RWOL is here with chapter 3 of The Love Story of Kahlua Shuzen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rosario+Vampire or its related works!


Chapter 3: A Vampiric Date


Tsukune sighed, shaking his head as he looked at the broken form of his latest challenger. It had only been three days since Kahlua's interview with Gin and things had gotten complicated... per the usual in his messed up life. But then again Tsukune only had himself to blame for not having the foresight of not taking into consideration the questions Gin would ask Kahlua (which included how they met) and not talking with Kahlua to make a cover-story of how they met should she be asked that question.

Because of this, Kahlua had twisted the story of how they met, clearly to keep from exposing him, but this story of half-lies and truths has caused an uproar in the school. This was due not only because of Kahlua being both vampire royalty and assassin but also for Tsukune being an assassin as well who had been hired to protect the school. And this is where things got complicated.

In reality, Tsukune was NOT an assassin being paid by Mikogami to protect the school from those trying to harm it and the students.

What was worst was there was no way for him to disprove Kahlua's words because everyone knew of his victories over Koyou, the PSC, the Antithesis and saving the school from Ishigami's scheme. Then there were those who had witnessed Tsukune in his vampire form and so easily believed he was indeed a vampire when he was a vampiric human aka a Ghoul.

In the three days since the interview was published, Tsukune had to deal with various other ayashi wanting to prove themselves by fighting their 'protector'. Besides that, many of the students were now hero-worshiping him (which included a large number of the female students becoming his fangirls) due to his 'protecting' them from threats against Yokai Academy, which were few and far between.

"You," Tsukune said pointing to the two boys that accompanied the ayashi he just beat down. "Take him to the infirmary." He said simply as the two boys nodded rapidly, picked up their defeated buddy and left for the infirmary.

"It seems you've been busy Tsukune-kun."

Turning around the Aono Ghoul saw Kahlua walking towards him and he could only stare at how beautiful she looked. Her blonde hair shone with the luminous of gold in the morning rays. Her carmine eyes sparkled like those blood rubies (which were actually made of blood) he saw that one time he went with Ling-ling to the occult shop in the underbelly of Hong Kong. Her dark skin was more like the smoothest of chocolate molded into the perfection of her feminine form. While he would openly admit she looked good in the Yokai Academy girls' uniform, he found himself preferring Kahlua in her flowing silver-white dress.

Kahlua felt her cheeks burn slightly as she saw Tsukune stare at her lustfully… no that wasn't right. She could tell that while there was lust in his eyes, it wasn't the prevalent emotion. She could see the admiration for her beauty; meaning Tsukune didn't see her as a sex toy like most men but as beautiful woman who deserved to be treated as such.

Realizing he was staring, Tsukune immediately tried to save face so he wouldn't be labeled a pervert. "Ah… it's good to see you Kahlua-san." Tsukune stuttered a bit. Kahlua giggled, an airy tinkling sound, at how Tsukune was flustered.

"And it's good to see you too Tsukune-kun." Kahlua purred getting Tsukune to blush a bit more when realized the hidden meaning of Kahlua's words. "It seems you've been busy these past three days." Kahlua said with a frown as she had seen the one-sided fight between Tsukune and his latest challenger. In fact she had seen all of Tsukune's fight so far and they were pretty much one-sided given Tsukune's already in the upper limits of SS-Class strength. Beside herself and Tenmei Mikogami, they was no one on the campus who could even remotely challenge Tsukune. Not even Ura-Moka could challenge Tsukune.

"Tsukune-kun I have to apologize for getting you into this mess because of my interview." Kahlua said bowing to Tsukune. "I should have anticipated being asked how we met so I came up with that story off the top of my in order not expose you. I didn't think it would cause you this much grief." She said deepening the bow. She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders where she was pulled from her bow to stare into Tsukune's dual colored eyes.

"All is forgiven Kahlua-san." Tsukune said giving the blonde vampire a small smile. "Truthfully I wasn't mad at you at all since I too am at fault here for not anticipating the same and getting with you earlier so we could come up with a cover story. So we're both at fault here." Tsukune added hugging the shocked woman. She had honestly expected Tsukune to be genuinely angry at her for causing this but instead he felt no anger towards her and claimed he too was fault. Kahlua quickly returned the hug, burying her face in the crook of his neck and inhaling his tantalizing scent.

Tsukune-kun… you truly are a unique man. Kahlua thought feeling happy she met Tsukune and was courting him. Breaking the hug, the Aono Ghoul and Shuzen Vampire left for class, not knowing they had been spied on by Tsukune's harem. Each of the Aono harem members glared daggers at Kahlua for being hugged by Tsukune. They had hoped that with all the attacks on Tsukune that he would get angry at her but instead he proved once again just how understanding he was and forgave her.

"Damn it! There is just no losing with this bitch!" Kurumu growled angrily. "Despite being responsible for these attacks happening on my Destined One, she is still managing to win against us." The Succubus cried really hating this situation. She had hoped Tsukune would be angry at Kahlua for ruining his life with the lie she told in the paper but Tsukune forgives her allowing Kahlua another point in the love game.

"Even moreso we can't even defend Tsukune anymore because he can now fight on par with beings like Kahlua." Mizore added rolling her lollipop around in her mouth. She still remembered how shocked she was seeing Tsukune step up and fight Kahlua in her home village; seeing the sheer power he wielded so easily and easily going toe-to-toe with a vampire who was even stronger (by an immensely wide margin) than Ura-Moka. A part of her had thought it was a one-time deal but seeing Tsukune so easily handling each of his challengers had hammered the fact home that Tsukune was no longer the weak human she used to protect.

Inside her seal, Ura-Moka was conflicted over the situation concerning Tsukune's new found ability to defend himself. It honestly hurt her pride to see the once weak human having the power to fight off vampires. Yes that fight ended in a draw but it showed that Tsukune had gained an immense level of power. Then right after they get back, he disappears for a one month training session so she knew that whoever was teaching Tsukune would have made him stronger so the next time he fought he would win. What hurt her even more was the fact that Tsukune didn't come to her to help him train his abilities.

