Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice nor do I own any of its characters the only characters that I do own are the characters that I created for this story. Please R&R

Chapter 1: Best Card

The crested moon barely shown in the night…. It was another lonely night for Isabella Napier. At eighteen years old she has grown out of going out every night with her father and his girlfriend. In her silk night gown she looks at the night with her sea green eyes, as she raven black hair slightly moves as the wind goes threw her hair. Gotham wasn't a place where kids should have grown up but it was home. Even if she was surrounded by the baddest of the bad.

A slam came from down stairs and a sound of crashing.

"Izzy!" a woman voice called.

With a sigh Isabella left her room and walk down the stairs. It was night like this that made her stop going out with him. He goes gets drunk and use her to pick up chicks.

Once down stairs, the world around her as she knows it seems to crash down on her. Harley Quinn, her dad's girlfriend was bleeding from head to toe on the floor.

"Quinn, what happen to you?"

"They got mister J," she said.

"Dad," Isabella started to put pressure on Quinn arm. "Who got him?"

"That junior league," she said. "They're going to take him to Arkham"

"Come on, let's get you clean up," Isabella tried to help Quinn up but she shook her head.

"But mister J…"

"They won't move him until the morning," she said. "And in the morning Harley Quinn and Ace will make sure that he never reaches Arkham."

Mount Justice

"Harley Quinn got away it most likely that she'll try to rescue him," Batman said. "So all of you guys will be guarding the truck."


The next Day

Each one of them cover the truck; Megan cover the air, Superboy was covering the trucks tail. Kid Flash and Artemis had its sides, while Nightwing was in its front. Then all of the sudden all four of the trucks tires became flat.

"Why the sudden stop?" the Joker asks. "Don't tell me that were already at Arkham"

"What's the best card in a deck," and Ace card fell on the floor.

"My best card," he said as a door on the floor open.

"Your last card, now hurry down and I'll deal with the rest," Joker went down the hole. Ace went and left a whole deck of cards right by the main door and close the door as she went down the sewer.

When she steps down she can already see her dad and Harley Quinn embracing each other in their arms. Then her dad notices her.

"Oh, my beautiful Ace I can't that you came to your daddy rescue," he said.

"Well if I didn't someone would have bleed to death now the both of you head towards home," she said point one way. "I'll go this way"

"We should stick together, it's been a long time since I seen you all dress up"

"Hopefully it will be the last just make sure that the next time you get caught is to take her with you"

"Ace that hurt," Quinn said.

"Like I said I'll meet you guys home… I map out everything so just follow it and don't make any noise just follow it alright," Ace left a different way from Joker and Quinn.

It might be safe to come home late tonight knowing they might celebrate getting away from the little league. I haven't been keeping up with the news lately but it seems that the little birdy is a part of it. I wonder if he was a part of the group of hero's that were guarding the truck.

Ace shook her head at the thought.

"This is the exit," she starts to climb but the steps and open the hatch she was just across the street from an old factory. A smile came one her face without her knowing. "I just found me a playground."

Nightwing walks to the van and see that the tires are all on flats.

"This is a problem," he goes to the driver. "Can you go and call another car?"

"Already one its way," the driver said.

As soon as the other car comes they open up the truck to find it empty.

"He's gone," Artemis went over and pick up a card that was on the ground.

"Huh what is this?" Nightwing saw the card.

"Artemis, drop it!" he tackle her on the ground just as the deck of cards few around in the truck and it blew into many pieces. "You alright?"

"Yeah thank," both Artemis and him got up and saw what was left of the truck.

"How did he get away?" Nightwing looks around and saw the sewage top under one of the rubble. She opens the top and look down. "The sewage"

Ace was playing around the building and threw her cards to each one of the room but all of the sudden it was a bit too quiet for her taste. She looks around and saw nothing but the shadows. She held a hand full of cards.

"Now let's see…" she looks at each of them carefully. "You're going to SB, you're going to the green girl, miss arrow will be yours; you can slow down the fast one then lastly my favorite you can attack the man in black."

After saying that Ace spins around throwing the cards in the darkness then came the sounds of grunting. She press the heart on her belt and only four of the cards came back to her dragging everyone in the light but Nightwing.

"Huh? I'm sure there was one more of you," she said looking at them.

"I'm use to your old tricks"

"My tricks? But I haven't played in six years," looking around to see where the voice came from. "I don't think we met?"

"We have I was just going by a different name"

"Oh, my favorite little birdy sorry for not noticing but a five-on-one match is no fun and I like this game to be all fairness so let's play like old times and I'll won't cook your friend alive"

Slowly, Nightwing came out of the dark and look at her and to his friends.

"Don't think about communicating with that green thing each one of my babies are made to use their weakness against them," Ace charges at Nightwing and they started to fight back and forth with each other. Ace was good but Nightwing was even better she could tell the difference in there fighting. He was playing with her and it made her mad. Then she finally blew her top when she saw him smiling.

Nightwing never would have thought that she would become like this. Ace wasn't just the little girl who clung to Joker wearing a red, black and white dress. She has grown into a woman. She wore a red corset top with a white blouse that had the Ace of spade on her left chest. One white arm glove that had a black clover towards the top and a black arm glove that had the red of diamonds towards the top; wearing red pants and black high heel boots her belt had the red of hears as its buckle wearing a mask to cover her face. He always like that she didn't like to put make-up one like Joker and Harley Quinn. Ace was beautiful… he shouldn't be thinking like this… they were on two different sides and to top it all off she was the daughter of the Joker he shouldn't even consider her. But she looks adorable when she angry.

Out of nowhere she got the better of him and got Nightwing flat on his back. Before she could land a punch Nightwing grabs her arm and twist it behind her back and had her flat on her stomach.

"This was fun but you need a little bit more training if you want to best me," Nightwing but a pair a cuffs on her, and went to his friends and set them free.

"This is no fair how did you know to disable it," she ask.

"It's just like last time, the person who's capture can't free themselves," he said then Ace smile.

"Well, you must know me better than anyone… you also must know what the Joker taught me to be," she said. Nightwing looks at her and saw that her hands were in front of her. He ran over to her. "A sore loser," she touch the heart on the chest and all of the cards starts to light up and the whole place exploded.

AN: thanks for reading please leave a review if you like the story and wanted to see more of NightwingXOc