This is a response to Vandalization's Morior Iterum fanfiction challenge since they've left the story up for adoption.

I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter. Adult language and situations!

Chapter One: Lost and Found

:::June 20, 1994, Hogwarts (End of Harry's Third Year):::

A breeze blew through the empty grounds of Hogwarts, devoid of any students or teachers wandering the halls, moving to and from classes as the summer holiday had taken full effect and even the teachers themselves had taken a leave of absence from the castle walls, save for Argus Filch, Sybil Trelawney, and Rubeus Hagrid who all called the ancient school their de facto "home" and place residence. Now even they had retired to their own respective rooms (and hut) as they took their own free time to rest from the stress of this school year.

The other inhabitant of the castle was not so content to retire for this summer night, and neither did his loyal phoenix.

Albus Dumbledore was participating in a ritual that he had performed whenever he was able annually for the past eighteen years. He stood in the middle of his room, his blue eyes no longer twinkling and furrowed in concentration as he held his wand level to the ground and proceeded to cast his own unique twist of a spell that was often limited in its uses unless a dedicated and innovative witch or wizard utilized it correctly. He was one such example of a wizard.

This particular spell in question was none other than the Locator Charm.

Over the years since he had spent his career at Hogwarts, both as a Professor and as Headmaster, many things had occurred that plagued his mind with guilt as well as a growing desire to make things right. Two incidents concerning the fate of Hogwarts students in particular had remained firmly in his mind. One of these incidents concerned the death of poor Myrtle with the first opening of the Chamber of Secrets. The second incident was…

The abrupt and unsolved disappearance of student Atsuko Urameshi.

It had occurred just as the Christmas holidays had started on December 20th when the 4th Year student had promptly vanished off the face of the earth. Though she had been well-known throughout the school by that time, all but her close friends had forgotten the rambunctious and high-spirited Japanese woman, remembering her especially on her birthday: August 15 (1960).

Her parents had moved back to Britain right after the incident was reported to find their daughter without any backup.

This led to her father, half-blood Daichi Urameshi, and her mother, half-blood Aya Urameshi, having an unfortunate encounter with none other than Voldemort himself. Due to him thinking slightly more of them since neither of them were fully Muggle-born, he gave them his usual ultimatum: join me or die.

Needless to say, they did not survive, though they did put up one hell of a fight.

She had been given up for dead a year after her disappearance, which brought him to the charm he was performing right now.

He cared greatly about the welfare of his students, and not knowing what happened to her, even if she actually was dead, plagued his mind. He performed this charm often on the off chance that it would finally reveal her ultimate fate, though he had not often gave his full attention to it during the harshest year of the War. In light of the revelation of Sirius Black's innocence (though not known to the rest of the Wizarding World) he had almost decided to not perform the charm this time. In the end, he decided that it wouldn't do any good to do nothing for the moment.

With such thoughts on his mind, it was no surprise that he had nearly tripped over himself when the charm made a successful detection, as well as an approximate location.

:::Tokyo, Japan:::

A familiar female figure walked down the streets of her neighborhood, eager to get back to her house and have a little personal drink & party time while her son was busy hanging out with the rest of his friends at Genkai's temple. She had felt a pang of hurt when she heard that she hadn't been invited to stay overnight but it subsided when Yūsuke pointed out that they were going to be discussing things that had gone right and wrong in the Makai as well as some of the more…intimate details of their own personal experiences during that time. Atsuko, upon hearing these reasons, accepted their request and gave Yūsuke a hug (something she'd been doing much more frequently since his "death") and made her way back to her apartment.

She thought that a small amount of drinking couldn't hurt much right now, even though she still worried about her son especially when she dreamt of…

Shuddering, she forced back those memories and tried to focus more on the bottle of bourbon waiting for her. Her brown hair whipped around in the air as she made a sharp turn to face the apartment complex where she lived.

She knew it would be a bit of a pigsty when she got there, but messiness was just a curse she had never broken and just decided to live with it to the fullest.

As the final step was finally conquered and the desired floor reached, she turned to the right and moved to her apartment for a little alone time.

Then she caught sight of the fact that her apartment lights were on and the door was slightly ajar.