When she had asked (which was really her getting Omote-Moka to ask) Ruby about Tsukune, since she was the Headmaster's goffer, she didn't get much information from the elder Witch. The only thing she learned was that Ruby had been part of the first phase of Tsukune's training which involved him learning to actively call upon his yoki. After that she didn't see any more of Tsukune until he came back for his second year.

So it begged the question of exactly how strong Tsukune was.

"Mizore did you manage to find anything at all about Kahlua's plan for her date with Tsukune?" Yukari asked bringing Ura-Moka back from her thoughts on Tsukune's new power.

The Snow Fairy frowned deeply and sadly shook her head in the negative. "I've tried many times but I can't seem to get in Kahlua's room. I think she may have set up some kind of barrier, an extremely high-level one, to protect her room." Mizore said rolling her lollipop around. "I can't even see in her room when I perch myself outside her window. All I see is a wall of infinite darkness and I can't hear anything either." She added.

"Can't you like get Ruby to dispel the barrier?" Kurumu asked but it was Yukari who answered.

"Ruby-nee won't be able to do that." The preteen witch spoke. "The Yokai Academy handbook states that students are legally allowed to seal off their rooms with barriers to prevent theft and destruction of property. I know I used one since several of the older ayashi here attempted to vandalize my room." She said getting some winces from the older members of the Aono Harem. Witches had a hard time in the Ayashi World. "Besides that unless it is an emergency, only with the Headmaster's permission can we get access to Kahlua's room." She added getting sighs of defeat from her harem-sisters.

"So what are supposed to do then?" Omote-Moka asked not liking this situation.

"How 'bout this," Kurumu began getting the others' attention. "Since we can't get the info on their date why not just follow them when they leave this weekend and ruin the date as best we can." She suggested.

"That's probably the best we can do then." Mizore said agreeing to her duet partner's suggestion as she and the others left for class.

Unknown to them, Kahlua's familiar was spying on them to learn of their plots so its master could plan accordingly. The familiar continued on with its mission, spying on the 'enemies' of its mistress so it could give a detailed report to its master later on.


"Tsukune Aono I challenge you to a fight!" a student yelled ceasing all activity during the lunch period. The unknown student stomped his way towards Tsukune's table that sat the Aono Ghoul, Kahlua and the Aono Harem. The student was exceedingly tall, standing between seven to eight feet tall and was exceedingly muscular as well. The school uniform was so strained against the boy's muscular physique that Tsukune swore he could actually hear the fabric screaming in protest. Kahlua looked up to scrutinize Tsukune's latest challenger, already seeing that while powerful the student would be another tally on Tsukune's win streak.

The Aono Harem (except Kokoa) glared at Kahlua, once again blaming her for all these attacks and made them wish for the old days where they had the power and Tsukune was still a weak human. At least they could take advantage of the situation by showing off their power by defeating these challengers thus getting Tsukune's gratitude which would be a step towards his love and affection.

Sighing, Tsukune stood and faced his latest challenger not even intimidated by the boy's greater height and muscle mass.

"And you are?" Tsukune asked already gathering his power.

"The name is Perseus Minos. And I'm the one who is going to beat your ass!" Perseus shouted as he took on his true yokai form. He now stood ten-feet tall with gray, leathery skin and looked like an anthromorphic elephant.

Bite-sized Monster Dictionary


The Elephantaur is a variant within the Taur family, alongside the: Boartaur, Dragotaur and Beartaur. The Elephantaur is a monster of Persian origin, the legends claiming the species was born from an act of spite by a jealous sister cursing her more beautiful older sister to make love with the first being she saw and in her case it was an elephant. Disgraced and impregnated by an elephant's seed, the princess was banished from her father's court and some months later gave birth to the monstrous Elephantaur.

The Elephantuar is a creature of immense physical might and durability, being in the top tier of brute force monsters. Their strength is massive enough to even cause a fearsome vampire to hesitate in challenging an Elephantaur in a contest of strength. Similar to the tusks of regular elephants, an Elephantaur's tusk is extremely valuable for its uses in jewelry and carries high prices in yokai bazzars.

Seeing what he was going up against, Tsukune released his power taking on his vampire form, his massive power flooding the area and overwhelming nearly all of the students not only in the lunch area but also in the entire school, affecting the staff and getting Tenmei Mikogami to narrow his eyes as he felt the boy's increased power. The Aono Harem was shocked at how much stronger his yoki was now as it was physically affecting them due to how it was making it hard to breath without feeling pain. Kahlua was the only one not adversely affect by Tsukune's power due to being a top-class vampire. In fact she already anticipated that Tsukune would be stronger since they last met and was impressed with his substantial growth.

The Elephantaur hesitated slightly when he felt the massive ocean of vampiric power slam on top of him, and felt fear trying to take hold of his heart. Shaking his massive head and pushing down the fear as best he could, he charged forward which was copied by Tsukune. Due to his smaller size and greater speed in his vampire form, Tsukune reached Perseus faster than the eye could see.

"Iron Fist of the Dragon King!" Tsukune intoned as a large mandala with a yin-yang symbol appeared behind his right arm along with the ghostly apparition of a dragon's head around his right fist. Tsukune plowed his dragon-headed encased fist into the belly of Perseus in a rising uppercut-like fashion. The Elephantaur's eyes nearly popped out his massive skull as he was lifted off his large feet and into the air above Tsukune who wasn't even straining himself. The energy of the attack passed through the Elephantaur's body, damaging his internal organs before it ruptured forth from his back and into the sky where it vanished.

Knowing he won this battle, Tsukune let the body of his defeated foe drop to the ground with a loud thud that shook the area a bit. Taking a breath, Tsukune powered down, reverting back to his base form before walking back to his table.

"Somebody take him to the infirmary." He said simply as several students nodded numbly before doing as they were told. Before reaching his table, he sensed a spike of killing intent coming towards him quickly. Just as he was turning around, a blur flew past him and intercepted the cowardly sneak attacker. The sickening sound of flesh smashing into concrete and a strangled cry of pain rang out. Once fully turned, Tsukune saw that Kahlua had intercepted his would-be attacker, a lizard man from the looks of it, smashing his head into the ground with such force the saurian ayashi reverted to his human form, stuck head deep in the floor.

