A/N: Since I wrote Harmony, people have been pointing out that the only trio pairing I haven't written is these two and I always said maybe, if I had some ideas then it could happen. Well, I had some ideas so here it is. This will be more like Harmony than Seven Simple Years (basically not 100+k words) and will not be updated all that regularly. It won't be abandoned though – I do have a plan for each chapter and will see it through. Promise.

Anyway, without further ado, the brotp of the series.

Disclaimer: J.K Rowling created the midget and the ginge and if you don't think that would make a great cop show name then you are wrong.

It was on tired legs that Harry trudged up the stairs to his dormitory that night. The day's events had finally taken a toll on him and he wanted nothing more than to sleep off the food he had consumed and the bruises he had no doubt have acquired. He had heard the older students talking in the past week or so about how spectacular Hogwarts' Halloween feast could be, but he had a feeling that a near-death experience and a troll was not what they were on about. Beside him, Ron was yawning as his longer legs carried him to their door before him.

All the other boys had been talking about how they had definitely built up their leg muscles in the couple of months since they had been living in the castle with its many staircases, but Harry was sure that both he and Ron looked the same. Even with getting decent food portions every day, he was still as scrawny as ever and if anything Ron was even more of a beanpole; anything he had built up had been stretched as he continued to shoot up.

As soon as he had followed Ron into the dormitory, Harry threw himself onto his bed, bouncing slightly and began kicking off his still-soggy trainers. Once they had been flung to some unknown location near his bed, Harry glanced at Ron. Rather than getting undressed, Ron was perched on the end of his bed, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Harry?" Ron asked, slowly looking across at him. "Are we friends with Hermione now?"

"Guess so." Harry shrugged. "She did sit with us all night."

"Yeah, but does that mean we have to sit with her tomorrow?" Ron leant forward and frowned as though he couldn't find the right words. "We saved her so she felt like she had to sit with us tonight. Tomorrow is a normal day so it will go back to normal, right?"

Harry thought about this for a moment. For the past few weeks he had spent any occasion he was near Hermione Granger trying to ignore her existence. He had spent most of his time at primary school ignoring Dudley so it wasn't like this was anything new. Unfortunately Hermione was almost impossible to ignore as she had a voice that demanded an audience. Even if he could block out her over-enthusiastic answers to teacher's questions, there was still her infuriating habit of sticking her nose in anything he and Ron seemed to do. Tonight however, he had discovered that she wasn't all that bad when she wasn't trying to impress people or tell him off. In fact she had been pleasant company all evening and had even made a couple of jokes.

"Would it be so bad if she sat with us tomorrow?" Harry sighed as he sat up.

Ron pulled a face of reluctant acceptance. "But is she our friend or just someone who sits with us?"

"What's the difference?" Harry laughed.

"Well," Ron mused, "we're friends, right?"

Even now, nearly two months after meeting Ron, Harry found himself suppressing a smile at being referred to as a friend. "Right."

"We mess about and joke and stuff," continued Ron. "She…" He cast around for a proper way of describing Hermione while scratching his head. "She reads."


"For fun. She reads for fun," Ron clarified. Suddenly his mouth opened in horror as a thought apparently struck him from nowhere. "What if she starts reading when she is sitting with us and tries to get us to read for fun too?"

While he was sure reading for fun wasn't all that weird, Harry started to get a sense of where Ron's misgivings were coming from. They had a steady routine already set and Hermione was a very forceful person. What if she wanted to change everything and screw it all up?

Ron nodded knowingly at the look that must have been on Harry's face. "See. We need to tell her straight up that we aren't going to put up with all that library crap or she will take over."

"So are we letting her sit with us?" Harry questioned. "Or be our friend?"

"I don't know!" exclaimed Ron, dramatically dropping backwards to lie down on his bed. "We have to decide and tell her because if we don't… well… she's a girl. Who knows what she might do?"

"What do you mean?" chuckled Harry. "I'm pretty sure she couldn't do anything too bad to us." Although as soon as Harry had spoken, he knew they had found the real problem here – Hermione was a girl. Girls were different. Being friends with boys was easy, Harry had found. Everyone in his dorm had made friends the moment they had met. On the other hand, Harry had spotted the girls in the Great Hall eyeing each other up before speaking. It was like they had a secret ritual to get through before they could even speak to one another.

Did he and Ron really want to be dealing with that on a daily basis?

"Okay, I don't think she would attack us or anything," Ron eventually reasoned, "but she might cry again. I hate it when they do that."

Harry made a noise of agreement and copied Ron by lying down. As he stared at the canopy above his bed he slowly came to the realisation that they couldn't ignore Hermione tomorrow. She had seemed genuinely happy as she had eaten dinner with them in the common room and he couldn't remember another time she had really looked that way. All too vividly Harry could remember what it was like to spend time at school and at home alone. He couldn't do that to another person.

"We're going to have to be friends with her." He heard Ron gulp. "Aren't we?"

"Yep," Harry replied bracingly.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds that was eventually broken by Ron's strained voice.

"I don't know how to be friends with a girl!"

"Can't be too hard," Harry said with confidence that he didn't really feel. "Can it?"

Ron didn't appear to have heard him and continued with his own crisis. "I've never been friends with one before! What do you say to them?"