Standing completely still, she then moved as quietly as possible to the door with her fists clenched and ready to pound the intruder.

She finally reached the door and with little hesitation threw it wide open to catch the unwelcome guest off-guard and to toss them out on their ass at the same time.

Instead, she found her breath taken away as she looked at bright blue eyes that were just as surprised as her own, along with the same flowing silver beard and brightly-colored robes she remembered from school.


There was only one response she could make to this highly unexpected appearance of her old Headmaster.

"…Holy shit."

I forgot to put the wards up.


Albus kept his focus on the student-turned-woman as she made her way back to the small table with a pitcher of tea and two small cups. Her hair and eyes had stayed the same shades of brown, and there was still energy sparking in her adult eyes. Yet he could see that there was pain and tribulation in her gaze, something that he never wanted to see in any child's or adult's eyes. He did confirm what she already knew about the end of the first war, as well as the news that had come to light in the past few years.

She set the tea down and placed herself in the chair opposite him and quickly picked up her own cup and poured the steamy liquid in. There was no sugar or cream to offer; she had never liked putting that stuff in her tea.

Taking a long sip while Albus left his tea untouched, Atsuko started the conversation again.

"It's good to know that some things haven't changed, Albus. Your robes are still capable of putting any neon lights to shame."

"Please, Miss Urameshi, this is serious. What happened to you? What made you leave so suddenly and all the way back to Japan?"

She pulled her eyes away from his robes and held his gaze with a resolute stare that still shined with her Gryffindor bravery.

"You mean to say you never managed to figure it out? You're the Headmaster; you would notice that something powerful had managed to stay present in the castle for a short time and left, leaving one of your students raped."

He sighed and suddenly looked very much like his age.

"I cannot express how sorry I am, Atsuko. That power managed to stay inside the walls for a few hours and left as quickly as it came before I was made aware and able to do anything. It still doesn't explain why you disappeared like that, why you never showed up to contact anybody."

"…It's a mother's duty to love their child, no matter how they were conceived or who the father was. I took on that job, Albus, to protect my child from anyone who wants to hurt him, Light or Dark, just for being born. I'd be as good of a mother as possible, no matter what happened…"

"You mean that you were actually…"

"Pregnant? Yes; I figured it out two weeks before the Christmas holiday. He was born just a month shy of my 15th birthday on July 11th, 1975. He's a strong boy, even if a bit reckless…"

She grabbed one of her pictures of Yūsuke and gave it to Dumbledore's waiting hand.

"He's fifteen in that. And he definitely doesn't enjoy cameras."

He could see that from the disgruntled expression on the youth in the frame. He greatly resembled his mother, aside from some traits in his black hair, eyes a shade or two darker than Atsuko's, and a slightly broader body frame than hers that gave hints to his paternity.

He sighed, feeling the weight of his years again as he made eye-contact with Atsuko once more.

"Is he a danger?"

Her mouth upturned into a bitter smile.

"You really mean 'is he a psychopath like daddy dearest'? He's very independent and short-tempered, but everyone's dangerous in their own way, Albus; even you."

"Where is he now?"

"He's with his friends, outside the city in a house where they won't hear this conversation."

"Does Voldemort…"

"His rape victims are usually killed when he's done with them, so I'm pretty sure the answers 'no' to knowing he has a son."

"Very well, Atsuko; please take care of yourself."


When he left, she let out a resigned and relieved breath, taking comfort in the small fact that her Occlumency was able to keep facts away from Albus about what Yūsuke has actually been doing since he was fourteen.

:::1995, Grimmauld Place – After the trial:::

Harry Potter had experienced a very stressful summer.

Between being kept in the dark about everything concerning Voldemort, Dumbledore avoiding him, the dementors attacking him and the Ministry trying to portray him as a lunatic, that joke of a trial they threw at him, and cleaning up an incredibly filthy house had left him quite sleepy and he was now attempting to nap a little bit so he'd actually feel rested for a change.

Unfortunately, a certain red-haired bringer of bad news promptly decided to shatter his attempt at a nap.

Ron Weasley, in his own blunt fashion, shook poor Harry's shoulders and made his eyes flutter open again. "Harry! Harry, wake up! You won't believe what just happened!"