"Oh my. Such a cowardly move from a cowardly ayashi." Kahlua said in a chiding tone as she stood from her kneeling position, yanking the unconscious ayashi out of the ground with ease before tossing him into a nearby trash can. "Right where beings such as yourself belongs." She said dusting her hands off. "You shouldn't let your guard down Tsukune-kun." She said as she passed him, getting a nod from the Aono Ghoul as he followed her the final few steps back to his chosen lunch table.

Once he sat down, the lunch period continued on like nothing even happened. The students gossiped, the several couples fed each other, Tsukune merely at his semi-cold food as he made idle talk with Kahlua and the members of his unwanted harem. Though he did have to tell the Aono Harem members to stop glaring at Kahlua, backing up his order with KI-enhanced glare. Once the girls were sufficiently cowed, Tsukune and Kahlua had a relatively peaceful lunch.


"Nyan! You've become quite popular Tsukune-kun!" Shizuka said as the Aono Ghoul, Kahlua and the Aono Harem entered the clubroom. The reason for why Shizuka saying that was due to the several requests that flooded the Newspaper Club's suggestion box about Tsukune. Gin merely gave his friend a sympathetic look since he knew about all the 'attacks' on Tsukune's person.

"It's fairly annoying also." Tsukune muttered as he placed his satchel down. "What do we have on the agenda today sensei?" he asked wanting to get club activities over with so he could go to his room and just sleep.

"Nothing much really, nyan." Shizuka said with a slight shrug. "Though we have several requests for Tsukune-kun and Kahlua-chan to do an interview on what's it like to be an assassin. Many are curious about your many adventures." Shizuka went on.

"I don't know if such a paper should be written." Kahlua spoke up getting Shizuka's attention. "The life of an assassin is one of darkness. Many of 'our' stories are graphic in nature and not for the faint of heart to hear." The Shuzen heiress said politely declining. While she didn't know if Tsukune has even gone on any missions for Mikogami but most likely yes, Kahlua herself has many stories and all of them are gruesome to the point of stomach churning and nightmare inducement.

"I have to agree with Kahlua and decline as well. Some of the things I've done should remain in the darkness." Tsukune said remembering the times he was sent after rogue ayashi to kill them as part of his training. While those ayashi had done terrible things such as rape and murder that warranted a death sentence from two of the three Dark Lords, Tsukune still felt some guilt for having to kill them.

"I understand, nyan." Shizuka said solemnly sensing the heaviness of their words.

Gin, sensing a tense atmosphere trying to form, clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Besides the requests given to us, we have one more thing on the agenda, right Shizuka-sensei?" the werewolf asked getting his sensei to perk up excitedly.

"Ah. Of course Gin-chan! Thank you for reminding me!" the cat-woman said before rushing to the whiteboard and scribbling on it. "In three weeks' time, the Newspaper Club will taking a trip to the human world!" she said perking up the members of the Newspaper Club with the exception of Gin who was already happy.

"Where are we going this time sensei?" Yukari questioned excitedly. She instead answered by Gin.

"We'll be going to a beachside inn where a former member of the Newspaper Club works at." Gin said with a chuckle as he remembered old days with his senpai.

"So we'll be visiting a senpai then." Tsukune mused crossing his arms and wondering about the senpai.

"Yep. Her name is Sun Otonashi." Gin told his pal. "She was my senpai during my first year here and was the Newspaper Club president before me. She left right when you guys were coming in. Anyway she got a job at a cozy beachside inn that actually caters to both humans and ayashi." Gin said getting Tsukune, Kahlua, and the Aono Harem's attention.

"That's right nyan! We'll be going there to write up an article on the inn to help the students here understand that it is indeed possible to have a positive human-ayashi relationship. Nyan!" Shizuka said happily. "Also we'll have some fun at the beach while there." She added getting the Aono harem members to plot.

"Since we don't have much to do, I'll let you guys go." Gin said waving the others off as he left with Shizuka to help with some last minute paperwork.

"Well I'll see you later Tsukune-kun. Also meet me at the bus stop at nine o'clock sharp this Saturday alright." Kahlua said leaning in and kissing Tsukune's cheek and leaving the clubroom. She was unaffected by the glares the Aono Harem were sending her way for doing what she did. Tsukune chuckled a bit uneasily before leaving as well, leaving the Aono Harem alone with Kokoa ignoring them in favor of her comic Noblesse. The Aono Harem managed get their anger under control and huddled together to plot.

"We know when Tsukune is going to meet that bitch. So how are we going to follow him?" Kurumu asked the group.

"I have that covered." Ruby said with a cunning smile as she got her harem mates' attention. "Before my parents died, they set up a good-sized trust fund for me should something happen to them. It had accumulated interest over the years and after I started working for Mikogami-sama he helped me get my inheritance. I went out and bought a van to help me with transporting large items that Mikogami-sama wanted." She explained. "We take my van and follow them and do what we planned; ruin their date to the best of our abilities without being caught." She said getting smiles of triumph from her harem mates.

"Good job Rubes." Mizore said rolling her lollipop around. "Do you know any concealment spells so we can follow them in buildings unnoticed?" the snow fairy asked.

"Of course. Such a thing is easy to do. I'll have some concealment charms made so we move individually." The elder witch puffing out her chest in confidence at her great magical skill.

"I have a walkie-talkie set that my mom got me. We can use it so we can coordinate our efforts." Mizore said since the set she was talking about was the very same one her mother loaned to her friends for their raid on the Snow Fairy's palace.

"Good idea Mizore. I'll get to work on the charms right now. Yukari come with me as two witches are better than one." Ruby said getting a cheer from Yukari as the elder witch grabbed her younger contemporary and teleported them to her lab. The other harem members left the clubroom, feeling happy over the plan to ruin Kahlua's chances with Tsukune. All the while, Kokoa merely shook her head at the foolishness her one-chan and her friends were committing.

Well better them than me. Kokoa thought before going back to her comic.

No one ever noticed the three-foot tall crow perched outside the window before it flew off.


"That is my report mistress." Kahlua's familiar said as it 'kneeled' before its mistress. Kahlua's familiar was the fabled Yatagarasu, or the three footed crow, that has powers over darkness and shadows thus making it perfect for infiltration and spying. The Yatagarasu stood at three-feet tall, with the common appearance of a regular crow with the exception of the four demonic red eyes, a dark purplish chest plumage and the third foot. Kahlua hummed as she went over the information given to her, including the recent plans of Aono Harem.

