"You are kidding me." Cameron stated.

"Excuse me, I may be Aussie but who the fuck is Christina Roche?"

"She is one of the best doctors out there. And she was here remember? About two years ago. Couldn't figure out a case because she was emotionally tied to it. Her brother remember?"

"Oh… uhh… cancer guy?"

"Chase come on, you remember Jon Holmes. He and his boyfriend kept calling her Sherlock."

"Sherlock was the ginger haired woman right?"

"Seriously, you are as bad as House sometimes." Cameron stated.

"So what blood work did he have done?"

"The House special. Nothing came back though. I was thinking something would to explain his need to help her."

"Did you tell him?"

"No ran in to Cuddy, she took the results sent me back here, and said the three of us better have an answer for our patient in five hours."

"We better get back to work then…" Cameron stated, but they all just stood there and wondered what had gotten into their boss.

House had got into a rhythm with her breathing and was quietly stitching, and because of this he almost missed hearing the door open.

"We are back House." Cuddy stated and walked around the curtain with Wilson. "Blood test negative, but we will recheck in a few weeks."

"Good." Was all House stated and continued to work.

"House I know who she is." Wilson stated as both Cuddy and himself took seats and prepared to help. "Oh dear God!" Wilson finally looked directly at the damage.

"Don't wake her up. And yeah I figured it out. She is the puzzle I was flirting with about two years ago."

"Then you know…"

"You have a hate for her that you can rationalize and now are feeling guilty. Yeah took me a moment." House stopped for a moment. He looked up at Wilson. "Before you start, I need you to read me her file out loud."

"You read it…" Then Wilson noticed the thicker file. "How did you get that?"

"She gave it to me."

"She was awake?" Cuddy asked.

"For a few minutes, she requested no drugs and then told me where I could find her true medical file. I owe her a new bag…"

Wilson grabbed the file. He was about to open the full page but something stopped him. "I am not going to like this am I?"

"You will hate it, but we need to know how to treat her for her wounds, if she has allergies or anything."

Wilson took a deep breath and opened the file; he scanned the first few pages and gasped. "House this reads… standard… until she was eleven…"

"First hospital visit?"

"Not a hospital note, a note she put in her, says classmate stabbed her with a scalpel, for not giving him the test answers. Put in twenty seven stitches." Wilson continued. "There are many more entries like this, but here is one I don't get: 'One of them found me… attacked me on my way back to my dorm… shot me… thankfully it was in the leg… he won't shoot anybody again…' Wilson paused. "House there are five entries like that, just says one of them found her and whatever injury she got fighting them, one ended up in a hospital visit… the last one, she was stabbed in the chest. Had a fifteen hour surgery to repair the lung."

"What about when she was fourteen?"

"She has a note here… 3 weeks… and then she makes a very clinic list of…" Wilson swallowed. "Of the things, she calls them, the final six, did to her. I can't read that out loud, House."

"Let me read it." Wilson took the pages and held them up for House.

House read the list; it was long… and disturbing. He clenched his fists, an irrational anger poured over him. "What does it say about treatment?"

Wilson read the notes, but he knew the story, he just didn't have all the details before this moment. No wonder Jon had said to tell her he couldn't save her this time. She needed someone to save her… "I will read the exact note. 'Doctor Jon Holmes… my only friend, where would I be without him? He helped me, and promised not to report it. It will go as an unsolved arson murder case… He ran the tests I was afraid to run, but everything is fine, even after six weeks after I crawled to his room, all tests negative…He never called me a freak, and he didn't look at me when I told him my truths, he hugged me… Smiled and said he would always be there for me…I can never repay this person… this angel on earth… funny I almost stopped believing in God… but he sent me my angel to help me through this life…" Wilson stopped, tears in his eyes… How could he still sit here and still have feelings of hate toward a woman who went through that, who knew that the man she had trusted him to save was her angel.

"No wonder she wants to work here…" House whispered.

"Why would she want to work in this place if this is where her friend died?" Wilson asked out loud.

Cuddy hadn't looked up from her work, but there were tears in her eyes. "You are blind sometimes Wilson." Was all she could get out.

"You, for being sentimental to your patients, can be a bigger ass than me!" House laughed. "She had one person in the world she could trust outside her men and he died you fool. The last placed he was alive was inside these very walls. She would condemn herself to a life of living in New Jersey when unlike, say me, she can go anywhere in the world; just to be close to him in any way she could. Iowa holds too much for her, so she will do with his home state." House stated as they finally finished her back.

"Who said anything about Iowa?" It was Cuddy who picked up on the slip House had made.

"They met at the University of Iowa, put together the timeline." House lied quickly. "We have to check her front." House stated.

But before they could move, Christina let out a scream. "NOOOOOOO!"

House looked to see if she was awake, she wasn't. It was a nightmare. He rolled round to the other side pushing Wilson out of the way. He grabbed Christina's hand in both of his. "Christina!" House yelled and squeezed her hand.

Christina felt the knife going down her back… But worse the figure was telling her that her Jon was dead. Her best friend was gone all because she couldn't escape, couldn't make it home, couldn't save him. That she had let him down… and his death was her fault… That she was a bringer of death… Then suddenly someone was grabbing her hand and pulling her from the scene. She heard her name. Her eyes snapped open and she was about to fight when the hands that been holding her hand grabbed her and held her to his body.

"Christina! It is okay! You are not there!" He stated loudly.