Putting on his glasses and forcing back the urge to break his best friend's nose, Harry fixed him with a stare that said he'd better have a very damn good reason for interrupting his sleep.

"What is it?" he said in a disgruntled tone.

"Dumbledore has asked everyone in the house to come down for a meeting!"

That perked the green-eyed boy right up and he fixed a confused look on his face.

"What?! But they never want us to know about any Order meetings…"

"Well they decided to change their minds today! Come on, Hermione's already down there and we sure don't want to miss this!"

Following Ron's excited footsteps, Harry felt rather suspicious about the whole thing and those feelings grew when they entered the meeting room.

As both boys sat next to Hermione Harry noted that almost everyone had gathered at the table. Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and (to their disappointment) Snape had already taken their seats while others like Moody, Lupin, and Tonks were making their way to their seats as well.

After the rest of the Weasley family had taken their seats, Dumbledore swept into the room and took his seat at the head of the table. As everyone quieted down, Dumbledore let the silence hang for a few more seconds and then began to speak.

"Now that everyone is here, there is a matter that I wish to disclose that will soon affect everyone in this house."

Everyone in the room suddenly tensed at the possible implications of what he might talk about and how it would include the children as well.

"I have known this for some time now but recent events have shown that I can no longer keep it secret. That being said, Atsuko Urameshi was found alive on June 20th, 1994."

Sirius, Remus and Snape suddenly froze while Flitwick and McGonagall wore shocked expressions on their faces. Everyone else was clueless to the importance of that statement.

Dumbledore turned his head to make eye contact with everyone save Harry (to his hurt).

"For those who don't know, Atsuko Urameshi was a Gryffindor student who vanished abruptly in the middle of her 4th year. Unfortunately," he paused to take a deep breath to prepare himself for the news he was going to reveal.

"Before that day, a powerful magic infiltrated the castle for a few hours and left. It's been made known to me that it was one of Voldemort's," cue almost-unanimous flinch "sexual pursuits, and Miss Atsuko was the victim."

Continuing through everyone's appalled faces; he let loose the final straw.

"She became pregnant as a result and left for Japan to raise her son away from the rest of the Wizarding World."

A long, rather heavy silence settled amongst the other inhabitants in the room at the revelation not only at the crime itself but the fact that Voldemort actually had a son.

That silence was shattered when Severus slammed down his hands on the table and fixed his most fierce glare at the Headmaster.

"Exactly when were you going to tell us that Atsuko was alive?! That she been raped by the Dark Lord and had a child because of it?!"

Harry and the others looked at the Potions professor with shock at how emotional this news had made him. Surprisingly, Hermione was the one to make the leap with a reckless question.

"Was she a friend of yours, sir?"

Before his glare could be shifted to her, Remus interjected into the conversation.

"She was everyone's friend back in Hogwarts. It was a bit impossible to not like her."

Somewhat mollified by the intervention, both Snape and Hermione settled back into their chairs though Snape was still obviously angry.

Sirius turned to Dumbledore and asked one of the questions on everyone's mind with emotion on his face as well and in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Why are you just telling us this now, Headmaster?"

He bowed his head acknowledging Sirius's question and moment of tact.

"Because with Voldemort," more flinches "on the rise again, there's a good chance for Atsuko and her son to be put at risk. I have asked her to come over to our headquarters for conversation and safety. She should be arriving here by Floo Travel…"

They then heard a great whooshing sound and then a thump from downstairs.


The next thing they heard proved that it was, in fact, Atsuko Urameshi who had come through the fireplace.



Here are some things you should know. One: Atsuko knowing Occlumency will be explained later, as will the reactions to the news of her being alive. Two: this follows the plot of the manga, not the anime, so Atsuko does know about Yūsuke's supernatural activities and there's no crappy Shizuru-Sakyo romance. Three: Kurama will not be a redhead. I'm keeping Kuwabara's anime coloring and Atsuko's anime coloring but I've never been a fan of redhead Kurama so he's keeping his manga black hair. Four: just because this is rated M doesn't mean there will be sex. Sorry about that. Please read and review!