WARNING: this is my first attempt to write anything EVER, and English is my second language and am awfully bad at it. So I'm sorry if you had a hard time reading it.

Hi, I decided to try and update some of my old chapters, before trying to add any new ones... so here goes nothing :P


my fiction take place one year before the real FF8 start, and everything is changed. When Rinoa was 15 she joined Galbadia Garden in a useless attempt to get away from her father, but then she realized it just a 2 hours drive from Diling city to Galbadia Garden. So she transferred herself to Balamb Garden.

My Roommate

Chapter 1

I ran fast through the hallways of my new home, home? I thought to myself, is it? really? only one place lived up to that name so far... don't know if Balamb Garden will be as welcoming as Galbadia, overall I was happy but I felt more scared... in one way I'll get rid of that Caraway guy and his continuous disapproval of me...and that's great. But on the other hand I'm losing the only home I ever know. That's how I've always felt about Galbadia Garden. The only place where I belong.

How is my life going to be here? Will I find any friends? Will I be happy??? ... Those thoughts crossed my mind while I was waiting for the elevator to arrive ... as soon as it did I stepped in and before I could push the 3rd floor button... a boy joined me. I didn't have a good look at him ... but he had dark hair and a serious face, he was wearing a leather jacket and a pair of leather pants, looked kinda cool. Then I thought ... if I want friends here, I should start talking.


"........" No response on his end, but that didn't stop me from continuing.

"I'm Rinoa Heartilly; I was transferred from Galbadia Garden to here"

"........" He didn't even look at me, he made me really uncomfortable. Wait maybe he's deaf?! I thought to myself… and am being really insensitive to his handicap, what should I do? Maybe I should wave to him I thought to myself and as an idiot I found myself turning to face him and I started to wave and spell the word hello to him slowly.

"H-E-L-LO T-H-E...."

"I can hear you stupid girl, I just choose to ignore you" He looked at me! and said in a real calm tone of voice (WHAT THE! STUPID! ME!!,,, RINOA DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THAT) so i was preparing myself to give him a piece of my mind.

"hey, y-you—"

At that sec the elevator door opened at the second floor where this guy was going, I guess… just my luck I didn't even had the chance to defend myself against this stupid bully...He looked at me so coldly and said "whatever"... then he gave me his back as he stepped out of the elevator and walked away.

(what a mean and arrogant guy, who the hell does he think he is? Why did I wave? How stupid did I look) I signed as the elevator door closed again… that was really awkward and--- (don't think too much Rinoa just forget it) I thought to myself, so I regained my previous enthusiasm and continuously told myself that I'll make it just fine here.

Soon I was in front of the headmaster's assistant office…I knock on the door. And I heard the word Enter coming from the other side

"Hi I am Rinoa Heartilly, the new transferred student from Galbadia Garden" I introduced myself as soon I entered her office.

"Heartilly, you're late it's all most noon, I think that you know that classes start at 9 a.m."

She said, still examining some papers in front of her.

"I'm so sorry"

"Anyway, here's your computer password, the key-card for your room with your room number on it, the list of the books you need and you're dismissed" she pointed toward some papers on the corner of her desk.

I took what she gave me and headed to the door, another mean one I thought to myself

"Rinoa?" she called me

"Yes?" I turned to face her

"Welcome to Balamb Garden" she said smiling and looking at me, I smiled back at her "happy to be here" I replied, and i really felt it at that moment. I excused myself and left her office. Maybe I'll be okay after all


Thanks for reading and please review the first chapter and tell me if I should continue this story or not.