If I'm right, then Ruby-san will position her van near the entrance, hidden from view either with a concealment spell or using the natural foliage around the area. That way when Tsukune-kun and I leave, she can just pull off a few minutes later. Kahlua thought as she thought over her plan. The others will meet up at the location, going a different route than the normal one, so as to not tip off Tsukune-kun. Kahlua further thought. I'll have to sabotage the van just long enough so that Tsukune-kun and I have a good head start. Kahlua nodded before addressing her familiar.

"Kuro-chan, I want you follow Ruby Toujou in order to find out the make and model of her van along with where she'll place it when I go out this Saturday. Understood?" Kahlua ordered.

The crow nodded. "Of course mistress. I'll leave at once." The crow said before disappearing in a portal of darkness and traversed the shadow world to spy on the witch Ruby Toujou. With her familiar gone, Kahlua went over her date with Tsukune, making sure everything was set. Her private limo and driver were on standby, and her driver had memorized where she wanted go. With that done, she just needed to wait for her familiar to find out the information she wanted and her date with Tsukune would be perfect.

Doing her nightly rituals of an herb enriched bath, doing her hair and moisturizing her skin Kahlua placed on her silver-white teddy before heading to bed.



Tsukune sighed as he waited for Kahlua to show up for their date today. After waking up at 07:45 AM, Tsukune did his morning rituals, had a hearty breakfast before brushing his teeth and getting dressed. Leaving his dorm room at 08:30 AM, it took him only ten minutes to get to the bus top and he's been waiting for Kahlua for the past five minutes. Looking down at his outfit, Tsukune frowned a bit thinking that he might not be dressed well enough. Wearing a simple dress shirt with the first two buttons undone, a simple undershirt, a pair of dark slacks and brown dress shoes, Tsukune looks the part of a well-mannered young man.

If this date goes well I'll go shopping for some real 'date' clothes. Tsukune resolved as he waited for Kahlua.

"Good morning Tsukune-kun!"

Turning around Tsukune saw his date approach him in her flowing silver-white dress and Tsukune couldn't stop staring at how radiant Kahlua looked in the morning sun. It was like she was an angel… a vampiric angel but an angel none the less. The debutant vampire walked with the grace and fluidity of a trained dancer… a dancer who expertly outmaneuvered her adversaries before killing them but a beautiful dancer none the less.

Oh yeah… she is far more beautiful in her dress. Tsukune thought as he admired Kahlua's svelte form. Her dress was tight, showing off the curves of her perfect and supple body. I really am lucky to even have a shot at Kahlua. I mean really how many men have thrown themselves at Kahlua only to be turned away. And she's giving ME of all men a chance! Tsukune mused as Kahlua was now within arm's reach of him.

"Seeing how beautiful you are makes me feel underdressed." Tsukune said getting a faint blush and small smile from Kahlua.

"Don't sell yourself short Tsukune-kun." Kahlua said reaching up and cupping Tsukune's face. "You're a lot better looking than most vampires I've seen." She said trying to reassure him. And she was being hundred percent truthful about Tsukune being far better looking than most male vampires. In their sealed form, male vampires are flabby and unassuming, only becoming beautiful/handsome and muscular when unsealed. Tsukune on the other hand possessed a body forged in the fires of training and tempered through 'war' and he had such body as a mere human. She couldn't wait for Tsukune to become a true vampire because then… then he would be a god and she would have him all to herself. "Now come our ride is here."

At that exact moment, a long limousine drove out of the tunnel and towards the Aono Ghoul and Shuzen Heiress, pulling up to them before stopping. The driver's door opened and out came a short, chauffer dressed figure who quickly made its way around to Tsukune and Kahlua. Tsukune saw that figure was only five-feet tall, had a corpse-like skin tone with some wrinkles that looked premature, and pointed ears like an elf but shorter. The driver/chauffer opened the back passenger door while keeping its head down in a servile manner. Taking Tsukune's hand in her own, Kahlua gently guided her date into the limo alongside herself. The driver closed the door behind Tsukune once he was fully inside and the driver moved with the same quickness back to the wheel. One behind the wheel, the driver closed its door, turn the limo on, and backed up before bringing the limo about and driving off.


(Earlier with the Aono Harem)

The Aono Harem silently stalked their love interest as he made his way towards the spot to meet up with Kahlua for their date. The harem members were dressed casually as despite their intent to follow (cough stalk cough) Tsukune and ruin his date with Kahlua, they didn't want attention drawn to them while doing it. Ruby had given them an alternate route to take so they wouldn't be seen along with the spot for them to meet up with the elder witch so they put their plan into action.

"Alright we're here." Kurumu said in almost whisper not wanting to alert Tsukune who was several yards away. The group were hidden behind some dead-looking foliage and bushes large enough to hide their transportation. The blue-haired succubus looked on to see that Ruby's van was a GMC series Savana van that had a raven-black paint job accented by ruby decal lines. The license plate read Raven Witch 666 with a raven in the background. "Nice van Ruby." The succubus commented as Ruby looked up from the book she was reading.

"Thank you Kurumu. This baby really helps with those large objects I have to get." Ruby said before standing up from her folding chair and using magic to teleport it back to her room. "You guys will need these. There the charms Yukari-chan and I made. It was bit of a rush job but they'll work just fine." The elder witch said holding her hands out and magically summoning an oaken box. The box opened to reveal several stylish bracelets in the shape of a raven's wing, the wing being made of ruby stone enclosed within the silver bracelets. "These bracelets have the concealment charm placed within the ruby. Just tap the ruby once to activate and twice to deactivate." Ruby explained as her harem mates took a bracelet for themselves.

Mizore then opened the bag she was carrying revealing the walkie-talkie set. "Here's the set guys. You should know how they work since you used it before." She said as her partners in crime took out the ear pieces and collars before putting them on. "Now we can stay in touch and coordinate our efforts… look a limo just pulled up!" Mizore said her acute hearing picking up the sound of an engine. The others immediately got into the van just as the limo backed out and drove off.

"Let Operation Date Ruination… begin!" Ruby said dramatically before starting her van.

…Or not.