"He can't be dead… He can't be… God wouldn't take an angel like that and leave a demon like me on Earth… I couldn't save him… I was supposed to save him! I was supposed to have saved him like he saved me… He can't be dead…" Christina broke down and cried for the first time since the ambulance ride with her father. "God made a mistake… if he is really there he made a mistake…" Christina grabbed onto the man that held her. "A mistake… he should have let the demon die… not the angel… I should have been here… I should have said no to the mission… but my brother…Jon told me I would hate myself… I hate myself more for going… I should have saved him!" Christina sobbed.

House didn't want to break open the stitches, but held onto as tightly as he could without hurting her. He knew about the nightmares, and knew what it was like to have a breaking point. That is why he cared… why he took the case… this could have easily been him… "Shh…"

"House…" Wilson brought attention to himself.

"What now?"

"There is a note here in the file about pain killers."

"Well read it." House said as he continued to try to comfort the woman in his arms.

"Okay…" Then Wilson started to read. 'Jon talked me into taking some pain killers… He said I can't keep punishing myself…but out of all the lives I have taken is a little pain too much to pay? I didn't tell him I had been drugged with them before, almost died because they gave me too many to try to hurt me… but my fight or flight instinct took over… I ran and knew I had to throw up… But for Jon I took these… The pain is so bad… They said I might not walk again… I will show them… Shot twice in the back… Jon said I was a fool to try to do a surgery in the middle of battle field. But was I supposed to do let the solider die? I knew if I didn't get the bullet out and the hole patched within minutes he would have died. Jon still can't believe I did open heart surgery in a middle of a battle, and even finished it after I got shot. Before I fell to the ground that is… I am a bringer of so much death… sometimes it feels nice to save one… I am only twenty one my fight isn't over… but I took too many… the pain so bad… The doctors are hopeful about my progress because I feel the pain shooting down my legs… took too much… Jon yelled at me for about three hours about the dangers even though I know them… he also said they would help stop the nightmares for a night… he was wrong… I had been increasing the dosage by myself for the last three months ever since the night Jon talked me into to taking the medications… I am using crutches to walk… soon… But first I have to get off these pills… For Jon… I don't think I could stop myself from taking them if I stopped them because of my guilt… I have forgotten what it is like to be without some type of pain for so long… Jon says I am not addicted, but I know I could become that way… I could lose myself to this… give up… go back become a normal doctor… but not until the numbers are even… 1539 lives taken… 327 saved… nowhere near even… can't give up… not until they are even…'

"Ahhh…" House said. "Now that makes more sense…" He felt Christina try to pull herself closer to him as if afraid of being thrown away. His grip tightened a bit. "Still here… Look I am going to give you a mild sedative. Very mild… can't promise a dreamless rest, but can promise you won't feel us finish up the stitches."

"You gave me morphine…" Christina said into his neck.

"Thought it would help…"

"Pain not there… no pain… I am dead… You are an illusion… I picked you because you are like me… That is why I am here… I am almost dead back in that camp… I knew Jon would have died by now… He couldn't have lived with that cancer… I couldn't save him… now my mind is giving me a glimpse of a painless existence… of a life outside the Marines… before I go to hell… Warm… so… warm… too bad gay in real life… remembered thinking that… that closeness you had with that cancer doctor… I never had that… almost with Jon… almost… we never got quite there…never told him… I killed the man who hurt him… tracked him down…killed him… I am nothing but a bringer of death… going home to hell…" Christina then passed out again in House's arms.

"Well…" Cuddy said trying to break the tension.

"Never thought you would know so much about your new doctor before you hired them huh Cuddy?" House stated with a sad laugh. "I am sure she was delusional, I doubt she tracks people down and kills them, except as a Marine." House knew otherwise but searched Cuddy's face, she believed the lie.

"She thinks we are gay…?" Was Wilson's only response… he focused on that instead of the pain in her voice…

"Out of all the things you could focus on you choose that James?" Cuddy asked.

"We both know she is wrong Wilson, but I can see why she thought that. She never saw a normal healthy relationship… even the one she had with Jon wasn't normal… and she felt love for Jon, maybe attraction but he was gay… and she got along with him… butted heads but got along with him… so she has some crazy notions how people act. She never saw us around Cuddy." House laughed.

"You seem to understand her." Wilson said narrowing his eyes at House.

"Her nickname is Sherlock… chances are we are quite alike in many ways." House shrugged his shoulders; he never wanted them to know about his time in the Marines.

"Did I just hire another House?" Cuddy wanted to break the tension as well and laughed as they make sure she was lying softly as possible on her back.

"Nah, there is only one of me." House wiggled his eyebrows at her; he was glad that they were going to try to be light for a while.

"At least her front is not as bad, in fact just a few stitches on the side…" Cuddy stated, but they saw the scars.

"Yeah, it will make her recovery a bit easier. When was she supposed to start?"

"Two weeks."

"Good, gives her time to rest. You will be lucky if she doesn't beg for an earlier start time." House stated and finished up the side stitches. "Grab me that gown."

"Well, what now?" Cuddy asked once they got a decent hospital gown on her.

"We can put her in my office. The chair is a good place for her to rest. I think laying down is causing the flash backs." House stated.

"And the three lackeys of yours?" Cuddy asked.

"They know who she is. Forman would have researched her after he saw her name on her folder. Did you find anything else in the real one Wilson?"

"Yeah… she…"

"Bad stuff yeah, I will read it after we get her settled."

It didn't take long to move her; soon House had her seated and a blanket over her in his chair. He slept there more often than not and knew it would be fine.

House sat down and stared at the file. If he read it he would literally know everything about that woman in the chair. She kept her own medical file. But why? House was lost in thought as he started to go through the file that held so much pain.