning on unleashing hell on the poor boys.

PLEASE REVIEW! And if you secretly do know what Rima and Nagi were doing and it's the right answer then I am so mentioning you in the next chapter so... Sayonara!~