"Huh?" Ruby said as she turned the key in the ignition but it wouldn't start. She did this several more times before getting frustrated.

"Is something wrong Ruby-san?" Omote-Moka asked the elder witch. Since she was primarily driven from place to place by a Shuzen clan driver, Moka (both Omote and Ura) didn't know much about cars and their mechanics.

"Ugh! It won't start!" Ruby growled out. "I had this thing checked the last time I was out on assignment so there shouldn't be any problems." The witch said popping the engine door clutch and getting out the van. Ruby had begun learning about fixing engines in her spare time so she could be prepared in case she ended up stranded somewhere then she could at least fix the problem(s) just enough until she was able to find a mechanic. Raising the hood, Ruby's eyes widened when saw her battery was missing and several wires were cut. Her eyes then narrowed in anger and realization before she shouted to the heavens: "KAHLUA!"


(Tsukune and Kahlua: Shuzen Limo)

"First time in a limo Tsukune-kun." Kahlua asked though it was more of a statement. She of course knew that Tsukune had never ridden in a limo before so it was a first time for him for their date. The limo's interior was comfortable and high-end with plush black leather seats with blood-red stitching, a plush dark carpet, an entertainment system with a ten-inch TV screen, DVD/CD player and radio was directly in front of them, and a small mini/snack bar in front of them on the right side.

"Mm. Yes." Tsukune said simply as he allowed himself to relax in the overly plush seat. "So… what are we doing for our date?" he asked curiously.

"That Tsukune-kun is a surprise." Kahlua said playfully. "But I'll give you a hint; we'll be doing lots of shopping!"

Tsukune really should have seen that coming because honestly what date doesn't have the couple go shopping sometime during the date's course. So he just relaxed and enjoyed the silence of the ride, wondering if there will be more than just shopping on this trip. The few moments of silence was apparently too much for Kahlua who picked up the remote to the entertainment system, turning it on and getting the blue screen to appear with the loading icon in the upper corner.

"I hope you don't mind some Linkin Park Tsukune-kun." Kahlua said as she waited for her CD to play.

Tsukune blinked in honest surprise before retorting; "You're a Linkin Park fan too? I've got all of their CDs and made a bootleg of my favorite songs!"

Kahlua gasped before a happy expression overtook her face. "I did too. Linkin Park is in my Top 10 favorite human bands."

Just then Linkin Park's Breaking the Habit started playing, prompting the Aono Ghoul and Shuzen Heiress to start singing along. They were on the eighth song, Victimized, when the limo exited the tunnel, entering a large city before stopping in front of a large store. Kahlua paused the CD as the driver opened the door on her left side, allowing her and Tsukune to exit. Tsukune raised an eyebrow at the store he was looking at as it was most definitely a clothing store but the most upscale and utterly fancy one he'd ever seen.

"Welcome to Paris, France Tsukune-kun. The central capital for the world of fashion." Kahlua said reverently as she took his hand in hers and guided him in. Tsukune felt insecure as he entered, seeing top of the line name brand clothes that only the super-rich could afford. This insecurity increased as he felt the eyes of the employees look over his form with shock and mild disgust, obviously at the fact he's a pauper in a clothing store for megastars and royalty. "Now then Tsukune-kun let's get you a new wardrobe." The blonde vampiress said with a smile.

It was a whirlwind of activity for Tsukune as he tried on various clothes of such superior quality he didn't think was possible for clothing. All of the top name brands that only the rich and famous were all tried on by Tsukune as he allowed the more fashion savvy Kahlua to dress him up in various outfits like a living doll. Kahlua would pick out the clothes to form the outfits that she knew would look good on Tsukune and after having him try on the clothes, looking him over from head-to-toe, she then had him look himself over in the seven-foot tall full body mirror. The Aono Ghoul would gasp at how he looked and wondered how Kahlua was able to accurately know how to pair him with the outfits she chose because in every one he looked damn good.

When they were finally done, Tsukune had little over two dozen new outfits one of which he was currently wearing. He was wearing an expensive Armani suit: a charcoal black overcoat that was knee-length was worn over the matching colored suit jacket with a similarly colored waistcoat underneath it, a blood-red silk dress shirt with a snow-white tie for some pop, charcoal black slacks and gator dress shoes. The outfit was finished off with a charcoal black fedora hat with a blood-red band, a scarf matching his tie, black Armani gloves, and a platinum Rolex. The employees had happily carried his purchases to the limo and pack them in the trunk that was magically enchanted to have near-infinite storage.

It was clear to Tsukune that Kahlua was a regular at this store given how familiar she was with the staff and how they were putting away his purchases with no complaints or even extra incentive.

Entering the limo after Kahlua, Tsukune sighed glad that experience was over. Though he did feel kind of an eel for having Kahlua treat him on their date, having hoped he could do something for her but if they were going to places like this, he wouldn't have been able to buy anything for her.

"Don't worry about it Tsukune-kun." Kahlua said getting Tsukune to look her. "It's my choice to treat you like this so you don't have to worry about not being able to treat me." The blonde vampiress said to her date.

"Still though…" Tsukune tried to get out before Kahlua's finger touched his lips, silencing him.

"I understand Tsukune-kun. You come from a middle-class human family so you're uncomfortable with the amount of money I spent on you." Kahlua said looking Tsukune in his eyes. "The thing you need to understand is that I chose to do this for you to help you as part of my plan. If you are serious about truly courting me and giving me a chance for a romantic relationship, then you need to understand the vampire lifestyle. All of the twelve ruling vampire clans have such vast fortunes that the amount I spent is mere pocket change." Kahlua began lowering her finger from her date's lips. "Vampires spend that kind of money every day and barely make any dents in their bank accounts and they always want the best of the best in terms of everything. This ranges from clothes, furniture, cars, jewelry… practically everything. That is part of what it means to be a vampire; literally having more money than what you know what to do with." Kahlua finished as Tsukune digested the information.

"So pretty much I have to get used severe opulence." He asked though both knew it was a statement.

"Remember Tsukune-kun, I'm part of the clan that rules over the vampire species and the Shuzen is a little over 2000 years old." Kahlua reminded him. "Had you pursued a relationship with Moka-chan, you would have still had to learn how to act 'like a proper vampire' so as to not bring shame to the Shuzen. Though considering how she is, she would have only taught you bits and pieces and not the full lessons, which would leave you ignorant on other topics that might have costly consequences if you breach them." She went on. "I, on the other hand, will teach you everything you need to know as I am the Shuzen heiress. This will allow you to properly and safely navigate the world of Vampires." She told him.

