NOTE: Hey guys been a long time lol. For those of you new to the story, basically I'm trying to create a love interest for Thorin. Frankly the hobbit lacks a little romance haha. For those who have already read this story I thank you for your continued patience. I know it's been a long haul. As you can see I have restructured the story a little bit to make longer chapters. There is a new one at the end. REMEMBER: any and all reviews are greatly appreciated.


Nola ran as swiftly as her little legs would carry her. She cursed as only children knew how at the restrictive seems and fabric of the heavy dress her nurse had forced her into that morning. She wished for the thousandth time that her parents would give clearance for the old nurse to allow Nola to wear trousers, like Thorin. Nola was faster, but a matter of fashion choice was giving him an unfair advantage in their race.

He wasn't beating her by more than a few seconds but they left a cocky grin on his face. He was still adorable for a dwarf child and the wild mess of hair took nothing away from that. He ran down the hallway screaming and grabbing at the dessert tray he passed on his way to the stables.

"Better hurry up Nola. This is the tie breaker after all." He hollered over his shoulder just before he stuffed a cake in his mouth.

That did it. It was a matter of preserving her pride and she wasn't going to lose to him. Fortunately, she knew a shortcut to the stables and turned a sharp corner without Thorin noticing. Because he lost sight of Nola, he slowed his pace for a moment to see if she would catch up, but after a breather he took off again.

Dodging all kinds of chaos in her path, Nola picked up the pace and now she was running double time. Down the hall she went, past the portraits and doors to various rooms, she came to the staircase that she rapidly descended. She swung right into the stables at such a high velocity; she narrowly avoided the ponies and crashed instead into a pile of hay.

She barely had time to rise clean off her skirt before Thorin jogged around the corner then froze, shocked into stillness.

"B-but… y-you were behind me! A-and… y-you…."

"Didn't think I'd pass you hun? Guess you're not the only one who knows the halls of Erebor like the back of your hand" She smirked.

At a loss for words Thorin launched himself at her and they both fell giggling back into the pile of hay. After they had settled down, the two dwarf children relaxed for a moment trying to catch their breath.

"Nola… I'm glad you're here" Thorin expressed suddenly.

"Me too" she sighed. "But I don't know how long father is planning to stay"

"My father says he's going to stay here for a while!" Thorin stated firmly.

"But what if he decides to leave?" she asked.

Thorin thought for a moment, the little gears in his head working very quickly.

"If he leaves, you can stay here and we'll get married!" He declared.


"Yes, you and me. And when I become king… maybe I'll let you be queen." He offered.

"Tell you what... I'll be queen if I'm allowed to wear pants!" She said.


"Race you to the kitchen?" She challenged.

Thorin nodded.

"Ready? Set? GO!" He yelled.

Dust kicked up behind them as they took off. They were truly the best of friends. But unfortunately for them, the innocent world of childhood was not to last.