Thinking it probably wouldn't be helpful to point out that he hadn't been friends with anyone before Hogwarts, Harry shrugged. "Wait – don't you have a little sister?" he pointed out. "Don't you talk to her?"

"Ginny?" Ron snorted. "That doesn't count! She's more like a vicious pet than a normal girl!"

"Right." Harry frowned. As far as he could tell, Hermione didn't seem all that normal to him, but he wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not. "There could be benefits to having a girl around."

In the periphery of his vision, Harry saw Ron sit up on his elbows. "Like what?"

"I dunno," Harry admitted. "Well, she could help us work out how other girls think and why they do things."

Ron nodded thoughtfully. "Couldn't hurt having one of them on our side, I suppose," he mused, sitting up properly again. "Plus she's smart. She could do our homework for us!" he added excitedly.

Harry heaved his aching body into a sitting position as well. He was sure he had bruised a rib when he had jumped onto the troll's back. "I don't think she would do it for us, but we could probably get her to help."

"Exactly!" Ron enthused. With energy Harry knew he didn't personally have left, Ron leapt to his feet and began pacing. "She would probably put a stop to us having adventures and stuff, but, if she could get us out of trouble like she did today, I wouldn't mind."


"Well, we can sneak off and have adventures," Ron said dismissively . "She wouldn't need to know."

"So we are friends with her?" Harry asked, following Ron's progress around the circular room with his eyes. "There are no other negatives we can think of?"

His face screwed up in thought, Ron ceased pacing and folded his long arms. Just as Harry thought they would had reached a decision and he could finally get some sleep, Ron's jaw dropped and his entire face paled.


Shaking his head, Ron closed his eyes and staggered to his bed. His knees gave out and he sat down heavily, staring at Harry with a look of abject horror. Undeniably unnerved, Harry reached forward and gripped Ron's shoulder. The contact seemed to bring Ron back to his senses.

"What if," he whispered shakily, "she talks to us about… monthly stuff."

"'Monthly stuff'?" Harry frowned. "What do you mean 'month- oh."

Unable to contemplate such a conversation, the boys gawped at each other, arguable more scared and disgusted than they had been at any point during their brawl with the mountain troll.

"She wouldn't," Harry stated weakly.

"She might," countered Ron with a grimace.

"Does Ginny?"

Ron gagged.

"Sorry. I-I just never really had to think about this before," explained Harry.

"Well, don't think about my sister!" fired back Ron.

Harry shrank away from his friend, unsure of what to say. As soon as he had, Ron's face melted back into one of resignation again.

"Didn't mean to shout. Sorry. I just… this, y'know?" he said emphatically.


Silence fell again and Harry didn't know what to say. They would be spending at least the next seven years with Hermione so they had to take it all into account. Yes, she was nice now, albeit a bit highly-strung, but what about when she was a teenager? Teenage girls were a whole other matter. They might be able to put up with her now, but she could become a nightmare at fifteen. She would start wearing make-up and giggling and talking about boys-

"Ron, what if she starts fancying us?"

"What?" If Ron had been pale before, it was nothing compared to now. "I hadn't even thought of that! Oh no! What if you start fancying her?"

"Me?" cried Harry. "What about you?"

Ron snorted. "I'm not going to start fancying her!"

"You might!" argued Harry.

For some reason they were both breathing heavily. This whole being friends with a girl was more than Harry could possibly have imagined. In fact he was almost beginning to wish that they had left her to the troll. She was smart enough; she could have saved herself. Somehow.

"I think I have a plan," Ron said decisively. His lips were pressed together and his brow furrowed. He was serious. "We play it by ear. Tomorrow, when we go downstairs, if she is waiting for us, then we go down to breakfast together. Then, if she follows us after breakfast, we talk to her. And so on. The moment she starts getting weird and girly, we get out and save ourselves."

Harry thought over the plan. He couldn't see a problem with it, really. At least he would get some help with his Transfiguration homework before they had to make nay kind of getaway.

"Okay," he nodded. "We'll do that." He held his hand out and Ron shook it with a grin. Once they had let go, Harry pulled his robes off and retrieved his pyjamas from his drawers. Across the room, Ron laughed.

"I mean, she's already had us fighting a troll," he chuckled, dropping his jumper onto the end of his bed. "What's the worst that could happen?"

A/N 2: If you have never read any of my other fics then this won't make any sense so just continue with your day.

Couple of things - in the latest Sunday chapter some people thought it was mean of Hermione to leave Ron. Just so you don't all call a rescue party for him, she did go back about 10 mins later to set him free and when she got there he was already asleep again. Also a couple of people have expressed their disgust over Morning After and in case you are one of those people and don't follow me on tumblr, I explained what happened in that fic here if you delete the spaces and change all the 'dot's to '.' : curiositykilledtheslug dot tumblr dot com search/morning+after

I am sorry if anything in either of those chapters offended anyone. That really isn't my intention with anything. Although if you are offended or plain just don't like something I write then please tell me, and if you can, not as a guest. I'm still going to thank you for taking the time to review my fic, be polite and do my best to explain myself. One of the disgusted Morning After guest reviews was really lovely and I was gutted that I couldn't message them and explain. Another was uber sarcastic and I loved that as well. So yeah, don't be shy. Send me lovely, lovely hate.