Tsukune sighed as he thought over the information. By agreeing to court Kahlua he had unknowingly agreed to learn how to act how as a vampire noble and Kahlua already had plans on teaching him so he would be better equipped to handle vampire culture. This showed that she indeed cared for him and because she cared for him wanted him to truly be prepared for the life he was about to enter.

I mean is it really any different from what I've been doing since I've been Yokai Academy? Tsukune questioned himself. After deciding to stay at Yokai academy due to his former feelings for Moka, he had decided to learn as much as he could about the ayashi there in hopes of not only better understanding them but also to stay alive longer. Really thinking about it, Tsukune saw that what Kahlua was doing for him was no different from what he did and was still doing; learning about the ayashi species. His focus was now primarily on the vampire species.

"I understand Kahlua." Tsukune told the Shuzen heiress who saw in his eyes he truly understood and was willing to learn.

"I can see the resolve in your eyes Tsukune-kun. I can see your willingness to commit yourself to my lessons." Kahlua said her hand cupping Tsukune's cheek. "I promise to help you to the best of my ability and even if it doesn't work between us, then at least you can handle the vampire lifestyle." She said her hand leaving Tsukune's face as she relaxed in her seat.

"So what else will we be doing for this date?" Tsukune asked partly relaxing and partly getting used the superior fabric of his suit.

"We'll have a quick lunch before heading to a place I'm excited to show you." Kahlua began. "But I'll let you see it for yourself as to not ruin the surprise." She said with a smirk. Tsukune merely wondered where they were going and how it would affect him. They stopped at a fancy French restaurants called Hexagone (a restaurant-bar ) that Kahlua claimed as all the rage and afterward left for their final destination.


After a short time in the tunnel they came out onto a vast rocky plateau that was high above a barren and empty landscape. In the middle of the plateau was a chaotic mass of tents and small wooden shops. From a distance it reminded Tsukune of a huge open air market. Surrounding the market were a series of billboards and the limo came to a stop directly in front of one.

"Here we are," Kahua announced. "Azkarra, the secret world of the Djinn, also known as genies." She reached down and picked up a large leather purse. "I should warn you, the Djinn are very powerful magic users and have cast some special enchantments over their world. They're a race of merchants and traders you see. You can buy and sell almost anything here, for the right price."

"What sort of enchantments?" Tsukune had plenty of experience with magic, both good and bad.

"To make sure there is no deception, one of the enchantments will force all beings within the field into their true forms." Kahlua explained to him as Tsukune looked momentarily panicked. He didn't know what would happen to him since has vampire blood in this veins and wore a holy lock to contain it. "Don't worry Tsukune-kun. The only thing that will happen to you is that you'll take on your pseudo-vampire form. You won't lose control." Kahlua reassured him. The enchantment on released their true forms but kept them in control. It would be bad if a monster went out of control simply from being in their true form.

Tsukune calmed down before they exited the limo and in a swirl of yoki, both he and Kahlua were in their true forms. Looking at Kahlua, Tsukune gaped as he looked at the Shuzen heiress in her true form. Her power was beyond immense, so vast he actually wondered how such a powerful being could even exist. Not even Mikogami and Touhou Fuhai combined even come close to the tremendous level of power Kahlua has. Kahlua's appearance remained relatively the same expect for her beautiful carmine eyes glowing with an almost ethereal light and the pitch-black markings on both of her arms. The markings looked tribalesque in appearance, covering the entirety of her hands and as they traveled upward to her shoulders, left gaps to reveal her chocolatey skin tone leaving her shoulders partially bare.

Yet instead of feeling fear like one should normally feel, Tsukune saw her as even more beautiful and sexy than before and her vast power only drew him to her even more.

"Can you become even more beautiful…" He whispered and getting Kahlua to blush. Smiling she walked over to him and took his hand in her own before gently guiding towards Azkarra proper. As they walked, Tsukune looked the billboard that read: LET NO LIE BE SPOKEN. LET NO DECEPTION STAND. LET YOUR WISH BE GRANTED, AND THE PRICE PAID.

"The Djinn have a bad reputation for driving hard bargains. So to help convince people to continue to do business with them they cast enchantments that make it impossible to offer any sort of deception." Kahlua began explaining to him. "This means that we cannot lie and if we try to do so deliberately the enchantment of 'LET NO LIE BE SPOKEN' will then force us to speak the truth no matter how strong willed you are." She said as they walked further into the open air market that is Azkarra.

"That would make an excellent interrogation tool." Tsukune mused. "Just stick one someone in a room with that enchantment and ask them questions that they would normally lie about only to be forcibly compelled to tell the truth when they did try to lie." He said getting Kahlua to raise her eyebrow at that. Not many people would think to use an enchantment like how Tsukune suggested but she could easily see how beneficial such a use was. It would save time on torturing some pool for information.

Once they entered Azkarra proper, the Aono Ghoul saw it was packed with all sorts of people. Most of them seemed human though from sensing their auras he determined them to be witches and warlocks. Sensing the auras of both himself and Kahlua, the people in Azkarra all made way for them as they walked along the dirt street between the tents and wood stalls. None of the buildings here seemed to be permanent; it really did remind him of an open air market.

He noticed that the 'shopkeepers', the Djinn, were all blue skinned, red glowing eyes and completely without hair, the men and the women. From their stalls and tents they shouted out their goods with literally anything and everything available: books, clothes, weapons of all kinds, modern equipment like computers and cell phones as well as exotic animals and more unique items like potions and scrolls. A few stalls simply offered 'wishes'.

"How do they sell wishes?" Tsukune asked curiously. He always wondered how Djinn managed to grant withes.

"The Djinn are very powerful magic users, vastly superior to even the strongest of spellcasters/witches/warlocks," Kahlua explained. "With the proper spells it's not hard to fulfill most desires. Ninety nine percent of all wishes are some variation on just three themes; make me rich, make me powerful, make me loved. Child's play for a master magic user."

"And how do people pay for their wishes?"

Kahlua grinned as she answered; "Oh the Djinn will find something of value have no doubt." She pointed to a bald blue skinned female having a furious argument with a little old man. "There are no set prices here, everything is open to negotiation. The Djinn are as famous for their bargaining skills as they are for their magic."

"Are we here to have a wish granted?" Tsukune wondered.

"No," Kahlua shook her head. "Nine times out of ten, the price is just too high to have a wish granted. I brought you here to show you a wonderful sight and show you a potential resource to gain some very rare and unique items that you literally won't be able to find anywhere else." She said as her eyes scanned the wares of the shops. "We're just window shopping and if something catches either yours or mine eyes then we'll buy it." She added as she eyed an elegant and ornate necklace.

"Ah," the stand's owner, a Djinn, said with an oily smile. "I see that the necklace caught your eye miss?" He said gesturing to the necklace Kahlua was eyeing. The necklace was one that could easily captivate even the most cold-hearted of beings; it was tear-drop shaped and the size of a baseball, glowing with an aura of such radiance it was almost… holy if Tsukune dare say. "This is the famed Tear of Aurora, created by the Roman Goddess of Dawn and Holy Radiance Aurora. As you can see, it glows with a holy and radiant light that Aurora was known for and why she saw considered the most radiant of Goddesses in Roman culture." The Djinn explained.

"Ten gold bars for it." Kahlua said beginning the negotiations and wanting the necklace.

"Fifteen." The Djinn countered.

"Twelve." Was Kahlua's counter-offer.

"Thirteen." Was the counter-offer to Kahlua's counter-offer.

"Deal." Kahlua said as she opened her purse and gave the Djinn thirteen gold bars. The Djinn happily took the bars and gave Kahlua the literal divine necklace. Kahlua took the case that held her new necklace and placed inside her purse before walking off with Tsukune in tow. The two merely went from stand to stand, looking over the various wares for sell and listening to the chattering of deals being negotiated and made. Kahlua had bought few more items; the Ring of Gyges which turned the wielder invisible and literally undetectable at will, the Necklace of Harmonia and the Swan Cloak made from the feathers of a swan-goddess.

Tsukune, not being a materialistic person, didn't see anything that really interested him until he and Kahlua came across a medium-sized tent. Walking in, it was almost like they teleported into a modern store instead of walking into a musty tent. Tsukune quickly realized that with the Djinn's vast magical prowess, it wouldn't be hard to transform the area inside a tent into something more comfortable. But Tsukune put that on the back burner as he focused on the wares before him; weapons. Every kind of weapon, ranging from commonplace to the exotic, ancient to modern were displayed.

"Welcome to the Higurashi Weapons Shop! I'm Tenten Higurashi; mistress of all weapons." the stall owner said happily. Tenten was a beautiful young woman of Chinese descent in her twenties with brown hair and eyes, her hair in Chinese-style buns styled as braided buns, both braided together on the back of her head and ending in a short plait that reaches just below her shoulders with grown out fringe-bangs parted on the right, keeping them out of her eyes. She wore a white sleeveless and high collared Qipao dress with red trimmings that reaches her mid-thighs, and a side slit on the right and held in place with yellow fastenings. It is decorated with a pale red flame pattern, running along the left side and is tied with a dark red obi. She wore fishnet stockings on her legs and a pair of black open-toed boots. She wore a pair of black scrolls around both of her wrists like bangles. "Please look around and holler if you need anything!" she said hoping that one of them would like to buy a weapon(s).

Tsukune merely nodded he walked around looking at the various weapons with Kahlua in tow and looking a bit disinterested in the weapons but curious as to what Tsukune might want to buy. She knew that Tsukune's biggest problem in terms of fighting was simply experience. He needed to constantly challenge himself against higher and stronger level opponents in order to gain that experience but he rarely got the chance. Seeing him inspecting the weapons showed Kahlua that he knew this and was seeking an equalizer. She almost ran into him as he had stopped and was staring a particular sword with a slightly glassy look in his eyes.

"Excuse me miss," Tsukune spoke getting the woman's attention and getting the woman to seemingly teleport over to them. "What is this sword here?" he asked as the Chinese beauty to look at the sword. It was a sword of European design with a sapphire-blue grip, a golden hilt with the language of the Fae engraved on it and the sheath was made of sapphire diamond and with gold inlaid accents.

"Ah. That is the legendary Reborn Sword of Victory Galatine." Tenten began. "It is the sister-sword to the legendary Excalibur and is its equal in every way though Galatine is not as famous because of how great Excalibur is but Sir Gawain made it fairly well-known when he used it." The weapons mistress went on. "Galatine actually possesses two powers that Excalibur doesn't; the power over fire and light (with both being holy in nature) and absolute victory. It's claimed that the Fae went to a Sun deity who put the core of a sun within Galatine's hilt and the Fae then sealed the spirit of victory Nike within the blade itself." Tenten explained.

"One hundred gold bars for the sword." Kahlua said already planning on buying the sword for Tsukune.

"Whoa there!" the weapons msitress said waving her hands. "We got to see if your boy-toy can even wield the damn thing. Weapons are like people, both human and nonhuman, in being fickle if not downright picky in who they want to wield them." she explained. "Weapson, are to a degree, sentient and only allow those they believe are truly worthy to wield them." She added as she brought the sheathed sword down and tried to pull it out but failed after several moments of struggling. Since the young man seemed interested in the sword, the Chinese weapons mistress handed the sheathed blade to Tsukune.

Tsukune didn't even hesitate as he held the sheathed sword in his hands, his right going to the grip before pulling the sword free from the sheath. An aura of pure, unadulterated power pulsed through the blade as it glowed with an ethereal, holy light as Tsukune felt the tremendous power of the sword flow through him. It was like a gentle caress as Galatine's power flowed and mixed with his own despite the fact he was partially a creature of darkness due to the vampire blood within his veins.

"Ye are worthy." An otherworldly, feminine voice spoke out to him. Tsukune immediately looked to the legendary sword in his hands and knew it was Galatine speaking to him. "Ye are worthy of my power. Victory will forever be yours for I am the true sword of victory! Galatine, this Galatine, will serve thee well my master." Galatine spoke to 'her' new master.

"Well I'll be damned." Tenten said in awe as she looked at Tsukune who sheathed the mighty Galatine. She had Galatine for three centuries since finding it and in that time no one had ever been able to pull the sword free from its sheath. Now a boy, no young man, had done what she believed to be almost impossible. "You offered one hundred gold bars for the sword?" the weapon mistress asked Kahlua.

"Yes." The Shuzen heiress was already preparing for some intense negotiations.

"You can have the sword for free." Tenten said surprising the two. "Swords like Excalibur, Galatine, Durandal and the like have been involved in some of the biggest events in the world that have ever been witnessed with their chosen wielders proving they were born and/or chosen for greatness. With Galatine choosing him as her new wielder means he has a grand destiny before him." The djinn told them before walking off.

"That… is surprising." Kahlua said as she looked over the sword Tsukune now wields and sensing the barely restrained power it wielded. With a sword the likes of Galatine under Tsukune-kun's command, my plans for him have become easier and much more interesting. Kahlua thought to herself smirking as she envisioned Tsukune in Shuzen Clan armor wielding Galatine in the name of the Shuzen. "Come Tsukune-kun." Kahlua said simply taking Tsukune's hand in her own and leading him out the tent. There was no real reason to continue shopping in Azkarra as, for now, they both got what they wanted.

Heading back to the limo where the drive instantly came to attention. It moved to help with the purchases of its mistress and her companion but couldn't touch Galatine when it reached for the sword. Thus Tsukune held onto his new sword as he entered the limo after Kahlua. A few moments later they were off, heading back to Yokai Academy.


"I had an amazing time today Kahlua." Tsukune said as he walked Kahlua inside the lobby of the girls' dorm and holding the purchases she made at Azkarra. After exiting the tunnel, the driver had driven all the way up to the dormitories where the driver had taken Tsukune's bags up to his dorm and left them outside with a protection talisman given to it by Kahlua. The driver had come back after a few words from Kahlua, left to head back to Shuzen Castle. "I especially liked Azkarra as it had so many unique items and was like a melting pot as different species traded with each other. I've got to go back sometime soon."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself as much as I did Tsukune-kun. Maybe we can do so again soon." Kahlua suggested.

Tsukune smiled before retorting; "I'd like that Kahlua. I'm sure you've got plenty of interesting places to show me."

"Most definitely." Kahlua chuckled. She gently took her bag from Tsukune before leaning in and giving him a chaste, yet deep kiss, the very same she laid on him before leaving the Snow Fairy village. Tsukune was ready this time and returned the kiss, getting a sexy moan from Kahlua and after several moments he ended the kiss, feeling a burst of pride at seeing the satisfied face of Kahlua. Said vampiress sensually licked her lips before giving him a sexy wink and walking off, giving him a show of her swaying hips in her tight dress. Tsukune smirked before resting the sheathed Galatine on his right shoulder before walking off and heading towards his room in the boys' dorm.

As he walked off, the Aono Harem deactivated the concealment bracelets and glared at the direction of Kahlua. Not only had the Shuzen heiress kept them from ruining her date with Tsukune, but now she was even closer to their love interest and the possibility of Tsukune choosing her was quickly becoming a nightmarish reality. The Aono harem stalked off to their rooms, angry and tired, resolving to find some way to stop Kahlua.

And cut! Chapter 3 is done and ready. A lot you have been really asking for this chapter to be uploaded, sending me PMs and asking me in the reviews for my other stories. Well here it is and I hope you're happy with it. I'm not going to bore you with a lengthy author's note as I'm sure you can see how and why I did what I did for this chapter. As a surprise for Father's Day that is this Sunday, I'll leave you guys with a little omake to celebrate the occasion.


Omake: Father's Day Special

Tsukune Shuzen walked the halls of Shuzen Castle, the few servants he passed bowing their head in sublimation before going back to work in keeping the castle tidy for their masters. Eighty years had passed since he chose to be mated to Kahlua and married into the Shuzen Clan, leaving behind the Aono name and becoming Kahlua's consort. Despite being eighty-seven years old, Tsukune looked be only in his early to mid-twenties, standing at 6'3", lean-built but fairly muscular with rich silver hair and piercing sapphire blue eyes with a slit pupil. He wore a silver-white, tuxedo-styled suit to match his wife's silver-white dresses with a long cape bearing the Shuzen Clan crest.

As the Shinso vampire walked, his acute hearing picked the soft thuds of tiny feet, a smile coming to his face as he stopped, turned around and went to a knee with his arms out like he's asking for a hug. A small, blonde and white blur tackle-hugged him, nearly knocking him over even though he had braced himself.


Tsukune gave a hearty chuckle as he looked at his cute, little vampire princess Konacha. Konacha was the perfect blend of him and Kahlua; having Kahlua's golden-blonde hair, his sapphire eyes, Kahlua's chocolate skin-tone, and his laid-back personality. She wore a knee-length white Gothic Lolita dress, white bridal gauntlets, stockings and low-heeled shoes. Smiling, Tsukune wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter as he felt her small arms tighten their hold on him as she hugged him tightly.

"How's my little princess?" Tsukune said as he stood up and resumed walking, his massive strength made carry his little princess very easy.

Konacha's cute expression brightened before she answered; "I'm fine papa! I came to give you your Father's Day present papa!"

Tsukune raised a brow as he thought over what month it was and the current date. Smiling even more, Tsukune looked at his beaming daughter.

"And what did you get me Kona-chan?" he asked.

"I made us matching father-daughter bracelets!" Konacha said as she revealed the bracelets in her small hands. On a metal string were various colorful beads and bobbles with a quarter-sized metal heart on each bracelet. Inscribed on each heart was the saying 'Papa & Kona Together 4-Ever!' "I worked really on hard them papa. I hope you like them." Konacha said feeling nervous that her papa wouldn't like them.

"And they're beautiful just like you are my little princess." Tsukune said getting Konacha to beam happily and hug her father even more. She then asked her father to let her put his bracelet on him with Tsukune happily obliging. "I'll wear it pride my little Kona-chan. Now let's go find mama. I'll bet she'll be jealous of our matching bracelets." Tsukune chuckled and getting a laugh from his daughter as they merrily made their way through the castle as a happy father-daughter duo.